Friends, I'm now making my final editing pass through the manuscript. I won't be asking for feedback again until the book is complete. I've reached the point where the only thing left is to satisfy myself as regards the overall coherence of the material, and I am a demanding critic. You are certainly welcome to comment on this new section, below, but my intention really is to share it with you, rather than solicit feedback. This new section starts off Ch 3, re: the Transformational Imperative. ciao, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- * We the People and cultural transformation In the first chapter, on the Matrix, I outlined the nature of our current societal systems and reached the conclusion that civilization is in dire crisis: capitalism's growth imperative is in fatal collision with the limits of a finite Earth, and our political leaders are irrevocably committed to continuing on that suicidal path. In the second chapter, just preceding, I traced back the origins of our civilization and suggested that our early partnership societies were hijacked six thousand years ago by warrior tribes and their hierarchical, dominator cultures. It is from there that we can trace the origins of our current crisis. Over the centuries we've seen warrior chiefs replaced by kings, and kings replaced by corporate elites, but always there have been a few who made the rules and the many who obeyed them, a few who reaped the rewards and the many who paid the taxes and fought in the wars. We've seen slavery replaced by serfdom, and serfdom replaced by employment, but always it has been a few at the top who have owned the product of our labors. When the warrior chiefs first conquered our civilization, they found themselves in control of a more complex society than they were accustomed to, one based on systematic domestication. Animals and crops had been extracted from their natural surroundings, and installed in regimented and controlled environments, e.g., pens and gardens. By providing them with sufficient food, supplemented by appropriate restraints, certain animals could be domesticated and would acquiesce to either a long life of burden or a short life of being fattened up for the table. We can imagine the thoughts in the mind of our victorious warrior chief: "A pretty good racket, this domestication thing, let's see if it works on people!" Throughout the centuries domestication has been the fate of "the many": domestication to hierarchy, by means of sufficient food and appropriate restraints, and acquiescence to a long life of struggle or a short life on some battlefield. When we were still untamed, our restraints were heavy, the chains of slavery. Over time we forgot what freedom was like, and fewer restraints were needed to keep us down. Today we have so forgotten the taste of real freedom that we mistake our current condition for freedom, and our own illusions have become our chains. We partake of the bread and circuses and imagine ourselves to be the sovereign rulers of Rome. We are living in a dream world, and our dream is turning into a nightmare. If the world is saved, it will be saved by people with changed minds, people with a new vision. It will not be saved by people with the old vision but new programs. -Daniel Quinn, The Story of B The source of our crisis is the dominator culture itself. Environmental collapse and capitalism are merely the terminal symptoms of a chronic cancer, a cancer that has plagued us for six thousand years. No matter what dominator hierarchy might be established, or which group of leaders might be in charge, things would always evolve toward something similar to what we have now. Such is the path of domination, hierarchy, and rule by elites. There is a popular computer-simulation game called "Age of Empires". In this game you, playing the role of the ruler, can build villages, fortify them, and set out to conquer other villages. As the game progresses, the technology advances and you get better weapons, but you always feel like you're playing exactly the same game with slightly different pieces. The technology has changed over the past six thousand years, but the game has always been the same, with elites at the controls putting us through our paces, down through the ages. If we want to build a sensible society, we must base it on a different kind of culture: not a dominator culture, but a culture in Eisler's partnership category. We need a culture based on mutual understanding and cooperation rather than on war and conquest, a culture based on common sense rather than dysfunctional doctrine, on respect for life rather than the pursuit of profit, and on democracy in place of elite rule. After six thousand years of domestication, we sheep must finally cast aside our illusions, recognize our condition, and reclaim our identity as free human beings. In reclaiming our identities we will also be redefining our cultures. Cultural transformation is the basis of social transformation. Social forms reflect cultural paradigms, and the dominator paradigm cannot support social forms that are capable of dealing with the crisis that faces us. Domination is the "old vision," and as Quinn points out, the world "will not be saved by people with the old vision." If we want to save the world, we must become people with a "new vision" regarding our relationships with one another as human beings, a vision based on mutual understanding and harmony. We the People are the only hope for humanity. We are the only ones who can save the world. Domination can end only when the dominated decide to do something about it. Our own liberation, and the transformation of our societies, are two names for the same thing, two aspects of the same project. A partnership culture is a culture of liberation, as well as being a culture that facilitates social harmony and economic sustainability. Such a culture will not be given to us; we must create it by our own initiative and our own efforts. And by the very act of undertaking that initiative, we will be already expressing the essence of our new culture: liberation, empowerment, and release from the domesticating Matrix of illusions. "That may be all well and good," you might be thinking, "but how on Earth do we go about creating a new culture and gaining a new vision? And how can that lead to the transformation of our societies?" These are very important questions, difficult questions, but I believe there are practical answers to them. Indeed, providing workable answers to those questions, insofar as I am able, is the primary mission of this book. The basic problem is that We the People need to wake up and realize our common identity as a sentient species. As a first step in understanding what it means to "wake up," let us review episodes in which we have woken up, in the form of social movements and revolutions. By looking at a few examples, where we have made serious attempts to transform our societies -- sometimes with considerable success -- there are many useful lessons to be learned. -------------------------------------------------------- -- ============================================================ If you find this material useful, you might want to check out our website ( or try out our low-traffic, moderated email list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• You are encouraged to forward any material from the lists or the website, provided it is for non-commercial use and you include the source and this disclaimer. Richard Moore (rkm) Wexford, Ireland "Escaping The Matrix - Global Transformation: WHY WE NEED IT, AND HOW WE CAN ACHIEVE IT ", somewhat current draft: _____________________________ "...the Patriot Act followed 9-11 as smoothly as the suspension of the Weimar constitution followed the Reichstag fire." - Srdja Trifkovic There is not a problem with the system. The system is the problem. Faith in ourselves - not gods, ideologies, leaders, or programs. _____________________________ cj list archives: newslog list archives: _____________________________ Informative links: ============================================================