Dear cj, I must admit I was bit surprised when Joe Shea so kindly agreed to publish "America & The NWO" (cj#591) in American Reporter (AR 430). (It will be appearing shortly in New Dawn magazine as well.) He must have attributed considerable weight to the article, because he felt a need to take immediate measures to counter-balance its editorial impact. He opened the issue with his own editorial devoted to my article, pointed out where a rebuttal could be found (in letters of the same issue), and noted that he largely agreed with the rebuttal. The rebuttal (by one Charles Gregory) is a classic bit of sophist hatchet work -- smug, witty, fact-dropping, illogical. Nicely designed as a damage-control pill, especially effective if taken "immediately after" (even better if "before"). Reminded me of the clever, dismissive reviews of "JFK" that cloned one another (somehow) across the pages of American newspapers. Receipt of such attention, perhaps, may be a sincerer form of flattery. Nonetheless, my spirits were a bit down, seeing my brilliant analysis (:>) being besmirched on-launch by such an obfuscative, underhand attack (by Gregory, not Shea -- Joe's a gentleman and a colleague). But it was all worth it to see the (genuinely) brilliant rejoinder from Mr. John Barkdull of Lubbock, Texas. The thread follows... -rkm ________________________________________________________________ Date: Fri, 29 Nov 1996 From: Joe Shea <•••@••.•••> Subject: The American Reporter, No. 430 ~--<snip>--~ * * * _________ EDITORIAL + Joe Shea American Reporter Correspondent Bradenton, Fla. 11/29/96 moore 264/$2.64 ILLUMINATING THE MAINSTREAM by Joe Shea American Reporter Editor-in-Chief The essay in today's paper by Richard Moore is an example of the kind of work that almost never appears in U.S. mainstream publications, and that is why we have it here. While we do consider our work to be part of mainstream journalism, we recognize at the same time that we have an obligation to present alternative points of view to our readers around the world, particularly when they are both striking and original. Charles Gregory, an occasional correspondent based in London, generally reflects our own feelings in his answer to Richard's essay; for me, it has little relationship to the reality I know, both as a lifelong student of government and an interested observer of American politics. It bothers me that there is probably no other mainstream publication in the United States willing to publish the same essay; what standard, then, can our media say it is hewing to when we refuse to let unpopular and critical beliefs languish in obscurity? For us, it is just one short step from the elite manipulators Richard envisions to the legendary Illuminati, who are a favorite bugaboo of conspiracy theorists. But if Richard's essay can't be published anywhere else, and all we get is the prevailing American view of its role in the world and its democratic traditions, who can say he's wrong? In a nation whose press is supposed to be free, it remains a truism that the "free press" belongs to those who own one. Thank God, then, that no one owns the Internet, and that the 200-plus journalists who contribute to The American Reporter are defenders of a true free press. -30- ~--<snip>--~ * * * _______________ AMERICAN ESSAYS AMERICAN ESSAYS: AMERICA & THE NEW WORLD ORDER + Richard K. Moore American Reporter Correspondent Wexford, Ireland 11/22/96 essay 5749/$57.49 A RADICAL CRITIQUE OF THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE by Richard K. Moore American Reporter Correspondent ~--<snip>--~ * * * AMERICAN ESSAYS: ANSWER TO MOORE + Charles Gregory American Reporter Correspondent London, England 11/29/96 answer 1104/$11.04 MOORE'S VIEWS NOT A RADICAL CRITIQUE, BUT ALTERNATIVE HISTORY by Charles Gregory American Reporter Correspondent LONDON -- Reading Richard Moore's article, "America and the New World Order" was something like hitting my funny bone. It was inconsequential, but I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. The article combines the discredited sensibilities of communistic theories of government with the inane paranoia of American militia movements. An amazing combination, that, but in the end, not worth the effort to wade through the rhetoric. Moore's piece, a wide-ranging view of how America has conned both itself and the world ever since the American Revolution, has the benefit of "pick-and-choose" history. Moore has his thesis, then picks bits of historical fact to make them fit. He avoids all the inconvenient complexity of counter-argument by simply ignoring facts that don't fit. Finding counter-arguments isn't difficult, but neither is it worth another twenty pages of work. Here, I'll note just a few. Starting with the idea that "capitalism" is bad, therefore anything capitalists do is bad, Moore proves -- evidently to his own satisfaction -- that America was set up as a fraud. Showing a breathtaking lack of historical awareness, he tries to demonstrate that the American Founding Fathers were