From: “TK Wilson”Date: March 31, 2009 1:44:16 AM ISTTo: “Richard Moore” <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: reflections re/ cyberjournal
• enough political understanding to realize that our governing institutions are in-their-roots tyrannicalAll governance is, in its roots, tyrannical. It aims to dictate human behavior whether the individual humans involved agree or not.• enough economic understanding to realize that sustainability begins with localism
This used to be taken for granted. Now very few even understand the question.• enough spiritual insight to realize that wisdom lies within each of usI don’t know where else it would lie. It would be irrelevant to me if I didn’t have some to start with.• enough cultural understanding to realize that strong community empowers the individualThat is only not the case in communities that consume their members.• enough process understanding to realize that strong community is sustained by inclusive dialogAs in any functional family
• enough understanding of right livelihood to commit to collaborative action in pursuit of transformationI can only transform myself and this is something that can only happen in the process of contending consciously with this world on a daily basis and in the company of others similarly engaged, whether near or farWhat did you have in mind? TK
From: Larry TeslerDate: March 30, 2009 5:11:01 AM ISTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: rkm: reflections re/ cyberjournal
Richard,I think your smaller list is a good idea. I am surprised you didn’t do it sooner. But I won’t be joining it.My world view isn’t that far from your six bullet ‘minimal understanding’, as far as it goes. But I think I see events through a different lens than you.You raised the example of Obama in your email. He inherited a severe economic crisis, an unprecedented environmental crisis, a foreign policy mess including several wars, a media that is more corporate-controlled that ever, a filibuster-happy Senate, etc., and you have judged his agenda for change a failure after only nine weeks in office! If it took his entire first term just to get to a point where he could start on that agenda, it would be impressive. I doubt it will take that long.Obama is a national/international leader now, not a local organizer as he used to be. He takes his responsibilities seriously, and strives to be a great President of a superpower, not a community organizer of a bigger neighborhood. But there are signs that he would encourage and support local initiatives for sustainability. His wife Michelle’s White House garden and her endorsement of locally sourced organic food are symbolic gestures, to be sure. But to me, they are indications of what he believes needs to change.While you might happily do away with large public and private institutions, I would not do so, and I assume Obama would not either. It sometimes takes size and power for government to stand up to corporations when they aren’t serving the people’s interest. How easy would it have been for local efforts to force the resignation of the CEO of GM? Obama asked the guy to step down and he is gone. I can’t be sure that this is the first step towards a serious rebalancing of power between government and multinational industry, but I consider it consistent with that shift and I am optimistic that it is the first step.Larry
Hi Larry,
From: Harvey JonesDate: March 30, 2009 5:22:14 AM ISTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: rkm: reflections re/ cyberjournal
I think that there are more and more people who are beginning to realise the problems. Many are only beginning their learning and tend to strike out at what seems an overwhelming powerlessness. Others just don’t want to know as the problem is too big for them to handle.
Many of us have been following these concepts and their background for many years. Your cyberjournal releases and other alternative sites fill in the pieces of the jigsaw, support or alter the current thinking with the new updated information. The more we learn, the more things look the same at the higher control levels of power.
The Transition Towns concept is growing and picks up on a number of your points but tries to drop the negative aspects of fighting the giant. It is more of a groundswell which is now starting to grow in the States after its beginnings in the UK and expansion in NZ and other places. Localisation and resilient communities are the key words of what seems to be a movement in some form or other. Originally based on peak oil problems there is recognition that the time frame may have to come forward to cope with current economic woes. Check out some of the sites near you to see how they are going. It does provide some hope that if the economic system is derailed by intention or otherwise, that there are already schemes being put together to at least have some semblance of a plan in place to carry on with some form of living and a community spirit.
Carry on the good work
brothers in spirit
From: “JAMES MACGREGOR”Date: March 30, 2009 10:51:30 AM ISTTo: “‘Richard Moore'” <•••@••.•••>Subject: RE: reflections re/ cyberjournal
Richard,Very useful insights as usual, and I do hope you get a good response to the proposed new group. Might you consider adding• enough historical understanding to realize that our knowledge of the past is based on deliberately created falsehood.I’m sorry to keep on about the huge importance of our understanding of what has gone before, but as Orwell said, ‘Who controls the present controls the past, who controls the past controls the future.’This, to me, is of fundamental importance and if much greater efforts are not made to correct it, elite rule will indeed continue unchallenged. My friends simply cannot grasp the reality of what’s going on today, because they believe the lies about yesterday.Kind regards,Jim
From: “Madeline Bruce”Date: March 30, 2009 8:18:28 AM ISTTo: <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: reflections re/ cyberjournalThose are intellectual concepts. I like Shakespeare’s premise: The truth lies in the individual. Communication. What is the process? One person talking, or writing. One person listening, or reading, or not. Just words, if there is no response. And then what is the response to the response? I like the name of that musical group, The Talking Heads. Why does one group gel, and another doesn’t? Why does one group become productive, and another group dispurses? It is because trust is developed, and mutual respect is displayed. In that climate, people begin to care about each other. Altruism can develop. – Madeline Bruce, Nanaimo, B.C.
