_______________________________ From: "John Graversgaard" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Escaping the Matrix: The Red Pill Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2006 01:05:51 +0100 Thanks for the good thoughts, good for a seeking mind. Try also to learn from the development in Mexico..I just talked to a friend coming back from Mexico, where a peoples movement is gaining ground in a country destroyed by corrupt politicians and greedy corporations. Commandante Marcos from the Zapatista and other progressives are travelling in the villages...not speaking to people.....but listening! This is a movement outside of the hierarchical established system...and will hopefully sweep it aside! Best wishes John Graversgaard Aarhus Denmark ------- Hi John, Thanks for the encouraging news. It seems that grassroots democracy is cropping up all over Uncle Sam's "backyard". He must be really worried rkm _______________________________ From: "Brian Hill" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Congress is selling out the Internet Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:08:04 -0700 Organization: Institute for Cultural Ecology Internet providers like AT&T and Verizon are lobbying Congress hard to gut Network Neutrality, the Internet's First Amendment. Net Neutrality prevents AT&T from choosing which websites open most easily for you based on which site pays AT&T more. Amazon.com doesn't have to outbid Barnes & Noble for the right to work more properly on your computer. Politicians don't think we are paying attention to this issue. Many of them take campaign checks from big telecom companies and are on the verge of selling out to people like AT&T's CEO, who openly says, "The internet can't be free." The free and open Internet is under siege--can you sign this petition letting your member of Congress know you support preserving Network Neutrality? Click here: http://www.civic.moveon.org/save_the_internet A list of all the ways you might be affected by Net Neutrality is located on the bottom of this link: http://civic.moveon.org/alerts/savetheinternet.html Thanks! ------ Brian - thanks. We probably won't realize quite how important the open net is until after we lose it. -rkm _______________________________ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• From: "Brian Hill" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: atrophied UN & co-opted UN NGO movement Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 21:47:21 -0700 Organization: Institute for Cultural Ecology Here's my immediate response to the question about NGO co-optation by TNCs/nation states: Remembering back to the early 90's, the Rio Earth Summit, when NGOs burst onto the scene demanding a place for peoples, not just corporations masquerading as nation states, there was great hope that the UN would finally become a unity and co-operation of nations. In the half decade that followed NGOs blossomed from the grass roots up, but as soon as the financial houses that fund global nation states got wind of this grass roots of the world movement huge grants were appropriated to leading environmental and human rights groups to maintain the status quo through endless studies and conferences where proposals were presented which would never achieve consensus, thus maintaining the status quo. But in the later 90s, corporate NGOs appeared, thus further diluting grass roots efforts. Nevertheless, there are two positive outcomes from this era of NGO influence; (1) grass roots groups of the world were networked, and (2) the studies and consensual agreements, even though never enacted, were produced and remain as unfinished work for when the grass roots of the world do unite and make their agreements known to the UN General Assembly and the rest of the world. Brian Hill ---------- thanks - nice to see a silver lining once in a while - rkm _______________________________ Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 14:41:58 +1200 From: "James Samuel" <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Our Future Prospects Richard, I have posted this into my blog archives. You might not find it without this link. http://ydaysfuture.blogspot.com/2005/04/our-future-prospects.html Enjoy! ------ Hi James, A very good essay. I recommend it. rkm _______________________________ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 14:19:15 -0400 To: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••> From: Allan Balliett <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Zero More: A Call for Mass Revolt Richard - I agree that something must be done, but tax revolts are thoroughly legislated against and tax revolt organizers are singled out for rapid and severe punishment. Anyone who takes part in a tax revolt will be subject to serious fines and penalties with will become astronomical overnight and the law of the land provides a clear path for the Feds to seize your property towards the bill, garnish your wages, barters, etc until the bill is paid. This is not the way to go, in fact, I seriously have to question the motives of ANYONE who would suggest such a step, since it's a clear way to single out radicals while putting them in a very vulnerable position...with existing laws. On the other hand, I'm with this writer in terms of 'something must be done.' Isn't it sufficient to arrange a mass boycott of ONE mulitnational mulit-brand conglomerate and simply spend no more money with them en masse? This would not affect or conference nor our standard of living but would kink the tail of a big tiger in a way that might make them think that the current administration was not operating in the best interests of Big Capital. There are no explicit laws against this sort of organization, but it will have impact. Am I making sense? -------- Hi Allan, I find considerable encouragement in the fact that so many people are thinking seriously about "What can we do?". There are no good easy answers to this question, but the fact so many people are asking it creates a constituency for effective change initiatives as they come along. My own view is that any attempt to influence the current regime cannot be effective, and in fact serves to perpetuate the regime. We the people are like children, with little knowledge of history, re-inventing each generation movements which have been attempted countless times in the past. The regime is like a seasoned parent, well able to manage such predictable rebellions. rkm _______________________________ Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2006 14:18:19 -0400 From: "richard lamborne" <•••@••.