============================================================================ Copyright (C) 1999, Richard K. Moore, All Rights Reserved ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Societal destabilization and the neoliberal revolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In this investigation we have so far identified a single revolutionary shift: the shift in thinking of an elite inner-circle of U.S. policy planners that occurred during the war years. This shift led to a postwar pax-americana regime and a global economy - and it brought about an unprecedented stable peace in Europe. But that shift does not account for globalization in its modern form. The postwar system was radically different that what we have today. In the postwar years the West continued to exploit the third world as it had been doing for centuries. The only difference was that the imperial partitions had been removed and a single nation was providing overall "security". Imperialism went from being competitive to being collective - but it was still centered on industrialized nation states. Those nations, apart from America, shed their roles as first-rate military powers - but strong industrialized economies continued to be the fulcrum of global economic affairs. The vision of the postwar era, as articulated by Willkie, was one of prosperous and contented populations in the industrialized world, living in economically sound nations. When Volkswagens sold on world markets, the economic benefits went largely to German workers, to a German corporation, and to the German national budget. The story was similar for Renault & France, Fiat & Italy, General Motors & America - or Toyota & Japan. As the global economy grew, the general prosperity of the populations in industrialized nations reached unprecedented levels. The postwar system worked to the benefit of industrialized nations, their corporations, and their populations. Today - as was discussed above in The crisis of globalization - industrialized nations are in decline. Economic power has shifted from nations to transnational corporations and financial institutions. The WTO - which acts as the agent of international capital - is able to dictate economic policy even to the USA, the world's only super power. General Motors no longer "belongs to" the U.S. - its factories are spread around the world, Detroit is cluttered with abandoned factories, auto workers have sought new jobs or have become unemployed, and the U.S. treasury receives little direct benefit from GM's immense profits. Modern globalization did not simply evolve from the postwar system. There were later revolutionary shifts that occurred and which made globalization possible in its modern form. The postwar economy was governed by two things: the industrialized nations themselves, and the Bretton Woods institutions. These institutions - primarily the IMF and the World Bank - acted as system gyroscopes. They were designed to stabilize the system and to buffer it against financial and market fluctuations. The U.S. dollar was pegged to gold at thirty-five dollars per ounce, and other major currencies were linked to the dollar by a schedule of stable exchange-rates. Industrialized nations controlled the flow of currencies and capital across their borders. They could establish trade restrictions and could regulate industry so as to maintain the overall health of their national economies. The Bretton Woods institutions were dominated by Western nations, insuring that the global economic system would work to the benefit of the West. But non-Western nations benefited as well. Japan in particular was also able to compete in global markets and develop a first-rank national economy of its own. Such non-Western upstarts were tagging along - and quite successfully - on an ordered global regime that was designed primarily around Western interests. For two decades the elite-designed system operated according to plan. On the surface it seemed ideal for all parties in the West - the general population, nations, and investors. But stresses were building up beneath the surface and by the late 1960s those stresses were leading to serious problems for Western capital interests. One of these stresses was caused by the very success of the system. Economic growth had been so strong up through the 1960s that maintaining that rate became problematic. Western corporations were finding it difficult to keep up their record levels of growth. Another source of stress came from the emergence of non-Western economic powers such as Japan. Lower Japanese wages allowed their products to be priced attractively on world markets. The Western commitment to general prosperity - and decent wages - made it difficult for Western firms to compete against such non-Western upstarts. The principle of general prosperity in the West was coming into conflict with the goal of capital growth for Western investors. The postwar system was under stress, and as Japanese products flooded world markets this source of stress mounted. Western prosperity was important to the postwar regime for two reasons. One reason was that well-paid Westerners were good consumers - their buying power created demand for the products the capitalist system was producing. Prosperity was also important because it provided public support for the regime. The elite planners had assumed that a prosperous population would be a content population, and that a content population would be a politically docile population. Why would people be concerned about how the inner circle was running the world, if those people were well off and had lots of goodies to enjoy? A democratic political system was no problem for the inner circle who ran the regime - as long as voters were docile. A prosperous electorate, it was assumed, would be happy to simply vote and leave the elite regime to run things. Then quite unexpectedly in the mid 1960s a significant wave of popular discontent began to arise throughout