Dear cj and rn, I am now undertaking the task of writing an extended article for inclusion in an upcoming issue of Socialist Review - "Globalization and the Revolutionary Imperative". The article will be organized slightly differently than my planned book, but it covers the same scope, and it can be considered the initial published version of the book. The following Introduction sets the stage for the article. A model is developed of the dynamics of revolutions, and two important examples are introduced which will be further developed in the rest of the article. The case is made that the 'time is ripe' for the overthrow of capitalism, and the problems facing a revolutionary movement are outlined. The need is identified for an appropriate 'revolutionary analysis' - in order to precipitate revolutionary activity out of the turbulence of the decaying capitalist system. The remainder of the article will be my own humble attempt to provide such a revolutionary analysis. as usual, comments invited, rkm ============================================================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction: Capitalism, revolution, and the need for an appropriate analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The dynamics of revolution and the role of analysis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Societies evolve continually. Sometimes they evolve through imperceptible minor changes - whose effects are only gradually noticed. In other cases, evolution occurs in the form of more dramatic and visible transformations. When such a transformation is especially dramatic, and when it brings fundamental shifts in societal dynamics, then it can be described as a 'revolution.' This article is about two particular revolutions - one that is unfolding before our eyes, and another - a counter revolution - which is lying latent in the circumstances of the modern world. The first revolution is generally referred to as 'globalization.' Although the globalization process is widely recognized as bringing revolutionary changes on a global scale, this article will endeavor to show that the profound revolutionary significance of globalization has been only partially understood. The first three sections of this article investigate the origins and the consequences of globalization from three different perspectives, leading to an overall picture which is both surprising and alarming. The basic evidence we will consider is readily available - most of it can be found in our daily newspapers or in standard history books. What has been lacking is the application of a sufficiently broad historical perspective - the bringing together of enough cross-disciplinary considerations to enable an accurate characterization of globalization to emerge. The second revolution - the latent counter-revolution - is a bit more difficult for me to introduce into discussion. While the transformative power of globalization is readily apparent to everyone, there are very few people who seriously expect that a counter-revolution - of any description - is either likely or possible. Before this topic can be addressed, we need to develop a working model of revolutionary dynamics. In trying to explain how revolutions happen, historians have identified two general kinds of causes - those arising out of 'conditions' ('structure'), and those due to the creative activity of 'agents' ('players'). Sometimes 'conditions' are such that revolutionary changes seem to arise almost inevitably, and even the actions of the various historical 'players' seem to arise predictably out of their situations. In other cases, unique and creative 'agents' - thinkers or leaders - dramatically accelerate change, or shape the course of change, in ways that could not have been predicted. In general, every revolutionary scenario involves both favorable conditions and particular agents of change. The extent to which either is 'causative' in each scenario is a topic of controversial historical interpretation. As an example of a revolution which can readily be interpreted in 'structuralist' terms, let us examine the 'capitalist revolution,' as it occurred in late eighteenth-century Britain. Three causative 'conditions' can be easily identified: (1) the structure of the 'national economy,' (2) the availability of the steam engine and other 'new technologies,' and (3) Britain's 'rigidly class-oriented social structure.' One can persuasively argue that these conditions fully account for how capitalism developed in Britain. Such an argument might proceed along these lines: (1) The British 'economy' was organized around specialized production in different localities, aimed at serving the London market and colonial markets. A domestic canal network and an ocean-going fleet enabled efficient transport of goods throughout Britain and the Empire. (2) In that context, 'new technologies' made industrialization 'inevitable.' A market was available for the increased goods which more efficient methods could produce, and the means were available to economically deliver those goods. (3) Britain's 'class-oriented society' made it 'inevitable' that industrial production would be dominated by one social