~-===================================================================-~ PEOPLES PRESS INTERNATIONAL (PPI) - a public service of CADRE (Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance) - http://cyberjournal.org - all stories copyrighted - republication permission given for non-commercial and small-press use only http://cyberjournal.org/cadre/PPI-archives ~-===================================================================-~ 004-ESSAY>Media Lies.txt * BACKGROUND ESSAY * "THE LIE THAT REVEALS THE TRUTH" (C) Wade B. Ward, 1998 CADRE, 4 April 1998 Wade B. Ward <•••@••.•••> Sr. Editor, CADRE Afraid of losing the support of the business community, no newspaper in California would print what was happening. It was the "Dirty Thirties" -- the Dust Bowl era. Erosion had rendered Middle America barren. Winds swept the fertile topsoil away and crops couldn't take root in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and other agricultural states. So the struggling farmers packed up and headed for California. Like the Gold Rush of 1849, the fruit orchards of California promised work to the desperate Okies who flooded into the state. And like the 49ers, the Okies found the stories greatly exaggerated. Not only could they not find work, the Okies had no place to live. Thousands -- perhaps hundreds of thousands -- of men, women and children were starving to death, succumbing to the diseases of malnutrition, even turning to crime to improve their lot. But no responsible newspaper in California would tell the story. If the media presented a negative picture of what was happening in California, it might scare away business. The people who advertise in the newspaper control the content. If a paper offends advertisers, it finds itself without revenue. The businessman, the Chamber of Commerce, even the Governor refused to acknowledge what was happening. The only way the story could reach the rest of the world was through fiction. Although we don't always use the term "lie," fiction is exactly that: Made-up stories about made-up people doing made-up things. John Steinbeck took a fictional families of Okies -- the Joads -- and sent them to California to experience the very things that were happening in real life. The book was a hit and has become a modern classic. The motion picture also received many awards and is considered a classic. The story the newspapers refused to tell swept the world, and now almost everybody knows the dirty details of the Dirty Thirties. Another example of a novel that exposed horrible practices and resulted in reform is "The Jungle," by Upton Sinclair. Sinclair, a political radical who aspired to political office, wrote a moving account of Lithuanian immigrants who worked in the meat packing houses of Chicago. The brutal conditions, long hours, low pay and dangers lurking in menial labor awoke Americans to the evils of management feeding off of unorganized and powerless laborers, the unsanitary conditions of food production, and the prejudice and cruelty immigrants suffered. The story was first serialized in a radical newspaper, then released in an abridged edition as a novel, and -- many years later -- released unabridged. But from the very first, it created a stir. A saying attributed to Picasso -- Art is the lie that reveals the truth -- could fit these literary works, also. The mainstream media claims to reveal the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But the supposedly free press of Democratic nations is controlled by the moneyed interests who decide what is good for business. Thus it is up to art -- in all forms -- to reveal the truth. The End ... That was the book...This is the movie. (Kubrick on The Shining) ~-===================================================================-~ * Non-commercial republication authorized - include headers & sig * ~================================================~ Restore democratic sovereignty Create a sane and livable world Bring corporate globalization under control. * CITIZENS FOR A DEMOCRATIC RENAISSANCE (CADRE) * http://cyberjournal.org mailto:•••@••.••• ~================================================~