Friends, I happened to catch some of Fuhrer Bush's 'State of the Reich' proclamation on a local radio station. He was saying something like "...throughout the world there are trained killers, armed and aided by nations which support terrorism". A pretty good description of the U.S. Marines, I thought. This whole post 9-11 world is getting more and more surreal, more Orwellian, every day. The article down below gives an excellent summary of the serious questions and revelations surrounding 9-11, with most of the sources from the 'respectable' media and government documents. Trotsky wrote, "Revolutionaries never make revolution... revolutions come about when the regime gives the people no alternative." A revolution can take many forms, but it begins with disgust, a change of vision, and a change of heart. Disgust with the regime and where it is taking us. A vision that a better world is possible. And in the heart, the knowledge that something must be done, the determination to do something about it, and the courage to begin. I'll let you in on a little secret. If you look at history, it is clear that we live in times which are fertile for revolutionary movements. In fact, there are revolutions going on in many parts of the world. But that's nothing new, people have been rebelling against imperialism for centuries. What's special today is that the soil is fertile in the imperial heartlands. The middle classes have been abandoned, in fact if not in rhetoric. Market forces uber alles, and the rest be damned. The neoliberal revolution was just that, a revolution, and a substantial one. It overturned a centuries-old formula which stabilized our 'modern democracies'. It was only a matter of time until this structural transformation would be felt by ordinary people as an intolerable burden. Just before 9-11, we were seeing the anti-globalization movement (for want of a better name) reaching an important pivotal stage. At Genoa it became clear that the Seattle-style demonstrations had in some sense run their course. The movement had shown it could marshal its forces, and that it had breadth and depth in its constituencies. But the demonstrations were not achieving any kind of objectives, and the police response was becoming intolerably repressive. The time had come to look for other tactics, to focus the energy that had been gathered in more effective directions. Dialogs were beginning, determination was not wavering, and nothing less than a better world was the motivating agenda. The movement had managed to turn globalization and even capitalism into issues in the public mind. The media of course kept to the party line, but the mere existence of debate was enabling more and more people to begin to question. All of this changed on 9-11. The day the world became an ongoing episode of E.R. It won't be easy to get the people of the world to submit to the Fourth Reich. Hitler had real appeal to the German people at the time, but how many will stand up and salute Wall Street and the WTO? Extreme measures of suppression will be necessary. And that's what 9-11 was all about. There might have been an easier way to get the American people to accept the destruction of the Constitution, and the launching of an eternal state of war, but that would be a matter of idle speculation. It seems they found a way, they acted decisively, and they achieved their objectives. The number they sacrificed are less than they kill each week with their sanctions in Iraq, their economic strangulation of third-world countries, or their covertly sponsored civil wars. "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs" was probably the depth of their moral soul searching. time for a change, rkm ============================================================================ (forwarded) There are now 12 Congressional Committees planning to investigate 9-11, and how it was allowed to occur. Bush & Cheny have taken the unprecedented step of urging the Senate to "limit" inquiries into 9-11? Read the below reports, and you may understand "why" Bush and Cheney don't want this in the light of day. What do we know of 9-11 that should be investigated? Pre 9-11 Intelligence Breakdowns: - Reportedly the Bush Administration forced the FBI to "back off" on their investigations of terrorism in the Middle East. FBI Deputy Director O'Neill (killed in WTC on 9-11) reportedly resigned not long before 9-11 over this investigative obstruction, claiming that the main obstruction was the interests of American Oil Companies. (Source: Recently released French Book, "Bin Laden, La Verite Interdite" (Bin Laden, the Forbidden Truth) - US Oil interests were well represented within the negotiating team, that apparently was the source of the threat to "bury Afghanistan in a carpet of bombs" unless they played ball in creating a major oil pipeline through Afghanistan. This threat was reportedly made several months before 9-11. (Bush's family has a strong oil background. So do some of his top aides.] - U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney was until the end of last year president of