the West. Prosperity was experiencing all-time highs but people were beginning to demonstrate that they lived by more than bread alone. A civil-rights movement sprang up in America, along with an anti-Vietnam War movement. An environmental movement arose throughout the West, challenging the exploitive practices of capitalist development. A general sentiment against militarism and interventionism prevailed, challenging the methods by which the regime managed world affairs. In America there arose a broad-based and fairly well-organized New Left political movement. In Europe, 1968 took its place with 1848 as an historic milestone of popular unrest. Environmental protection laws were passed which raised corporate costs and cut into profits. Anti-militarist sentiment remained high, making it difficult for interventions to be justified - a phenomenon that came to be known as the Vietnam Syndrome. Even the system of government secrecy - enabling the inner circle to exercise covert control - came under attack in the U.S. with the passage of the Freedom of Information Act. The elite regime was under attack from below, and continued prosperity was failing to quell the tide. As a consequence, the democratic process itself was becoming a net liability to the regime. Popular idealism was taking the political initiative and was pushing politicians in directions that were contrary to elite interests. As environmental and other popular reform measures were implemented, the strong nation state - with its ability to regulate capital flows and corporations - was also becoming a hindrance to corporate growth. In the war years, a crisis had arisen and in response elite planners had designed architectures for a global regime and for Western national regimes. The goal of both architectures was to facilitate capital growth for Western investors. Growth was to be achieved in two ways - through the development of healthy Western economies and through exploitive development of the third world. The Western national regimes were to be based on strong nation states operating under a democratic political process. The stability of these regimes was to be ensured by public docility, which in turn was to be ensured by general prosperity. The stability of the global regime was to be ensured by the pax-americana umbrella and by the Bretton Woods institutions. The system was making Western nations strong and wealthy, and it was performing very well for the general population - but by the early 1970s the postwar architecture as a whole had become dysfunctional for the elite. The global architecture was hampering Western capital growth because it allowed competition from non-Western industrialized nations. The Western national architecture was hampering growth because it required general prosperity and because it permitted national governments to regulate corporate operations and the cross-border flows of capital and currencies. Meanwhile, the elite inner circle remained in control of the upper echelons of the American government. The top advisors, the elite think tanks, and the intelligence community continued to exert decisive influence over critical policy issues. Hierarchical, secret, strategic planning continued - guided by the interests of capital investors and large corporations. The primary interests of the elite were being seriously challenged, and the architecture they had designed was spinning out of control. A crisis had arisen for the elite, and by the early 1970s the time had come to make fundamental adjustments in the postwar architecture. And in fact, in the period from 1972-1980 a host of fundamental changes were made. The global architecture was adjusted significantly, and a radically altered national architecture was designed and deployed in the USA & Britain. In order to understand the significance of these changes, and the thinking behind them, we need to understand something about how the capitalist system operates. Capitalism is all about growth, and a good way to understand the problems the elite planners were facing is to think in terms of growth vehicles. A growth vehicle is simply some method by which an investor can achieve capital growth within some market. For example, Western investors use development projects as growth vehicles in the third world market. Investment in corporate stock is a very general growth vehicle that is available to large and small capital investors. Different vehicles offer different rates of growth, and a vehicle's performance is limited by competition, by the growth rate of its market, and by the total market size. Under the postwar regime Western capital had several growth vehicles at its disposal - some relating to trade and some to investment. Trade between industrialized nations was one growth vehicle, and trade between those nations and the third world was another. Between industrialized nations trade was generally on a mutual-benefit basis, while trade with the third world was carried out under rules set by the West and generally favored the industrialized nations at the expense of the third world. Internal domestic trade - the sale of corporate products to local markets - was also an important growth vehicle. Investment in third world development projects had been identified by the elite as a primary growth vehicle for Western capital in the postwar world, and that vehicle was used extensively. Western capital could also be invested in the local domestic economy, and that continued to be an important growth vehicle. Investors in one industrialized nation could also invest in other industrialized economies, and this vehicle too was used. Ford for example invested in manufacturing plants in Europe, enjoyed the benefit of lower wages, and experienced considerable profitability from its European operations. Those who had invested in Ford Motor Company experienced capital growth as Ford's stock price increased based on its profitable operations. Western corporations were the