•••> To: "Richard Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Zero More: A Call for Mass Revolt At the Nuremburg Trials, it was determined that obeying and following orders were not excuses for immoral/criminal behavior on the part of the subordinate. We all understand that. One is culpable for following an illegal/immoral order. Today, because the justification/rationale (both legal and moral) for attacking the sovereign nation of Iraq was based upon proven forgeries, lies, and malfeasances of all sorts, it should be concluded that every soldier, regardless of rank, who is willfully inflicting death and harm on any Iraqi citizen should be in violation of the Nuremberg accords, and is criminally liable. The (popular) idea of "supporting our troops" is aiding and abetting an international crime. Is it not? We either have laws or we don't. The anti-war movement of the 60s -- yes pinko at its core, but so what -- had it right. Viet Nam was an illegal "war", we had no legal or moral business being there. And (painfully) any soldier killing a Vietnamese citizen was in fact a "murderer". That was the logic. That's what all of the marching was about. It had nothing to do with advancing some commie agenda. It was an illegal, immoral war, and as citizens we had the RIGHT and OBLIGATION, to oppose it (if you like, using the Nuremberg Trial as the precedent). If you going to have a war, declare a war. The US of A (whoever that is?) has not declared "war" since 1941. To "pretend" to be at war, without declaring such is what? What is it? Today, as a republic, what can we do about Strangelove and Merkin? By supporting (again) an illegal, immoral excursion into another country based upon lies and deceit, we are de facto aiding and abetting criminal behavior. We are all criminals. And as criminals, what should we do?! We need to turn ourselves in! Millions of us need to go to Washington, make a mass citizen's arrest, and turn ourselves over to the authorities. If this gesture were to be carried out (like it would have in the 60s), this pretend war, and their next great adventure into Syria or Iran, would be thwarted. You end it by being moral and lawful. When the accumulation of money and prestige is the motor driving a society, it becomes self-consumptive. Because we are all so busy consuming and acquiring, the energy and CREATIVITY necessary to stand up as a Republic has been plowed under. In the 60s, it was in full bloom. RML ----- Hi Richard, I particularly like your comments because you are in some sense 'harmonizing' between leftish thinking and rightish thinking..."It had nothing to do with advancing some commie agenda. It was an illegal, immoral war, and as citizens we had the RIGHT and OBLIGATION, to oppose it". And again, you are one more person thinking creatively about "What can we do?". Re/ Nuremburg: The only thing determined there was that victors have the power to punish the defeated using whatever rationale they choose. The trials were pure hypocrisy. They were also a cover up, punishing functionaries while those who pulled the strings were thinking about how to invest their war profits. rkm _______________________________ Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 06:39:44 -0700 (PDT) From: Diana Skipworth <•••@••.•••> Subject: Fwd: Richard Cohen To: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••> Dear Richard, The local paper printed the following letter today (with spelling corrections). Diana Note: forwarded message attached. Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 08:15:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Diana Skipworth <•••@••.•••> Subject: Richard Cohen To: The Daily Herald Fencepost <•••@••.•••> To the Editor: I would like to comment on the impossibility of Mr. Cohen's following statement: "The military has both a constitutional duty and a solemn obligation to its troops to be candid with the American people." I think truth has nothing to do with public policies adopted by the United States and inflicted upon the American people, often to their detriment. To those Americans concerned about Iraq and the price of oil, I would like to quote a few observations made by Howard Zinn, in his article, "America's Blinders:" "...President Polk lied to the nation about the reason for going to war with Mexico in 1846." "...President McKinley lied in 1898 about the reason for invading Cuba." "...President Woodrow Wilson lied about the reasons for intering the First World War." "Everyone lied about Vietnam-Kennedy about the extent of our involvement, Johnson about the Gulf of Tonkin, Nixon about the secret bombing of Cambodia, all of them claiming it was to keep South Vietnam free of communism, but really wanting to keep South Vietnam as an American outpost at the edge of the Asian continent." I can give many more examples, but my point is to say it would seem one job of the US President is to lie. After all, would you encourage your son or daughter to enlist in the US Army to conquer Mexico for the rich, or kill Filipinos to grow US pineapples? Regards, Diana Skipworth 228 Richards Street Geneva, IL 60134 630-208-0192 --------- Good one Diana. Truth vs. the Matrix. - rkm _______________________________ From: •••@••.••• Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 23:57:58 EDT Subject: Re: Fidel & Chavez: a dramatic rescue To: •••@••.••• very interesting article, especially Fidel wide knowledge and erudition. image having a president who knows more than how to sign his name. cheers ------ Yes, a real leader instead of a charlatan puppet. Rare indeed. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website http://escapingthematrix.org/ cyberjournal website http://cyberjournal.org blog: cyberjournal forum http://cyberjournal-rkm.blogspot.com/ blog: Achieving real democracy http://harmonization.blogspot.com/ blog: for readers of ETM http://matrixreaders.blogspot.com/ blog: Community Empowerment http://empowermentinitiatives.blogspot.com/ Blogger made easy http://quaylargo.com/help/ezblogger.html subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives http://cyberjournal.org/show_archives/?lists=newslog