class or another. In fact a 'new' social class arose - referred to as 'wealthy industrialists' or the 'capitalist elite.' This can be explained by the 'rigidity' of the previous British classes - they could not respond adequately to the changing 'conditions.' As an example of a revolution frequently interpreted in terms of 'agency,' let us consider the American Revolution. Historical emphasis in this scenario is typically placed on Enlightenment thinkers, Founding-Father activists, and the specifically objectionable policies of a unique and unbalanced King George. There were identifiable 'hotbeds' of revolution in places like Boston and Philadelphia, and a creative 'revolutionary movement' arose which guided the revolution to a conclusion that cannot be readily explained by structural considerations. Thomas Paine's 'Common Sense' - using remarkably innovative arguments in an unprecedented popular style - almost by itself managed to spread the flames of rebellion from a minority movement to the general colonial population. A clearer example of 'agent causation' can hardly be imagined. And yet behind the American scenario were overwhelmingly favorable 'conditions' - conditions whose significance has been perhaps unduly eclipsed by the obvious role of the colorful revolutionary movement. In fact, a reasonably persuasive 'structuralist' explanation can be offered for much of what happened, based on the colonial conditions of the late eighteenth century. Such an argument could be presented along these lines: (1) Britain had set up the colonies on a self-regulating basis. So long as they abided by the dictates of the Crown and Parliament - and the Crown got its taxes and British industry its profits - the colonies were left largely to manage their own affairs. Out of this 'condition,' colonists naturally developed an identity as 'Americans' - for the most part loyal to the Crown, but without quite being 'British.' (2) A prospering colonial economy developed, despite the fact that it wasn't permitted to industrialize. American shipbuilders, merchants, and traders proved to be very competent, and Boston became the third-busiest port in the British Empire. The economic benefits of subjection to the Crown were declining, and the advantages of 'economic' independence for the colonies - enabling industrialization - was becoming plain for anyone to see. (3) A local political infrastructure had developed, including a representative assembly in each of the thirteen colonies. British intervention occurred mostly at the top of the structure, where a Royal Governor had the power to overrule or supersede assembly decisions. The viability of 'political' independence was readily apparent - the colonies were clearly capable of governing themselves through their existing representative assemblies. (4) It was only natural that various elements of colonial society would begin to notice these conditions, to see the advantages of independence, and begin collaborating toward that end. As it turned out, the new American republic, with all its novel revolutionary rhetoric, amounted largely to a continuation of the preexisting colonial assemblies, operating under a legalistic contract-like document known as The American Constitution. There is little point in debating which of these explanations of the American Revolution is 'more correct.' Such an exercise in reductionism leads to confusion, not understanding. As Einstein said: "Make it as simple as possible, but no simpler." More value can be obtained by taking the two analyses as being two 'lenses,' each revealing part of the picture. Taken together, they provide an enhanced understanding - a multi-dimensional stereo image if you will - of the revolutionary dynamics at work in this case. In the case of the capitalist revolution in Britain, which we looked at through a structural lens, there is also an 'agency lens' that provides a useful additional perspective on the rise of capitalism. Economically-minded historians generally point to the central importance of Adam Smith's 'Wealth of Nations,' whose impact on British economic thinking was profound, and whose considerable originality cannot be denied. Smith persuasively argued that free markets could be expected to benefit society generally, and that unbridled capitalism would lead to a maximization of the 'wealth' of the British 'nation.' The unique brilliance of Smith's presentation was directly instrumental in creating a constituency for capitalism among the British ruling classes. This constituency - functioning as a de-facto 'revolutionary movement' - managed to bring about radical changes in economic policy which led directly the triumph of capitalism in Britain. Even today, Smith's analysis continues to wield its awesome influence. The doctrine of 'market forces' - employed to justify every aspect of modern globalization - is nothing more than the latest terminology for Smith's beneficent 'invisible hand.' The dynamic interplay of 'structural conditions' and 'conscious agency' can, I suggest, be captured by a simple metaphor - a kind of 'provisional working model' of revolutionary dynamics. Revolution is like getting a bonfire going - there must be