Dear cj, Perhaps you recall cj#996, 'democracy & revolution - the means are the ends'. "M" and I had a chat about that, and I pointed out that in the model I presented, there were no positions of power, no delegation of power to leaders. It's a non-hierarchical system. People in positions of responsibility have charters to implement - they don't have the latitude to make deals of their own design. M responded as follows: I feel that that is incredibly naive. There has been nothing historically to show that a lack of hierarchy is a means to achive more representation. There will always be hierarchies of power. This is less something I 'ideally' would like to see, and more a way of being ready, for contingent planning for factors that will happen in societies. There is nothing called an unhierarchial society. There are more or less good or bad hierarchies, hierarchies that are more or less representative, that's all. While I agree with you on the importance of 'subsidiary' and localized community development and decentralization, none of this will occur without a more representative structural hierarchy that includes (and creates through the inclusion) systemic community level power relationships. Dear M, In fact, there _are historical examples of non-hierarchical societies. One very good example was the Sioux Nation. This 'nation' was made up of a number of tribes, such as the Oglala. The different tribes had a sense of being 'cousins', let's say... they had an affinity, they were friendly, but neither had power over the other, and they didn't necessarily have much do with each other most of the time. Within a tribe, the system was classic anarchism. No one had authority. A chief was selected for his good sense and leadership ability, but he couldn't order people around. If he wanted to lead a raid on a neighboring tribe to steal horses or women, he had to persuade enough braves to go along. If they didn't think it was a good idea they could just say no. One of the problems in fighting the white man, was the need to give chiefs more authority, so that they could utilize modern fighting tactics against the well-trained and disciplined whites. Braves had a very difficult time adjusting, and would often charge out prematurely, betraying a planned ambush. Personal freedom and autonomy - and a lack of discipline about many things - was deeply embedded in their culture. What we call discipline, whether in a work or military setting, they would see as unexplainable voluntary enslavement. That's why they didn't adapt to the white man's ways, and that's why they were wiped out. They couldn't be easily enslaved like the whites. They weren't generally willing to submit themselves to a hierarchy. When the larger 'nation' needed to collaborate, as for example in dealing with the enroaching whites, then they would convene an all-tribal council. These councils were run entirely on a consensus basis. They were problem-solving sessions, with respectful listening to all points of view, and with a mutual desire to reach an overall best solution. When a plan was agreed to, it was up to each tribe to take responsibility for its part in the plan - there was no nation-wide command structure. These occasional councils were the only 'national structure' that existed. Once the council session was over, everyone went back to their own tribe and got on with things. There was no 'codification' of 'national policies', other than specific agreements, for specific time spans, as agreed to in these councils. Each Sioux tribe was an autonomous, non-hierarchical society. Collaboration among tribes was entirely voluntary, and there was no hierarchical structure that linked tribes - they always related as peers. Far from being 'hierarchical', the system couldn't even be called a 'loose federation' - it was rather a 'community' of autonomous tribes. Each had respect for the others autonomy, just like people do in a small friendly town. Under the stress of white intrusion, these structures became distorted, but that's another story. --- So there _are examples of non-hierarchical societies. I'd imagine that they were very common up to a certain point in human history. In some sense, what we call 'history' is really the story of the rise of hierarchy. We focus our historical attention on the early societies which pioneered hierarchical structures, such as the Egyptians, Chinese, and Assyrians, and we give a special place of honor to Rome - the historic climax of classical hierarchy. The story of civilization is the story of the development of hierarchical structures. Non-hierarchical structures naturally tend to be small-scale, and localized. Little large-scale structure is immediately apparent, and historians don't have much to write about - its just people and communities getting on with their lives. There aren't any interesting wars to write about, because big wars, or extended wars, require hierarchical organization to support them. Anthropologists seem to be especially interested in naturally evolved societies, but to historians they are only the canvas upon which _real history unfolds - the history of consciously developed hierarchies. Histories of democracy typically begin with the Greeks, ignoring the richer 'primitive' experience, much the way traditional Western medicine disdains traditional herbal treatments - which are in fact often much more efficacious than our modern prescriptions. Early societies which were hierarchical had a competitive military advantage, because they could compel allegiance to a central battle strategy. Such societies also had an implicit motivation to aggrandize - they had a hierarchy capable of being expanded. Sooner or later hierarchy - like kudzu - was bound to prevail everywhere. Imperialism is the aggrandizement of hierarchies, and big-power warfare the struggle between competing hierarchies. Globalization is the final and ultimate hierarchy - a centralized world system, all pervasive, and under the control of a tiny elite. This is where hierarchy naturally leads. If we accept the inevitability of hierarchy, then I'm ready to give up the struggle. I want more than submission to a hierarchy. I think humanity deserves better. Under hierarchy, liberation is a constant struggle, and gains can always be eroded by power-games at the top. --- The question of whether we can achieve a non-hierarchical society today is not a question of whether such societies have ever existed - they have. Rather, the question is whether non-hierarchical societies can exist along with modern technology, with its large-scale infrastructure systems (highways, utility grids, etc). My answer to this is to look at the role of bureacracies in modern society. A highway commission, for example, doesn't really make policy. To those whose neighborhoods are destroyed to build a freeway, the highway commission may seem like a force unto itself. But in fact, it simply carries out agendas set elsewhere, with budgets someone gives them, and within guidelines defined by legislation. There have been bureuacracies in history that have been political forces unto themselves, but this is not the situation generally in the West today. The taming and and utilization of bueraucratic hierarchies - toward defined political objectives - has been part of the evolution of modern Western nations. There are those who want to return to simpler societies generally - to go back to small-scale economies and cultures. This may or may not be feasible, but I don't think most people in the West want that, nor is it necessary. The important thing is that the political decision making process be non-hierarchical. The Cuban and Brazilian examples I cited showed that non-hierarchical political structures can work in harmony with hierarchical bureacracies, within relatively modern societies. It may not be easy to achieve, but it is possible, and it has worked. --- But since hierarchies tend to aggrandize, non-hierarchy could not be sustained for long in just one society. If the condition is to last, it must be achieved globally. If hierarchy remains anywhere, it is like a cancer cell, and the whole organism is threatened. But a counter-revolution against capitalism cannot succeed in just one society either. If capitalism is to be overcome, and the world is to be saved from an utterly dismal future, then the revolution must succeed globally. In the wake of a global revolution, the space is created to restructue politics globally. That's what revolutions are all about - restructuring politics - and a global revolution does that on a global scale. If non-hierarchical politics is possible, and if overcoming capitalism must necessarily create the space for global-wide changes, then it is not naive to think in terms of a revolution which has non-hierarchy as one of its primary goals. In fact, the goal of a revolution should be - and typically is - to change those fundamental arrangements which are most dysfunctional. Hierarchies are the bane of political life, and growth is the bane of enconomic life. Why would we not want to build our revolution around overcoming these two primary dysfunctional elements in our societies? -rkm ======================================================================== •••@••.••• a political discussion forum. crafted in Ireland by rkm (Richard K. 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