primary growth vehicles used by most Western investors. A corporation which was able to increase its own stock valuation provided growth to those who had invested in the stock. For most Western investors corporate stock was the favored growth vehicle, and capital growth was achieved through the growth of the corporations themselves. Western investors could also buy stock in foreign corporations, but controls on capital and currency flows detracted from the utility of that vehicle. The elite crisis that was being faced can be described in terms of obstructions that were hampering the use of the available growth vehicles. In order to alleviate the crisis the elite could make - within practical limits - architectural changes. Such changes could aimed at removing obstructions or they could be aimed at creating entirely new vehicles. We will first take a look first at the obstructions that had accumulated, and then we'll investigate the changes that were made to alleviate them. The success of Japan was a source of several obstructions. The West was being obstructed in its use of the third-world growth vehicle due to a downward pressure on prices and a loss of market share - both of which were due to lower-priced Japanese products. Investment in the Japanese economy had been a good Western growth vehicle right after the war, but that vehicle was now obstructed by local Japanese domination of that economy. Western producers were being obstructed in their use of their own domestic trade & investment vehicles by competition from low-priced Japanese imports. The policy of general Western prosperity was obstructing the growth of Western corporations in several ways. Corporate profits were reduced by the high wages paid, and corporate sales were being reduced by Japanese competition which benefited from lower-waged workers. In addition, the relocation of Western production to lower-waged areas had to be limited so as not to create undesired levels of unemployment in the West. The Western strong nation state was obstructing corporate growth both domestically and internationally. Regulations were reducing the profitability of corporate operations and restrictions on capital flows were obstructing investment vehicles in the third world and in other industrialized nations. The open democratic process was also obstructing Western corporate growth because popular sentiment was expressing itself as political influence which increased the obstructiveness of national governments. The Bretton Woods institutions were obstructing Western growth because they permitted other industrialized nations to exploit markets on an equal basis with the West. In addition, the stabilization of markets and currencies made it difficult for risk-taking investors (speculators) to use international markets as speculative vehicles. In the case of Brazil, whose stability was of only secondary importance to the Bretton Woods regime, speculators were able to use currency fluctuations as a significant growth vehicle when Brazil went through a major boom & bust cycle in the mid 1970s. The first revolutionary shift in the postwar regime came in 1972 when President Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard. That act immediately removed the solid anchor to which major currencies had been pegged. Soon after that the system of fixed exchange rates had to be abandoned since the real value of the American dollar was now subject to fluctuations. In fact the ongoing escalation of the Vietnam War was requiring extensive deficit financing, and the market price of gold soon soared far above thirty-five dollars per ounce. Speculation in major currencies became possible and currency-exchange markets developed. This created growth vehicles for speculators and for international financial institutions and their stockholders. Even more significant, Nixon's decision represented a significant change in the architecture of the global regime. A centerpiece of that architecture had been the stability offered by the Bretton Woods institutions. The de-anchoring of major currencies was destabilizing in itself, and it severely undercut the ability of the IMF and World Bank to perform their own stabilizing roles. When currency fluctuations occur in major currencies huge sums of money can be involved, and the Bretton Woods institutions were ill-equipped to deal with this new source of instability. In the emerging new architecture, Western economic stability was being given lower priority, and new capital growth vehicles were being created as a result. Possibly Nixon's decision was forced in order to finance the Vietnam War. But he would not have taken a decision of such fundamental long-range significance without the agreement of his elite economic policy advisors. Even if reluctantly, the policy advisors apparently assented. Once that decision had been made, and new growth vehicles came into use, an elite motivation existed to further destabilize Bretton Woods in order to expand those vehicles and to create still new ones. In fact, a process of creeping destabilization did occur, leading to the gradual development international financial markets of astronomical size and extreme volatility. Ultimately, in the modern era of globalization, the Bretton Woods institutions themselves have become a vehicle of intentional destabilization - and hence a vehicle of capital growth. Nixon's 1972 decision signals a revolutionary shift in thinking on the part of elite planners - the most significant such economic shift since the original postwar regime was established. That shift in elite thinking - whether voluntary or forced - began to eliminate Bretton Woods as an obstruction to capital growth. The natural processes of economic evolution then led to the further destabilization of Bretton Woods and to the ongoing refinement of capital growth vehicles. In 1980, under the charismatic leadership of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, a host of other revolutionary