Greetings, There have been several interesting developments. The first is that there is going to be a Wisdom Council here in Wexford! :-) It happened this way. I was invited to be on a panel show at the local radio station, and in the discussion people were saying that Ireland needs to have a public dialog about where it's going, and how it can deal with all the dislocations caused by rapid economic growth. Unexpectedly, here was a perfect opportunity to bring up the Wisdom Council, which is a mechanism for facilitating public dialog. Out of that we decided to go for it, and the people involved are well-networked in the community and well able to carry through with this kind of project. Ireland is unusually well suited to this kind of process, as it is a small population, and the culture is strong in sense of community, community-based networks, etc. And people generally are conscious of the fact that Ireland has problems and solutions have not been forthcoming from government. The publicity problem is also much easier in Ireland than in more populous places. We can cover the nation with local radio interviews, and we think we can get the attention of RTE, the national TV network, to do a current affairs program on the Council. --- The second development is that I'm working with Bob Ocegueda, a long-time subscriber, to develop an animation version of the new blog ( We think we can do something with the potential to be popular in the YouTube world. By the way, if you've seen the new blog, and you think it's worth telling people about, please do so, ie forward to other lists etc. --- I'll be doing another tour up to Victoria and back to San Francisco in October, and that is shaping up well. I'll be visiting several places where Wisdom Councils are underway and we can exchange notes on what we're learning from these experiments. I'll also be visiting many of the folks I visited last year, but there won't be as many public events arranged this time. More a networking tour than a speaking tour. --- All of this, however, is contingent on the world not falling apart sometime in September. In Bush's latest speech he seems to be making it clear that it's when not whether, and sooner not later, as regards launching a nuclear strike on Iran. Simultaneously, and perhaps not coincidentally, the global economy is rapidly collapsing. (See latest newslog An attack on Iran would definitely lead to the blockage of shipping in the Gulf, due to Iranian missile attacks on US warships, and the resulting oil crisis will compound the economic crisis. It seems clear to me that an attack on Iran would be preceded by a major false-flag incident, and followed by the imposition of martial law, ostensibly to stop further 'terrorist attacks', but really to keep the population under tight control in a wartime / collapse scenario. Welcome to the Fourth Reich. So I'd say there's a reasonable chance I'll be stuck on Kauai for a lot longer than September. You'll probably need to fill out a Homeland Security application, and wait for approval, before you can travel by air. And air travel generally will probably be shut down for a while, as after the 9/11. Perhaps they'll choose that same date again, although many are talking about Labor Day weekend. For those of you who understand about psychic things I might point out that disasters tend to happen when I visit Kauai. These include the Seattle anti-globalization protests / police riots, the Whittier earthquake (relevant as my family lived in Whittier for many years), the Iniki hurricane, and 9/11 itself. The theory here would be that my unconscious premonitions of disasters draw me to schedule my visit so as to be with family then. interesting times indeed, rkm -- -------------------------------------------------------- Posting archives: Escaping the Matrix website: cyberjournal website: How We the People can change the world: Community Democracy Framework: Moderator: •••@••.••• (comments welcome)