sufficient fuel, an adequate spark, and effective kindling. If any of the three are missing, the fire will not occur. The 'fuel' of revolution are the historical conditions - the structural forces favoring some general direction of change. The 'spark' of revolution is a 'revolutionary movement' - some consciously collaborating group, with a reasonable sensitivity to the prevailing forces, and who are pushing an agenda of change which is in alignment with those forces. The 'kindling' of revolution is some 'propagation vehicle' which manages to recruit a sufficiently potent constituency to the movement so that actual change can be carried through. Such a vehicle might be an appropriately articulated analysis, such as that of Thomas Paine, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, or Milton Friedman. Such a vehicle might also occur in the form of a charismatic leader, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Fidel Castro, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, or Mikhail Gorbachev. In the case of the British capitalist revolution, there was sufficient fuel in the historical conditions described previously. There was a sparking movement, in the form of entrepreneurs and others who were building fortunes through exploitation of new technologies - and who openly advocated unregulated free markets. Smith's analysis was the kindling vehicle, propagating the revolutionary viewpoint to a sufficiently influential constituency. After that, the the capitalist transformation of Britain followed for some time as a sequence of incremental, evolutionary developments. Evolutionary development created the conditions leading up to the revolution, the three elements of our model interacted dynamically in the central revolutionary scenario, and once again evolution followed. Our provisional model has enabled us to incorporate both structural and agency viewpoints on the revolutionary scenario, and gives us a perspective from which to analyze their interactions and evaluate the significance their relative roles. In the American Revolution there was again plenty of favorable structural fuel, as was outlined previously. There was an energetic and innovative revolutionary-movement spark, well in tune with its historical conditions, and coherent enough to plant a unique stylistic stamp on the revolution and its outcome. There were many important revolutionary apologists, but Paine's analysis served as the primary 'propagation vehicle.' Indeed independence was declared to popular acclaim only six months after the publication of 'Common Sense,' while just prior to its publication public sentiment was generally considered to be strongly against independence. Paine's particular analysis represented the populist, democratic wing of the revolutionary movement. The immense popularity of 'Common Sense' - which sold more copies than any previous publication in history - was of singular importance in balancing the influence of the Hamiltonian-Madisonian wing of the movement, which favored a more centralized and elite-dominated governmental emphasis. In this American scenario, our model assists us in unraveling the dynamic interplay between 'structural conditions' and the various significant 'players' involved. It helps us to see how a revolutionary outcome is constrained to a large extent by conditions, but that a particular movement can impart a somewhat arbitrary character to the outcome, within the bound of those constraints. The model also helps us see that the character of the outcome can be further modified by whichever propagation vehicle succeeds in kindling a critical mass of support for the movement's basic agenda. As we have seen, an appropriate 'revolutionary analysis' frequently has a very significant role to play in the outcome of a revolution. The spin imposed by such an analysis, if it succeeds in becoming the successful propagation vehicle, may fundamentally effect the character of the revolutionary outcome. In addition, the rhetorical effectiveness of such a propagation analysis is centrally important to the very success of the revolutionary movement. If the analysis fails to enlist a sufficient constituency, then the movement is unlikely to succeed - unless another vehicle can be found. Even the timing of such an analysis can be of critical importance. Until a suitable propagation vehicle is available, the situation continues to fester in an unpredictable and chaotic manner, as societal turbulence mounts under the pressure of evolving 'conditions.' Nineteen thirties' Germany had a strong socialist movement as well as a fascist one - but Hitler turned out to be a masterful propagation vehicle, and his movement prevailed. Replacing the capitalist regime - 'revolutionary prospects and the role of analysis' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What is the likelihood that a revolution will come about soon to replace the capitalist system? If likely, can we anticipate in any sense the nature of such a revolution? Can anyone even dare to seriously address questions like these? With the help of our model of revolutionary dynamics, I suggest we can make a useful start. Let us now apply the model to the modern