Bcc: FYI
rkm websites: cyberjournal.org escapingthematrix.org
Several of you suggested things I might read, which I appreciated. However for now I want to write based on what I’ve learned from the research I’ve already done, as regards consciousness.
This field model is nearly complete, as far as I want to pursue it. Earlier I’ve posted things about the Yugas, evolution, telepathy, astrology, scalar waves, the new scientific revolution, the electric universe, magnetic resonance among cosmic bodies, and other topics, including the galactic origins of climate. What I’m doing now, beginning with the field model of mind, is going back and revisiting all of those topics in a more systematic way.
I’ll post the full version of the field model, and then I’ll be turning my attention to the process of evolution.
Sharon Almerigi wrote:
Regarding our habitual movements I wonder about if that also translates to habitual ways of viewing things. Makes me wonder how often I listen to others only to translate their words through my filters (my habitual ways of seeing things) and then even worse then direct the conversation in my direction. I only hope to foster my ability to keep learning and am grateful for the mechanisms to add new ways of being and living to my life. This mechanism is a great resource that, as you say continues to help us adapt to new and changing experiences. Nice to hear your ideas about this potential – very exciting indeed!Best to you,Sharon
If you are wondering about how often you do something, and if you hope to foster new ways of behaving, then you are beginning to apply attention to your recorded scripts. That’s the only way they can be changed. Yes, scripts do apply very much to our ways of thinking, our ways of interpreting things, our ways of interacting with people, etc. Indeed our personality (from the Greek: a mask worn on stage) itself is a script, the freezing-in of our childhood way of responding to our parental situation.
Thanks for your comments. I’ll be getting into all this stuff as I continue the paper. I have a feeling it will end up having the scope of a book.
Rich Persaud wrote:
A small bit of feedback..Re: Attention and learningThis is a good discussion of biological autonomic systems and their corresponding subfields, but moves a bit quickly to subfields (e.g. attention) which have no biological correspondent. Some bridging text would help.Re: Attention and selfHow about the relationship between attention, belief and perception, e.g. existing beliefs/bias influencing perception subfields? Could an attention subfield consciously intervene to undo past perception choices? E.g. child hurt by a dog grows up with fear of dogs.Re: “.. pay attention to something, we are establishing resonance ..”Does attention cause resonance, enable resonance, or seek resonance?Thanks for your posts and writing.Rich
The biological correspondent of the attention subfield is the activity of the organism, the things it chooses to do.
Yes, attention can change beliefs and habitual perceptions, as I mentioned above. This can happen in many ways, such as through reading things that make us rethink our assumptions, or it can happen with the help of a therapist, whose job is essentially to draw our attention to the origins of our habitual, dysfunctional thinking patterns.
I’d say that attention establishes resonance, and I can’t be more precise than that.