This is a kind of cross-over piece, sort of right-wing, and sort of not. If you lose interest in the Oklahoma stuff, fast forward to "GENETIC ENGINEERING ENDANGERING ALL LIFE ?" Ice nine may have been only science fiction, but biotech has the same potential dangers. regards, richard ============================================================================ From: "Boudewijn Wegerif" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: A Very Serious Issue Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 17:03:32 +0100 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Priority: 3 17 February 2001 Dear friends of truth, Late last night I watched a Pentagon general in a CNN newscast justify the bombing of military installations around Baghdad, by 23 US and British airplanes a few hours earlier, as "necessary self-defense!" The general seemed not unaware of how inanely false the words he was required to mouth were. Listening to him, it seemed about time to face up to just how hard and fast the world is being driven away from a semblance of democracy to economic feudalism - that is to say, to the rule of a money-controlling elite over a psychically numbed and semi-literate populace. It seems to me that we are weeks rather than months away from witnessing the clear unfolding of a long-planned, horrendous clampdown on all opposition to the money masters -- mainly in the US, but by no means confined to the US. Some news items along from the report of the Baghdad bombing, there was a reference to the forthcoming execution of Timothy McVeigh for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. In this account, as in others in recent days, there has been no mention of responsible researches that show that McVeigh's fertilizer bomb truck could not possibly have been the sole cause of the wreckage in which 168 people died; that it is more than likely that the FBI knew about the bombing in advance and added four or five bombs of their own. I am absolutely sure that there are many, many people who know that there are serious reservations about the extent of McVeigh's culpability. Yet such is our psychic numbing, we are inclined to roll along with the official spin. It is not easy to breakthrough the servility barrier that holds us back from living for the truth, to the point of being outcast for it. It was with considerable gratitude, therefore, that I received the following breakthrough email from my friend Art Rosenblum. It echoes my concerns. It puts the Oklahoma City bombing in perspective, relative to the Anti-Terrorist Act that was passed just after it. And it shows how the bombing may come to be seen as meaning for the neo-fascist theft of power in the US today what the burning of the Reichstag in Berlin meant for the Nazi accession to power in 1933. I have shortened Art's email and, under his heading "What can we do?", I have edited out details related to his own quasi-community. I go along with Art's argument for communal living but I just don't think that this is a full enough response in itself. I think our world societies are now so steeped in untruth, so materially corrupted and spiritually contaminated, that only a readiness to symbolically disarm the military and demolish the structures of money's power, with a willingness to be imprisoned (like the Plowshare activists) and otherwise persecuted for it, will satisfy the divine in us! In friendship, Boudewijn Wegerif --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends, Our entire culture is fragmented, broken might even be the word. You know Bush was not elected, that corporations have taken over the media, our food is at risk from genetic engineering, our people have lost control of government. But all these issues are separated so we can't put it all together and see the whole picture, to see solutions that work for our entire planet, our whole lives. At the end of this post, I'll make some radical suggestions, answers we can consider. I'm attempting to summarize these serious issues so that we can see them in context together and then also supply some of the evidence that makes the picture believable. The ANTI-TERRORIST ACT of 1996 is a law that can essentially end our freedom to protest any government action by allowing the police to define even nonviolent protest action as terrorism. It was passed by trickery in 1995; trickery that involved the highly publicized murder of children as well as adults in a government conspiracy as yet little known. I was sure that it was [passed] within days of the OK City bombing, but now it's dated 1996. The bombing was April 19, 1995. Now I've had my recollection confirmed by others and would suggest the official date change may be intended to distance it from that bombing. The act, which allows police to confiscate without trial houses and cars of any persons they "claim" are in violation was [passed] only a week after the bombing of the OK City Federal Bldg. Obviously it was prepared well in advance of that bombing and passed by a congress in shock. But the truth behind that bombing is hidden by the corporately owned media and government agencies directly involved. I know this sounds like insane "conspiracy theory" so it may be difficult to get you to look at the facts. It will only be rational to most readers if they can put various, seemingly separate issues together in their minds and that is what I am attempting to do here. I'll try to present the issues in broad outlines and then give you substantial information to prove that what I am saying is verified. The evidence may be too lengthy for you to read, but it is important to get it all together to grasp the whole picture. I was led to write this after seeing the following post about the ANTI-TERRORISM ACT. which I will have to abbreviate . . . Here is the excerpt: WHEN DO DEMONSTRATORS BECOME TERRORISTS? by Ross Regnart "The Anti--Terrorist Act of 1996 appears aimed at public