Friends, There have many very interesting responses to the "Faith & Humanity" posting and to the "Americas role" posting. And I've gotten involved in some more interesting off-list exchanges. For now, let me just share this marvelous contribution that just came in from Arthur Topham. It's a bit long, but worth it. I won't take space in this posting to comment. Except to say that I am largely in agreement with him. I was using the word 'faith' as too blunt a brush. Many distinctions were glossed over. Arthur gives us a useful philosophical context in which finer distinctions can be explored. Here's Arthur's own self-introduction, found in a posting he sent out to some list: ___________________________________________ Arthur Topham is a writer, father and grampa living with his lovely wife Shasta in the wilds of central B.C. He is also the founding publisher and editor of the Radical Press and The Radical, an alternative newspaper once published in British Columbia, Canada and now suspended in a devachanic state awaiting rebirth. Arthur spends much of his time in cyberspace monitoring the movements of the Beast and keeping his radical readers informed on his website He appreciates hearing from readers and can be emailed at •••@••.••• Also - Arthur published "Escaping the Matrix" in Radical Press. (:>) Here's what he sent in to us.. enjoy, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 11:52:11 -0700 Subject: Re: Keep the Baby Faith! From: RADICAL PRESS <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Message-ID: <•••@••.•••> In-Reply-To: <p05210601bb6432e97dd8@[]> Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain Dear Richard, Thank you for the recent 'faith' lift. As always you've provided ample food for thought; so much so that it's become a challenge to try and respond without ending up with a little booklet of my own! I will therefore focus as closely as I can on your concept of faith as it applies to your viewpoint on how and why things have progressed (or digressed) to the point they have today and add a bit of other comment in between. It is true (as you say in your intro) that most moderators have their particular viewpoints which they cling to rather tenaciously but that is likely par for the course for any individual who has laboured their life away in an attempt to scrape off the overburden of indoctrination that they grew up under. We may appear to stand out more than others but that is more a result of having a cyber vehicle at hand with which to spread, as Eckhart Tolle would say, "The story of me" about the net. If every seeker had their own website I'm sure we wouldn't stand out as we do. Many of my ideas (especially those of a political nature) do evolve over time and its mainly because I allow myself to be constantly nurtured by novel ideas. At the same time though my core vision remains relatively unaltered by the vicissitude of events on Life's stage. Shift happens, as they say and it wasn't until I was well into my 50's that I realized the deeper significance of the underlying principles inherent in the philosophy of Anarchism. That was a long process for me as I was politically active in one way or another from about my twentieth year. It thus took me three decades of experimentation and discovery and error to finally realize the true nature of the centralized STATE (or the 'problem' as you prefer to call it). Your thesis that, "We humans seem to have an innate need for faith." I would like to qualify further by saying that more specifically we humans have an innate need extending beyond faith to a much more immediate order - that being the primal urge to understand, via Direct Experience, the TRUTH about who we really are as Spiritual Beings. Rather than faith therefore I would suggest that we desire Self-Realization or the Spiritual certitude that we are in fact self-conscious, God-conscious, sentient entities with both a purpose and an inclusive meaning to our existence. Failing that we become further removed from the ground of our Original Being and end up settling for either second best - a forlorn hope (i.e. faith) that the future will somehow, at sometime, grant us the ultimate knowledge of who we really are - or else thirdly a nullifying of the spiritual quest for Self understanding to the point where we walk or crawl through our lives shadow-like as if we were nothing more than automatons. The latter aspects of sublimated or substitution of approximated Truth are what I think you're denoting when you say we as a species have a need for "faith." Reading through your brief historical overview of the past two millenniums it's apparent to me that Rome, as the quintessential symbol of the centralized STATE, quickly realized the power of Christ's teachings and moved swiftly to co-opt his truth as he presented it to the world. It's my firm conviction as well that the Light of Truth or the Realization of our own personal Godhead is something that every human being is capable of realizing and when the Avatar Jesus attempted to enjoin humanity to search for that pearl of great price by diving deep down into the ocean of our Being he also recognized that it was our birthright, our legacy and our source of and connection with the ultimate Power of Life Itself, the "THAT" of "I AM THAT I AM" of which the Bible speaks. That knowledge or Awareness of the personal nature of our spiritual sovereignty made Christ an Anarchist by definition and therefore the penultimate enemy of the centralized STATE which was then Rome and continues to be Rome up to this present time under one guise or another. In order therefore to maintain the hierarchy of power it first necessitated the murder [of] Christ to create this illusory condition that you refer to as "faith". By doing so and substituting in Christ's place (i.e. his teachings on seeking God within) the Church and the Priesthood as a false and surrogate means to an unending form of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical enslavement, Rome