Halliburton, a company that provides services for oil industry; - National Security Council Condoleeza Rice was between 1991 and 2000 manager for Chevron; - Ministers of Commerce and Energy, Donald Evans and Stanley Abraham worked for Tom Brown, another oil giant. [ BBC interview on the above issue: - The Bush Administration forced the FBI to back off of the Bin Laden investigation months before 9- 11. [BBC transcript BUSH - BIN LADEN HIDDEN AGENDA!!!] - CIA Station Chief in Dubai met with Bin Laden only 7 weeks before 9- 11 took place, yet they did not try to apprehend him, only met with him. - The CIA station chief in Dubai met with Bin Laden 7 weeks before 9-11, and at a time when Bin Laden was supposedly "wanted" by the CIA.,1361,584444,00.html (English) (German Trans.) - US government agent claims the CIA has been dealing with Bin Laden since 1987, and he suggests in his interview that the terrorists acts of late may well have been planned and paid for by the CIA with US taxpayers money to enable the Bush Administration to "legitimately" bomb Afghanistan into submission. An interview with Michael Springman exposes the CIA's links with the terrorist attacks on September 11 [Michael Springmann worked for the US government for 20 years with the foreign service and consulate. He just went public with the story of his involvement in a large scale CIA operation that brought hundreds of people from the middle east to the US, issued them passports and trained them to be terrorists. Hear the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) interview here. - Insider Trading profits off the 9-11 terror don't lead to Osama Bin Laden, but to AB Brown Trust, until recently chaired by the 3rd highest man in the CIA. - [Someone with considerable financial resources, and foreknowledge of the terrorist event, put stock options "against" the airlines that were to explode that week of 9-11. - INSIDER TRADING PROFITS off of 9-11 were frenzied over by the US media when they thought it was Arab terrorists . . . but then the story mysteriously died. Until, the UK Independent reveals that it leads to a firm chaired by the 3rd highest man in the CIA (and stranger still is that $2.5 million of the "winnings" are still unclaimed (see below for URL to entire story). . Info confirmed by Independent Newspaper in UK: [Standard FAA and DOD "intercept and shoot down procedures" were violated on 9-11 (see FAA and DOD procedures on "intercepts").] The UK Independent Newspaper has questioned how Bush, who claimed in two public appearances to have seen the first plane hit the first tower on television the morning of 9-11, before the 2nd tower got hit? The significance of this is that no one in the world saw that first tower get hit, at that time, on television. They also question why Bush continued to sit with elementary school students after the 2nd tower was hit and he was informed, "America is under attack." Standard procedure for such a situation is to whisk the President away, if not for his safety, for the safety of the students. Unless he knew something more than we did that morning. The Independent asks, "what television station was HE watching?" Is it Outrageous to Consider that Elements of a Nations' Government Could Commit Terror on It's Own People for Political Reasons? - ABC's May/2001 story resurfaces about how the US Joint Chiefs of Staff have in the past ACTUALLY DESIGNED a plan to commit domestic terror on Americans to whip them into a war hysteria, to support war efforts by the govt. [The National Security Archive has a PDF version of the Operation Northwoods plan, which author James Bamford says "may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government." It can be found at the following URL:] After 9-11 Oddities: Anthrax sent to top Democrat Daschle and to the U.S. media (NBC & The National Inquirer) had the effect of "uniting the nation behind the Bush Administration's war effort," and literally shutting down Congress in many ways. Oddities exist when the anthrax issue is looked at closely: - New Science Journal says Anthrax sent to Daschle is NOT Russian or Iraqi, but likely US military strain. - San Francisco Chronicle reports, the anthrax strain produced in US University is destroyed on ok of FBI (they had studied this for years, some at university question the timing of the destruction of those anthrax spores . . . right now of all times (?)) Terror Anthrax Linked to Type Made by U.S. The powder used in the anthrax attacks is virtually indistinguishable from that produced by the United States military, according to federal scientists. After 9-11 Administration Damage Control Efforts: Fire Engineering Magazine assails the incredible speed that the evidence in the WTC collapse is being destroyed by Gullianne. Never in the history of fire investigations has evidence been destroyed this fast before exhausting investigations can be completed. ["We must try to find out why the twin towers fell" By James Quintiere, Baltimore Sun 1/3/01 - WTC "INVESTIGATION"?: A CALL TO ACTION from Fire Engineering Magazine] - Bush Admin. declares they will "seal the records of presidents beginning with Father Bush/Reagans (an act never before done in US presidential history)." - "It is not a stretch to wonder if this White House is up to something that it doesn't want known 12 years from now or anytime thereafter. [A direct quote from the piece carried by Scripps Howard News Service, 11/5/2001. Re: Bush's sealing of presidential records for the first time in U.S. history] - Bush & Cheney urge Senate Leader to "limit" inquiries into 9-11: Senate perplexed by this. Don't go there: Bush Asks Daschle to Limit Sept. 11 Probes Date: Wednesday, January 30 @ 10:09:24 EST WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush personally asked Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle Tuesday to limit the congressional investigation into the events of September 11, congressional and White House sources told CNN. The request was made at a private meeting with congressional leaders Tuesday morning. Sources said Bush initiated the conversation. He asked that only the House and Senate intelligence committees look into the potential breakdowns among federal agencies that could have allowed the terrorist attacks to occur, rather than a broader inquiry that some lawmakers have proposed, the sources said. Tuesday's discussion followed a rare call to Daschle from Vice President Dick Cheney last Friday to make the same request. "The vice president expressed the concern that a review of what happened on September 11 would take resources and personnel away from the effort in the war on terrorism," Daschle told reporters. But, Daschle said, he has not agreed to limit the investigation. "I acknowledged that concern, and it is for that reason that the Intelligence Committee is going to begin this effort, trying to limit the scope and the overall review of what happened," said Daschle, D- South Dakota. "But clearly, I think the American people are entitled to know what happened and why," he said. Foreign Officials have powerful concerns over 9-11: FORMER GERMAN CABINET MINISTER ATTACKS OFFICIAL BRAINWASHING ON SEPTEMBER 11 ISSUE [Source: Tagesspiegel, Berlin, Jan. 13] PARTIAL TRANSLATION In a full-page interview with the Sunday edition (Jan. 13) of the Berlin Tagesspiegel daily, former German Minister of Technology, Andreas von Buelow, said he does not buy any of the official theories that have been presented to date, on the events of September 11. Q: You seem so angry, really upset. Von Buelow: I can explain what's bothering me: I see that after the horrifying attacks of Sept. 11, all political public opinion is being forced into a direction that I consider wrong. Q: What do you mean by that? Von Buelow: I wonder why many questions are not asked. Normally, with such a terrible thing, various leads and tracks appear that are then commented on, by the investigators, the media, the government: Is there something here or not? Are the explanations plausible? This time, this is not the case at all. It already began just hours after the attacks in New York and Washington and-- Q: In those hours, there was horror, and grief. Von Buelow: Right, but actually it was astounding: There are 26 intelligence services in the U.S.A. with a budget of $30 billion-- Q: ...more than the German defense budget... Von Buelow: --which were not able to prevent the attacks. In fact, they didn't even have an inkling they would happen. For 60 decisive minutes, the military and intelligence agencies let the fighter planes stay on the ground, 48 hours later, however, the FBI presented a list of suicide attackers. Within ten days, it emerged that seven of them were still alive. Q: What, please? Von Buelow: Yes, yes. And why did the FBI chief take no position regarding contradictions? Where the list came from, why it was false? If I were the chief investigator (state attorney) in such a case, I would regularly go to the public, and give information on which leads are valid and which not. Q: That sounds like-- Von Buelow: --like assailants who, in their preparations, leave tracks behind them like a herd of stampeding elephants? They made payments with credit cards with their own names; they reported to their flight instructors with their own names. They left behind rented cars with flight manuals in Arabic for jumbo jets. They took with them, on their suicide trip, wills and farewell letters, which fall into the hands of the FBI, because they were stored in the wrong place and wrongly addressed. Clues were left like behind like in a child's game of hide-and-seek, which were to be followed! There is also the theory of one British flight engineer: According to this, the steering of the planes was perhaps taken out of the pilots' hands, from outside. The Americans had developed a method in the 1970s, whereby they could rescue hijacked planes by intervening into the computer piloting [automatic pilot system]. This theory says, this technique was abused in this case. That's a theory.... Q: Which sounds really adventurous, and was never considered. Von Buelow: You see! I do not accept this theory, but I find it worth considering. And