Bcc: the usual suspects Contents: > Report on book launch > Book Tour: Your participation needed! > Text of 'condensed quest' ___________ Book launch> Friends, This past Saturday we held a book launch for "The Zen of Global Transformation" at the Wexford Arts Centre. A very attractive photo exhibition was being opened at the same time, and both events benefited from the double audience. The Arts Centre provided wine, and a few of my musician friends played Irish traditional tunes in between speakers. Brendan Howlin, TD (local representative to Dublin) gave a very impressive launch speech. It wasn't your normal polite speech, where the speaker has just barely read the book in time to say a few words. The book had obviously touched a chord with Brendan, and he had dug down deep for an adequate response. His words were eloquent and inspiring... my own words fail me in saying how much I appreciated his contribution to the event. With his introduction, I had the full attention of the audience for my own words about the book and the quest. Holding that attention was another matter altogether, and I was concerned that my selected excerpts would be more than anyone wanted to listen to on a sunny Saturday afternoon. I had chosen a path through the text - out of order and skipping sections - which managed to convey all the main points of the quest. It came to 5 half-size pages (which I concealed so people wouldn't escape early.) But it worked! People did pay attention. I've included the text below, and as you can see, it does present the main gestalt of the book. In person, I fortunately had the presence of mind to depart from the text, make eye contact, and use more conversational language. I was able to make reference to a current controversy in Wexford, and I think that helped anchor the ideas within the local community context. This condensed version could be turned into an essay/article appropriate for certain venues, and it can continue to serve as the basis of an oral presentation at book-signings or community/activist gatherings. (As usual, feedback & suggestions are invited.) The whole point of the book is about 'changed minds', and it is the gestalt that contributes to mind changing, not any particular detail. And face-to-face events are perhaps more conducive to getting across 'gestalts' than is the written word. _________ Book tour> So... I now find myself inspired to start planning a book-signing tour. I was already wanting to visit my family in Kauai sometime around Christmas. (assuming the world hasn't been blown up by then). In terms of airfare, that makes it rather inexpensive to stop at North American points on the way there and on the way back to Ireland. With the support of folks like David Lewitt in Boston, Tom Atlee in Eugene, Jan Slakov in British Columbia, and numerous others, there could be the basis of a successful tour. In my imagination it would go something like this... there would first be a book-signing in a local bookstore, hopefully along the lines of the launch. Subsequently there would be a gathering of some local activists, to which the public would also be invited (or not, feedback invited). The gathering would provide an opportunity to discuss the relevance of the quest ideas to activism, and to local community problems -- and of course these kinds of discussions end up going wherever the group wants to go. I'd want to use some kind of 'listening stick' or 'circle process' to encourage listening and to ensure everyone gets to express themselves. * Please contact me * if you would like to participate in the tour. I'd need someone in each location to arrange the signing with the bookstore and to arrange for the gathering. If there's more than one person in the location that makes it easier. If there is someone who can facilitate, that opens up additional possibilities for the gathering. Also, it would help if there was a local place to crash... my budget is rather limited, to put it mildly. best regards to all, rkm alias nasrudin _______________ Condensed Quest> Our modern societies are organized around two basic principles: hierarchy and win-lose competition. Private and public institutions are organized as hierarchies and the major institutional decisions are the realm of central headquarters. Competition in our societies is all pervasive. The whole society is set up as an adversarial machine. We seek knowledge by competing with other students. We seek truth and justice by setting up a competition between two professional adversaries whose job is to out-perform the other in swaying a jury. A good metaphor for our adversarial society is an old rhyme. "The big fish eat the little fish, and chew on'em and bite'em. The little fish eat the littler fish, and so ad infinitum." Us humans are the infinitum. We are the bottom of the food chain. As Bob Dylan put it: "The masters make the rules, for the wise men and the fools." There is only one place in our societies where competition is not King, and that place is at the top of the hierarchies. Oil companies do better by parceling out marketing territories (or merging) than they would by competing on price. if you look at the boards of the biggest corporations, you keep running across the same names over and over again. And many of those you will recognize as past or present players in high government circles. If you look the top, where the hierarchies meet, you find an elite community -- a community where common interests are recognized and mutual benefit is achieved through collaboration. Now they have a place (the World Trade Organization) where only they are invited and where they can write the rules however they want. While the elites act as a community, the rest of are divided by competition and by our beliefs. Not only do elites have the power, but they also have the collective self-awareness to maintain that power as circumstances change. We not only lack power, but we -- the people -- do not have community and thus self-aware action on our part has no meaning. Community at the top has been achieved. Is community from below achievable? Rosa Zubizarreta teaches something called Dynamic Facilitation, a particular approach to facilitation, one that encourages people to come as they are, with all of their thoughts and feelings and pet solutions. A typical group may need three or four sessions, of two to three hours each, in order to experience a significant breakthrough. As all of the diverse perspectives that are present in the group are drawn out and begin to cover the