post-xmas dialog…


Richard Moore


I hope you all had warm holidays in the company of family and friends.

Apart from a very nice phone chat with my kids in 
California, I've used the holidays as a quiet 
retreat, with phones turned off. Ended up doing a 
lot of thinking and writing. I even managed for 
the first time to get one of my articles 
published by Global Research, a forum I have a 
lot of respect for :-) My thanks to Richard Cook 
for encouraging me to submit the article, which 
was a combination of two recent postings, edited 
into article form. I was especially pleased for 
the airtime on GR, as the article pulls no 

   * The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis *
      original URL:

And now, this just in, the article seems to have wings:
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 10:52:56 -0700
From: "GlobalCirclenet" <•••@••.•••>
To: •••@••.•••
Cc: •••@••.•••
Subject: Best analysis article of the year, 2007

The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis
By Richard K. Moore
Global Research, December 27, 2007


Ever since my experience in Victoria, with the 
wise-democracy activists, I've found that I've 
been shifting my activities in new directions. 
That's ironic, really, because what the Victoria 
folks are up to is exactly what I've been hoping 
for and working towards; it's the very path I 
anticipated in my book. Now that I can see that 
dream being pursued by good people, you'd think 
I'd be more energized than ever about that 
continuing to promote that vision.

However, I've gained a new perspective, and I now 
see a more fruitful direction for my own 
initiatives, a new mission for rkm. (Of course 
I'll continue to do cyberjournal and newslog, 
don't worry about that.) Permit me first to 
characterize the 'old mission'...

When you set out to 'empower a community' with 
things like Wisdom Councils, we can view that as 
'planting seeds of empowerment' that we hope will 
grow, through follow-on Wisdom Councils, into an 
emergence of a 'wise dialog culture', an awakened 
community, a We the People consciousness. There 
are two inherent drawbacks in this approach. The 
first is that the community involved may not be 
particularly fertile soil for the seeds. 
Typically it takes a campaign of some kind to 
generate any interest in the project at all. 
Motivation is missing. The second drawback is 
that we're talking about a gradual process, the 
growing of a garden so to speak, so that the 
intended benefit -- an awakened community -- is 
deferred and might never be achieved.

I realized at some point that the essential thing 
is to spread 'empowerment consciousness' and an 
appreciation of 'wise dialog' into the culture, 
and that 'empowering communities' is simply one 
formula for doing that. If there are more 
effective ways of doing it, then they should be 
preferred. It seems to me that 'success' in the 
game of 'encouraging democratic empowerment' is 
measured by the rate at which you can spread 
'empowerment consciousness' into the culture, by 
whatever means work best for you. The more people 
who are liberated and empowered -- in whatever 
context -- the more hope there is for social 

So what I'm doing now is looking for situations 
where some worthy organization, project, or 
movement is in need of a 'dialog intervention'. 
Indeed, as I've looked around, I've found that 
'lack of appropriate dialog practice' is an 
obstacle to the progress of most group endeavors. 
My role, in my new interventionist mission, will 
be to identify endeavors which can potentially 
contribute to social transformation, and propose 
to each an event -- perhaps a seminar retreat or 
a conference -- that is custom designed to enable 
them to achieve greater project and group 

'Wise dialog' processes will be at the heart of 
the design of the events of course, but that 
won't be the selling point. The 'value offered' 
is the immediate concrete benefit to the endeavor 
and the group. The motivation is presumably 
there, if the event design is perceived as being 
sound by those involved. And if the event 
delivers on its promise, the intervention will be 
appreciated, and the people involved will have 
gone through the experience of reaching 
breakthroughs together with the help of wise 
dialog processes. The payoffs from such an 
intervention is immediate: not just the benefit 
to the endeavor, but the spreading of 
'empowerment' and 'wise dialog' consciousness 
among the event participants and the larger group 

So that's the new mission, "Johnny process seed".


Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 12:45:04 +0900
To: •••@••.•••
From: Dion Giles <>
Subject: Re: more dialog on recent themes...

Richard, your response to Claudia on the rise of 
power trippers is not only a great summary of the 
way of movements and political parties, it also 
applies to the United States of America itself. 
The founders were well aware of the dangers and 
did their damndest to forestall them, but only 
vigilance itself will protect the gains - 
including the gains of the American Revolution.