world. We must consider in turn 'structural conditions,' the 'revolutionary movement,' and the 'propagation vehicle.' It is not difficult to show that the 'time is ripe' for the overthrow of capitalism. The 'structural stresses' are so great, indeed, that the whole system may well collapse of its own accord. A thorough structural analysis of the capitalist regime is the topic of this article's first three sections. For the purpose of our current discussion, let me simply outline a prima facie structural analysis, as I did above for the capitalist and American revolutions. (1) According to official figures, the global economy is growing - but those calculations include the paper value of speculative markets, the value of uncollectable debts, and the profits of giant TNC's. On the ground, where people live and work, economies are nearly everywhere in serious decline. Many non-Western industrialized economies, such as Russia and Korea, are spiraling downward toward third-world status. Conditions are worst in the third world, where glutted global markets and IMF dictates combine to squeeze many of these countries (such as Rwanada) below even the point of bare survival. The West is the best off, but real wages, social services, and the general quality of life are declining steadily. One of the primary forces that has maintained support for the capitalist system over the years has been its ability to 'deliver the goods' - 'socialism might have the attractive theories, but capitalism works!' As capitalism falters in its ability to deliver the goods - even in the West - it is losing one of its most fundamental bases of popular support. (2) Civil societies and political structures are undergoing destabilization under globalization. Again the third-world is the worst off, where civil wars and cycles of genocide are becoming increasingly the norm. In the West, party politics have become a sham, as all platforms have converged to a narrow agenda of serving corporate interests. Politicians are in universal disrepute, and the institutions of democracy are generally viewed more with contempt than respect. Civil society generally is falling apart while crime increases and the police are evolving into paramilitary occupation forces. The West has traditionally served as the bastion of capitalism, and civil order in the West has been typically based on the 'consent of the governed' - people followed the law because they 'believe in the system.' As civil and political life decline, the accustomed basis of Western civil order is disappearing - threatening the stability of capitalism's home base. In the West, it may be no exaggeration to say that we are only one charismatic leader away from the crystallization of widespread and radical discontent. (3) Increasingly the West is turning to sophisticated propaganda as its primary basis of political support. Discontent is suppressed by blaming everything besides capitalism for the myriad problems capitalism and its globalization project are causing. Most of what goes on in the world is never reported to Western audiences, and that which is reported is filtered through a corporate PR lens which distorts every event into an advert for capitalism. The contradictions between the world as-people-know-it and the world as-the-media-tells-it are becoming increasingly dramatic. The Wizard, one might say, who formerly provided for his Emerald City, has now retired behind the curtain from where he projects images of prosperity on a screen. No matter how seemingly successful, over-dependence on propaganda represents a weakness in the capitalist regime. If by some means people begin to avert their gaze from the propaganda screen, and glance behind the curtain at what capitalism is really about, our Wizard could become a very unpopular fellow in a very short time. (4) As environmental resources are being stressed to the breaking point, and the finiteness of the Earth becomes glaringly obvious to everyone, capitalism nonetheless drives ahead full steam seeking more and more growth. The growth paradigm itself - the developmental model of economic prosperity - has simply passed its sell-by date, it has outgrown its host world. Capitalism has reached a final and irreconcilable contradiction. In its very attempt to deny this contradiction, by squeezing out the last drops of growth, it only accelerates the other destabilizing trends described above. The capitalist system is suffering from terminal stress. These are the very circumstances out of which revolutionary movements typically arise, and the very circumstance in which they are most needed. If revolution is not only 'favored' by the circumstances of society, but is in fact 'required' by those circumstances, then sooner or later people are going to begin realizing that they must act. Indeed there are literally thousands of activist organizations worldwide whose agendas are in response to one or another symptom of the globalization process. However none of these movements shows any promise of becoming an embryonic revolutionary movement - nor do all of them together. In order to serve as the spark of revolution, a movement must have an agenda for moving from the