walls, often a feeling of "We're not getting anywhere." emerges. An empty, quiet space comes into existence. Everything has been said, everything has been heard, and no one sees any sense in beating his or her own drum yet again. From this empty space a new kind of energy spontaneously emerges. As participants take in all of the various perspectives posted on the walls, they begin to realize that some new creative approaches need to be taken... "What if we used part of his idea and combined it with part of hers?" This kind of energy uncovers hidden synergy among ideas, but it does something else of more lasting value. It builds and nourishes a sense of effective community collaboration. In the end, as if by magic, a solution begins to emerge which is far more than merely acceptable to everyone. It is a solution that participants prefer to their own original solutions -- it is a solution that everyone is excited about. This excitement is the trademark of this kind of process. The mind changing that occurs in these sessions increases people's ability to participate in a collaborative community space, and it awakens them to the potential benefits of such a space. Let us see if there may be some way to create community spaces for these changed minds to participate in. [Presented as an aside]: I'd like to offer a scenario, a possible sequence of events, where the use of collaborative consensus might take us in some very promising directions. Just suppose... ...Some community has a problem which is vexing the community and which is raising the temperature among the interest groups in the community. Someone sets up a collaborative consensus session with a dozen or so people from all different parts of the community. Their session is successful, resulting in a proposed solution that finds wide acceptance in the community. The community implements the solution and people are generally happy with the result. [Include at this point a reference to a current local issue.] After such an episode, the people in the community would deserve to feel proud of themselves. Here was a problem that civic officials and the institutional world were not able to deal with. The community itself dealt with it instead, with very little bother and overhead. Now suppose a community were to go through this experience two or three times, with different problems. What is likely to emerge is a sense of community empowerment -- a sense of community existing and community as actor. We the people begins to awake, at least at the local level. As this community sense and vision grows solid, we are seeing the emergence of a fully awake 'we the people', at the local level. The community is now aware of itself, it knows how to deal collectively with problems, and it is developing a sense of direction, an agenda. 'We', as a local community, are ready to become a player in society. We can think of a region as being a community of communities. It seems only natural that we would apply our consensus tool to this larger community, in the same way it was applied to the smaller communities. And again we can expect the emergence of community identity, now on a wider scale. And after that would emerge a sense of priorities and direction, again on a wider scale. By employing the same consensus process, to larger and larger scale communities, we can see how society as community might become attainable. We the people -- on the scale of a whole society -- is not beyond the realm of possibility by means of this practice. And whole populations _have succeeded in achieving community as a movement. Such movements have by one means or another displaced powerful ruling elites. "We the people" came into existence and carried out a successful revolutionary project. Such an event gave birth to the USA, to the French Republic, to the Soviet Union, and there are many other examples. But in all these cases we somehow ended up again with a hierarchical power structure, with an elite in charge -- and for some reason we the people faded away. Why is this? The problem with a revolutionary movement is the source of the binding energy of we the people as a community. Achieving victory, the community has now completed its agreed task. Those who are so motivated can see to the further implementation of the program. The rest of 'we the people' can go back home and get on with life. The fading of we the people creates a power vacuum, and these power seekers soon create new hierarchical institutions and become a new ruling elite. A revolutionary movement cannot be the means of achieving the kind of social transformation we are seeking. When a revolutionary movement achieves victory, a fatal power vacuum always flaws the outcome. In our case however, no such vacuum emerges. We the people have not completed our mission -- we have simply removed a major obstacle from our path. In Zen there is the practice and there is the goal. The practice is dead simple and the goal cannot even be described. If you try to reach the goal directly, you do not make progress. If you simply do the practice, persistently, you are very likely to reach the goal. Your proper focus of attention is the practice. The attainment of the goal happens automatically. You have no control over what the goal turns out to be. It will be whatever it is. According to what we've learned on our quest, the practice appropriate for social transformation is the carrying out of collaborative consensus sessions dealing with divisive problems in communities. The goal is somewhere in the direction of an empowered global society, but it cannot be described. Zen's goal cannot be described because it is ineffable -- it cannot be expressed in words. The nature of transformed society cannot be described because the outcome is in the future. It remains to be experienced, and it will certainly bring surprises with it. -- ============================================================================ cyberjournal home page: http://cyberjournal.org "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ QuayLargo discussion forum: http://cyberjournal.org/Productions/ShowChat/?ScreenName=ShowThreads cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists='cj' newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists='newslog' cj_open list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists='cj_open' subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• subscribe addresses for cj_open list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================================