changes were introduced. The Reagan-Thatcher revolution goes under several names, and the term that is used most in international circles is "neoliberal revolution". Economic liberalism is the doctrine that Adam Smith advocated: free markets unhampered by government interference. In the late 1800s economic liberalism was dominant in the USA and Britain, and it was referred to as laissez-faire capitalism. This era was disastrous for society, and the doctrine fell into general disrepute. Reagan & Thatcher re-introduced the doctrine with a vengeance. Economic liberalism was being revived, and hence the name "neoliberalism". The American political term "liberal" is quite a different thing altogether - American liberals tend to favor government regulation of industry if they think it will be "good for society". Neoliberals always put capital growth first, American liberals would put societal benefit first. The central themes introduced by the neoliberal revolution were deregulation, tax cuts, privatization, and the use of mass propaganda to create support for neoliberal policies and to undermine confidence in government itself. This turned out to be a very radical program of change and sophisticated propaganda was central to its success. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of economic history knew that neoliberalism would devastate society as it had in the late 1900s. The elite planners faced a major challenge: how to somehow hoodwink the electorate into tolerating its inevitable consequences. As in the war-years, a dual-agenda propaganda strategy was adopted. The hidden agenda, as one would expect, was about the creation and expansion of capital growth vehicles - and the elimination of obstructions to their operation. Later on we will examine the new architecture that resulted from this hidden agenda. The public agenda was one of liberation: liberating individuals and businesses from "bungling government interference". Tax cuts - the propaganda line goes - would take money away from "the politicians" and put it into the hands of businesses and ordinary people - where it could be used "more efficiently". Deregulation would put an end to "government meddling" and allow the "efficient private sector" to "get on with business". All of our societal woes have been caused by "government bungling" and "special interest politicians". If those evil forces can be reined in, then corporations can get on with the job of "rebuilding our economies" and everyone will benefit. Privatization of government-run industries and services is obviously a good thing - it gives some "efficient private operator" a chance to clean up the mess that must have been created by government ownership. A notable feature of this propaganda line is its radical fundamentalism. That is, there aren't any qualifiers: government is always bad, it is always inefficient, and it never does anything right. Private business on the other hand is always efficient and never does anything wrong - and it certainly never needs to be regulated by government. There are no balancing considerations, no data to be looked at, no debate to be entered into. The question, once this line has been swallowed, is simply how quickly the project can be undertaken. How quickly can government be made "smaller"? How quickly can business be "freed"? How rapidly can taxes be cut and by how much? There were in fact two limits to the rate at which the neoliberal agenda could be pursued. The first limit came from the elite planners themselves. Their own agenda was about the orderly expansion of growth vehicles, which does require the balancing of various considerations, and looking at data, and debating tradeoffs. But in terms of public resistance, the only limit was that society shouldn't be allowed to deteriorate so quickly that unrest outstripped the ability of propaganda to placate that unrest. As long as the ongoing propaganda campaign remained effective, its fundamentalist nature allowed the elite to push things along at their own chosen speed. There was no obvious point where a new propaganda line would be needed - as long as a single regulation remained on the books, the neoliberal revolution could continue to march forward. In the postwar regime Western governments were expected to regulate industry so as to achieve healthy and balanced national economies. Critical industries or infrastructures might be subsidized, so as to support better operation of the economy as a whole. Financial institutions were prevented from investing in over-risky ventures so that stable financing would be available to businesses and individuals generally. Regulations of wages and working conditions protected workers interests and encouraged general prosperity. Other regulations protected public health and safety, and helped ensure the quality of products and foodstuffs. Regulations on mergers and acquisitions helped maintain competition and prevent the formation of monopolies. Regulations on capital transfers across borders encouraged capital to stay at home where it could be re-invested in the domestic economy. Naturally, elite economic planners used their influence to minimize the impact of regulations on corporate profits, but this was balanced against other considerations. The removal of regulations under the neoliberal assault led to exactly the results you might expect - and most certainly elite planners were well aware of the inevitable consequences. Over time, the effect of neoliberal deregulation drove down wages, reduced worker safety, increased industrial pollution and environmental degradation, encouraged more corporations to relocate their production facilities "offshore" to lower-waged countries, increased unemployment and poverty, caused the collapse of industries such as the Savings & Loan industry in the U.S., and permitted the increasing concentration of ownership and the domination of markets by big operators. Quite predictably, the same kind of social devastation