The following essay was written in response to the thread "re: A wake-up call to libertarians". Andrew Austin and Nikolai Rozov brought up the question of a "world worker revolution", and asked whether "breaking up of old ground" is a necessary first step to "planting a new garden". "Breaking up the ground" is only one model of radical change -- as seen in the French & Russian Revolutions. Britain, on the other hand, achieved its republicanization on an incremental basis, and the USA simply severed itself from the parent, and then consolidated its already-republican colonial self-governance systems. Which transformative model makes the most sense in our _current_ circumstances, if genuinely populist democracy is to be attained? ________________________________________________________________ A Progressive Strategy: RADICAL CONSERVTISM ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Few would argue that the modern governments of the world are managing well in today's economic conditions, or that they are fulfilling their democratic charter to provide for the common welfare, and to govern so as to best serve the interests of the people. _Everyone_ seems to be disgusted with government. The corporate elite, who see governments as the only threat to their power, are merrily dismantling governmental infrastructures, and undoing 200 years of social evolution. The disgruntled citizenry seems to be cheering them on, holding politicians at a level of esteem just below serial killers and child abusers. Politicians themselves vie with one another to demonstrate which of them holds government in the greatest contempt. Under these circumstances, I ask you, what is an appropriate radical agenda? How can we move effectively toward a progressive, sustainable society, under democratic governance? Do we jettison our current systems and trust in market forces? Do we mount an insurrecton and draw up a new constitution? What is the basis for a rational strategy? * * * In the context of the USA and Western Europe, I humbly submit, it is essential to keep in mind just how progressive our modern "democratic institutions" are, compared to what existed prior to 1789. In this age of corrupted governments cowering under a flood of neoliberal propaganda, one might easily be seduced into seeing our governmental structures as being inherently faulty, and in need of thorough re-design. But submission to such seduction would be fatal to democracy and would put us right back into the 18th century, but with no budding Enlightenment in sight. The U.S. Constitution, and the more evolutionary European systems, represent the best that Enlightenement thinking was able to realize, in terms of institutionalizing popular sovereignty. Are these systems perfect? -- hardly. Do they include built-in anti-democratic compromises with the "old regime" -- certainly. But are we likely to come up with something better in today's unenlightened political environment? -- only in fantasy. As if "our" designs for change are relevant anyway! While self-proclaimed libertarians and others discuss unrealistic, overly-intellectual utopias, the actual powers-that-be are busy _implementing_ their own utopia. They have the money, they pull the puppet strings of government and media, they are experts in developmental change, and they have a clear vision of where they want to go. What is their utopia? The IMF is the prototype and the cornerstone of the brave new corporate feudal utopia. An accountant-run commission, whose spreadsheet-driven policy "guidelines" dictate who will starve and who will toil, the IMF is a machine that ingests capital-investment objectives, and outputs social policy. It isn't a bank, it's a political regime -- a supreme commissariat. Upon the IMF foundation, are now being built the walls and police force of the new utopia. The WTO, GATT, NAFTA, and NATO -- these are the structures that are taking over control from parliaments, electors, and sovereign national states. They include no popular representation, no Bill of Rights, and no redress of grievances. This new world order is a _corporate_ utopia, a world where money reigns supreme. The IMF et al are an artificially constructed "invisible hand" that creates and maintains the conditions for "market forces" to rule the world with all the seeming inevitability of water flowing downhill. * * * The plain truth is that all of today's dominant change trends run _counter_ to our interests. Change itself has become democracy's destroyer: the reform bulldozers have our shelters in their sights, and we have no reliable bulldozers of our own. The radical democrat, the enlightened worker, and the environmentally aware citizen, are placed by circumstance in a situation where their only sane political stance is staunch conservatism -- indeed reaction-ism: unwavering support for the preservation and strengthening of our official traditional democratic institutions. Our palace of democracy is occupied by the enemy, and deferred maintenance has it in a shambles, but it's the only palace on offer, the only one where we are chartered as masters instead of serfs. In the new utiopia the people have no palace, the Earth is enshrouded in a PRIVATE PROPERTY sign, and citizenship is devolved to a credit rating. The true "worker revolution" is to storm the palace of democracy, expel the corporate influence-peddling interlopers, refurbish it, and open it for business under a new progressive management. Above all we do not want the palace to be dismantled -- which is exactly what government downsizing, privatization, globalization, and deregulation-frenzy are endeavoring to accomplish. * * * When they tell us government is too big, we should realize that government has the power to curb corporate hegemony. When they tell us Congress is corrupt, we should realize corporate "lobbying" extends too far. When they tell us civil rights favor criminals, we should realize how prized those rights were to the founding fathers. When they tell us national sovereignty isn't globally correct, we should realize that democratic nationalism is our only bulwark against a global WTO technocracatic dictatorship whose only constituency is anonymous "wealth". And when Buchanan espouses (in large part) our own policies, then we know they're aware of the danger posed to them by a _genuine_ populist revival -- so aware that they staged a pre-emptive strike by a Perot-like spoiler. ________________ Richard K. Moore Wexford Ireland •••@••.••• <-- (Please copy directly on any replies.) 5 March 96