Bcc: contributors ============================================================================ To: •••@••.••• Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 06:18:44 -0400 Subject: Mo' Discussion/Le Grande Coup' From: T ---<snip>--- I love Starhawk but she is wrong. Now is the time for individual resistance. Now is the time for monkey wrenching. The police are already kicking in our doors at night, searching ostensibly for weapons and drugs, but in fact warring against an entire class. Ask Huey Newton. ---<snip>--- You are wrong too. The collective begins with the individual. Collective acts begin with individual acts. I must make an individual decision to coordinate my energy with others. What kind of vacant ass joins a group in order to be told what to do? Not one I'd want to carry on my back for sure, and certainly not one from whom I'd attempt to gain a sense of social direction. Politics? Politics is the art of lying about social realities to make them palatable to those unwilling or constitutionally incapable of looking reality in the face. Why not embrace Anarchy Richard? It's the ultimate in personal integrity and responsibility. While I'm sure Chomsky is an honorable man, anyone who needs to affiliate themselves with a group to be an anarchist (anarcho syndicalist) is not an anarchist. What is the difference between collectivism and statism? None that I'm aware of. Both endorse the right of the gang to coerce the individual. Love and Rockets, T ==================== Dear T, I agree with a lot of what you're saying. I don't want to join a group that tells me want to do either. Our political system is indeed a game of deception and top-down control. 'Collectivism' - as we've seen it under the likes of Stalin - is certainly not a solution. 'Statism' is centralized tyranny, and anarchism - absence of hierarchy - is definitely part of the solution. Given all of that, I can quite understand how you can see individual action as being the only reasonable path open to us. But it isn't the only path, and it isn't a path that could get us anywhere. 'Monkeywrenching' can annoy the establishment, but it can't overcome the establishment. The establishment adjusts, and keeps right on going where it wants to go. Consider for example the tactic of spiking trees to frustrate irresponsible logging operations. That tactic was somewhat effective for a while, and then the companies started using magnetic detectors so that spikes could be avoided. That's a microcosm of what happens every time. The nature of systems is to adapt to interference. Consider this quote from William Colby, former CIA director (sent in by Cyberbrook): "I watched as the Anti-War movement rendered it impossible for this country to conduct or win the Vietnam War . . . This Militia or Patriot movement . . . is far more significant and far more dangerous for Americans than the Anti-War movement ever was, if it is not intelligently dealt with . . . It is not because these people are armed that America needs to be concerned. Colby continues, They are dangerous because there are so many of them. It is one thing to have a few nuts or dissidents. They can be dealt with, justly or otherwise so that they do not pose a danger to the system. It is quite another situation when you have a true movement [with] millions of citizens believing something." The problem is how to achieve effective organization without introducing hierarchy at the same time. We need to learn how to act collectively without becoming a collective ant hill. "There is strength in numbers" is indeed true, but we don't want those numbers to be cyphers. Humanity has never existed as isolated individuals. We have always lived in societies, even before we had evolved into homo sapiens. The concept of the "Social Contract" is a myth. Each of us is born into a family, in a community, in a larger society. Long before we are old enough to choose, we are already integrated into those groups. It has always been that way. Politics is simply the way a society runs itself. Politics as we know it is coercive. We need to invent a politics that is not coercive. Until we do that we will be living under coercion. That's why I say that our problem is a political one. all the best, rkm http://cyberjournal.org ============================================================================ From: mango <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: More discussion re/ The Grand Coup Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 16:19:32 +0100 Hello Richard, Thank you for your response to my 'righteous anger'. I wonder how carefully you chose that phrase, bearing in mind the old saw that it is the only thing bullies cannot deal with? I am also relieved to see that the 'gangster model' as you term it is now deemed acceptable. You end by saying "we seem a long ways from knowing how to act collectively." Were you not heartened by the strangely peaceful gatherings in DC and SF recently? I think you underestimate the 'collective'. My reading of the present situation leads me to suspect that vast numbers are just awaiting 'the' key event that will plunge the present