arose which had characterized the Robber Baron era of the late 1900s. Corporate profits were skyrocketing, the stock market grew wildly, and many fortunes were made. Television told people the system was working and that only more deregulation could make things better. The postwar regulatory regime had served society's best interests and it had been intentionally encouraged by the elite planners themselves. Neoliberal propaganda, on the other hand, claimed that all regulations had arisen out of the perversity of "interfering bureaucrats". Neoliberal propaganda was and still is shallow and simplistic, it ignores all history, and it flies in the face of direct experience. The fact that neoliberal doctrines are taken seriously by those who should know better - the economic pundits and experts - is a sign of either intellectual prostitution, alignment with anti-social elite interests, or some kind of unexplainable mass delusion. But the population generally, I suggest, can be forgiven their confusion. As propaganda pioneer Paul Goebbels discovered, if you tell a big enough lie, and you tell it often enough, people will eventually believe it. When that philosophy is augmented by the talents of Madison Avenue and Hollywood, and the mass channels of film and television - it is very difficult for the average viewer to know what is real and what is not. The postwar tax regime was designed to encourage corporate growth and general prosperity - and to provide adequate funding for government operations and programs. Taxes were graduated, especially in Britain, so that those who could afford it paid the most and those at the bottom paid less. Corporate taxes were an important source of government funding, and rising corporate profits were a boon to national treasuries. Most people would prefer to pay less tax rather than more, but they understood that government had a job to do and that it cost money to do it. The neoliberal line is that all taxes represent "wasted money". Every penny the government takes in could be better used by leaving it where it was. Of course the needs "national defense" would be considered an exception, but not much else would be. Those who voted for Reagan & Thatcher no doubt expected their own pockets to benefit from tax reductions. In fact what happened is that tax reductions started at the top - with taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals. One of Reagan's first acts in office was to issue a ruling that saved the big oil companies - and cost the U.S. treasury - thirty billion dollars in taxes. Reagan's old employer - General Electric - paid no taxes at all during Reagan's first term in office. What "reduced taxes" really meant was that the burden of supporting government operations was shifted from those who could afford to pay for it to those who couldn't. In addition, overall taxes were reduced by more than was warranted by cutbacks in government spending. Reagan talked about "smaller government", but in fact government budgets remained large. With tax revenues recklessly slashed, the Reagan years led to dramatic increases in the national debt. The national economy was being stressed and weakened. Corporations were benefiting from reduced taxes, and banks were benefiting from the increased deficit spending. But the principle of a strong and stable national economy was being gradually abandoned in the U.S., as well as in Britain. From that time forward "funds not available" became the standard excuse as cutbacks were made in education, health care, and nearly every other sector of public services. In Britain, whose economy had been more socialized than America's, the revolutionary emphasis was on privatization. Government officials and media commentators alike spoke as if the superiority of private operation was a self-evident absolute truth. The debate was not about whether to privatize but how quickly. It was always presumed that those who resisted privatization, such as labor unions, were doing so out of narrow self-interest. Little consideration was given to the possibility that privatization might lead to less efficiency, and to a less healthy economy. One of the industries that was eventually privatized was British Rail. This turns out to be a good illustration of the realities of privatization. The public rhetoric promised that rail service would improve and prices would decline - all due to the marvels of private efficiency. The public was led to believe that efficiency gains would occur, and that their benefits would be passed on directly to consumers. In fact, the goal of the investors who purchased the rail assets was to maximize the return on their capital, not to lower prices or improve service. The easiest way to immediately boost profits was to slash costs. There were indeed some shiny new private rail ventures launched, and some immediate price reductions did occur. But the more general picture was one of wholesale cost-cutting - by reducing staff levels, by postponing system maintenance, by cutting back on low-traffic routes, by ignoring safety problems, and by generally failing to invest in new equipment and technologies. The executives who carried out these massive cuts received huge bonuses for their bold "efficiency measures" and investors saw the value of their shares rise. Meanwhile service and equipment deteriorated, schedules became unreliable, prices were raised on the busiest routes, and safety hazards were allowed to accumulate. If one looked across the Channel at France's vastly superior publicly owned rail system - one might begin to suspect that privatization might not be the best path after all. In fact there is very little logic to privatization. When a natural-monopoly infrastructure is run by the government, the primary management objectives are efficiency, quality of service, and careful maintenance of equipment. If the government puts in incompetent managers, that is not the fault of public ownership per se. In France and