what about the obscure stock transactions? In the week prior to the attacks, the amount of transactions in stocks in American Airlines, United Airlines, and insurance companies, increased 1,200%. It was for a value of $15 billion. Some people must have known something. Who? Q: Why don't you speculate on who it might have been. Von Buelow: With the help of the horrifying attacks, the Western mass democracies were subjected to brainwashing. The enemy image of anti- communism doesn't work any more; it is to be replaced by peoples of Islamic belief. They are accused of having given birth to suicidal terrorism. Q: Brainwashing? That's a tough term. Von Buelow: Yes? But the idea of the enemy image doesn't come from me. It comes from Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington, two policy-makers of American intelligence and foreign policy. Already in the middle of he 1990s, Huntington believed, people in Europe and theU.S. needed someone they could hate-- this would strengthen their identification with their own society. And Brzezinski, the mad dog, as adviser to President Jimmy Carter, campaigned for the exclusive right of the U.S. to seize all the raw materials of the world, especially oil and gas. Q: You mean, the events of Sept. 11-- Von Buelow: --fit perfectly in the concept of the armaments industry, the intelligence agencies, the whole military-industrial-academic complex. This is in fact conspicuous. The huge raw materials reserves of the former Soviet Union are now at their disposal, also the pipeline routes and-- Q: Erich Follach described that at length in Spiegel: ``It's a matter of military bases, drugs, oil and gas reserves.'' Von Buelow: I can state: the planning of the attacks was technically and organizationally a master achievement. To hijack four huge airplanes within a few minutes and within one hour, to drive them into their targets, with complicated flight maneuvers! This is unthinkable, without years-long support from secret apparatuses of the state and industry. Q: You are a conspiracy theorist! Von Buelow: Yeah, yeah. That's the ridicule heaped [on those raising these questions] by those who would prefer to follow the official, politically correct line. Even investigative journalists are fed propaganda and disinformation. Anyone who doubts that, doesn't have all his marbles! That is your accusation. Q: Your career actually speaks against the idea that you are not in your right mind. You were already in the 1970s, state secretary in the Defense Ministry; in 1993 you were the SPD [Social Democratic Party] speaker in the Schalk-Golodkowski investigation committee-- Von Buelow: And it all began there! Until that time, I did not have any great knowledge of the work of intelligence agencies. And now we had to take note of a great discrepancy: We shed light on the dealings of the Stasi and other East bloc intelligence agencies in the field of economic criminality, but as soon as we wanted to know something about the activities of the BND [German intelligence agency] or the CIA, it was mercilessly blocked. No information, no cooperation, nothing! That's when I was first taken aback. The Legacy: "On the surface, selling arms to a country that sponsors terrorism, of course, clearly, you'd have to argue it's wrong, but it's the exception sometimes that proves the rule." - George Bush on Good Morning America. 01/28/87 "You f**king son of a bitch, I saw what you wrote. We're not going to forget this.", - George W. Bush shouted at writer & editor Al Hunt, & his 6 yr old son in a restaurant - 1988 .... IF YOU WOULD LIKE AN ACTIVIST KIT TO GET INVOLVED URGING A FULL PUBLIC INVESTIGATION OF 9-11 AND IT'S AFTERMATH, REPLY to •••@••.••• WITH "SEND KIT" and it will be freely send to you. "OUR LIVES BEGIN TO END THE DAY WE BECOME SILENT ABOUT THINGS THAT MATTER" -- Martin Luther King We may be witnessing the Nazification of our nation. --Toni Morrison, Nobel laureate in literature, January, 2002 1) Enron Investigation Petition 2) 9/11 Investigation Petition -- ============================================================================ Richard K Moore Wexford, Ireland Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance email: •••@••.••• website & list archives: content-searchable archive: "A Guidebook: How the world works and how we can change it" A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. -- Frantz Fanon Capitalism is the relentless accumulation of capital for the acquisition of profit. Capitalism is a carnivore. It cannot be made over into a herbivore without gutting it, i.e., abolishing it. - Warren Wagar, Professor of History, State University of New York at Binghamton "If the world is saved, it will be saved by people with changed minds, people with a new vision. It will not be saved by people with the old vision but new programs." --Daniel Quinn, "The Story of B" Permission for non-commercial republishing hereby granted - BUT include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits, and notices - including this one. ============================================================================ .