administration into total chaos. The anger is mounting inexorably (5 new websites this week alone, two of note - http://www.questionsquestions.net/ and http://www.9-11.co.uk/ ). Enron; Venezuela; Sharon, the 'man of peace';<insert next fiasco here> How much longer do you think the most slippery and seemingly untouchable mafia the world has ever seen can go on fooling the entire populace? My guess is only as long as Cheney can continue stonewalling the GAO and as long as Ashcroft does not recuse himself from the New York cases. Odd how it all hinges on legal formalities. The law is the key, as Bush keeps hammering home. Are there no competent and sufficiently brave lawyers on this list of yours able to throw their weight behind congresspeople like McKinney, Kucinich (http://www.thespiritoffreedom.com/) gratis? As for the bugle and 'a charge', (delicious semiotics your words conjure up), the only one I was contemplating at this stage was to your credit cards. Powerful weapons on the contemporary stage but for how much longer...? mango http://www.environment.org.uk/activist/ 'It is those who follow any authority blindly who are the real danger.' Prof P. Zimbardo, Stanford University. ============== Dear Mango, "Righteous anger" was meant in humor. "Frustrated anger" would be perhaps more truthful, or maybe "facetiousness". I do agree with you that the movement has made considerable progress in acting collectively. But that process has been limited to movement activists. "We" as a society have a long way to go. And the movement's 'acting' hasn't been able to get much beyond protest demonstrations. The movement has a good process but it doesn't yet have long-term goals, nor any strategy for victory. In that sense, the movement also has a long way to go. The administration is not going to plunge into chaos. Despite mounting anger among some of us, the average American thinks about displaying a flag rather than bringing down the system. The crises being faced by the administration are all of their own making, and they are managing the PR effectively. McKinney is brave, but she stands more or less alone in Congress. Legal formalities have been helpful to us in the past, but the system has adapted to that. Disastrous appointments to the Supreme Court have given us a panel of judges who endorse election fraud and who sit quietly while the Constitution is being nullified. Traitors are running the nation and we can't look to government institutions to remedy the situation. best regards, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Fri, 3 May 2002 01:15:07 -0800 To: •••@••.••• From: "Fred V. Cook" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Documenting Le Grand Coup Dear Richard, I guess we need to clarify what we mean by political leadership. I mean people like Barbara Lee and Cynthia McKinney, Michael Moore, and others with guts. I was not thinking of sold-out politicians. I agree that democracy is very much a work-in-progress and that what little we had in the US suffered a huge hit in the months following 9/11. I agree with you that it make sense to view it a coup. Are you saying that efforts to expose the scam are pointless? That we should just focus on the potentially winnable battles which are coming and avoid dealing with battles which are lost already? Do you think that making and distributing a documentary which assembled the full range of evidence and tied it to documentation which people could delve into for themselves would make a difference? I'm pretty sure there will be a Congressional "investigation", just like there was a "Warren Commission". What I've been hoping is that we could force some of the lies into the open by providing adequate and DRAMATIC enough evidence to the public so that there would be a demand that the key questions be raised and satisfactorily answered. If you know of good folks who are already working on such a documentary, please let me know. I'd rather support their efforts than duplicate or compete. Do you think that this is a futile pursuit? If so, why? My worst fear is that if the powers that be thought a search for the truth might succeed that they'd preempt any move toward more democracy with a new round of terrorist attacks. I'd like to understand more of how you're seeing the situation - and what YOU think the positive possibilities for basic change are at this moment in history. Thanks for all your good work, Fred =========== Dear Fred, The question of leadership is a deep one. When I say that leadership is part of the problem, what I really mean is that the concept of 'following a leader' is counter-democratic. Here I am in sympathy with our first contributor, T, above, who doesn't want to join a group and be told what to do. As Bob Dylan said, "Don't follow leaders". And Howard Zinn, who I was fortunate enough to meet in a small gathering, said "Americans are always looking for a white knight to save them." Leadership in the sense of providing inspiration, or education, is a good thing. Leadership in the sense of granting authority to a 'trusted person' is not. We may be in agreement on this point. The 911 scam does