A couple of good books: "The End of America" by 
Naomi Wolf (published 2007) and a less analytical 
but nevertheless sweeping description of the same 
thing by Thom Hartman ("Screwed").

In a way Hartman's book is more optimistic, as he 
describes how the democratic republic went into 
long eclipse several times in its history but 
sprang back because of the healthy aspects of the 
declaration of independence and the constitution 
and the emergence of wise and effective leaders 
at critical times.  One can't of course depend on 
this happening spontaneously - Ms Wolf eloquently 
describes what happens to aspiring leaders in 
defence of decency.

The crux of the crisis assailing America today is 
summed up in these words by Naomi Wolf:

"Democracy depends on a social agreement that is so obvious
to us that it usually goes unspoken:  There IS such thing as
truth.  In an open society, we know facts may be hedged and
spun in the back-and-forth of debate, but truth is the
ground FROM WHICH hedging or spinning begin.  Democracy
depends upon accountability; accountability requires us to
be able to tell truth from lie - and to be able to tell
truth from lies we all first must agree truth matters.

"If the ground of democracy is truth, the ground of
dictatorship is assertion. In a dictatorship, reality
belongs to whoever has the greatest power to assert."

Best for 2008.

Dion Giles
Western Australia


Hi Dion,

Thanks for your contribution. I'm afraid, 
however, that I do not share your faith in the 
original Constitutional vision, nor in Naomi 
Wolf's characterization of what is required to 
achieve a workable democracy.

James Madison, primary architect of the 
Constitution, made it clear that he intended the 
design of the new government to protect the 
interests of 'those who own property', and he was 
explicit about how the various provisions would 
protect the wealthy from democratic uprisings 
from the masses, those 'without property'. There 
was no Golden Age of American democracy for us to 
restore. Within a couple decades we had been 
roped into an unnecessary War of 1812  and we got 
the Sedition Act. Already the Bill of Rights was 
under attack. The rot was in the pot from the 
beginning. The Declaration of Independence was 
useful in rousing the Colonial masses, but it was 
never made part of the Constitution or given any 
legal standing.

Naomi Wolf is reasserting the theoretical 
principles behind representative government, 
truth and accountability. Those sound promising, 
but the fact is that's never how any of our 
'democracies' have ever functioned in practice. 
They've never fulfilled their promise. There are 
always hidden intrigues, backroom deals, 
intentional deception in campaigns and in 
official announcements, politicians who are more 
loyal to their wealthy backers than with their 
constituencies, cover-ups of misdeeds and 
failures, etc. We need to wake up to the fact 
that delegating power does not work as a formula 
for democracy.

my two shillings,

Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 07:19:55 +0100
Subject: Re: more dialog on recent themes...
From: Hélène CONNOR
To: <•••@••.•••>

Dear Richard,

In your total collapse scenarii, you could have 
considered a global climate collapse. A climate 
disaster somewhere could bring down our 
civilisation by domino effect (see the book 
"To-morrow the Middle Ages" by Roberto Vacca).

Given the present perspectives it may be more 
likely than military coups in OECD countries.

Cheers anyway.


Hi Helene,

I could have talked about climate-change 
scenarios, but that's not my focus. I think 
people will adjust to climate change how best 
they can and there's not much more that can be 
said about it. I do think we'd be a lot better 
off working on an adjustment strategy rather than 
spending our time pretending we can stop climate 
change with silly programs. Also I have a hunch 
that the big climate-change disasters, for 
natural or unnatural reasons, will be 
concentrated among the poor of the world, places 
like New Orleans and the third world.

best wishes,

To: <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: more dialog on recent themes...
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:17:24 -0000

rkm wrote:
People being what they are, very few of them will pass up the chance
to hold on to power once they have it. Almost always the choice of
the leaders will be, and has been historically, to hold onto power
first, and pursue the will of the people as a second priority. Once
that choice is made, the movement has been hijacked by the leaders,
and the fate of the intention is now in the hands of people who are
primarily concerned with maintaining their own power.