was able to gain control of the masses via its surreptitious usurpation of Christ's supreme tenets. I say all this not as a Christian for a Christian I am not. Nonetheless my experience thus far has shown me that all great Truths have One Source and that Source (by any other name) smells as sweet and is blissfully laden. When we cannot have the Direct Experience of God or Self then we innately pine for it throughout our lives and that pining (Wordsworth called it having 'intimations of immortality') is what I perceive you to mean when you say that we humans innately crave faith. Faith is but a substitute for Knowing and a poor one at that as illustrated by the disastrous events of the past two thousand years of vicarious living that the human community has been cajoled and conditioned into accepting as real. I therefore see these millennial blues (and the metaphor of Christ's life) in the context of a greater universal atonement that has far surpassed that of Christ's brief and suffering sojourn. Ever since Rome stole the golden fleece so to speak and began exploiting the perverse tale of sin, the anthropomorphic god and the afterlife, humanity as a whole has been repeatedly paying the price of their tyrannical tithing. Had humankind been given the opportunity (here in what we euphemistically call Western 'civilization') to realize what Christ realized back then the world might have been a totally different cup of tea than it is today. The Garden would still be organic and intact and the precepts for Self-Actualization would most likely have carried us far into the realms of light and positive socio-political change that for the most part still remain but phantasies during these dark and ominous days. When you say that, "People have a need for faith, just as they may have a need for occasional relief from reality through intoxication.", I would hasten to add that such a statement can lead one to the erroneous conclusion that what is being escaped from via the intoxicant is actually true reality. Faith, not preceded by Direct Experience of one's own divinity, to my way of understanding, is akin to Ignorance as it is perceived in Buddhist philosophy therefore religions that promote anything other than Spiritual Sovereignty or Direct Experience of Self may fit the prescription of opiates (and in that context your comparison with the drug dealer) but this doesn't imply that the "reality" to which they refer is correct or true. Again, it is our Direct Experience of Self that determines Reality in the ontological sense of that term, not a secondary substitute condition dependent upon "faith". And so in that sense the people who would fight to the death to defend the Matrix are doing so not because of any belief in the ultimate reality of the 'system' but out of sheer Ignorance of their own True Nature. (I thought it rather interesting that you used the expression "the rhetoric of the revolution" when talking about Thomas Paine and the American Revolution as I had only days prior to receiving your email been mulling over an article with almost precisely the same phrase wherein I referred to it as "The Rhetoric of Revolution." It appears that hundredth monkey is up to his business.) :-) You wrote, "In the political arena we find radical critiques about how the system isn't working -- but we find very little that challenges the core faith in the basic system: power delegated to representatives in hierarchical governments. People seem to hold onto that one with the same tenaciousness that Fundamentalists have for their literal interpretation of the Bible." I would suggest that there is a substantial amount of literature that has been presented to the world over the past century and a half dealing specifically with this root question of the fallibility of the so-called democratic process of representative government. It lives in the writings of the Anarchist thinkers who have taken this basic assumption and shown again and again how the elite have exploited the ignorance of the masses to the benefit of the governing hierarchy. What you call faith in the 'system' is in truth largely responsible for the mind-set that even today, amidst all the glaring examples of its brutal breakdown globally, still cringes from taking the Anarchist principles seriously. This is one of the reasons why I have great difficulty accepting your premise regarding faith. You say, "I suppose the reason is that most people haven't thought to question this particular faith." but I would answer by stating that an honest and unbiased study of the lengths to which the STATE has gone in order to discredit the underlying principles of Anarchism will amply illustrate the degree to which THEY appear to understand the gravity of such proposals. Keeping the mass of the people Ignorant of such liberating knowledge, for them, is as paramount now as it was when Christ first expressed his parallel creed. Like you said it's crucial to the power brokers that We the People don't begin to fathom the currently esoteric nature of what real democracy implies - a realization that the true centralization of power rests within the Individual rather than the STATE. That is the ultimate end of Anarchism and the real flowering of Democracy and the timely death of tyranny. With regard to hierarchies you wrote, "From what I've been able to gather, the preference for hierarchical structures seems to be rooted in a lack of trust in We The People. Such a lack of trust was natural to the commercial elites who took over the our previous revolution, but I suggest we need not follow their precedent, I suggest that we must make a leap of faith and trust." In this regard I would say that we need to begin exposing the fear and disinformation that has been instilled into the masses regarding the possibilities of governing ourselves without hierarchical structures. Again, I can't help thinking that to expect people to suddenly make a "leap of faith" into what really is an Anarchist perspective