From: “Janet Hicks King”Date: March 30, 2009 6:06:08 AM ISTTo: “Richard Moore” <•••@••.•••>Subject: RE: reflections re/ cyberjournal
Richard,This sounds wise to me. I like your minimal understandings.Although I don’t quite understand the last one yet, I feel transformation of the world is coming about – and will come about – through the creative envisioning of individual human beings and the realization of their visions…Thank you,Janet
From: david mooreDate: March 30, 2009 7:12:33 AM ISTTo: richard moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: FW: rkm: reflections re/ cyberjournal
From: Sally MooreDate: March 30, 2009 9:15:54 AM ISTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: rkm: reflections re/ cyberjournal
Hey Rich,
Ver-r-r-ry Interesting, as they say. Reminds me of when the Bonsai Club here wanted to start another club that was premised on a higher level of knowledge and maturity in Bonsai lore and accomplishment. Or when you realize that you are beyond bars and discos for dating. Or when you know that you can go beyond the shorebreak and challenge the huge break at Hanalei. You want to meet others that are in the same place or at least close to it. There is the frustration that every tour guide must feel answering the same questions over and over again. It’s a relief to relax with the O’hana and just be able to discuss the day with people that have a similar background, belief system, and knowledge base.
Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
Your Sis
From: “Lincoln Justice”Date: March 31, 2009 6:41:29 AM ISTTo: “Richard Moore” <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: reflections re/ cyberjournal[message condensed -rkm]
Richard,Your journey and insights shared with us in “Escaping the Matrix” and the cyberjournal have stretched my mind and help me to understand the futility of expecting government — any government to solve for us the major problems of human society. Your journey parallels mine to some extent, especially the disappointment when government leaders ignored the people’s voice and chose to listen to those with the most money.I too am seeking a group of people who share the minimal understanding that you outline and are willing to help build a strong local community.I am having a lot of fun working with a growing number of people who share the minimal understanding. It began with a Discovery Group we started in February 2007. We started exploring subjects that were a little far out for most institutions — topics like paranormal and UFOs. But we soon shifted our focus to “expanding consciousness and human potential and improving the quality of life.Last September 2008 we watched the documentary film “Money as Debt”. They we wondered what we might do with this information. One friend, Galen Chadwick began to research the subject and ran across the “Transition Handbook” by Rob Hopkins. At our next meeting in October we explored how we might start a Transition Movement in Springfield Missouri.On January 3rd we held a Transition ’09 Movement dinner in the tallest building in the city of Springfield with 100 adults and 11 children attending. We set a goal to create 1000 new vegetable gardens by Earth Day and launch an Alternative Energy Network and involve 100,000 people by Thanksgiving 2009. The movement is growing so fast that it is hard to keep up with it. Groups are being formed in communities around Springfield with gardening workshops and plans to start producing alternative energy equipment.This is not a political movement and we are not seeking any money or help from the government. Our understanding is “Our best security in hard times is a Well Fed Neighbor.” www.wellfedneighbor.comTomorrow evening we are showing “The Future of Money” at the Gillioz Theater as a fund raising event. We are promoting —Regional Food Security
Right now we do not grow enough food in Southwest Missouri to feed ourselves and our neighbors. If the fragile food supply line was to breakdown, we would experience famine!
Immediate Emergency Action is needed to produce adequate reserves of open-pollinated foods entrusted to the sovereign possession of Missouri’s farmers and consumers.
We are seeking to avoid being associated with any fringe group or idea, but to center on clear community needs that are obvious to everyone. However, in personal conversations I find that a majority of the active volunteers share almost all of these minimal understandings. We don’t need to spend time preaching to the choir.
I don’t know how this transition movement will work out, but it is sure a lot of fun working with these people and visualizing the kind of world we want for ourselves and our children to the 7th generation.
Lincoln B. Justice
From: RadicalPressDate: March 30, 2009 6:00:58 AM ISTTo: Richard K Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: rkm: reflections re/ cyberjournal
Your first two minimal understandings would need to include serious discussions on political Zionism Richard and from all of your previous arguments I don’t think you’ve arrived at the minimal understanding of that crucial factor to take on what you’re proposing here. Maybe I’m wrong. People do change and evolve and transform.
Peace bro,
Arthur Topham
From: Stefan LadstätterDate: March 30, 2009 11:30:00 AM ISTTo: Richard Moore <•••@••.•••>Subject: Re: rkm: reflections re/ cyberjournal
your postings have helped me understand or deepen my understanding of the points you mention, especially the idea about localism (which was new to me), constructive dialogue (instead of psychotherapy), and loss of respect towards the elites.
As much as the idea that the elites govern our lives frightens me, I am at the same time optimistic as I do see that they only have power because we give it to them, and change on a local level can annul this power.
What does “enough understanding of right livelihood to commit to collaborative action in pursuit of transformation” mean? My mind blanked when I read that, so I still must have some kind of inner barrier in place. And reflecting on it I realize that it might be connected to my reluctance to actively participate (rather than just reading and thinking about it all).