Another note from Ireland


Richard Moore


A few of us were browsing some of the raw footage from the Phoenix Gathering, and I was amazed how much I didn’t remember, or perhaps didn’t ‘hear’ in the first place. There’s lots of very interesting material, in 30 hours of footage, and the problem will be deciding what to use and what to leave out. We should have something on Youtube shortly.

I’ve found it difficult to get back into working mode after Phoenix. There’s like a big energy shadow after such an effort, and such an event. Not to mention the moving exercise, which has taken way more time than I expected. So many things to arrange, and so much work at the old place to clean things up in hopes of getting a deposit back.
Meanwhile, 600 messages have piled up in my in box, and there are lots of news developments. Here are the links to the latest newslog items, along with some commentary…
First, here are two articles by Webster Tarpley, former MI5 officer. He’s a very good source, and he made a good video exposing the London Tube bombings as being an inside job, a more gentle version of 9/11. In these articles, he talks about how Obama’s role will be usher in a new more dangerous and aggressive era than we’ve seen under the neocons…
Webster Tarpley: Brzezinski’s TLC Rules DC
Air Force Purge Shows Brzezinski’s TLC Rules DC By Webster G. Tarpley 
June-7-08 WASHINGTON, DC — Yesterday’s extraordinary simultaneous ouster of 
the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air Force chief of staff, followed by 
the naming of Trilateral Commissioner and Carter – Sun, Jul 6 2008 12:28 am 
Tarpley: Looming Attack On Pakistan – Nuclear Confrontation
..Tarpley, a former MI-5 officer, knows what he’s talking about. -rkm 
US Policy Shift On Iran-Iraq Again Shows Brzezinski Rules In 
Washington Looming Attack On Pakistan Spells Nuclear Confrontations With China,
 Russia & Their Allies By Webster G. Tarpley – Mon, Jul 21 2008 5:09 am 
This article is related, in that it shows why the US is so concerned about Russia. Basically the US is being out-maneuvered in the global energy game…
Russia’s energy drive leaves US reeling
This article does a very good job of outlining the strategic relationship 
between Russia and the US. I’d like to comment on some of the key statements…
 …The US, aided by it’s media-created myth of an “international community”, 
is attempting to turn the UN into a US-compliant world government. We saw this
in the response to the earthquake in Burma, – Sat, Jul 19 2008 7:45 am 
… and here are two articles where we see Russia making deals in Venezuela and Iran…
Venezuela hails ‘strategic partnership’ with Russia
[link]Venezuela hails ‘strategic partnership’ with Russia Sat, 28 Jun 
2008 09:36:00 (RIA Novosti) – Relations between Venezuela and Russia have 
developed into a strategic partnership, the country’s vice president said 
Friday. Venezuelan Vice President Ramon Carrizales was in Moscow at the end – 
Mon, Jun 30 2008 11:16 am 
Middle East: The Edge Of The Abyss
We Are At The Edge Of The Abyss By Karl Schwarz 7-15-8 The Rense 
website has posted an article out of Russia that everyone needs to read, 
comprehend and heed. No sooner than this article was announced out of Russia 
and Iran than Bush calls a press conference and lifts the executive ban on 
offshore – Wed, Jul 16 2008 9:10 am 

Here we see some of the aggressive moves the US is undertaking vis a vis Russia…

US tightens nuclear noose around Russia
Washington’s audacity, as usual, is quite impressive. As it 
continues its preparations for World War III – a first strike on Russia – it 
tries to make out that Iran is the rogue state in the scenario. That’s 
chutzpah for you. Russia, who knows full well what Washington is up to, is 
beginning to draw lines in the sand. They remember how – Wed, Jul 9 2008 9:51 

…and some of the weapons being developed in support of a first-strike nuclear attack…
Boeing’s Airborne Laser
Boeing’s Airborne Laser Team Begins Laser Activation Tests ST. LOUIS, 
May 28, 2008 — The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], industry teammates and the U.S.
Missile Defense Agency achieved another significant milestone for the Airborne
Laser (ABL) missile defense – Mon, Jul 21 2008 5:13 am 
…and perhaps here an attempt to destabilize China’s economy…
Hot money creating China bubble
On May 9, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, who was in charge of financial affairs, 
sounded wary when he stressed the importance of the country’s financial 
security in the face of the speculative flood. “Financial security deals 
directly with overall national economic and social stability and the 
fundamental interests of the people. Therefore, – Tues, Jul 1 2008 11:41 am 

