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Some of these events are upcoming, and at the bottom there are links to videos of past events.
Sergio Lub wrote:
You and your loved ones are cordially invited to participate – in person or online – in the following upcoming events.
You can watch most of our events broadcast live the day of each event starting after 7:30 pm at: www.ustream.tv/channel/friendly-favors-ionsYou may also use the video archive (listed below) to freely see and share past presentations.
If you can come in person to one of our gatherings, please login at Favors.org, go to Events and RSVP. For directions visit Details. To carpool see Whos Coming.
You can also learn more about our speakers’ work by exploring their websites, reading their books and making contact through our network.
To subscribe: www.favors.org > RegisterTo unsubscribe, please reply writing Unsubscribe in the subject line.
Sergio Lub
2010 Jun 22nd – Tue at 6:00 PMBINDU MOHANTY – Auroville: Cultivating soil, soul, and society.Potluck diner and presentation by a writer and teacher based in the international community of Auroville, India, since 1994.Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) – 101 San Antonio Rd. – Petaluma, CA 94955
2010 Jun 23rd – Wed at 7:00 PMForum on the BP Oil Disaster with Terry Hazen and James McClain – Hosted by Mary Alice O’ConnorA Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center informational on the status and consequences of the present BP oil spill.Location: Mt. Diablo Peace Center – 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596
2010 Jul 22nd – Thu at 6:00 PMCAROLYN NORTH – What Our Ancestors Knew: Creation Myths, Standing Stones and ConsciousnessPotluck dinner followed by a presentation by one of our most insightful researchers on our early ancestors mindset. Carolyn will share how their thinking can be deducted from their creation stories and from experiencing their huge standing stones.Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) – 101 San Antonio Rd. – Petaluma, CA 94955
2010 Jul 27th – Tue at 6:00 PMGEORGIA KELLY: Mondragon Cooperatives and the refreshing alternative of workers’ owned businesses.Potluck dinner and a presentation by the president of the Praxis Peace Institute and host of the educational visits to Mondragon Cooperatives in Spain.Location: MDPC Mt. Diablo Peace Center, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 – (925) 933-7850
2010 Jul 30th – Fri at 6:00 PMPAMELA KRAMER, BARRY ROBBINS & CASSANDRA VIETEN: The Power of Practice – An Integral Approach to Realizing Your Fullest PotentialPotluck dinner and a presentation on Integral Transformative Practice – ITP – as created by human potential pioneers and Esalen founders, Michael Murphy & George Leonard, to develop our full potential with simple and well-researched techniques.Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) – 101 San Antonio Rd. – Petaluma, CA 94955tinyurl.com/ITP-IONS
2010 Aug 17th – Tue at 6:00 PMTYRUS W. COBB, Ph.D.: The Keys to Real Immigration ReformPotluck dinner followed with a presentation by President’s Reagan top advisor on the USSR during the Cold War. Colonel Ty Cobb is coming out of retirement to contribute a rational and more conscious approach to our immigration issues.Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) – 101 San Antonio Rd. – Petaluma, CA 94955
2010 Aug 20th – Fri at 6:00 PMDr. ROBERT BOWMAN: Imagining having America serving again the American people.Potluck dinner and a presentation by President’s Carter director of Star Wars, one of our most decorated soldiers and most honored peace activists. Lt. Col. Bowman is coming out of retirement to outline a strategy for Americans to regain America.Location: MDPC Mt. Diablo Peace Center, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 – (925) 933-7850 – www.mtdpc.org
2010 Sep 14th – Tue at 6:00 PMKATHIA CASTRO LASZLO, Ph.D. and ALEXANDER LASZLO, Ph.D.: Evolutionary Leadership for SustainabilityPotluck dinner and presentation on how to manifest our vision into action and redefine leadership so that we can awaken our individual and collective power to transforming our lives and communities toward life-affirming ways of partnering with Earth.Location: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) – 101 San Antonio Rd. – Petaluma, CA 94955
2010 Oct 19th – Tue at 6:00 PMRAMA VERNON: Transforming Our Lives & Our World Through YogaPotluck dinner followed by a presentation by one of our most respected yoga teachers and citizen diplomats. Rama has brought her inner-peace around the world to embrace those affected by the Cold War, the Balkans and the Middle East conflicts.Location: MDPC Mt. Diablo Peace Center, 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 – (925) 933-7850
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PAST EVENTS RECORDINGSOur live broadcasts and our videos from past events are freely available at: www.ustream.tv/channel/friendly-favors-ions
Chronological list of videos freely available online:
2010-05-11 – Charles Shaw – Exile Nation
2010-04-29 – Ken Jenkins – The Enneagram of Personality
2010-04-28 – Gunter Pauli – The Blue Economy, 100 innovations – 10 years – 100 million jobs. A challenge to give up doomsday thinking.
2010-04-08 – Peter Russell – Towards a Science of Being
2010-03-30th – Peter Meisen – Developing the World Resources Simulation Center
2010 Mar 25th – Ralph Metzner – Psychedelic Culture and Expanding Consciousness
2010-02-25 Scott McKeown – Transition Town MovementPart 1 of 2: www.ustream.tv/recorded/5013400Part 2 of 2: www.ustream.tv/recorded/5013745
2010-02-19 Suzanne Taylor – Documenting the Crop Circle Phenomenon
2010-02-09 Frederick Burks – Personal transformation guided online?
2010-01-28 – Blue Cloud – Extra terrestrial intervention in human developmentPart 1 of 2: www.ustream.tv/recorded/4289415Part 2 of 2: www.ustream.tv/recorded/4290998His 508 slides presentation: http://nativeearthnation.org/Nibiru.ppt.htm
2010-01-26 – Ellen Augustine & Barry Hamerson – NotMyPriorities.org – How to align our national budget
2010-01-21 – Richard Lukens – Craneway.com – Attracting conscious raising events
2009-12-15 – Jamie Janover – The Unified Field Theory of Nassim HarameinPart 1 of 2: www.ustream.tv/recorded/3147411Part 2 of 2: www.ustream.tv/recorded/3149981
2009-12-10 – Don Hotson – Quantum Connections – Diracs Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy
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Our Dinner/Lectures offer 3 payment options: FREE, $20 or $40.– FREE when you bring a large dish to share AND login at Favors.org giving 20 Thankyous (see below) as you RSVP to an event,– $20 per person if you do only one of the above (the dish OR the 20Ts), or– $40 if you show up with no dish and gave no Thankyous.
Any money collected at the event benefits a charity of the speaker’s choice and the Thankyous you give acknowledge those that made the event possible.
Thankyous or Ts are a self-imposed reminder to pay forward for the discounts or favors received. Accounting of Ts is transparent and web based. Ts are non redeemable and have no commercial value. Ts are a community currency started by Friendly Favors to objectively account for generosity and goodwill. First time users wishing to use Ts may receive their Login by going to www.favors.org and clicking on Register.
Friendly Favors’ purpose is to help connect those who envision a world that works for all.
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blog for subscribers:
Prognosis 2012: the elite agenda for social transformation
The Grand Story of Humanity
The Story of Hierarchy
Climate science: observations vs. models
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