actually anti-democratic. Moore's weakness here is one he displays throughout his screed: today's measuring sticks don't do a good job of analyzing what went on in earlier times. I don't think it comes as a major surprise that the founders of America did not grant the vote to all Americans. Property ownership was a condition for voting. It says so, right there in the Constitution. "Undemocratic?" By today's lights, definitely. Historically, though? Not quite. The founders made it clear that only those with a vested interest in the commonweal should be allowed to vote. That sensibility did change over time. It wasn't until the 20th Century, for example, that Black Americans and women were given the right to vote. White American males, regardless of economic status, gained the right to vote some seventy-or-so years earlier. The U.S. Constitution was not "drafted in secret." It was drafted by a select committee of the Constitutional Convention. While it was not necessarily open to the public, most committee meetings aren't now. Most assuredly, that was not the common practice in the late 18th Century. The result of that committee's work, though, was open to the public. It was ratified by the individual states, as were the first 10 Amendments and all succeeding Amendments. Contrary to Mr. Moore's all-informed opinion, there was no "popular outrage" at the omission, from the Constitution, of the original Bill of Rights (i.e., the first 10 Amendments). Those Amendments were raised by the committee itself, comprised as it was of patrician members. Mr. Moore has a serious problem with "elites," though he doesn't actually define them. He implies that they are educated and monied, but beyond that, not much. Except that they control not only the U.S. -- and have done so from the start -- but also the entire developed world. Nice work if you can get it, I suppose. Mr. Moore also seems to have slight grasp of the history of war. He confuses the entry of the United States into the World Wars, for example, with the actual start of those wars. While most in Europe complained -- and still complain -- that the U.S. entered rather late in both World War I and World War II, Mr. Moore claims that the U.S., oh-so-subtly, actually started them. He has zero understanding of American history and how much it took to get Congress to actually declare war. The sinking of the Lusitania did not start World War I: the war was well in progress by that time. But the sinking did much to bring the U.S. into it. By the time of Pearl Harbor, World War II had been raging in Europe for three years. The AJP Taylor school of World War II causality (that it was all set up by the "elites," both east and west) has been dismissed over the past 20 years for good reason: it doesn't fit the facts. Nor does it fit the American ethos to support a fantasy that the U.S. citizenry would permit the death of tens of thousands of its children just to support political and economic elites. Moore gravely slanders the millions of immigrants to the United States over the past two hundred years. Rather than dupes, as he would have it, these people came to the U.S. because of the promise it held for them, individually. Rather than a "cover story," the promise of America was that people coming to it would have more opportunity -- economic, social, religious -- than they had in the countries they were leaving. Whether it was Eastern European Jews deciding that pogroms were a part of their "national identities" that they'd willingly give up for a different shuffle of the cards in the U.S., or Irish immigrants who decided that food on the table was better than starving to death in the Emerald Isle, immigrants have been exercising personal choice for a long time. I do not claim that the "melting pot" of America has worked for everyone. Clearly, as seen in the case of African Americans in particular, the entire population of the U.S. did not meld into one. There are other groups who have not yet fit in. But there are many others who have managed the transition. Nor do I claim that the transition is painless. I'm descended from 19th Century immigrants from both Ireland and French-speaking Canada. Great grandparents and grandparents on both sides faced discrimination, in housing, employment, salary, access to education. But they did manage to make the dream work so that their descendants, many of them, at least, can now count themselves among Moore's "elites." They have good jobs, good educations, many are even in politics and elected to high offices. Finally, Moore's greatest weakness is a manifest belief in the overwhelming power of government. He must have extremely little experience in government if he thinks that any government would be able to keep secret the "fact" that it suckered its population into a war that killed significant proportions of that population. Even the examples he chooses refute his arguments. The "Gulf of Tonkin" incident may indeed have been an exaggeration of the facts. But it did not remain a secret very long, else Moore wouldn't be able to discuss it now. Were any government able to sustain the power that Moore suggests, there'd be no argument, debate or discussion of political issues today. Mr. Moore, rather than being able to put fantasy to paper, would be off in some gulag, were he lucky. A little bit of learning, we're told, is a dangerous thing. Mr. Moore certainly has very little learning. But it's so little that it's not much danger. -30- (Charles Gregory, an American, works and writes in London.) * * * ________________________________________________________________ Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 From: Joe Shea <•••@••.