Friends, Most of my time these days is devoted to promoting the book, building a book website, and setting up some related blogs. I haven't had much time to deal with current affairs, Iran, racist cartoons, etc. I'll send out some comments in another posting today. Our list archives are now up to date, after some surgery to the website code. This will encourage me to give more attention to newslog. Without the archives, that seemed a bit pointless. I'm a bit disappointed that people haven't been sending in comments on the book. Perhaps no one's gotten through it yet. I must admit my own stack of books-to-read gets little attention. C'est la vie. Jackson Davis, who helped edit the book, has come up with a very interesting initiative. He's a member of a book club, and they're making a bulk purchase of ETM to discuss it in their group. This made me realize that a group context is ideal for the book. The book is about groups and harmonization: in a group-discussion setting people would have an opportunity to experiment with process, such as using the 'talking stick' to focus attention. The real goal of the book is to spread harmonization, and this could be one way to do that. Here is how to make a bulk purchase at a discount: The book retails at $15.95 (We'd like to make it less, but we're squeezed by the basic costs and the need for bookstore discounts). Bookstores get the book at half price,$7.97. You can go into a bookstore, give them the ISBN number (0-9770983-0-3), and tell them you'll order 10 (e.g.) copies if they'll give you a 30% discount ($11.16) or perhaps a 25% discount ($12.76). At 30%, they'd still make $31.90, and at 25%, $39.90. They would be foolish to refuse such an offer, and you can try multiple bookstores until you find one that's sensible. Here's an encouraging comment from one Amazon "star reviewer": ________________________________________ I have started to read it already and didn't even get past the first few paragraphs before I was hooked. I'm going to read it very carefully, then I will do a review on Amazon; but I will also write an article/book review that I can post on Axis of Logic and on which will, I hope, assist you with sales. I'll probably read it right through at least once, perhaps twice since it is so full of information, then pick it apart a bit for my review. I'll let you know when I've finished, but I can certainly tell you already that I will be full of praise ... it's very good. ________________________________________ best regards to all, rkm