I encourage you to consider a format that presents the material in the form of abstracts w/ links to full texts. Surely the previewing/editing process already being done before material is included would require little additional effort to write abstracts &/or summaries. (I know, I know, easy for me to say when I'm not the one doing the hard labor.) If I am wrong then perhaps the format for submission should require that an abstract be submitted by the author along with the entire work, thus aiding your Herculean efforts. Abstacts would have to be limited to, say, 2 paragraphs or 120 words. I believe that the process of creating and submitting abtracts sharpens arguments and hyotheses, allows more access by the busy reader, takes advantage of the technology/ format of links and will aid you in managing the material. Valis does have a point in his comments, I too have been feeling overwhelmed w/ material from ppi and have made much more frequent use of my delete key lately. -- Todd Fillingham http://www.fillingham.com Industry Without Art Is Brutality -Ananda K. Coomaraswamy