-------------------------------------------------------- From: JFadiman Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 16:35:25 EST Subject: Re: Korten : "The Great Turning" - book announcement To: •••@••.••• clearly, a fellow traveller. good luck to you both. -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 16:06:40 -0800 (PST) From: natalie omara Subject: Re: Korten : "The Great Turning" - book announcement To: •••@••.••• Richard, I suppose you have read Korten's "When Corporations Rule the World". Its quite good. Natalie --- Hi Natalie - yes, that and "Post Corporate World" are in my bibliography. - rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 16:49:58 -0800 (PST) From: Janet McFarland Subject: Re: Korten : "The Great Turning" - book announcement To: •••@••.••• Hi Richard, This is so weird (100th monkey thing?). I totally embraced the poem that Tom Atlee made of a words by Joanna Macy called "the Great turning" as the theme for my 50th birthday year (2001), then in September our world changed forever in ways I have not recovered from personally, and whose effects will be felt for at least 7 generations. I felt the wheel turning and whoops, we got armageddon instead of utopia. Well, maybe we do have to hit bottom in order to let go of the old story and start creating something new that is ours, not just what's left after the butchers and robbers are finished. and don't you think that if books are being published (however cutting edge you and David Korten are) that the movement is farther along than we know consciously. In peace and hope, Janet ------- Hi Janet, An interesting question: "How far along is the movement?" As you suggest, the answer may be different than we assume. Perhaps the phrase "how far along" is inappropriate, as it refers to a linear process, moving along a line. I think rather in terms of the "right ingredients emerging". Once a critical mass of ingredients come together, then things can happen very quickly - as with the fall of the Soviet Union and the East European regimes. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 17:37:20 -0500 To: •••@••.••• From: Thomas Schley <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: Korten Dear Richard, I have not written to you before this, but seeing your announcement of Korten's new book reminded me of my intention of doing so. I have wanted to mention an article which you may not have read. It is by Nicanor Perlas from the Center for Alternative Development in the Philippines. The article is titled "Decoding the Bush Doctrine - the U.S. as Empire. You can access it at http://www.cadi.ph/Features/Feature_14_BUSH%20DOCTRINE.htm If I recall correctly Perlas was involved in the downfall of Marcos. At any rate he is an activist in the civil society movement and I believe has had some dialogue with Korten. The above article is a good read and perhaps will prove useful to you. Keep up the good work. Tom Schley --------- Hi Tom, Thanks for the article. I recommend it to people's attention. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: "Jim Macgregor" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: Korten : "The Great Turning" - book announcement Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 11:49:04 -0000 G'day Richard, Moore and Korten's comments here are possibly the most profound I have ever come across! "...there is a path out there, and it seems only one: it's a matter of discovering it, not inventing it." "So true. It is about discovering what in some ways has always been right there in front of us, but remains obfuscated by the false stories by which we have come to live. ...Changing our future begins with changing our stories." While researching my book on WW1 I have been doing exactly this; discovering what 'has always been right there in front of us'. The truly exciting thing for me is that in stripping away the lies; the 'false stories' I am indeed seeing very long stretches of the path you talk about. Through piecing together and analyzing lots of different accounts, I now have huge chunks of the real story of how the Money Power set up the Boer War, the Great War, the Federal Reserve System, the Russian Revolution, and WW2. It can be very clearly shown how these events; together with their League of Nations - followed by their United Nations - are all steps in the elite clique's long term plan for control of one world government; what Korten describes as 'the corporate consolidation of power.' 'Changing our future begins with changing our stories' is what my book is dedicated to. I genuinely believe I am now discovering what has always been right there in front of us. We know that The Matrix has, for centuries, financed a large number of 'Court Historians' to deliberately pour out these 'false stories'. The huge difficulty for honest historians has been/is seeing through the dense fog and the many false, dead-end, paths they create. Many honestly attempted historical accounts I've been studying are unable to fathom out how, where or why particular events happened because of this fog. Thanks to you, I have a unique pair of magic spectacles that allow me to see clearly through Matrix fog. The truth is truly mind-boggling. The theme in your email must definitely be developed further, Richard. We the people are indeed held and kept captive in their cultural trance by way of false stories. The only hope of mankind awakening from that trance is to get out there and actually prove their stories false. I am confident we are on the road to discovering 'what has always been there right in front of us.' As you rightly say, there is no need to invent it. Hopefully it's not too late. Best wishes, jim --------- Greetings Jim, Thanks for your message. Glad to see you're making good progress on your book. There are so many of those false stories, disempowering stories, in our culture. One of these stories tells us that we need to choose sides, to be a conservative or a liberal, and that those who choose otherwise are our enemies, we must struggle against them, and seek to outnumber them. This is why harmonization is central to my book: we need to learn how to work together and learn the stories of mutual understanding and cooperation. If we wake up to our potential as We the People, we will be unstoppable. rkm -- -------------------------------------------------------- http://cyberjournal.org Posting archives: http://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?date=01Jan2007&batch=25&lists=newslog Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.•••