elsewhere in Europe one can see that competent rail management is indeed possible. Competent management, with the objectives noted above, is a very sound formula for rail systems or any other societal infrastructure which is by its very nature monopolistic. When such a natural-monopoly infrastructure is privatized, all considerations are secondary to maximizing the return on investment. Prices might be lowered if the owners believe that will increase ridership significantly, but otherwise there is no incentive - since the service is a monopoly. Equipment might be upgraded and kept well maintained - if the owners are intending to hold and develop the asset for the long term. But it often turns out in practice that a more attractive strategy is to milk the asset in the short term, spend as little on maintenance as possible, make sure the books show steady profitability - and then seek a buyer or acquisition partner to whom the asset can be sold at a profit. Or in other cases - when public outcry demands attention to safety problems - the owners can simply turn to the government and demand subsidies for system improvements. To an investor, "efficiency" refers to the efficiency of the investment - its "rate of return". That is the sense in which privatization leads to "efficiency". It has no necessary relationship to "running a well-managed railroad". In order to guarantee an adequate level of service and maintenance for privatized services, the only mechanism available is government regulation. But since deregulation is a primary principle of the neoliberal revolution, regulation of privatized industries has generally been very lax. As a consequence, privatization in Britain and elsewhere has been typically a net loss for society and for the economies of the nations involved. Across the board, in both the U.S. and Britain, the economic consequences of the neoliberal revolution were always quite different than the rhetoric had predicted. What was clear is that capital growth vehicles were being created and exploited. The ability of governments to maintain strong healthy economies was being undermined, and public services were deteriorating. Tax burdens were being shifted to those least able to pay and general prosperity was declining. Corporations were enjoying greater profits and increased freedom of action to pursue mergers or to move production operations to the third world. Perhaps even more significant than the policies of the neoliberal revolution was the very existence of the revolution. What Reagan and Thatcher represented was a political counter-attack by the elite regime. The grass-roots rebellions of the 1960s and 1970s had amounted to a democratic attack-from-below on the elite regime. That attack had in fact achieved some victories, such as environmental protection measures. Rather than stay on the defensive, the elite inner circle was re-capturing the political initiative they enjoyed up until the 1960s. The democratic process had become a liability to the elite regime - Reagan and Thatcher skillfully turned that process into an elite asset. In Reagan's case, his profession had been acting and advertising - those were precisely the skills needed to sell a rotten product like neoliberalism to the American public. Neoliberalization systematically attacked the various obstructions which had been retarding growth vehicles under the postwar regime. One of these obstructions had been competition from non-Western producers. This continued to be a problem, but deregulation reduced corporate costs and made American and British firms more competitive on world markets. Accelerated use of offshore production was particularly effective in increasing corporate competitiveness. Trade restrictions were often used to protect domestic markets from foreign competition, but rarely to protect the jobs of domestic workers. The general prosperity obstruction was largely removed by neoliberalism. Higher unemployment was considered a good thing - it pushed down wages and it provided a labor pool for industry. Benefits declined and jobs became increasingly part time or temporary. Tax cuts forced reductions in beneficial social programs such as education and health care. Offshore relocations destroyed whole communities and society in general seemed to be falling apart and losing its bearings. The emphasis was on the individual - everyone for themselves. Margaret Thatcher even said there was no such thing as "society" - there were only individuals. Poverty and crime increased and homeless people on the streets became commonplace. Unions were under attack and Reagan personally led the attack against striking Air-Traffic controllers to help set the climate for increased union-busting. The strong nation state obstruction was removed as a barrier to corporate growth - that's what deregulation was mostly about. The power roles of government vs. domestic corporations were essentially reversed. Corporate welfare came first - economic stability and the financial strength of government were secondary. The increasingly unstable international financial markets further eroded national stability while providing growth vehicles for speculators and financial institutions. Privatization gave governments moderate short-term windfalls from the sale of assets - but those assets had been developed at considerable public expense and their true long-term value was far in excess of the prices paid by private buyers. The same politicians who were pushing through privatization measures were the very same folks who decided how much to sell the assets for - and they were also the very same folks who on principle assign higher importance to corporate profits than to the public good. These privatization sales amounted to giveaways of public assets - a direct transfer of net asset value from public ownership into the hands of capital investors. Privatization became a major capital growth vehicle within the domestic economy. Although the nation state