cj#1117> Toward a new society: visions & reactionary repression


Richard Moore

Dear cj,

The status-quo is dead.  We will either have global fascism (which is
what globalization is all about) or global democracy (which would be 
the most revolutionary change in human society since the invention of

While 'we' struggle to envision what a democratic society might be like,
'they' are systematically building the police state to keep us in
our place.


Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 08:24:24 -0700
From: David C. Korten
Organization: PCDForum
To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: cj#1103,rn> ANNOUNCING: new Cyberjournal.org website

Richard: Congratulations on the web site. Nicely done.

I've just completed a substantially revised draft of a paper
I've been working on that builds from my FEASTA lecture. It
gets a clearer focus on the significance and implications
for the movement of the underlying culture shift. As you
have very much been a party to its development, I'm
attaching a copy.


Dave Korten



Many thanks for your feedback on the website & for the new draft.
 As soon as I get a chance I'll format it for HTML & replace
the earlier version.  In either version, I think your
analysis of the movement and your presentation of the
civil-society model are profoundly important to the struggle
for human liberation.


Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 08:19:20 -0600
To: •••@••.•••,
From: Amory B. Lovins
Subject: Curitiba, Brasil

A much fuller account of the design integration that created
Curitiba's success is in Chapter 14 of P. Hawken, A.B. &
L.H. Lovins, "Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next
Industrial Revolution" (Little Brown, NY, 9/99; Earthscan,
London; Cultrix, São Paulo; Riemann/Bertelsmann;
Shanghai Popular Science Press; Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Tokyo,
in press; other translations in preparation). This entire
book, a Harvard Business Review short version of its
business case (but omitting the Curitiba material), and
supplementary material may be viewed or downloaded free,
chapter-by-chapter, from <http://www.natcap.org/>.

There is an also an excellent account, emphasizing political
elements, in Bill McKibben's book "Hope, Human, and Wild".


Dear Amory,

Nice to hear from you, and thanks for the references.


From: "Carolyn Ballard" <•••@••.•••>
To: "Jan Slakov" <•••@••.•••>, <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Fw: Press Advisory: 
        Jewish Community Leaders Support RNC Protesters
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 15:23:47 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Julie Davids 

To: Recipient list suppressed 
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: Press Advisory: Jewish Community Leaders Support RNC 
PRESS ADVISORY Sara Marcus, R2K Legal Collective: 

Religious Leaders Issue Statement Decrying City's Treatment
of Protesters; Urges Society to Heed Demonstrators'
"Prophetic Voices." Rabbis urge city: "Do not persecute them
for speaking out."WHEN: Thursday, August 10th, 2:30 PM
WHERE: National Museum of American Jewish History, 55 North
5th Street, Independence Mall WHAT: Presentation of a
statement signed by local rabbis and other leaders of the
Jewish community. Thursday is the Jewish fast day Tisha
B'Av, which marks the destruction of the First and Second
Temples thousands of years ago.

The statement --written in part by prominent writer and
spiritual leader Arthur Waskow--draws connections between
the fast day and the city's treatment of protesters, warning
that "a society that will not heed its prophetic voices& has
already shattered its own deepest holy places."WHO: Short
statements from endorsers of the statement. May include:
Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, MidAtlantic Regional Director,
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation; Rabbi Brian Walt,
Mishkan Shalom congregation; Rabbi Mordechai Liebling, The
Shefa Fund and the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation;
Laurie Zimmerman, rabbinical student, Reconstructionist
Rabbinical College

MORE INFO: (For regular updates, check www.phillyimc.org)

More than 300 protesters remain behind bars in Philadelphia
after they were arrested last week protesting the Republican
National Convention. The largest protest, on August 1,
focused on the racist and unjust criminal and penal system.
Videographers have documented widespread violence against
the protesters by the police during the arrests.
Documentation of the protests and arrests is available
online at http://www.phillyimc.org.

Many of the protesters have suffered beatings, psychological
abuse, denial of necessary medication and have been held for
days without being arraigned, formally charged or having
access to legal counsel. Detainees include 80 people
pre-emptively arrested in a Philadelphia warehouse where
they were constructing artistic puppets and signs for the
August 1st protest. They have been charged with conspiracy.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner John Timoney has called for
a federal criminal investigation of the non-violent activist
networks that organized the week of protests. Bail for the
protesters has run from $15,000 to as high as $1 million the
highest bails set in the history of non-violent protest in
the United States.

The two groups whose members were saddled with $1 million
bail, Ruckus Society and ACT UP Philadelphia explicitly
advocate non-violence, and forswear all forms of violence
including the destruction of property.Prisoners and legal
observers inside the jail report widespread abuses of
prisoners, including direct physical assault of bound
prisoners; dragging of prisoners through troughs of urine
and garbage; sexual assault by police officers and jail
staff; denial of access to essential medications for
diabetes, HIV and other conditions; prisoners held in
solitary confinement; denial of access to attorneys. The
protesters' attorney, Ron McGuire, has described the
situation as "a civil rights catastrophe of the first

######  Julie Davids    ######
######  ACT UP Philadelphia     ######
######  •••@••.•••    ######

From: "Carolyn Ballard" <•••@••.•••>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:@ns2.cetlink.net;>
Subject: WAR ON PROTESTORS.......from Salon.com
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 12:03:32 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3

The Democratic Convention
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
War on protestersThe militarization of police strategies on
display this convention season has cops fighting
demonstrators, not crime.
 - - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jesse Walker Aug. 14, 2000

LOS ANGELES -- The Democratic Convention may be taking the
national stage this week, but those of us who live in Los
Angeles have been hearing nervous hiccups about it for
months. The local authorities, citing fears of riots, have
tried, unsuccessfully, to confine the demonstrations to a
tiny, distant protest zone. They have apparently been spying
on the protesters' headquarters. And if things get ugly,
there's been talk of bringing in the National Guard. Smashed
storefronts and flying rocks are bad things. But while the
cops and Democrats warn of riots, a lot of us have started
wondering if we shouldn't be even more afraid of repression
-- especially in light of what some are saying happened at
the Republican Convention in Philadelphia.