…and here’s some related background on Obama (rhymes with Osama), the wolf in sheep’s clothing…

Obama: where he gets his money
July 1, 2008 OP-ED COLUMNIST Obama’s Money Class By DAVID BROOKS Barack
Obama sells the Democratic Party short. He talks about his fund-raising 
success as if his donors were part of a spontaneous movement of small-money 
enthusiasts who cohered around himself. In – Tues, Jul 1 2008 11:06 pm 
Obama’s agenda: expanded military & government
AR2008070203152.html Obama Calls for National Service Democrat Visiting
GOP Strongholds By Jonathan Weisman Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, 
July 3, 2008; A04 COLORADO SPRINGS, July 2 — Continuing to press the themes 
of values, – Thurs, Jul 3 2008 3:18 am 
Here we see evidence of the pressure being released in the Middle East, per Tarpley’s articles…
Iran ‘seriously considering’ new international nuclear offer
McClatchy Washington Bureau Posted on Wed, Jul. 02,
 2008 Iran ‘seriously considering’ new international nuclear offer Warren P. 
Strobel | McClatchy Newspapers last updated: July 01, 2008 07:36:41 PM – Fri, 
Jul 4 2008 1:23 am 
Here are some articles related to the global genocide project…
Guardian – Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis
“President Bush has linked higher food prices to higher demand from India and 
China, but the leaked World Bank study disputes that: “Rapid income growth in 
developing countries has not led to large increases in global grain 
consumption and was not a major factor responsible for the large price 
increases.” – Sat, Jul 5 2008 4:40 am 

Midwest levee breaks, corn price at new high
Note: Based on recent information, I have a strong suspicion HAARP may be 
behind many of the ‘natural disasters’ that have been experienced recently. 
Particularly these floods, which are well within the capabilities of HAARP, 
and which serve very well the genocidal intentions of those who call the tune 
to which politicians – Sat, Jun 28 2008 3:15 pm 
Heavy Rains Drowning U.S. Crop Production Hopes
This posting is a bit late, as I’ve got about 700 messages in my in box. But 
it’s relevant nonetheless. There is little doubt in my mind that these floods 
were caused by HAARP, as a means of accelerating the program of global 
genocide through starvation. rkm 
And here are some miscellaneous articles…
Canada’s tar sands: energy + devastation

The Tar Sands, Downstream Cancer, and the BC 
connection. By Blair Redlin and Caelie Frampton Published: May 20, 2008 When 500 ducks died earlier this month after landing on a tar sands
tailings pond, Canadians got a glimpse into how unfettered tar sands – Thurs, 
May 29 2008 1:44 am 
Project Terrorism: US, Al-Qaeda, and Pakistan
This article claims progress is being made against Al Qaeda, and at the same 
time warns of more attacks. They want it both ways. And they can always make 
either come true since they control Al Qaeda and carry out the ‘terrorist’ 
attacks themselves. Very convenient. Just like Orwell predicted in 1984. 
Pakistan is of course the place where – Fri, May 30 2008 10:42 pm 
Mohawk Nation News – latest govt. atrocities
strategy-abu.html Thursday, June 26, 2008 Mohawk Nation News: The 
Devil’s Strategy, Abu Ghraib to Akwesasne THE DEVIL’S STRATEGY – FROM ABU 
GHRAIB TO AKWESASNE – by Iako’ha:kowa of Sharbot Lake Haudenosaunee Territory 
Mohawk Nation News – Fri, Jun 27 2008 8:38 am 
Canadian news: Dialog magazine
June 6, 2008 Dialogue’s e-mail Newsletter Vol.2 #6 JUNE 2008 In This Issue 
Dialogue’s Book Store Canadian Action Party End of Public Power in BC 
Refederation Party of BC Pacifism as a map Independent Republic of Western 
Canada Deeo Down the Front Bench is Shallow Security & Prosperity Partnership 
Quick Links – Fri, Jun 27 2008 8:42 am 