on social organization, isn't possible without first educating them on the underlying principles. It would be nice if they did but it would mean that society would somehow suddenly be shifting into a 'new' state of social/political consciousness without understanding how or why. It might be beneficial in the short term but ultimately it would fail again because that type of faith would rest on Ignorance of the individual's True Nature and thus not provide the sustenance necessary for true, lasting Liberation. I cannot agree more with you when you say that "We The People can indeed be trusted to run our own affairs wisely" but I feel rather strongly that without the understanding i.e. the knowledge of the basic principles, that there would indeed be an element of blind faith involved if it occurred without knowing the whys and wherefores. When you say, "Consider making a leap of faith -- faith in humanity." you are again hitting the nail dead on in the sense that we must reach the Spiritual and Intellectual understanding that humanity as a whole is the final arbiter of its fate as a species. But there appears to be an element of wishfulness involved if this process is to be accomplished without We the People first knowing why they should change their allegiance from hierarchy to individual sovereignty. It's akin to wanting to take a magic wand and dissolve instantly the karma of billions of souls on this planet in order to remove a massive hindrance to social and political evolvement. I'm all for it as I'm sure you are as well but somehow m'thinks it ain't a gonna work out that way. This Great Work or Ultimate Truth can only advance in the Here and Now by daily toil and gradual removal of the beams from the eyes of the blind by the blind, a process that is ongoing and perennial as the daily appearance of Brother Sun and Sister Moon. True indeed is the fact that as more and more individuals search within they will come to the realization of their own sovereignty but the crucible necessary for such a massive global refinement or "leap of faith" is still filling up and will be for sometime to come. This is not to say that we shouldn't believe in ourselves or in "the wisdom of evolution" per se. If we're going to place our "faith" in anything it ought to be ourselves as you wisely surmise. As of yet I haven't had the time to investigate Rosa's work Richard so I shan't attempt comment on it at this time but move to your final conclusions, one of which is that, "The new Enlightenment vision, the new faith, is already out there in the public consciousness. It's already been defined to the extent it needs to be defined. Its further promulgation and refinement can only happen as part of a process of revolutionary change." Here again I find difficulty with the term "faith" not with the fact that the Awareness of what's happening around the world has been emphasized enough so that millions of individuals are cognizant of the serious flaws in the 'system'. Possibly it may be just semantics on my part but knowing that there is an imminent danger lurking just around the corner is not enough of a basis upon which to suddenly make the leap of faith you are proposing. The danger is present and is clear and is the motivating factor in so many individuals questioning and being skeptical of the 'system' and it will undoubtedly spur them on to further awakening as the intensity of the tyranny increases but until they know themselves and their personal power as Sovereign Spiritual Beings they will continue to be reactive players rather than proactive ones in this great political game we call Democracy. You said, "There is only one thing that needs to happen to empower us to begin taking action. That one thing is to make a single leap of faith, to a faith in humanity, a faith in We The People -- All of We The People...." This is a very pregnant statement Richard for it's loaded with the nascent seed of promise and hope much the same as the Old Testament prophets' statements were. If we just surrender to Jesus (God) then all our sins will be forgiven and the heavy weight of Life's myriad mysteries will dissolve into a peaceful and calm acceptance of His will and man's subservience. I know you don't mean or imply this but there is a very grave danger that that is how it may be interpreted by others who either may wish to discredit or refute your true aim. I say this because whenever one steps into the arena of religious terminology (and that is what I think the term "faith" implies) one gambles greatly that such a stigma will eventually create confusion and that eventually misunderstandings will arise (as they obviously have in my case! :-)) Anyhow, for me to conclude I should say that rather than "faith" I would have opted for a word that clearly indicated a growing Awareness of Self (in a Spiritual sense) and an evolvement (concomitant with it) of a Social Consciousness that eventually will lead us to the obvious conclusion that We the People are the masters of our own destiny. I hope there is something of merit in what I've tried to say here Richard. Whatever is happening though is happening irregardless of how we frame it in words. It's my hope as well that we come to the realization you have that when all is said and done it's just us chickens here and we must work together outside the Roman Equation for the benefit of All. Namaste, Arthur Topham Pub/Ed The Radical Press •••@••.••• -- ============================================================ "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you need to concentrate on." - GW Bush, USA Today, 14 Aug 03 "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in humanity, not gods, ideologies, or programs. _____________________________ cyberjournal home page: "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: QuayLargo discussion forum: cj list archives: newslog list archives: 'Truthout' excellent news source: subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================