Marc Brandl of Washington attended those protests as an
observer, not a marcher. In fact, he hoped to engage the
marchers in debate. A devotee of free markets, Brandl had
little sympathy with the causes represented in the
Philadelphia streets. (I'm not wild for all of them myself.)
There was a lot of vandalism on Tuesday of that week, he
notes, almost all of it aimed at government property, and
some demonstrators attacked some cops as well. That Tuesday
was also the day most of the arrests were made. But that
doesn't mean the arrests matched the crimes. "Most of the
people who committed the actual property damage and assaults
on police officers, from my observation, got away with it,"
Brandl says. "The people they arrested -- it seemed it was

It might be worse than that. More than a week after the GOP
closed its convention doors, ugly reports of police
misconduct toward protesters are still trickling in.
Imprisoned demonstrators have claimed that they were
dragged, hogtied, beaten and denied medication for serious
illnesses. One arrestee reports that a guard grabbed and
wrenched his penis. The local authorities deny all those
reports, and most of the allegations not been confirmed --
though some non-protesters caught in the dragnet have
reported mistreatment as well, strongly suggesting that more
than politically motivated exaggeration is at play.
Human-rights groups are probing the prisoners' charges to
sort the real crimes from the rumors.

One injustice is undeniable, though. When John Sellers of
Berkeley, Calif., chief of the Ruckus Society, was arrested
for a collection of misdemeanors -- which he denies
committing -- his bail was set at an astonishing $1 million.
Though a second judge later reduced the bail to $100,000,
it's still hard to square that with the Eighth Amendment
admonition that "excessive bail shall not be required." Why
was Sellers' surety set so high? He thinks it was to prevent
him from protesting at the Democratic Convention this week.
If that is so, the judges who set his bail are guilty of
preventative detention, a policy most people associate with
backwater military fiefdoms, not U.S. cities.

But then, many U.S. cities have been militarizing their
police forces recently, with the feds' enthusiastic support.
The number of paramilitary police units has taken off in the
last 10 years, as has, naturally, the number of times
they've been deployed. This has brought about an insidious
change in police thinking, outside of the special units as
well as within them.

When you see yourself as part of a military force, you stop
thinking in terms of individual crimes and start thinking in
terms of containment. The results were on international
display last fall, with the Seattle cops' disastrous
response to the protests at the WTO summit. There, officers
were told to control a crowd, not to prevent actual
wrongdoing. When the protests began, police actually ignored
lawbreakers -- even when the vandals were at work right
across the street -- because stopping them would have meant
breaking with the day's containment strategy. After the
mayor decided to get tough, the cops clubbed and arrested
people regardless of whether they were breaking the law.
Individual wrongdoing was beside the point.

Judging from reports of "random" arrests, the Philadelphia
police did the same thing. The containment strategy is not
in itself new. I was an undergraduate when the University of
Michigan won the NCAA basketball championship in 1989, and
along with hundreds of other students, I ran into the
streets to celebrate. The crowd was rowdy that night, but
most of us were well behaved: There was cheering, hugging,
hand-slapping, and, at worst, a willingness to climb onto
other people's cars. Then a few celebrants turned
vandalistic, destroying store awnings, breaking windows and
in at least one case attempting to steal from a store. The
would-be looter was captured by a security guard, who
dragged him to one of the many lawmen lining the streets.
Here, said the guard, I caught this guy trying to rob a
shop. Arrest him.

"I can't," the officer replied, and gestured toward the
revelers. "I have to keep this crowd under control." But
what was merely a poor priority in Ann Arbor, Mich., was
downright poisonous in Philadelphia. At the GOP Convention,
police weren't afraid that a celebration would get out of
hand. They were, by their account, afraid of a deliberate
conspiracy to start a riot. That doesn't call for "crowd
control"; it calls for crime control.

Yet even when individuals were targeted -- as with the
arrest of Sellers, or the city cops' earlier raid on a
meeting hall where protesters were preparing puppets -- the
prevailing attitude was military. Soldiers might conspire to
capture an enemy leader or to shut down the other side's
headquarters. But peace officers are not soldiers, and
demonstrators are not an enemy army. Under American law, the
police have no business arresting someone unless he has
committed, or is planning to commit, a crime.

The authorities, of course, claim that the arrestees are
criminals: that the puppet-makers were really making weapons
and that Sellers is a political Professor Moriarty (the
fictional nemesis of Sherlock Holmes). But to judge from
what they've publicly stated so far, they have little
convincing evidence to bolster those charges. Until they can
do better, we're left with tales of gross abuse and illegal
detention, and the bitter aftertaste of autocracy.

Meanwhile, the L.A. police have praised the Philadelphia
cops' "preemptive" tactics. If I were an L.A. shopkeeper,
I'd think about hiring a private guard. salon.com | Aug. 14,

- - - - - - - - - - - -

About the writer - Jesse Walker is an associate editor of
Reason Magazine.

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
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