was losing its power over corporations, it remained as powerful as ever over ordinary people. Social deterioration led to unrest and increased crime, as was easily predictable. Policing was increased, tough-on-crime policies were adopted, and prison populations increased. Police forces started getting better equipment and elite police groups were formed which used military-style automatic weapons. Films like "Dirty Harry" depicted police as being hampered by bureaucratic and constitutional restrictions - generating public support for more aggressive policing. Social order in the postwar regime had been largely based on voluntary compliance with laws. Under neoliberalism, the beginnings of police-state tactics and a police-state mentality began to emerge. With general prosperity abandoned, and society rapidly deteriorating, a strong nation state - in terms of police power - was important to the success of neoliberalism. The open democratic process obstruction was attacked in several ways. Part of the police-state mentality was the belief that constitutional civil liberties were a "bureaucratic nuisance" that hampered police investigations and contributed to crime. Popular opinion began to revile the very protections that had been so greatly valued by the earlier citizens who had fought and died to achieve them. The denigration of politicians and government - a central theme of neoliberal propaganda - further eroded public support for democratic institutions. Citizens were applauding the weakening of the only institutions which could possibly represent their interests effectively. A more direct assault on democracy was represented by the political methods used to bring about neoliberalism and the sophisticated propaganda campaign that accompanied it. The political party process had been essentially hijacked by Reagan & Thatcher's campaigns. Instead of competing parties, based to some degree on bottom-up constituencies, neoliberalism brought a completely top-down process. Policies and platforms were set at the highest levels and then the whole thing was sold as if a new line of automobiles were being promoted. Television and centralized propaganda had supplanted political parties and political debate. With the abandonment of general prosperity, mass mind control - through sophisticated media propaganda - was becoming the primary tactic of maintaining popular political docility under neoliberalism. The Bretton Woods obstruction was further undermined by neoliberal deregulation which gave up controls over capital and currency flows. Offshore "tax havens" came into existence - financial centers like Panama which functioned in effect as money-laundering operations. Corporate profits could be protected from taxation and investment funds could be more easily moved around the world. By these means corporate profits were significantly increased and national treasuries were correspondingly impoverished. This development rendered somewhat irrelevant the official corporate tax rates in Western nations. In this way deregulation contributed directly to national impoverishment and corporate enrichment. Let us review. Beginning in the in the late 1960s the elite regime was facing a growing crisis. A number of obstructions to capital growth had developed and radical architectural changes were required in order to create room for elite-desired levels of growth. The neoliberal revolution and the erosion of Bretton Woods stability effectively attacked those obstructions, creating new growth vehicles and giving old ones more room to operate. The results for society were disastrous and this was easily predictable by anyone with even a minimal knowledge of economic history. Democratic institutions which had been developed over centuries came under severe attack. Political control was increasingly centralized, superseding the competitive party process. Mind-control propaganda and police-state methods were increasingly employed as a means of maintaining social "order" as the ravages of neoliberalism continued to undermine society and general prosperity. The destabilization of the Bretton Woods system represented a significant reversal in the architecture of the global economic regime. Vehicles were created with immense potential for capital growth. Eventually trillions of dollars of paper wealth were floating around on unregulated financial markets, dwarfing all but the very largest national economies. All nations - not just the neoliberalized ones - were made less financially stable, and became highly vulnerable to volatile currency speculation. Nations found it harder and more expensive to obtain needed financing since international capital had so many growth vehicles at its disposal to choose from. The budgetary pressures which neoliberal countries were experiencing began to spread to other nations, forcing some of the same kinds of cutbacks in social services. In addition the increased competitiveness of corporations under neoliberalism added more pressure on other nations to emulate neoliberal policies and reduce regulatory controls. Strong Western nation states had been the centerpiece of the postwar architecture and those nations controlled the Bretton Woods institutions and hence the global financial system. In the new neoliberal architecture international finance was controlled by capital interests - nation states no longer played a central role. Neoliberalized nations were weakened even further, consolidating control still more into the hands of private capital interests. The architecture of neoliberal national regimes was also radically different from the postwar national architecture. The central role of national governments was replaced by a central role for domestic capital interests. Popular prosperity was sacrificed to increase corporate profitability. Democracy was undermined and the role of government shifted away from representing the people and moved toward controlling the people by means of propaganda and