PEOPLES PRESS INTERNATIONAL (PPI) ppi.010-rkm essay> "Elites & the science of history" - - - Elites & the science of history Richard K. Moore •••@••.••• - - - Republication permission granted for non-commercial and small-press use with all sig & header info incorporated (in some form), please. - - - a public service of CADRE (Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance) Publisher's note: Please let me know if you think I'm "stacking the deck" with too many of my own essays, but when I write things to other lists that I think are of wider interest, I tend to forward them here. rkm btw> let me share this brief note, just in: ---------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Adkins, Gerald" <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: re: Carolyn Chute: "Bringing our government BACK DOWN TO EARTH" Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 Richard, this article by Chute has to be the best thing I have read in a long, long time. Thank you so much. J G. C. Adkins, M.S. Human Resources Director Saint Martin's College, Lacey, Wa. 98503-1297 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gerald- I'll tell her when I see her next month - and the thanks are really for Carolyn Ballard, who tracked down the articles. -rkm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/06/98, a hapless academic wrote to `philosophy of history' list: >The point however is that the system of the hard sciences destroy the >understanding of history if imposed. This is because these sciences >create a structure into which historical facts are made to fit. Then the >facts are not what they used to be but highly modified pieces of a >structure which has nothing to do with history. History should not be >treated as a structure when it is not. We keep circling around my original point, which you continue to affirm by everything you say, and by how you say it, but without realizing it. The point is that historians have _misunderstood how the scientific process works. Instead, they have tried to borrow entire _structures which have been developed _by the hard sciences, but for applications which do _not map onto history. For example, in classical physics, it turns out that very simple formulas serve very well to model motions of bodies ( "F=ma", etc.) It is not the case that science _requires simple formulas; it _is the case that scientists _discovered that simple formulas _happen to work in physics. (They _don't in history.) In addition, scientists found that these simple formulas depended only on minimal qualities of the bodies, primarily their _mass and _velocity. One didn't need (normally) to take into account texture, color, density, or any number of other qualities which one might intuitively _think might play a role. (Recall the leaning-tower-of-piza experiment: people didn't _know whether mass affected rate-of-fall or not; afterwards they did.) What historians tried to do then, was to seek simple formulas, depending only on one or two qualities, that could explain historical phenomena. This was a _misapplication of science. It was based on an unwarranted _assumption that the results of the hard sciences could be mapped _in toto from physics, or biology, or whatever, _directly into history, without in fact doing the necessary science in the domain of history. Historians are not to be blamed for this. The whole _age in the nineteenth century was enamored by science as a new religion, a new paradigm that could explain all the world via simple laws and lead to human betterment, etc. Historians simply jumped on the bandwagon like everyone else. The problem was that people were more familiar with the _results of science, in particular cases, than they were with the actual _mechanism of the scientific process, as a general methodology. What happened in history, and in other so-called soft sciences, is that a `snapshot' of the scientific method was taken many many years ago, and that has stuck through the decades, even though in the hard sciences the paradigms of science have gone through several subsequent revolutions. --- Science is _not fundamentally about finding simple formulas, or reducing things to only a few variables. Science is about _observing what actually happens, devising models which match as closely as possible what has been observed, and then entering into a feedback-loop process between further _observation and further _model_refinement, leading ultimately to _good models: ie models which (a) fit the data and (b) provide predictive power. Make it as simple as possible, but no simpler. -Alan Kay, inventor of personal computer --- My `model' of current global events is that the Western Capitalist Elite are, to a good first approximation, running the world according to their own designs and plans. Contrary to our discussion so far, I _do have lots of empirical evidence about who they are, how they plan, what their plans are, what their strategy and tactics are, what their next moves are likely to be, etc. But our discussion has been about _science, and I've been trying to explain that, according to well-accepted and highly successful scientific practice, it is not _necessary to delve into that particular empirical evidence in order to explore and even to affirm the validity of my `elite model'. One takes the model, and one tests it against historical data, over the period for which it is claimed to apply. If it fits well, and provides predictive power, then it, to that extent, is a good model. The question of _why things happen to fit the model is an _independent scientific investigation, and of course the two threads reinforce and inform one another. That's how Newton came up with his formulas, but the model in the historical case has no similarity to "F=ma". Historical models, ones that work that is, are non-linear. They don't look like math. There is in fact no reason why history needs to be a `soft' science; it can be as rigorously scientific as any other field. What prevents it from beginning to use the scientific method effectively is a set of collectively held illusions and misunderstandings of what science is and how it can be applied to history, as you exemplify in the quoted paragraph at the top. In these days of globalization, where every significant government action in the world can be traced obviously and quickly back to neoliberal roots, it amazes me that anyone has trouble entertaining an elite model. And in fact, it is mainly in the academic community that one finds such a disconnect between real-world experience and abstract thinking. --- Just for your amusement, there is an elite-agency theory about this very business of scientific specialization, the emasculation of science via compartmentalization. The theory was put forward by Buckminister Fuller, who claims that the Establishment in Imperial Britain was concerned that the rise of science might lead to the emergence of a new elite, just as capitalism led to such an emergence, vis a vis landed aristocracies. The current elite had got into power, and was eager to `shut the door' on new entrants. Their solution, claims Bucky, in "Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth", was to set up the Admiralty War College using a specialization paradigm, thus keeping scientists penned up in their little disciplines, leaving the societal decisions re/science to be made by others. The War-College model, evidently, has come to dominate academia world wide -- this particular strategem of the then-elite, if Bucky has it right, seems to have worked very well, and has become a largely unquestioned part of Western culture. But there's no reason it has to stay that way, one can begin to question whenever one wakes up. In fact, Western universities carry forward two traditions. At the undergrad level we have the carry-over of the Medieval university model, centers of, shall we say, `free thinking' and `free inquiry'. At the grad level we enter the compartmentalized, politicized, production-oriented, intellectually-stifled, politically impotent, war-college model. --- The predictive power of an elite-agency model, in these days of globalization (ie, systematic consolidation of elite power) is really quite impressive. There's very little on the world scene that surprises me, and I have little problem accurately predicting the sequel to most news items. I spend as little time as possible studying the elite, per se, because such information has so little bearing on the model. Just as mass was the only thing important about bodies in motion, so the only thing you really need to know about the elite is that (1) they have power, (2) they make plans, (3) they are purusing a program. The further details/data are more readily and reliably obtained from the daily news than from covert revelations. rkm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Seeking an Effective Democratic Response to Globalization and Corporate Power" --- an international workshop for activist leaders June 25 <incl> July 2 - 1998 - Nova Scotia - Canada --- Restore democratic sovereignty Create a sane and livable world Bring corporate globalization under control. CITIZENS FOR A DEMOCRATIC RENAISSANCE (CADRE) mailto:•••@••.••• http: --- To subscribe to renaissance-network, send any message to: •••@••.••• --- To subscribe to cj, send any message to: •••@••.••• --- To review cj archives, send any message to: •••@••.•••