Friends, Thanks so much for your encouraging responses re/ the documentary, "An Inconvenient Necessity". My next task is to create the Treatment document, and find a way to bring it to the attention of an appropriate producer. This needs to be a first-rate production, with adequate funding for worldwide shooting sites, a top-quality production team and director, and good promotion. I believe the key to achieving this is to find an established producer who is enthusiastic about the project, and who has a strong contact base and access to friendly investors. Alternatively, if I can get a film star interested, he or she could probably recruit a producer. Suggestions in this regard, or better yet contacts, will be welcome. rkm ____________________ * re/migration A good number of you have migrated to yahoo already, but most haven't. We do need to migrate the lists, so please take a moment and do so when you get a chance. Once again, here are the new subscribe addresses: •••@••.••• newslog •••@••.••• and here are the unsubscribe addresses: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• •••@••.••• One of the unsubscribe addresses in the previous posting had an extra space, as someone pointed out. That is fixed above. One person wrote in and said they had complaints against Yahoo, but I've had no problem with them myself and their service offers the features we need. If any problem does arise, we can migrate somewhere else. Our website and archives remain on our own server; it is only our email distribution that we are entrusting to outside services. ____________________ * re/documentary -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 03:56:24 -0700 (PDT) From: WellDunn/Tacenda <> Subject: Re: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * To: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••> glad I noticed this one way back there..great idea on this film. I will forward the film section to a few people, and see if they 'bite'..Of course, Humboldt Country has many, many organic growers here... I note that Sean Penn narrated Neal Simonson's documentary Amy Goodman Played today on Democracy Now...I thought he sounded real good. He must like to help that way, and of course Leonard DiCaprio is someone to write...I will ask a couple people who know people. I signed up for the cyber journal one, should I do all of them? I got a bit confused , must be the 4 am woozies, peace and love, Penny Lynn Dunn ____________________ Hi Peggy, Very nice to hear from you. Many thanks for your outreach to contacts, and I look forward to hearing back about those. I've now got four candidates for narrator: Bruce Willis George Clooney Sean Penn Leonardo DiCaprio As regards the lists. •••@••.••• is the continuation of this list, our discussion forum, which is relatively low traffic. •••@••.••• is a high-traffic list where I post lots of news items, sometimes with comments. newslog also receives the cyberjournal postings, so if you subscribe to that you get everything, and lots of it. I've noticed that several people are subscribed to both lists, and that collects the cyberjournal postings nicely into a separate folder. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Joanna Santa Barbara" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 10:11:02 -0400 Dear Richard, This is a wonderful concept, both in terms of the topic and the framing you've conceived. I hope you'll receive lots of suggestions for sites. Cuba should be on the list, for its development of urban agriculture with post-carbon technology, using science and permaculture concepts. If you were interested in any footage of the 'new relocalizers', I'm joining such an endeavour in New Zealand later this year, beginning with bare (deforested) land, and aiming for a high level of sustainable self-sufficient food production among other goals. Incidental to the film's purposes, I plan to look hard at your ideas on governance as I enter this beginning community. Warm wishes, Joanna Santa Barbara, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. ____________________ Hi Joanna, Thanks for your encouragement. Yes, the developments in Cuba are extraordinary. Indeed, the Community Solutions film was an inspiration for this project. I'm doubt if I'll use Cuba in the film however, because of the knee-jerk negative response many would have to the mere mention of Cuba. No need to create unnecessary barriers to the film's success. Fortunately, there are plenty of other places where we can find the subjects we want to film. Please keep me informed about you relocalization adventure. Sounds exciting. Intentional communities are a special case as regards governance. You've typically got a combination of community dynamics and family dynamics. Often there is a 'father' or 'mother' figure who plays a role in initiating and bringing energy into the endeavor. I visited an ecovillage in Eugene and I found it wasn't run in a way I considered to be democratic, and I found that this was completely OK in that context. The 'mommy & daddy' couple were running a very good operation, bringing in other people in a fair and respectful manner, and their 'ownership energy' was critical to the overall success of the venture. The one thing I would suggest for all intentional communities is that they have regular meetings (including children over a certain age),use a good dialog process, and develop their facilitation skills. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Steve Feast" <> To: •••@••.