@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#525!> Eyewitness report: Feds inject AIDS We're in worse shape than I thought. Why isn't anyone bringing in a federal investigation of these practices? Susan Across the planet, we're all one people...we just have different service providers. Macintosh forever ;-) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 Sender: Francisco Lopez <•••@••.•••> Subject: Michael Williams die is cast (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:03:54 GMT From: Williams Institute <•••@••.•••> To: Multiple recipients of list ACTIV-L <•••@••.•••> Subject: Michael Williams die is cast From: Richard Ginn, INTERNET:•••@••.••• Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 17:39:45 -0400 (EDT) Well, I did it. Michael Williams has been in exile in Switzerland for years and was imprisoned for years before that in order to prevent his story from being published and heard. Every lawyer he has hired to help him has been threatened by the US Govt. and dropped his case. Michael was Gary Hart's campaign manager when Hart ran for President of the US, and Michael found out about a lot of George Bush's crimes and had evidence. Before he could publish he was arrested by the FBI without a warrant and kept in federal prisons for years, and his entire home and contents was confiscated by the FBI, and his family life destroyed. The FBI and the US Govt. reportedly has threatened to do the same to anyone who tries to help Michael. Someone sent a brief story on him to the publish list and I wrote to Michael to verify the story. It checks out so far, so in the interests of truth and justice I published the first of a many-part story on the publish list, and also on the following usenet groups: misc.activism.progressive, misc.survivalism, misc.activism.militia, alt.politics.libertarian, alt.censorship, alt.conspiracy, alt.activism, alt.journalism, alt.news-media, misc.legal, soc.culture.usa, alt.politics.bush, alt.politics.usa.misc on the theory that my only protection at this point is to be as public as possible. Perhaps this will be sufficient. In any event I will keep you all informed of events as they develop, and if you have any advice on where else to publish this, advice in general, or any ideas, etc. please post them here! Anyone who wants to help with local research is welcome to help out, offer what you can do, and brainstorm with us. Anything can help: If anyone wants to HTML-ize any of Michael Williams' files for the web is welcome to help do that right now, especially if they are willing to set them in table format. If anyone knows a lawyer who would be willing to talk with Michael or even help him out, please contact Michael via email: Williams Institute <•••@••.•••> By tomorrow he will be subbed to this talk list if all goes well, and I will forward any resonses to him in the meanwhile. Wish me luck! This may be easy, or we may be pushing the edge of the envelope this time. In any case I feel it has to be done. Yours, Richard. ...................................................... Richard Ginn - •••@••.••• - tel. +1 607-277-5058 510 Utica Street Ithaca, New York, USA 14850 http://crux3.cit.cornell.edu:80/~rlg1/ <- that's ~RLG1 in lowercase :) ^^^^^ ^^^^^ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: 24 Apr 96 From: Williams Institute <•••@••.•••> To: BlindCopyReceiver:; Subject: What Happened to Me What Happened to Me Would you like to know what happened to me Would you like to know the things I've seen Would you like to know how they murdered my dreams I was thrown on the floor in front of my family With my hands behind my back I was beaten senselessly With my two-year-old little girl crying out for them to stop They kicked my face till it bled and then then they let me drop I was kidnapped from my home and taken far away While of gang of government thugs took all I owned away I was thrown into a cell several stories underground On a cold cement floor I lay my poor head down Would you like to feel the pain that I've felt Would you like to see the cards I was dealt Would you like to live for a moment in Hell I was taken before a judge - good friend of my enemy He sat so high and proud on his great throne judging me As he violated my rights taking orders from the police There wasn't a single word from the puppet representing me For nearly one full year they tried to get me to break They seemed to know so well just how long it would take They tried every trick in the book to get me to enter a plea But the only words I said in court were "not guilty" Would you like to hear my cries of pain Would you like to touch the scars on my brain Would you like to smell the stench of my pain One day the puppet came bearing news that made me cry My infant daughter was sick and she was going to die The only way I could go to be at her side Was if I entered a plea to an erroneous crime They found my weakest spot and I could no longer resist I entered a guilty plea as I made the tightest fist I did the same that day as any good father would But the cowardly puppet lied as only he could So, as it turned out my daughter wasn't sick at all I heard my lawyer laugh as he walked on down the hall He took the very next plane for his Florida holidays And I was sent to rot for two years in a cage Would you like to know what happened to me Would you like to know the things I've seen Would you like to know how they murdered my dreams @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore/cyberlib ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~