Richard, in his book, Gorbals Boy at Oxford, 
Ralph Glasser discusses "The whole sad, 
unscrupulous story of politics"  in a very 
similar vein to you: "To be in politics you had 
to join the power game and become as cynical and 
opportunist, and as ruthless, as the others.  It 
was a Mephistophelian trap.  Principle, where you 
started from, soon lost its force because, 
without power, it was futile.  You told yourself 
that principle could be postponed, played down, 
to get power.  In the manoeuvres and compromises 
along the way, principle imperceptibly became 
secondary, malleable to fit the game, even at 
times dispensable - until calculations about 
power, about getting it and holding it, excluded 
all else." 

best wishes,


Hi Jim, great quote, thanks - rkm

Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 08:02:37 -0800
From: ernie yacub
To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: What to expect from the next US Administration

have you read naomi klein's "shock doctrine"? 
she traces the development of disaster capitalism 
from the first 9/11 to new orleans and iraq in 
meticulous detail - one of the most illuminating 
books i have ever read.

here are a couple of interviews that dig a bit deeper...

rkm wrote:
"Our challenge as a sentient species, and our response if we
seek to do anything about the growth-thru-genocide agenda,
is to begin to empower ourselves, us ordinary people,
without reference to the useless political process. How to
pursue our empowerment must be the aim of our
investigations, and pursuing that empowerment must be the
point of our activism."

one place to start is by creating and using our 
own recirculating currencies - free, open and 
scalable - <>

good luck to all,
ernie yacub


Hi Ernie,

Yes, Naomi Klein lays it all out very well. She's 
one of those people who have kept on the front 
lines, breaking new ground in the struggle 
against global capitalism, digging deeper, 
getting more radical, and keeping her voice 'out 

Open money schemes are very good things. Marc 
Bambois and I were just talking about this, and 
the obstacles to promoting the idea. I've also 
worked with Michael Linton, and listened to his 
wild-eyed schemes to 'capture the Bay Area' with 
Lets. And then there are successes, such as 
Berkshares. My own belief is that the open-money 
movement would do well to link into 
community-empowerment and localization movements, 
and concentrate its efforts there.

It is at the grassroots level that people power 
has the most hope of being unleashed, and open 
money systems can help empower an emerging 
community. Such local scenarios are 'fertile 
ground' for your message, and successful local 
implementations become testimonials to your 
evangelizing efforts generally.

my thoughts,

Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 10:54:42 EST
To: •••@••.•••
From: ffrankmax
Subject: Re: What to expect from the next US Administration

_Naomi  Wolf: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps | Special reports | Guardian
Unlimited_ (,,2064157,00.html)


Hi Frank,

Those Naomi's they just keep popping up. Thanks, a good article.


Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 04:17:32 +1100
From: Robin Mutoid <>
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: What to expect from the next US 
Administration.. but that depends upon WHO they 

Hi Richard,

Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for this 
'appraisal'.. not really the right word but you 
know what I mean!

I don't as such have any romantic ideas about the 
next US administration, but I am becoming more 
and more convinced that 'something' remarkable is 
in fact occurring deep under the radar of the 
mainstream thought/media processes. Dr. Ron 
Paul's campaign is beginning to look like an 
uncomfortable, brewing threat to the Elite 
Controllers and their puppet-installation 
program! Gore may just as well go piss on an 

I have always sensed that the day WOULD come when 
We the People finally get our way. Mix this with 
the purported increase in vibratory rate of all 
matter in this part of the Universe and it begins 
to look possible for an unprecedented 'sweep' of 
consciousness to rapidly manifest and parade 
publicly at the chance to elect someone who is 
NOT part of 'the plan', at the US elections in 
Nov. next year (or before if the Bush/Cheyne 
impeachment momentum gathers enough pace!).


Hi Robin,

Sorry to omit some of the details about Ron 
Paul's campaign, but I think the real issue is 
whether it is realistic to expect that a genuine 
populist President would ever be allowed to 
assume the powers of office. The way the media 
ignores him is simply the first line of defense 
of those who hold power. Behind those lines stand 
Diebold machines, corrupt precinct processes, 
manipulation of party conventions, and there are 
more methods and tricks as well, leading up to 
'untimely' death by 'natural causes'.