•••> Subject: The American Reporter, No. 434 * * * _____________________ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR + I must convey considerable disappointment at Charles Gregory's response to Richard Moore (AR, NO. 433). Gregory apparently believes that attitude can substitute for analysis. While Moore's characterizations occasionally exceeded the due caution of the careful historian, the main thrust of his argument -- that capitalist class relations drive US foreign and domestic policy -- is hardly a new thesis. Moore simply summarized arguments made in a wide variety of places by a large number of authors. As for Gregory's critique, it rests largely on his own "pick and choose" history. Certainly, instances of U.S. benevolence abroad can be found. Certainly, the unintended growth of the voting franchise and civil liberties indicates that the potential for expanding human freedom existed in the original Constitutional design, despite explicit exclusions of Native Americans and slaves from the Consitution's protections. Nonetheless, Gregory would have to be willfully blind to asssert that the economic interests of the slave-owners and landholders who wrote the Constitution had nothing to do with its provisions, or that economic interests have not played a major part in US foreign policy. (If Gregory seeks establishment history on the latter, he can consult Walter LaFeber's The American Age.) So what is Gregory's point? Evidently, it is that the celebratory version of American history contains more truth than the critical perspective Moore advocates. Otherwise, why bother to respond to Moore? Unfortunately, Gergory does not provide a sustained argument for any alternative to Moore, only his own bemused dismissal of whatever falls outside the common mythology. Rather than forward any larger pattern to oppose to Moore's, he simply picks and chooses specific points of Moore's argument to refute. Lack of space is no excuse, for he wasted many words conveying to us his attitude, devoid of fact or logic. Gregory is also apparently lacking in knowledge of the literature he dismisses so offhandedly. Gregory writes the following: "Noam Chomsky is a brilliant philosopher of language, but his abilities as a historian or social critic are limited: his theories simply don't fit the facts. Similarly, William Greider is a great journalist, but a historian, he's not. Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" has the depth of a stone skipping across the water; if the title weren't a hint to the bias of the author, then the fact that every aspect of history is skewed in the telling might have provided a clue. Michael Parenti is unknown to me, but I will check out one of his books." On the first, Gregory is simply ignorant of Chomsky's views. Chomsky would never claim to have a "theory" of society or history. (Chomsky's position on "theory" has been well articulated on LBBS.) Rather, Chomsky relies on a few fairly simple generalizations, such as that those with power and wealth will use it to forward their own interests, "truisms"(Chomsky's word) that do not amount to a theory. Thus, it is not possible to assess whether Chomsky's "theory" fits the facts. To the contrary, what Chomsky does is assemble a vast quantity of facts, as reading any of this books on US foreign policy readily reveals. Is Gregory saying the facts don't fit the facts? Or that the facts Chomsky highlights don't fit Gregory's theory? On the second and third, Gregory's remarks are symptomatic of his entire approach: say something dismissive and move on. Gregory's analysis thus has the depth of a skipping stone. On the last, Gregory simply admits his paucity of knowledge regarding the work he finds wanting. The American Reporter is remiss in publishing an individual who does not even know Michael Parenti's name to comment on the body of work of which he is a leading, if controversial, figure. In short, whatever the shortcomings in Moore's rapid review of the left critique of American democracy and foreign policy, they are overmatched by those in Gregory's response. This is an important debate, and I hope that AR's readers join it, but I hope at the same time that the level of dialogue rises considerably. John Barkdull Lubbock, Texas via Internet ________________________________________________________________ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~