••• Subject: RE: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 11:46:25 +0800 Hi Richard, What a great idea! I can just see people sitting in the cinema watching the film, and the screen pauses - like on a vieo or dvd - and after a couple of seconds a voice-over says something like "what a load of rubbish", another pause, then another voice-over "why do you say that?", cut to the DF group and the dialog is away... Or something like that. All the best. STeven ____________________ Hi Steven, That's a great concept! Here's how I'd describe it... Audience comes in expecting to see a documentary. It begins, goes on for an indefinite period, until someone in the dialog group feels moved to interrupt with a comment. The sound track then shifts to the dialog room, PAUSE appears on the screen after a second, and we pan back to the room. The facilitator follows up on the interruption and encourages people to comment on what they've just seen. This is a key dramatic moment, and needs to be presented so that the audience is intrigued by the unexpected innovation, and begins to identify with the dialog process. thanks, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 22:09:05 -0700 To: •••@••.••• From: Molly Morgan <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * Hi, Richard - rkm> It will be important to have a well-known personality / star to narrate. That is what can bring in big audiences, and hence it also enables getting the financing. I'm thinking of someone like Bruce Willits This is a very funny typo to me! Most people have probably never heard of Willits, but it's a lovely irony that some of the best sustainability work in the US is happening there (WELL, John Jeavons, etc.). I wonder if Sean Penn is a candidate for this? He's been very vocally opposed to the war, but I don't know where he is on solutions. He is so intelligent that I would like to think he's a deep thinker on this. What occurred to me as I read your description of the inner and outer version of the movie is that people in the audience watching the finished film will be having a kind of fishbowl experience, except there is no opportunity for them to get into the fishbowl and be in the discussion that's happening on film -- but they'll get to listen in on the group that's in the film. I presume you are familiar with this form of discussion, and maybe there's some way to take facilitators' fishbowl experience into the design of the film. Very exciting stuff! cheers, molly ____________________ Hi Molly, Thanks for the fishbowl observation. Rosa Zubizarreta, who is experienced with many kinds of facilitation, has agreed to be our facilitator. She'll be involved in the participant selection process, the design of the room, the editing of the dialog sequences, etc. The film should be an excellent vehicle to familiarize large audiences with the potential of dialog, and awaken them to the notion that we the people are capable of tackling the problems that face humanity. please stay in touch, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: •••@••.••• Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 23:01:41 EDT Subject: Re: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * To: •••@••.••• hi. great idea. actually, it's bruce willis. leo di caprio is big on sustainability, too. have you ever done film? mlp ____________________ Hi Marilyn, I've never done film, and I'll depend on the producer and director to make things happen. The roles I want are to write the 'screenplay', help choose the locations, do the interviews, and participate in the final editing. Thanks for suggesting Leonardo. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Lewit" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 03:21:57 -0400 Hi, Richard Wonderful! Your plan sounds wonderful. So where do you think you'll shoot the dialog group? Where is it needed most? Probably in the USA, where middle class people at least need to break through the bubble of propaganda and complacency. Then there are the less privileged---how will you include them? And then there are the specially privileged---like congress members, or ex-members. Or Republicans of the Gingrich variety. Will you do them? Might there be two dialog groups? ____________________ Hi David, The dialog group will be in a studio, not associated with a location. The people will be from different parts of the world, making it a microcosm global gathering. Some from the North, some from the South, old & young, left & right, male & female, dark & light, Muslim, Jew & Christian, etc. They'll be ordinary people, not officials or leaders. we'll do our best on diversity but we can't cover every imaginable category. I'm confident everyone in the audience will find at least one person they can identify with. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "David Lewit" <•••@••.•••> To: "'Richard Moore'" <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * Might there be two dialog groups? Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 10:59:54 -0400 So, a virtual group. Because they will each be sitting in a studio somewhere, they will all or most be urban dwellers, which is a limitation. I'd hope you could bring in an Indian farmer, and a Chinese food market manager---a daunting task. But so wide a diversity poses serious problems. One is simply language translation. Another is discomfort in talking with others so different. Along with this is concern about being watched by authorities and worry about being politically incorrect for the regime you live with... Seems to me you'd be best off sticking with your original way of mixing---more moderate heterogeneity: folks from a single community, in a face-to-face group. Thus you might reconsider and have two groups to provide between-group diversity. For example, one from India, and another from Indiana---or Ireland. ____________________ Hi again, Many thanks for your creative thinking! What I've got in mind is a face-to-face group in a studio, where the participants are brought in from around the world, paid well for their time, and given comfortable accommodations for the filming period. Good English will be a requirement (to support the dialog), and I don't see that as limiting our ability to achieve desired diversity. 