dissent: The ACT contains language which can charge law-abiding citizens as being agents or affording support to terrorist organizations: Broadly written--intent to commit terrorist acts is defined: (Appeared To Be Intended Toward Violence or Activities Which Could Intimidate or Coerce a Civilian Population; or To Influence the Policy of a Government). (18USC Sec. 2331): Any picket line or demonstration, alleged by police to have blocked or obstructed public access, could qualify as "Terrorist Activities" to intimidate or coerce a civilian population: Terrorist charges make it possible for police to forfeit attending demonstrators' homes used for meetings and the vehicles they used for transportation to the event." (slice) "The media, right, left and in between, has taken a . . . supine attitude towards the Anti-Terrorist Act. Should we really have a law that allows our government to do such things? And how in the world did we end up with a law like this in the first place? "The last question is easy to answer: The Anti-Terrorism Act was unpassable until 168 people were killed in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. And we all know what happened in that city on that day. Timothy McVeigh, a loner, a nut, a malcontent drove a Ryder truck packed with explosives made of fertilizer to the front of the A. P. Murrah Federal Building and set it off. "There's just one small problem with the story: it defies the laws of physics and common sense. "I was first clued in to the gaping holes in the Oklahoma City story by a video sent to me by one of my readers. Among other things, I document instances of election fraud, the crime that "never happens" in the US. My readers come from all over the political spectrum, from Marxists who see election fraud as yet another proof of the untenability of capitalism to rabid Rush-ites who are sure it's all a part of a liberal plot. "Fortunately for my sanity, because I correspond with my readers on a regular basis, most fall somewhere in the middle. "One day a video arrived with a note saying in essence: `You've got to see this!' So I popped it in the VCR. What I saw shocked, but didn't surprise me. The video was made up of footage taken from live local TV news reports right after the bombing in Oklahoma City. The same theme was consistent throughout all the broadcasts: `A bomb has gone off inside the Murrah building and the bomb squad is clearing out rescue workers because additional bombs have been found.' "Also included with this tape was a video of a public access interview with one Benton Partin, a retired Air Force Brigadier General. In it he makes the case that the major damage to the Murrah Building could only have been done by a bomb or bombs inside the building. His presentation was logical and his logic was unassailable. More on this later. "I don't need to have a ton of bricks fall on me to appreciate the obvious and I filed all this away as yet another example of the stupendous ineptitude of the US news media. Can't they get anything right? Can't they do anything other than rewrite government and corporate press releases? What's happened to independent reporting, seeking the truth, and all the other stuff I still naively believe is the reason we have a news media in the first place? "Months later, I casually mentioned to a group of fellow journalists that we still don't know what damaged the Murrah Building so severely and one of them was all over me: `Don't you know that all those doubts are from stories planted by right wing militia kooks?' "No actually, I didn't know that. What I do know is that for several hours after the blast, the local media quite clearly and unequivocally referred to a blast inside the building, as did many of the eye witnesses and victims who were interviewed live on the scene. The anchors even read from a Justice Department press release that said the same thing. "But then the story changed. And the live feeds from the street stopped. Now it was a truck bomb parked in front of the building that did all the damage. Despite how you may disrespect local TV reporters, and how much many of them have earned that disrespect, they are pretty good at sticking microphones in people's faces and letting them talk. And when they don't start out with a preprogrammed agenda, they sometimes let the truth slip through. "Is it likely that right wing militia nuts seeded the street with victims and local officials to spread the "rumor" that there was a bomb inside the building? Is the FBI, which has been caught in so many lies they have filled several books, a likely source of reliable information about a tragedy they may have inadvertently had a hand in? (The Bureau had been warned the Murrah Building was a target for attack, but did nothing to protect the occupants.) "'But what about Partin? Surely he can't know what he's talking about. Surely he's a militia kook who dreams at night of overturning the federal government.' No, actually Partin is a man whose attitudes would be considered absolutely typical and mainstream in many parts of the country. He's a self-described Christian and proud of it, he hates Communism, and he believes its philosophy is the single biggest threat to American freedom. These attitudes are hardly uncommon among career military men. "In fact, it would have been hard to rise to the level of Brigadier General during the Cold War without holding them. Furthermore, not only does he not hate the `guv'ment,' he's been steadily involved in mainstream political activities since his retirement from active duty. How mainstream? How about chairman of the Republican Party in Fairfax County, Virginia for four years? His solution to this country's problems? Getting more people to become involved in the political process. (slice) "Like many people who thoroughly grasp a subject, Partin is the soul of clarity when explaining his science to novices. Take the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, for example. One look at the pictures of the damage tells you at least part of the force which killed our fellow citizens came from deep within the building. Why? The severe damage to supporting columns inside the building. This kind of damage can only be done by charges placed on or drilled into a column and absolutely cannot be done by the air blast generated by a bomb detonating in the street. (If you have an emotional need to doubt this, as many seem to do on this subject, contact a demolition company and ask them.)