---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delivered-To: •••@••.••• From: "Brit Eckhart" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE From Seattle to London Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:35:47 -0500 Why We Are Here (London, 2003 and Seattle) -- Robert Arthur Lewis Because the world we imagined, the one we had always counted on is disappearing. Because the sun has become cancerous and the planet is getting hotter. Because children are starving in the shadows of yachts and economic summits. Because there are already too many planes in the sky. This is the manufactured world you have come here to codify and expedite. We have come to tell you there is something else we want to buy. What we want, money no longer recognises like the vitality of nature, the integrity of work. We don't want cheaper wood, we want living trees. We don't want engineered fruit, we want to see and smell the food growing in our own neighbourhoods. We are here because a voice inside us, a memory in our blood, tells us you are not just a trade body, you are the blind tip of a dark wave that has forgotten its source. We are here to defend and honour what is real, natural, human and basic against the rising tide of greed. We are here by the insistence of spirit and the authority of nature. If you doubt for one minute the power of truth or the primacy of nature try not breathing for that length of time. Now you know the pressure of our desire. We are not here to tinker with your laws. We are here to change you from the inside out. This is not a political protest. It is an uprising of the soul. ~ ---------------- Dear Brit, Thanks once again for your many contributions...I wish I had space and time for more of them. Do you think Lewis might be on to something? He speaks eloquently and I want to hope that he speaks for many who experienced what was perhaps the first Global Protest in history. Bush & Blair are thumbing their noses at the world, the same way Hitler did before occupying Chezchoslovakia. And they're being so blatant about it, and the stakes are so high, that people are responding viscerally to the charade. The very idea of killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, on flimsy and falsified evidence, in order to "reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction"! It is so absurd that it breaks the heart. And the "Saviours" are intending to use more deadly weapons of mass destruction that Saddam could ever dream of, presuming indeed that he is the kind of monster the Cross-Atlantic Bobsy Twins claim him to be. They seem to think he is of their own ilk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janet McFarland <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Welcome to 2003 - The Year of The Apocalypse To: •••@••.••• Hi rkm, Sorry I've been out of touch for so long (this is janet formerly of pacbell.net now •••@••.•••). I have your book and am so touched by you sending it to me and beyond stunned to see myself mentioned/mirrored there. Thank you! I appreciate your analysis, as set out in this posting, and instead of finding the scenario of creating institutions that function alongside the oppressive official ones daunting, I am counting all the organizations/groups I am part of that are part of that new scenario. It's actually a lot. And you're right, when things collapse, it can be quite sudden and very complete. Bush extending us all around the world on multiple aggressive fronts could do it. Or people finally getting all together and saying STOP might make it suddenly possible. I guess I'm hopeful, for a change! Thanks again LOL Janet ------------------- Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 09:45:12 -0800 From: Janet McFarland <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: (fwd) Groundswell of dissent encircles the globe To: •••@••.••• Hi rkm, do you think the protests are cause for optimism? I just read your analysis on what we are really doing militarily (makes a lot more sense than anything else I've seen or thought of, as usual) and part of your 97 china article. gives one pause. I guess i'm not as optimistic as i was a minute ago! LOL janet ------------ Dear Janet, Deja vu. Once again, you ask questions that get to the heart of our current situation. Glad you liked the book which you inspired. I like your positive perspective on functioning 'along side' the regime. We really have no choice. The regime is there, we are here, and those are the facts. But I didn't say anything about things collapsing. I said change can happen very suddenly, but not that a collapse must precede that. In fact, a collapse would be a very dreadful thing. Imagine what would happen to cities if transportation ceased and farmers couldn't run their tractors, etc. Everyone would starve after a few weeks. Besides, there wouldn't be a full collapse because the one institution that would retain food, command, and control, would be the military. Don't even go there! And do be hopeful, what's the alternative while we still breathe? The protests are a cause for encouragement. Optimism is more elusive. I think everyone knows now that demonstrations will not change government / global policies. The Anti-Globalization / Anti-Capitalist demos of the pre-911 era were perhaps the last and final attempt to use demos as 'public opinion lobbying'. That genre was essentially destroyed by the events of 9/11 and the intentionally created hysteria that followed. Everyone can read between the lines: "No more nonsense of any kind." Globalization has been eclipsed by the Terrorism thing, and that is not accidental. Recall that international news was led by anti-globalization activities right up until 911. Remember Genoa? When the regime burned down the Reichstag Trade Center, it signalled an all-out attack on all rebellious elements. That includes non-compliant regimes such as Libya & Iraq, superceded institutions such as the UN, and domestic dissidents. In such an atmosphere, public demonstrations take on a new meaning. They are no longer sending messages to the regime; that no longer makes sense. They are instead gatherings for their own sake. They are their own message to themselves. They are community-from- below in formation. They are perhaps, as Lewis put it, an 'uprising of the soul'. The soul of humanity. Optimism or pessimism? It depends on what picture you're looking at. There are likely to many horrible events before things get better. The genocidal onslaught being planned against Iraq is so grotesque one cannot find adequate words. There may be nuclear exchanges with Russia and China. There may be concentration camps in the USA with the likes of you and me in them... especially if energy builds for more demonstrations, strikes, and the like. The definition of 'enemy combatant' is very broad, and even talking about this stuff might be construed "conspiracy" by a secret panel of military judges. So in the short term, pessimism is simply realism. I find my optimism on another time scale. We have been in prison for 10,000 years. The prison has finally reached its penultimate precision as an enslaving machine. At the same time humanity has not lost its spirit. All those centuries of conditioning have not turned us into robots. The mind-control is only skin deep. Every little child still starts out free. We have the potential to wake up as a species, and today's conditions may be the historic alarm bell that begins the process... -------------------------------------------------------- From: Mid-East Realities <•••@••.•••> Subject: WALK-OUT by High School Students throughout Washington, DC area HIGH SCHOOL ANTI-WAR WALK-OUT PROTEST IN WASHINGTON NEWSFLASH - 21 February 2003: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS in Washington and surrounding areas WALKED OUT of their schools today in protest against the 'Bush War'. Students were threatened with expulsion or suspension by their principles [stet-rkm], but many said this would not stop them. A few hundred students held a one-hour rally at Dupont Circle. Then they marked down Connecticut Avenue, past the White House, and on to Congress and Capitol Hill. WATCH THE RALLY AND MARCH at MER - www.MiddleEast.org (select FEATURE of the week) -------------------------------------------------------- You know what happens when two waves cross in the ocean - the sea jumps up in a wave twice as high. That's called positive interference. It's the same with movements, which are like "idea waves" in a population. Think about all the movements which are activated by Washington's genocidal intentions. The peace movement of course, and all those who were recently called "anti-globalization". And then there are those in the US who believe Bush stole the election, and all the civil-liberty activists who have been aroused by the Homeland Security takeover. Every concern, from the environment to human rights has reason to be aroused by the threatened holocaust. Perhaps a critical-mass will be reached, leading to the kind of paradigm shift in movement consciousness described by Robert Lewis. There are here at least the seeds of optimism. And a high-school walkout encourages me particularly. After all, it was a child who declared the nakedness of the Emperor. rkm -- ============================================================================ cyberjournal home page: http://cyberjournal.org "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ QuayLargo discussion forum: http://www.QuayLargo.com/Transformation/ShowChat/?ScreenName=ShowThreads cj list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=cj newslog list archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?lists=newslog subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================================