First a dialog that came just before the Bali operation, and then some pieces that followed it. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 00:06:00 +0800 To: •••@••.••• From: B Subject: UK Protest rally ---<snip>--- At the moment the majority of Australians are against (a) a war with Iraq and (b) an extra tax/levy to pay for the war. So, how does PM Howard turn the tide of opinion? Probably with USA help. You'll notice in the follow extracts from speeches given at the UK rally a report that Diego Garcia is a loaded arsenal with weapons including nuclear on this island in the Indian Ocean. Also, America is pushing onto our Government that they turn Lancelin (66 kilometres north of Perth) and one of our favourite places to visit, into a harbour for their vessels to come for repair and so forth. I've protested and so are the Greens Party. I don't know what response they've had from Government but mine to State Premier and Commonwealth Minister for Defence have been ignored by both to date. This is an extrapolation on original insight - America will drop the missile/bomb on Garden Island naval base (after all they plan to build another one up the north of the coast) and blame it on Iraq, thereby justifying ours and their bombing of Iraq and bring some hostile public opinion behind them again!! Governments who can commits acts of terror and get away with it - yours for being agents in events of 9/11, ours for being agents in drowning boat people - would have no compunction about pulling that one off!! UK Protest Rally: ============================================================================ Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 To: B From: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: UK Protest rally They might do that, or they might blow up something in Europe, or whatever. The problem with predicting is that they can strike anywhere, and they love to surprise people. ============================================================================ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 00:43:54 -0700 From: "Butler Crittenden, Ph.D." <•••@••.•••> Subject: Fw: The Bali Bombing To: Adam Heilbrun <•••@••.•••> This came to me from a friend in a thread dealing with the Bali bombing. From an Aussie and worth anyone's attention. Butler -------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- 10/13/02 10:14:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time Dear Jeff, Just a few weeks ago many Australians saw a TV interview with a somewhat gruff US Ambassador to OZ who, seemingly upset with the prevalent (majority) popular objection of Australian citizens to Australia's involvement in the planned US military invasion of Iraq (or "Regime Change" as it has become known in extant "Poli-Speak"), warned us that Australia was not immune to Al Qaeda style terrorist action. Crazy as it seems at first sight many who saw this interview gleaned his attitude to actually be an unspoken but implied threat of terrorist action if we did not mend our wayward non-compliant attitudes .................... Our OZ ways have included a rising anguish at the treatment of the Palestinians by the forces of Israel as directed by Sharon and supported by Bush, AND a very widespread and fast setting view against helping in the US plans for a military invasion of Iraq, coupled with an increasing anger at the new Pax Americana planetary policies of Dubya's USA. Meanwhile in Europe the Germans were fighting an internal political election battle over Yes-No re support for the planned US military invasion of Iraq. The NO side won and Germany came down solidly against any involvement in, or UN support for, the planned US-Iraq war. Similarly France held out against the USA and, although willing to support renewed UN site investigations, refused to back the US demand for stronger UN resolutions that would automatically lead via a short fuse to a rapid UN supported war on Iraq. Reportedly the vast majority of other European populations are also dead set against this new US war. Not only these peoples but also a very large percentage of Britons are similarly dis-interested in this new American game - with it's very real risk of devolution into World War III. Then within a few days we were presented with fresh Al Jazeera TV announcements (a) that Osama bin Laden (aka they seek him here - they seek him there - the elusive pimpernel) was alive and well, and (2) a message - reportedly from another Al Qaeda Chief - threatening terrorist attacks against both French and German interests. These news items were immediately followed by a terrorist attack - an explosive laden motor boat against a French Super-Tanker off the coast of Yemen. Back in OZ we simultaneously experienced nation wide TV warnings by one Rohan Gunaratna, the author of "Inside Al Qaeda". This previously unknown to us "expert on terrorism" issued a specific warning that Al Qaeda members have been trained to destroy