Dear Richard,
I was a Marketing Major in college. I knew I was being manipulated and wanted to understand how it is done. Sigmund Freud’s cousin (begins with a B) the father of public relations, is credited with inventing advertising. Proctor & Gamble was King of Advertising in those days.
The dumbing down of America’s News– sell soap and make lots of money– not arm the public with vital information. I find it disturbing. Once Free and Prosperous 100 years ago, we are going over the cliff– in America. (The Blind are driving, not Thelma and Louise.)
Richard, I believe I’ve spoken about ‘Indigo People’ to you before. By the year 2000, 9 out of every 10 babies born Worldwide are predicted to be Indigo Children. Is this why school nurses work overtime, hopping around dispensing Ritalin?
To predict the path of humanity, the Ancient Wisdom is intriguing. In my way of thinking, Jesus really is a Master Meta physician. He conquered the prison of the physical world. I also believe his example of living– is attainable. “What I do, you can do also… This and more shall you do,” etc…
We know the human mind is a powerful thing; it can attract situations. Here is a weird story. Sorry if I’ve told you before:
I was outside meditating, and became surrounded by butterflies… Later that night I was unable to sleep. I went outside. There were moths– completely covering– the tall evergreen tree growing next to my house. There was no greenery showing, just the moths. Back inside, sitting in an easy chair, I felt as if energy came over me/ sort of like I was on fire, yet not painful. I stay were I was, unmoving, for several minutes.
If what I think is correct, Richard, the grand story of humanity will have an Evolution and one day, like Jesus or Buddha, become Enlightened…
–But it will happen within a difficult process– with numerous rewards along the way.
Diana Skipworth
I don’t think you can make the case that humans brains and language experiences were the same now as 200,000 or even 20,000 years ago. Even today, children who are neglected and unstimulated are found to have brain deficits that cannot be repaired.The more we use language, the more connections we develop in the brain. The vocabulary of humans thousands of years ago was certainly limited, even if their capacity for artistic and emotional ‘intelligence’ was likely similar to our own.The tendency to glorify the “harmonious and egalitarian life style” of pastoral peoples always overlooks the downside. These were humans- with the same tendencies to bully, exploit and use fear for advantage. Certainly small groups are more easily managed, but one only has to observe our primate cousins and the tyranny of those alpha males to realize that we have never lived in Eden.Claudia
Having read many of your writings over the years I have learned to respectyou and be amazed at your insight. You have turned the light on for me onmany occasions.Recently I started reading “Tears In Heaven” by Ian Ross Vayro, and after aquarter of the way through I had many thoughts confirmed, beliefs corrected,found more strength for my convictions and wondered about what I may stillhave to learn with so many pages to go, then……I ran across your email, sounded interesting, printed it, and today I readit, and blew the top of my head off. This one felt some tears of joy andrelief coming up from knowing that someone else understood some core issuesfor me, but, they did not come out as the understanding touched in me waseven deeper and more real than the need for my tears, but I could not stopthe feelings and the need to……Thank You SO much for sharing your thoughts,You said …“We are no longer innocent, but we can return again to harmony and wisdom,wiser from our experience in bondage, and knowing that the first thing weneed to do is to build a strong fence around the forbidden tree.”So very well said, but I wonder if we should “build a strong fence aroundthe forbidden tree” as if afraid of it, or somehow embrace it, acknowledgeit, understand it, then, in freedom, knowingly choose another possibility.Thanks againMilton
Wow! Pheeewwww! Great – indeed!! This is just a quick first response – it will be a ‘great!’ pleasure for me to savour this piece of yours in depth.
With love and appreciation from me.
Ayran in OZ
Hi Richard,And what happened about 6000 years ago? Banking, the fraudulent issuance of the means of exchange that continues to this day. The history of our plight is incomplete without an investigation into this most basic fact of life. I highly recommend “The Babylonian Woe” by David Astle,available here:It’s pretty brilliant. Cheers!Marc
Associative Economics might be the way out of the nasty economics we are in. A working example below.
We should be starting this kind of thing in all our communities. From urban gardens a-la-Cuba, to working with our local farmers markets etc. and BTW, lobbying legislators for the removal of regulations preventing the expansion of farm products. Hard times are coming and community is becoming more important that ever before… back to the village, so to speak.
It’s up to us folks!
Pass the word.
Hi RichardLove that piece you wrote about the Grand Story of Humanity.It’s particularly relevant to us here in Melbourne, Australia, as we livein a non-religious community of individual houses where we are creating ournew story of supporting each other cradle to grave and are now building ourfirst Community Village on 800 acres. This is a structure that secureswater, food, energy and transport and….community hopefully through intothe next Golden Age. Indeed to be part of the movement at many local levelsas you said of creating our new Stories -we do have it in us and we can nowbe Future Makers as my Futurist mate Dr Peter Ellyard said. Thanks for somegreat inpsiration, can I pls be on your email list, best wishes PeterPeter MalcolmTel: 03 9844 5665Mobile: 0416 244 949
HI Richard,thank you for sending the dialog, I always find it inspiring. I agree with Peggy, we do need to get the freight off the highway, I liken the current mess to a train with a locomotive and crew for each and every car in the train, how crazy.And with J. Hubbard, that we are entering a new phase of CREATION and INVENTION, a new design science revolution that I think will no longer deny the magic in electricity, the story on the other side of its physics always grounded and dismissed, for instance.Brian’s comments hit home too. I was a member of the Farm, an intentional hippy spiritual community that formed after a 50+ hippy bus caravan around the country that came out of the Haight in the late 60’s. We had tried to keep the flame alive for about 10 years as a collective in middle Tennessee but the FBI (some of us believe) got the banks to call in our notes and forced it to change to a mere land trust. Many of the residents don’t even honor their history as a collective and repeat often that it was a “failure” much to my great disappointment. Fortunately, not all the residents feel that way and there are some who might agree with me, such as Albert Bates who started the Farm’s Ecovillage Training Center and is involved in the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN).I help him there by teaching natural building or what I call “post-apocalypse building” courses. We teach building with earth and straw as was done before the industrial revolution on nearly every continent but also some more modern techniques like “earthbag construction,” originally designed for NASA to build on the moon, and strawbale construction, which we consider transitional. We teach that a good model for sustainable houses are those built before the industrial revolution and have been continuously inhabited for a millennium or more like the cob houses of Devon England and the Taos Pueblo in the US: one millennium and still counting.There is a term used by natives in Ghana, “sankofa,” which means “to return to the past in order to go forward” much like you would if you took the wrong path and needed to return to the fork to try again. I use the term in my the classes to explain in part what we are doing with our courses. I agree with Brian that civilization may have needed to happen for humankind to get a fuller picture of the scope of their responsibilities as humans as in “you don’t know the value of what you have until you have lost it.” ..or something like that, all moving in harmony with some galactic time scale, I presume. I tell the young students who come that they are the builders of the new world.Also, I went to a water quality workshop a couple weeks ago put on by TDEC (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation) and was delighted to discover that every presenter they brought in was encouraging the use of permaculture as the most economical as well as the most environmental way to go. Of course they are not enforcing the laws as they should from the regulatory end on existing facilities but still, that, and the plethora of Green conferences and summits etc. happening, makes me feel “the great mind shift” is happening, evolution continues but the lessons of civlization should probably not be forgotten, eh?Howard Switzer, Architect
668 Hurricane Creek Road
Linden, TN 37096