..." For the full text of this report request: "OK City Facts -AntiTerrorism Act.txt" from Art Rosenblum at <mailto:•••@••.•••>•••@••.••• GENETIC ENGINEERING ENDANGERING ALL LIFE ? Could the Anti-Terrorism act be used to stop us from protesting the dangers of genetic engineering? A recent report was so shocking that I could not pass it on without some careful checking. The report stated that a GE ERROR COULD DESTROY LIFE ON EARTH! Miranda Spencer <<mailto:•••@••.•••>•••@••.••• sent a report stating "All [plant] life on earth could be destroyed by genetically modified bacteria." The report said that scientists modified a common soil bacteria so that it could be used to turn waste material from farms into ethanol (alcohol for fuel). It sounded like an excellent idea, which could produce huge amounts of fuel from plant material currently wasted. It worked. Large amounts of alcohol were produced. But then Dr. Elaine Ingham at Oregon State University added that bacteria to soil where wheat plants were growing. Seven days later the wheat plants were turned to slime. Had this modified bacteria been released into the environment it might have killed all plants and there would have been no way to "recall" it. It could have multiplied indefinitely. This report seemed so extreme, that I hesitated to pass it on without some verification so I called Oregon State U. to talk with Elaine Ingham. I learned she was traveling, lecturing, and spoke with her assistant who assured me the report was correct. He said the full paper could be found in the Journal of Applied Soil Ecology # 11, pages 67 - 78 - in an article authored by Ingham and M.T. Holmes. Elaine Ingham works with an organization called "Soil Food Web, Inc." (541) 752-5066. I'm told they are getting a lot of calls about this matter. Of course, this is extremely serious. There was no legal requirement to test this GE altered bacteria on plants or soil before releasing it for alcohol production. But once released, there is no telling how it might have multiplied anywhere, everywhere and how fast. Bacteria are not like cows that can be brought back into the barn. Once out, it's out and can go wherever nature takes it. One Genetic Engineering mistake, a thing, which could happen at any time, can possibly destroy plants all over. Genetic engineering can be more dangerous by far than nuclear weapons and proliferation. What kind of insanity are we getting into? And yet, with this "Anti-Terrorism Act" any group that protests Genetic Engineering, even nonviolently can be charged with terrorism. The houses they met in can be confiscated, cars taken away, etc. And even if the people are later proved innocent of any crime, there is no assurance that property will be returned. There is much more. The U.S. government is still bombing Iraq every week. It hardly makes the press. The "war on drugs" is being used as an excuse to incarcerate millions of Americans and enslave millions more in other countries. We've just had a horrible report of the ongoing slaughter of thousands of Indians in Ecuador for protesting WTO inspired enslavement. I'm waiting to publish the details until I can get some confirmation directly from friends in Ecuador. WHAT CAN WE DO? When I put these and many other things together I see our entire culture heading in a very wrong direction. It does appear that the Nazis and their CIA (of which Bush is a part) have taken over. We have an illegitimate presidency and a media afraid to tell the truth, corporate rule by the rich and slavery for the poor. All this has been accomplished by a policy of "divide and conquer" which makes us into separate individuals all competing against one another for all our needs including love relationships. But for 99% of our time on earth, all humans have lived communally, tribally, cooperatively. One could therefore surmise that our separate family lifestyle is not normal for humans. And there is no way we can solve our problems or the world's by remaining as isolated separate families. I can do my work full time because I'm willing to put the needs of the world first and my own comfort second. I'm very grateful for what comfort I now have but am willing to live with much less . . . I'm willing to support any number of others who want to work with us and share what we have in an intimate communal setting . . . (slice) I've investigated cooperative alternatives of all kinds for many years, lived in them over 20 years. I believe it is a time for a major return to cooperative lifestyles of many kinds . . . By living together closely with a common purpose in mind, a positive future for our planet, we can free up individuals to work full time at various projects we agree on, while others raise funds or bring income. We may not be rich, but might be a lot happier than living alone. Working on any project full time is far more effective than doing it as a sideline. And doing it together is far more effective than working alone. I can't say that we have all the answers, but we do feel that we know what the "next step" should be. Peace and love, Art Rosenblum, <mailto:•••@••.•••>mailto:•••@••.••• Aquarian Research Foundation, 5620 Morton St., Philadelphia, PA 19144. Phone: 215-848-2292 day/eve. Working for a positive future for our planet since 1969. Web: ============================================================================