targets in Australia, stating that he'd been given the information during debriefings of captured Al Qaeda members. Amazing how this author got access to these prisoners - the most tightly held since the Gulag Archipelago - and national TV airtime across OZ - he must have some very interesting connections .................. Then last night there occurred the horrendous and despicable terrorist bombings of two night clubs in Bali - frequented predominantly by holidaying Australians. First reports talk of +182 dead (with the count expected to climb) plus hundreds wounded including many horribly burned. These casualties include many young Australian, English, German, Dutch, and Indonesian-Balinese. Just what sort of "Muslim Terrorist" threatens to bomb the persons and interests of people who are basically for Human Rights in Palestine and against the US Dubya Bush plans for an invasion of Iraq ??? What sort of IDIOT would then do so and thereby ruin this genuine grass roots support for their cause within Germany, France, Britain, Holland etc, and Australia ??? Strangely unlike the Northern Irish or Basque terrorist actions these latest bombings of people and assets have NOT been followed by any public claims of authorship and their cause. However this omission has been corrected by our Australian TV which has been running pictures of Saddam Hussein and linking the blasts to Al Qaeda or off-shoot SE Asian Muslim organisations - throughout tonight's Bali Bombing News slots. We are told tonight by our new ABC "terrorist guru" - Rohan Gunaratna - that "ONLY Al Qaeda have the intention and ability to carryout such terrorist bombings as that in Bali"....................... I seem to recall an almost identical line being spun on US TV - just minutes after the 9-11 New York Twin Trade Tower incidents ..................... ONLY AL QAEDA can do this - NO ONE else - do not forget this viewers !!! Obviously the Al Qaeda group lack quality spin doctors and planners amongst their other key personnel - the ones with the "sole planetary ability to mount such terrorist attacks" - since better strategic planning would presumably strike real enemies of the Muslim or Iraqi world - not their potential or real allies. Equally obviously such claims that Al Qaeda are the ONLY possible sources of such terrorism are TOTAL bullshit. There exist many state run and possibly other independent organisations with the ability to mount such terrorist attacks. Even OZ's very own ASIO (a sort of low budget CIA) managed to place a little bomb outside a Sydney hotel a few decades ago - where Commonwealth Prime Ministers were meeting - they even blamed a religious sect (Ananda Marga) for the action and death of a council worker - not to mention their organising a series of wood chip factory bombings across the land - all well researched after the event as attempts at political interference to re-elect the Liberal Party to power. Not that I suspect our little ASIO of being the source all of this recent rather oddly targeted international terror. Perhaps there is ANOTHER Third Party Agency at work here ??? One that wants a war between the Muslim and Western Worlds. One that wants to push the peoples of France, Germany, Holland, Britain, and Australia into the US led "Clash of Civilisations" and against Iraq and the Muslim world ??? One that wants to create a major World War ??? I wonder just who this could be ??? As in solving all crimes one must follow the motive and benefit line to its logical conclusion. As events begin to spiral along out of control on the road to a major war between Western and Muslim civilisation it behooves us to get it 100% right and identify the true "Terror of Mankind" who is running these inhumane actions - BEFORE we jump into aiding and abetting planetary mayhem by joining the Dubya "Rape, Loot, and Pillage Mission." The powers of darkness are unleashing the dogs of war and we might just have time to put them back in their kennel - but time is running very short mates. Harry Mason Perth, Western Australia 6124 •••@••.••• ============================================================================ Delivered-To: •••@••.••• Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 14:45:05 -0700 (PDT) From: Zahid Altaf <•••@••.