dysfunctional old regime to a functional new regime. Only in this way can the structural stresses be relieved. Without such an agenda, a movement may be successful in its objectives, but it won't be revolutionary - it can at best shift stresses from one place to another. Based on the stresses identified above, a revolutionary agenda must articulate a regime of sustainable economics, a restored civil society, and a renewed democratic process. The agenda must be practical and credible, and it must include a strategy for orderly transition from the old regime to the new. Capitalism is rotten right down to its growth-seeking roots, and the required reconstruction project will be awesome. A revolutionary movement must, in essence, envision an entirely new world, develop a practical blueprint for it, and then demonstrate that it is achievable and that it can remain stable over time. The agenda must make sense not only to activists, but to people in all walks of life. One can easily see why no embryonic revolutionary movement yet exists. No one has done the necessary homework, no one has seriously figured out how to replace the current regime with a functional one. There are those who envision self-sufficient rural communities, but there are also cities to be fed and transport systems that must be dealt with. Socialist theory has much to offer, but it only addresses some of the stresses, and socialist experiments have had problems of their own. Moving from a world based on maximizing consumption, to a world based on sustainability, will be one of the most challenging projects ever undertaken by humanity. Activists cannot be faulted for failing to launch a movement of these monumental proportions. The formulation of a suitable revolutionary agenda is simply too difficult. The latent revolution is blocked by a technical problem - the lack of an adequate 'analysis.' In our investigation so far we have looked at analysis in its important role as a 'propagation vehicle' for the agenda of an embryonic revolutionary movement. In our current scenario, an analysis is required earlier in the revolutionary process. An analysis is needed which articulates an adequate revolutionary agenda and which can help crystallize a revolutionary movement out of the turbulent energy of the deteriorating capitalist regime. Who should such an analysis be addressed to? What constituency shows the most promise of birthing an effective revolutionary movement? Are there existing movements, for example, which might be ready to move on to a revolutionary agenda? Permit me to suggest, to anyone contemplating such an analysis, that it be directed to as general an audience as possible. In this way all potentially fruitful constituencies could be reached. Furthermore such an analysis could also serve as the propagation vehicle for the movement, thus saving a step and accelerating the revolutionary process. The importance of an appropriate analysis, at this particular point in history, can simply not be overstated. Permit me to emphasize this point in the form of a familiar ditty: For want of analysis, the movement was lost. For want of a movement, the revolution was lost. For want of more growth, the world was lost. The remainder of this article is my own humble attempt to articulate an analysis appropriate to this historic revolutionary moment. The first three sections analyze the capitalist regime and the structural crisis brought about by globalization. Informed by that analysis, the article goes on to identify the structural requirements of a successor regime, and to synthesize from that a suitable revolutionary agenda. Those considerations then lead us to a radical excursion into the meaning of democracy, and an inquiry into the nature of an appropriate revolutionary movement. From there we look at the problems of regime transition, consider how the crystallization of the movement might be consciously accelerated, and ask what role existing movements can be expected to play in that process. This analysis could be described as an attempt to answer the following question: 'What is everything we need to know in order to begin the revolution?' Most assuredly, this article is unlikely to function as the 'defining analysis' that precipitates the overthrow of capitalism. At best, it may serve as a first draft, to be expanded and better articulated by those who are more qualified than myself. Failing that, it may serve as a goad to others to develop an analysis of their own from perhaps a quite different perspective. At the very least, I hope that it inspires others to be bold, and to apply their talents to the revolutionary project that circumstances require. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== •••@••.••• a political discussion forum. crafted in Ireland by rkm (Richard K. Moore) To subscribe, send any message to •••@••.••• A public service of Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance •••@••.••• **--> Non-commercial reposting is encouraged, but please include the sig up through this paragraph and retain any internal credits and copyright notices. Copyrighted materials are posted under "fair-use". 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