Friends, The book has gone through a comprehensive proofreading and review pass, thanks to the efforts of several volunteer reviewers. I doubt if they want me to list credits here, but they do deserve them, and they know who they are. Chris Thorman, our server guru and a long-term cyberjournal supporter, will now be taking on the role of production manager, and will style the book to a high professional standard. The writing process began May 4 of last year, and we're entering the production phase just one year and one month later. There are a few more content refinements I will be putting in, in parallel with the production process, without slowing it down. I, like many other writers and activists these days, feel like I'm in a thriller film, trying to defuse a terrorist device before it destroys the world. I'm glad we're this far along on this project, our particular contribution to the cause, while there still seems to be a world left to save. Below, FYI, is some of the front-matter and back-matter that has been added to the book. I think these add substantially to the overall effectiveness of the material. As usual, your comments are welcome and appreciated. best regards, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- [new proposed title] ESCAPING THE MATRIX how We the People can change the world -------------------------------------------------------- [first page of book. facing inside cover] We've lived so long under the spell of hierarchy - from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses - that only recently have we awakened to see not only that "regular" citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high. -Frances Moore Lappé, "Time for Progressives to Grow Up" Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth. -Matthew 5:5 -------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements To all those people who, over the years, have contributed to the author's understanding by sharing their ideas, and by joining in the dialog on the Cyberjournal email lists. A special thanks to those who have generously "redistributed" some of their wealth from time to time, enabling the author to devote full-time to this project. To Chris Thorman and James Macgregor, whose ongoing support and encouragement in the development of the book has been invaluable and much appreciated. To Karl Amatneek, Jackson Davis, Benjamin Kelly, and others, who patiently reviewed drafts and provided much-needed editing support. [book designer mention to be added] To Tom Atlee, Tree Bressen, Jim Rough, and Rosa Zubizarreta, who graciously shared their experiences with facilitation processes and their visions of the human potential - and who helped me develop the material in Chapter 5. -------------------------------------------------------- [follows final chapter] AFTERWARD: With knowledge comes responsibility If the fundamental systems of our societies need to be transformed, and if only We the People working together can bring about the needed changes, then we must - each of us - take responsibility for getting on with the project. And if our dysfunctional systems are taking us rapidly toward the precipice, we cannot afford to put this responsibility off until later. In accepting this responsibility, we are in fact beginning the process of our own personal transformation. Werner Erhard, in his 'est'-training days, talked about being "at cause", rather than "at effect". By at cause he meant something deeper than simply 'exercising initiative'. He was talking about a fundamental change in your perception of yourself. To be 'at effect' is to see yourself as one who _responds to circumstances; to be 'at cause' is to see yourself as one who _creates circumstances. In both cases your efforts may be limited by your talents and skills, but by being at cause, you vastly expand the scope of your personal potential. In the context of est, learning to be at cause is a central part of a program of personal transformation and empowerment. In the context of transforming society, learning to be at cause is precisely what happens to us when we accept our share of the responsibility for our own - and humanity's - salvation. By taking this first step toward social transformation - the acceptance of responsibility - we are also taking a big step toward personal transformation and empowerment. Just as the est term 'at cause' has a deeper meaning than the mere words imply, so does 'accepting responsibility', in our context, have a deeper meaning than the mere words imply. Permit me to articulate this deeper meaning in the form of a credo. As I see it, taking responsibility - in the context of social transformation by We the People - is equivalent to subscribing to a personal credo more or less like this one: Neither governments, nor politicians, nor organizations, nor special leaders are going create the changes that the world desperately needs. It is up to me, my neighbors, my co-workers - and all the other ordinary people all over the world - to learn how to work together and begin to build the kinds of cultures and societies that can enable us all to live fruitful lives in harmony with one another. In this formulation, I'm trying to capture the essential elements of our discussion - in a way that may help inform our attempts to "get on with the project." The credo reminds us that 'whoever we are with' is a potential - and eventually necessary - partner (ala Eisler) in changing the world, not just those who agree with our beliefs and agendas. It reminds us that 'wherever we are' is the right place to begin creating a culture of harmonization, and our 'every interaction' is the right time to practice respectful listening. It helps us see the reciprocity that is inherent in democratic empowerment: just as we seek to be at cause, so do we encourage, and expect, others to be at cause; even those we don't agree with. It reminds us that our mission is not to sell some agenda or idea, but rather to learn how to hear and respect the concerns of those around us, and to learn how to speak from our hearts when we express our own concerns. In the last half of this book I've outlined what I believe to be a viable scenario for a transformational movement. I've convinced myself, if not anyone else, that the basic features of that scenario are a necessary and inevitable part of the path that we will follow in our creation of transformation. But I could be wrong. When paradigm shifts happen, those who anticipated the shift tend nonetheless to be surprised by the actual outcomes. Thomas Edison was a primary visionary behind the shift to electrical power, but his concept of generator plants in every community failed to anticipate new technologies, i.e. alternating current and efficient long-distance transmission of power. The credo, above, is an open invitation for creative initiatives. Personally, I still recommend community empowerment as a focus, but I'm not asking anyone to be 'at effect' with that suggestion. As one who subscribes to the credo, I offer my scenario as a heartfelt contribution to our collective dialog, and what I most hope for in response are the 'at cause' initiatives of those who are ready to accept 'responsibility'. The following section offers a cross-section of information and resources that may be useful to such 'responsible' people, including hopefully yourself. The first few categories of material are related to understanding as much as we can about the systems that currently operate in our societies, and the scope of the crisis that we face. The final two categories, Dialog and community empowerment, and Transformational visions, points to the work of some transformational visionaries, and provides links to people and organizations that are engaged in activities related to community empowerment, dialog and citizen participation, and group facilitation. An online version of the Bibliography and online resources is being maintained online at: The online version is being continually updated and expanded, and the links are live, making it both richer and easier to use than the printed version we can offer here. I invite you to join me in accepting responsibility for creating our future world, and I hope to see you there some sunny day! --- [Bibliography and online resources follows] --------------------------------------------------------