•••> Subject: Keep the FBI out of Bali! To: Hi Mike, The Bomb attacks in Bali have all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack by none other than AMERICA! Why on earth is the CIA and FBI going to Bali to investigate? Why are the British intelligence services going there? Could it be that they want to get there first to cover up the truth and then may be they will 'discover' a passport belonging to one of the 'bombers' who will n o doubt be a Muslim and of course, he or they will be so stupid and leave such blatant clues which will defy logic. Would you Believe it!!! A day after the attacks, Al-Jazeera, who's credibility has now been in serious doubt by most of the Arab world, who regard as a Zionist propoganda outlet, release a 'message' from Osama Bin Laden allegedly 'hailing' these attacks.... now think of the irony. American and British 'Intelligence' services should be kept out of Bali at all cost and the matter should be investigated by an independent panel set up by the UN and the findings made public. If the 'dossier on Iraq' by Blair is anything to go by then an American and British led investigation will in fact be an insult to our intelligence. For more information, check out these news stories, which are already claiming that the US is behind the bombings. Do you Yahoo!? <>Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & more <> ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 20:28:15 -0600 From: "GlobalCirclenet" <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Indonesian Muslim militants claim U.S. behind Bali explosions c=5 Indonesian Muslim militants claim U.S. behind Bali explosions JAKARTA (Agencies): Two leaders of Muslim militant groups on Monday accused the U.S. of being behind the deadly Bali bomb blasts that killed at least 187 people over the weekend. However, no evidence was offered to support their accusations. "We deplore and condemn the masterminds, fund raisers and whoever was involved in the bomb explosions in Bali," said Habib Rizieq Shihab, leader of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI), a Muslim militant group best known for its frequent attacks on bars, and other nightspots in Jakarta. "The incident could be used as reason for the United States and its allies to justify their accusations that Indonesia is a terrorist network base," Shihab said as quoted by DPA. Two massive explosions ripped through packed discos on Jl. Legian street in Kuta, a well-known entertainment strip in Bali, shortly before midnight on Saturday, killing at least 187 people and injuring another 300 others. Meanwhile, Abu Bakar Ba'asyir, chairman of another militant group the Indonesian Mujahidin Council (MMI), also accused the U.S. of being behind the explosions in Bali. "The U.S. intelligence agency is behind the Bali bombings in an attempt to justify their accusation that Indonesia is a terrorist base," said Abu Bakar, suspected to be the leader of Jema'ah Islamiyah (JI), a group that allegedly plans to establish a pan-Islamic state in Southeast Asia. Dozens of JI members have been arrested in Singapore and Malaysia, where the group has been accused of having links with the al-Qaeda international terrorist organization headed by Osama bin Laden. Indonesia, which abolished its draconian internal security act in 1998, has refused to arrest Ba'asyir on the grounds that there is no evidence that he has committed crimes in Indonesia. Abu Bakar warned the Indonesian government and security officials not to be trapped in the U.S.'s strategy, and to refrain from declaring that a terrorist network exists in the country. More than 85 per cent of Indonesia's 215 million people are Muslims, making it the world's most populous Islamic nation and making crackdowns on Muslim radicals a very political issue for the government. The government of President Megawati Soekarnoputri has been widely criticized for failing to crack down on terrorist suspects in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. Many Indonesian Muslim clerics and academics on Monday were raising questions about who could be behind the Bali tragedy, which has seemingly justified a stronger government stance against terrorists and their sympathizers. "Such a car bomb blast could be linked to the work of foreigners, especially the U.S. in a bid to attack hard-line groups deemed as terrorists," said M. Budyatna, a noted political observer and former dean of social and political studies at the University of Indonesia. "The terrorist label is intentionally given to Muslims in Indonesia in a bid to justify its hypothesis and in the hope of stigmatizing Indonesia in the eyes of international community," said another political expert Nadjamuddin Muhammad Rasul. But moderate Muslim cleric Hasjim Muzadi, chairman of the Indonesia's largest Islamic organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), said that the blasts ran counter to Islamic values, humanism and nationalism. "The bloody blast is really inflicting sorrow on the bereaved families and runs counter to the country's unity and good relations with other nations in the world," Antara quoted Muzadi as saying. -- ============================================================================ cyberjournal home page: "Zen of Global Transformation" home page: QuayLargo discussion forum: cj list archives:'cj' newslog list archives:'newslog' cj_open list archives:'cj_open' subscribe addresses for cj list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• subscribe addresses for cj_open list: •••@••.••• •••@••.••• ============================================================================