need to be exposed to the general public, but I don't think there's much more we can do along those lines on this list. A good documentary would be a good thing, but the problem is getting air time for it. In fact, I think Ruppert already has a video out, but you won't see it on CNN. There are many messages that the public needs to receive, but how? Control over the media is the key to maintaining our current tyranny, and that control is not going to be relaxed. My own belief is that the public can only be reached by face-to-face communication. This could be in the form of community meetings, of an appropriate character, or it could be in the form of some kind of travelling road show. When people read something in isolation it has less effect than when they receive the information in the company of their friends and neighbors. What do I think about the positive possibilities for basic change? There is only one possibility, and that is the right kind of movement. Movements are the only thing that has ever made changes. The 'anti-globalization' movement has many of the right features, including its anti-capitalist orientation and its decentralized consensus process. But as I said above, it must get beyond protest demonstrations. Demanding changes from the regime is a waste of time. The regime itself is the problem. Any reforms which might be granted only serve to preserve the regime in power. And the granting of reforms is no longer going to happen. That's one of the characteristics of globalization. In order to succeed, the movement must see itself as the replacement of the current regime. And it must reach out to all segments of society. If there is one single thing that is the key to revolutionary change, it is the coming together of the grass-roots left and right. That will be the political equivalent of nuclear fusion. Divide and conquer is what keeps us in chains; coming together is what can break those chains. thanks for your contributions, rkm ============================================================================ From: "Margaret Wyles" <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: More discussion re/ The Grand Coup Date: Sat, 04 May 2002 18:28:28 -0700 Richard: I would agree with most of what you articulated in your various most recent exchanges. However, one matter I would NOT agree with is this comment: > But from a capitalist perspective, profits are higher than ever. It was the alleged collapse of capitalism that we were discussing, not the collapse of middle-class comforts. I'm not certain as to your sources in this regard, but I would site the following facts that contradict your assertion. The S&P is selling at 65 times earning. The historical average is 15 to 1. So that makes the S&P over four times more expensive than it should be --or at least has been-- providing the investor no more than 24 cents of value for every dollar invested in an S&P stock. Further, of the "profit" extracted from the system, a precariously large percentage of it comes from monetary and accounting transactions, not from the profits made from the production of real goods. As a very successful capitalist has oft repeated to me, "the only problem with capitalism is competition." The "crisis" that we are experiencing is in large measure a result of shrinking profit margins due to increased competition, excessive inventories and a static consumer base unable to absorb the additional inventories. The result of these economic difficulties can be seen in the capitalist's need to resort to accounting trickery a la Enron, and a gloves off approach on the part of the military in its effort to secure for its masters the resources (both human and natural) that remain in the rest of the world. One can fault them for their brutality but not for their logic. As for Chomsky, well...., to paraphrase what the French writer Jacques Ellul points out in his book on propaganda, the liberal is the easiest to propagandize as he can't believe his government is run by a bunch of thugs and thieves. ========== Dear Margaret, Your comments about '65 time earnings' and 'monetary and accounting transactions' are valid, but that simply explains ~how~ record-breaking corporate profits are achieved. Genuine growth has stopped, and so other kinds of growth have been developed out of necessity. Besides the ones you have pointed out, there is also monopolization - consolidation of ownership into a handful of TNCs. This allows those TNCs to keep growing by simply swallowing up existing businesses - with no real growth in the overall economy. Such techniques may eventually run out of steam, but by that time everything in the world will be owned by a few TNCs, and the rest of us will be in poverty. At that point, they can introduce some kind of neo-feudalism to replace capitalism. That won't be a solution for us. ciao, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 14:00:08 -0700 From: B Subject: Re: More discussion re/ The Grand Coup To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Richard, yet another great cyberjournal issue, with perceptive contributions by correspondents and your usual