cj> Ted Lumley: Signs of the Coming Revolution


Richard Moore


Thanks for this.


Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 15:56:13 -0500
To: •••@••.••• (Richard Moore)    [and others]
From: ted lumley 
Subject: Signs of the coming revolution.

dear all,

an excerpt from an interesting article in the Utne Reader,
along with some appended thoughts;

#5 Signs of the Coming Revolution

Beyond the empty campaign rhetoric that passes for public
debate today lie the seeds of a dramatic cultural and
political transformation.  In 50 years, America will be a
very different place.  And surprise!  It might be better
than you dare imagine.  Here's why.

The 'five reasons why' in this article in the Nov Dec 2000
issue of the UTNE reader give a coherent ring (which
deserves our nurturing!);

    1.  The Resurgence of Citizen's Movements,  Paul Hawken  
    2.  The Graying of America (of the developed world
        societies),  Gay Gaer Luce
    3.  The Rising Challenge to Corporate Control of Our
        Lives,  David C. Korten
    4.  Our Rediscovery of the World's Mysteries,  James
    5.  A New Connected Generation,  Margaret Wheatley

Here's an excerpt from the `citizen's movements' portion;

In the United States, more than 30,000 citizens' groups,
non-governmental organizations, and foundations are
addressing the issue of social and ecological sustainability
in the most complete sense of the word.  Worldwide, their
number exceeds 100,000.  Together, they address a broad
array of issues, including environmental justice, ecological
literacy, public policy, conservation, women's rights and
health, population growth, renewable energy, corporate
reform, labor rights, climate change, trade rules, ethical
investing, ecological tax reform, water conservation, and
much more.  These groups follow Ghandi's imperatives.  Some
resist, others create new structures, patterns and means. 
The groups tend to be local, marginal, poorly funded and
overworked.  It is hard for most groups not to feel
justified anxiety that they could perish in a twinkling.  At
the same time, a deeper, extraordinary pattern is emerging.

If you ask these groups for their principles, frameworks,
conventions, models, or declarations, you will find that
they do not conflict.  Never before in history has this
happened.  In the past, movements that became powerful
started with a unified or centralized set of ideas (Marxism,
Christianity, Freudianism) and disseminated them, creating
power struggles over time as the core mental model or dogma
was changed, diluted, or revised.  This new sustainability
movement did not start this way.  Its supporters do not
agree on everything --- nor should they --- but remarkably,
they share a basic set of fundamental understandings about
the earth, how it functions, and the necessity of fairness
and equity for all people in partaking of its life-giving

This shared understanding is arising spontaneously from
different economic sectors, cultures, regions, and cohorts. 
And it is spreading throughout this country and the world. 
No one started it this worldview, no one is in charge of it,
no orthodoxy is restraining it.  I believe it is the
fastest-growing and most powerful movement in the world
today, unrecognizeable to the American media because it is
not centralized, based on power, or led by charismatic white
males.  As external conditions continue to worsen socially,
environmentally, and politically, organizations working
towards sustainability multiply and gain more supporters.


i would agree with this author and would suggest that this
new form of movement is an `inductive movement' as per the
appended model discussed in one of our 'sharing circle'
dialogues, in contrast with the western tradition of
`assertive movements'

in my view, the challenge is for the participants to provide
a mirrored view of themselves in the course of their
individual conscious movements so as to nurture the growth
of coherency, as in the container-constituent-codynamics of
a hurricane.  this article by paul hawken et al is a step in
this direction.