police-state tactics. The "players" involved in this Western drama are "capital", "nations", and "the people". In the old architecture nations were on top, the interests of the people were reasonably represented, and capital sought its growth within those constraints. The effect of the neoliberal revolution was to promote the power of capital at the expense of both nations and the people. The societal values of democracy, prosperity, and social harmony were abandoned in favor of the promotion of capital growth. Let us now take a look at some of the elite thinking that went into the formulation of this bold new architecture. Recall that the Council on Foreign Relations was the elite think tank which had been responsible for designing the postwar architecture. CFR has continued to be highly influential in planning circles. One of the most prominent spokesmen for the CFR is Harvard history Professor Samuel P. Huntington. Huntington has published several pivotal articles and books which serve to promote elite regime changes in terms which appeal to wider leadership circles in government and industry. In May 1975, a remarkable report was made public - the Report of the Trilateral Task Force on Governability of Democracies. In the book Trilateralism Alan Wolfe discusses this report. He focuses especially on the analysis presented by Huntington in a section of the report entitled the Crisis of Democracy. In the following paragraphs I will paraphrase from Wolfe's discussion, which begins on p. 295. Huntington tells us that democratic societies "cannot work" unless the citizenry is "passive". The "democratic surge of the 1960s" represented an "excess of democracy", which must be reduced if governments are to carry out their "traditional policies", both domestic and foreign. Huntington's notion of "traditional policies" is expressed in the following passage from the report: To the extent that the United States was governed by anyone during the decades after World War II, it was governed by the President acting with the support and cooperation of key individuals and groups in the executive office, the federal bureaucracy, Congress, and the more important businesses, banks, law firms, foundations, and media, which constitute the private sector's "Establishment." As you can see, Huntington's analysis was in complete agreement with the one we have been developing. He concurs that citizen docility ("passivity") is central to the success of the elite regime - if "traditional policies" are to be carried out. In other words, docility is necessary if the interests of elite capital ("important businesses, banks" and the rest of the "Establishment") are to be served. His words also re-confirm that policy making is indeed an elite process, centered at the top echelons of U.S. government. Even the title "Crisis of Democracy" was unusually candid - as the "crisis" was one being faced by the elite, not by the public or by government. Huntington was accurately describing the fact that the democratic process was becoming a hindrance to elite objectives, and he was recommending that the "excess of democracy" be "reduced". Huntington's remarks were surprisingly candid - he was giving us a rare glance into inner-circle thinking. Huntington, takes it for granted that the purpose of government is to support capitalist growth - democracy is only useful if it serves that purpose. As Wolfe expressed it: The warning that comes across clearly from a reading of The Crisis of Democracy is that some people with access to the center of power now understand that the change in popular attitudes toward government will necessitate a rapid dismantling of the whole structure of liberal democracy. As we have seen, neoliberalism indeed did lead to "a rapid dismantling of the whole structure of liberal democracy". Five years before Reagan & Thatcher unleashed the neoliberal assault the clear signals about the agenda were already visible - if you knew where to look. As it turns out, Huntington has published subsequent material which forecasts in some detail later dramatic regime changes. His book The Clash of Civilizations will prove to very useful in section 5 when we investigate the meaning of the ominous phrase President George Bush uttered upon the completion of Desert Storm - The New World Order. The changes caused by neoliberalism were extensive and all-pervasive. They were revolutionary changes and they transformed not only British and American society but they also exerted pressure on other nations to adopt similar policies in order to remain competitive. But as dramatic as it was, the neoliberal revolution did not result in modern globalization. The core of the globalization agenda is about radical free trade - the elimination of all restrictions on international trade and investment. Under neoliberalism, trade barriers remained as an acceptable tool for governments to use to protect local industry. Under globalization transnational corporations are the center of power and national boundaries are irrelevant to corporations and investors. Under neoliberalism corporations retain a bond with their home nation, and continue to depend on government for protection from foreign competition. Furthermore, globalization applies to the whole world while neoliberalism was primarily limited to Britain & the U.S. Nixon's gold-standard decision complemented the neoliberal revolution, but in many ways that act can be seen as a very early first step toward globalization - it affected all nations and it significantly enhanced the power of capital on a global scale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recommended reading: William Greider, Who Will Tell the People, the Betrayal of American Democracy, Touchstone - Simon & Schuster, New York, 1993. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================== •••@••.••• a political discussion forum. crafted in Ireland by rkm (Richard K. 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