So unfortunately, although I am happy to see a 
populist attracting so much popular support, I 
cannot foresee a scenario in which he comes to 
power. What might be of lasting benefit, emerging 
out of the Paul campaign, would be if the 
supporters organized themselves into an ongoing 
activist group, with the objective of promoting 
Ron-Paul-like agendas.


Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 13:59:45 -0800 (PST)
From: Leo Klausmann <>
Subject: Re: What to expect from the next US Administration
To: •••@••.•••


I just have a minute, wanted to ask why you 
didn't mention how the role and reach of China, 
combined with a resurgent and nationalist Russia 
will play into this. The West's confrontation 
with them is what the game plan is all about, and 
it has to be done one way or another.


Hi Leo

I bring China and Russia into the expanded Global 
Research article, URL above. Good comment.


From: "Jeff Keiffer" <>
To: <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: What to expect from the next US Administration
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 10:05:20 -0500

Hi Richard,

Always good to read your posts; informative as always.

While there is much to be concerned with in the 
US I have also noticed a small but growing 
people's movement to make changes for the better 
here in the US.  I have been a member to several 
organizations with a green agenda and while the 
federal government continues to do the bidding of 
the big polluting corporations that only care 
about their bottom lines; many people have 
organized to make themselves and their local 
communities greener. Local governments have begun 
offering incentives to people to buy hybrids, 
solar panels, more energy efficient appliances, 
etc.  I have also seen a green movement in the 
auto industry where smaller car companies are 
flaunting the powers that be and making fully 
electric cars (see Tesla or Aptera).  I believe 
this movement will only grow because many 
Americans are concerned and waking up to the fact 
that we do need to ween ourselves off foreign oil 
and I have begun to notice that many Americans 
are beginning to turn to the Internet for their 
information.  There is also a strong populist 
movement supporting candidates running for 
president like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul and 
while the mainstream media either makes fun of 
them or ignores them completely they are getting 
their word out and people are taking notice.

There is always the fear of another 9/11 attack 
and Bush declaring himself dictator and that 
leave me to wonder how many Americans would be 
willing to stand up and fight their own 
government.  I believe many would stand up and 
fight and there are even states that would 
declare their independence from the US (Vermont, 
possibly California) and that would eventually 
lead to another civil war (though in my mind it 
would be a revolutionary war to free ourselves 
from another King George).

There are signs of change but I can only hope 
that it continues and that Americans continue to 
awaken to what is really going on in their 




Hi Jeff,

I think the dictatorship danger has passed. The 
neocons have been reined in. Welcome to the new 

I am encouraged by what you say about local 
community initiatives. That is an indicator of 
awakened community consciousness. However, 
smaller cars, solar panels, and more efficient 
appliances are not going to do anything of 
consequence to help with the energy picture, the 
carbon picture, or the climate change picture. 
Those kind of things simply encourage us to 
continue with business as usual in our 
unsustainable societies, postponing our eventual 

This awakened community consciousness needs to be 
informed by an understanding that our 
infrastructures and exchange patterns need to 
change if we are to move toward sustainability, 
and unsustainability is the root cause of 
symptoms like climate change and peak oil.

Among the initiatives that I have seen, emerging 
out of communities that want to do something 
about sustainability, the ones that seem most 
promising to me are the ones oriented around 
'local consumption for local production', or 'buy 
local'. To the extent localities can move toward 
local self-sufficiency in this way, they are 
reducing the need for long-distance transport, 
and they are keeping the benefit of their 
exchanges in the community, instead of letting it 
be drained off in the profits of chain operators.

If an agricultural area can team up with an urban 
area, for example, both can be better off. The 
agricultural area can cater to the needs of the 
urban area, and it will know it has a reliable 
market for its products at a fair price. The 
urban area knows it's getting quality fresh food, 
and is somewhat insulated from fluctuations in 
food market prices. We've got the seeds of local 
self sufficiency and sustainability. We've got 
the beginning of changes at the level of 
infrastructure. As Ernie would point out, a local 
currency is also helpful in these kind of 
scenarios. Financial independence is a powerful 
tool in community development.

best wishes,


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Moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)