'Indian farmer' and 'Chinese food market manager' are very much the kind of people we're looking for. We're not looking for activist leaders (that would be a different film), so I'm not overly concerned about 'fear of authorities'. As for 'discomfort', overcoming that is part of a good facilitation process. For this film, dealing with global issues, I think it is appropriate to have a dialog group that serves as a microcosm of the global society. A local community group would be appropriate for a film promoting community empowerment, and that could be a very good follow-on project. cheers, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Howard Switzer" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••> Subject: on the film Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 13:37:06 -0500 Great idea Richard! I like this approach very much. I want to do some dynamic facilitation in our community too but haven't had the time to pursue it lately. this could be a great way to introduce it to folks. Not sure how we can help but we do know a really good video editor here in Nashville, my brother-in-law. He won an award for his work on Emmy Lou Harris's documentary music video, Wrecking Ball. We have been doing a PPT presentation we created called "The Paradox of Green Building" in which we identify two major paradoxes with small ones throughout. The 2 major ones being, "Our ancestors did it and we don't" and "Much of what is called Green isn't." That is if green = sustainable. With that we can talk about low impact building and the future of building. In the natural building courses I teach at ETC I like to refer to it as post apocalypse building. :-) Howard Switzer <> 931-589-6513 ____________________ Hi Howard, Yes, I'm hoping the film will provide a significant boost to all sorts of dialog efforts everywhere. Effective dialog does not exist as a notion in the general public consciousness, and this needs to change. When I finish my Treatment, perhaps you could pass it by your brother-in-law for comment. Perhaps also he has contacts that would be useful. I imagine we'll need to use an editor that is already familiar to our production team, but who knows? I went to your website -- very impressive. I saw lots there that would be candidates for N America locations. I'd like to see your power point presentation. "Much of what is called Green isn't" -- this is a very important observation. Rather than suppressing Green energy, the establishment is using Aikido against it: shifting energy into endeavors that are non-systemic, non-threatening -- and beneficial to the establishment. Many activists and citizens fall into the trap, supporting things that 'seem to have momentum'. That perceived momentum can be provided by grants, and by media coverage. The best current example is of course global warming, which has been totally sidetracked and co-opted. The same thing applies to 'ending world hunger and poverty'. I'm thinking of NGOs like Oxfam, who sponsor ads on TV showing starving children, and asking you to donate a small amount each month. I'm sure the NGO people are sincere and are really helping people where they can. But in the overall picture, the net effect of such NGOs is to perpetuate imperialism and suffering in the third world. They do this by (1) never talking about the systemic causes of the problems, (2) creating the impression individual contributions are the answer, and (3) creating the impression that the problems are being dealt with as best they can be. Altogether this diverts mass energy away from struggling against the machinery of imperialism best wishes, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jerry Gutenschwager" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: * rkm - ANNOUNCEMENTS * Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 17:11:58 +0300 Richard, I applaud the use of dramatic form to communicate important messages. This is much of what I was arguing for in my book as the sociodramatic approach to social science and planning (last part of chapter 3 and chapter 9). It occurs to me that your outer film acts in much the same way as the chorus acted in ancient Greek drama. I don't know if you have ever seen a performance as enacted in one of the ancient theaters in Greece, but the effect of the chorus is quite dramatic. In a combination of sound and dance the chorus leads the audience in its emotional response to the dramatic action taking place on the 'inner stage'. In that sense, you might want to think of the outer film not only in cognitive but in emotional and moral terms as well. All three of these dimensions are present in the social construction of the reality which we all occupy, though the emotional and moral aspects tend to be downplayed in the hyper-rational world created by the onslaught of science in the past century or two. I have renewed my efforts to have you speak here at the University of Thessaly. This has been something of a lost year because the students were on strike and/or protesting most of the year in opposition to the efforts of the right wing party in power to legalize private higher education in Greece. I will keep you informed if and when there is any progress on your visit. Jerry ____________________ Hi Jerry, Yes, the Greek Chorus does seem to be a precedent for this approach. The difference is that our group won't be scripted, and what it evokes in the audience will depend on what spontaneously emerges in the dialog. I have no doubt that cognitive, emotional, and moral dimensions will be in evidence. Thanks for your efforts re/ an appearance in Thessaly. If that works out, I'd need some briefing on local attitudes and initiatives, so I could relate that to what I have to say. You've already started that briefing with your comments on the student protests. Privatization seems to be everywhere the leading edge of the neoliberal assault on civil society and responsive governance. Your message reminds me that the film will need to budget for subtitles in all the major languages. all the best, rkm -- -------------------------------------------------------- Posting archives: Escaping the Matrix website: cyberjournal website: Community Democracy Framework: Subscribe cyberjournal list: •••@••.••• (send blank message) cyberjournal blog (join in): Moderator: •••@••.••• (comments welcome)