consistent and even replies. I still think you should develop the first-ever campaign for President via the Internet. But on a more realistic subject, I'd like to agree with your initial assessment of Chomsky and suggest you back away from the apologetic tone of some of your replies. Of course I realize you mostly said that you weren't that familiar with Chomsky's work, and based on the professed knowledge of others and the titles of a few books you were content to grant Chomsky the benefit of the doubt. Don't bother. While I've got over a dozen books by Chomsky, I haven't read them all, nor all of any one of them. They pretty much defy being read. I think I have read enough to make a judgment, and I have attended several lectures by Chomsky, including one recently. Also, he's frequently on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now as well as local KPFA programs. A good 7 years ago my daughter, her Cuban boyfriend, and I attended a Chomsky lecture on the crisis in the Mideast. After he finished my daughter was crying, the boyfriend was laughing, and I was nonplussed. She found the lecture depressing, with no hope offered. Her radical Cuban BF had long since concluded that "government sucks" and found humor in Chomsky's support for this view. I found it to be yet another institutional analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian-US reality, with no way out proposed. The recent lecture at USF, the local Catholic university, was packed to the window sills, without even floor space in the aisles. Luckily no fire marshal came along. His convoluted and sardonic style were so confusing that I wondered if the youngsters were getting it. Regardless, the lecture droned on for about an hour with historical details from the '80s and '90s. Some in the audience left during the lecture, and many bolted before the Q&A began. The people who invited me were angry at Chomsky for failing to suggest anything to be done and for "depressing all the kids here." Active in the School of the Americas Watch and other organizations, they found the intellectual circumlocution more as bragging than teaching. Their "gut" reaction, along with my daughter's and her boyfriend's, reinforces the thought I've had about Chomsky for many years now -- namely that the Establishment is quite content with his role in the New Left scene. I think his institutional analysis serves to paralyze the Left, and the Powers-That-Be are more than delighted to allow free speech so long as it leads to confusion, apathy, and inaction by their opponents. In your post I especially liked mango's gangster metaphor ( http://www.environment.org.uk/activist/), but mostly because he is zeroing in on the "actors" component of the equation, not the institution of gangsters. Real people draw up the plans and pay for their execution. Institutions don't do anything, which is the main point that academics and Chomsky routinely miss. At mango's website there is a lot of focus, in the movement for change, on fighting real people. Unfortunately there are no lists of the key actors, who are responsible for such as the assassinations of key political leaders from Patrice Lamumba through the Kennedys and King and up to Danny Casolaro and others in recent years. There are no email addresses and phone numbers for the heads of multinational corporations and key government officials the world over. But it is important that we acknowledge that these are real people, making real decisions/plans, and paying with real dollars. And, yes, they have an agenda, which is not hidden and which by itself is enough for us to act upon. We may not know exactly who is ordering and paying for what, but we know the broad outlines, and this is one focus of the politics we need to pursue. Whether the current Resident As you pointed out, Chomsky denies that there was a conspiracy behind the murder of JFK. If we take this as an attempt to gain acceptance in the academy, and that he knows better, then we must wonder why he is helping prop up their insular view of the world. If we take this no-conspiracy view as the real Chomsky, then we can see his blinders, which profoundly influence his overall analysis. Regardless, other historians do a better job of laying out the facts, which is why Chomsky is not on my "must read" list. In short, over the years I have come to view the actor vs. institution axis of analysis as a key indicator of where a person is coming from, and what to expect in terms of both analysis and suggested solutions. Our world today (media, schooling, government, etc.) focuses on passive acceptance of the various stimuli pouring in, consistent with having the institutional view incessantly marketed to us, with our being consumers of everything from ideas and values to gismos they want us to buy in order sustain their rapacious capitalist machine. The institutional-structural analysis of Chomsky, the academics, and numerous others is entirely consistent with capitalism. They claim to rail against it, but they're actually selling it. Keep up the good work. ============================================================================