Dear friends, I'm working on my chapter on propaganda. I want to convey the depth of the propaganda ocean we live under. One can make a list of the lies, or give examples of the lies, but that doesn't really tell the story. The metaphor of the 'fish in water' helps some. The fish doesn't know what water is - to a fish, 'water' = 'universe'. I'd like the reader to experience a kind of "Aha" breakthrough... media isn't just distorted - it's total fabrication. The world we perceive through the media is a dream within a dream within a dream. Not only are we seeing the back of Plato's cave, but we're seeing it on video with distorting narrative. I also want to say something about how the propaganda machine operates. When I talk to people, they say things like "You couldn't have a conspiracy of thousands of media employees all agreeing to make up lies." True enough... so how does the system work? I don't want to analyze this in depth, but I'd at least like to point to some good sources and quote some telling passages. What I want to focus on mostly is what I would call issues of "meta propaganda". _Regular propaganda is lies about events. _Meta propaganda has to do with lies about public opinion itself, and lies which are aimed specfically at dividing people into hostile camps. I'm thinking about using the OJ Simpson trial (with mentions also of Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill, and Rodney King). In these cases, we had media circuses which were carefully designed to create different reactions in different communities. With OJ, the Black community (speaking in broad general terms) responded to the issue of whether OJ was getting a FAIR TRIAL. The White community was responding instead to the issue of whether or not OJ was GUILTY. Both were seeing the same show, taking in the same data, but their responses and sympathies were 180 degrees apart. The propagnda value of the circus was considerable: (1) Everyone lost respect for Trial By Jury. The long-range purpose of the charade was obviously to help get rid of that Constitutional right, which creates problems for elite control. (2) People probably assumed that the difference in Black & White responses was due to sympathies for the victim (White woman) or the perpetrator (Black man). This was not true. (3) Mutual suspicion and misunderstanding was therefore increased between Black and White communities. This serves the elite objective of 'divide & rule'. If you have ideas, suggestions, references, or comments - on any of this or anything related - please send it in. If you don't want your name posted, please say so. If you disagree with my whole approach, that could be especially helpful. If I start arguing with somebody, that often leads to good prose. in collaboration, rkm