Friends, Sorry to be posting so many things, BUT... - there's a lot going on - i will soon need to turn to other projects The events in Seattle may turn out to be historic. They could possibly be the symbolic beginning of the revolution that overthrows capitalism. Lots of other beginnings have preceded this one, but this is the first that has all these properties: - has been televised world wide - involves people from all stripes (labor, environmental, human rights, church, students, bystanders, etc etc) - is radically anti-capitalist, or very close to it - focuses on the New World Order institutions - has led to further radicalization due to police misbehavior To me, it has the 'smell' of a different kind of beginning. --- I continue to _suspect PGA as being the instigator of the demonstrator-violence, but I'm not sure. All three of the addresses by which I tried to reach PGA bounced. It looks like someone has pulled the plug on their communications - or else they're just overloaded with mail. --- Tactics toward the police will be very important to the revolution. There _will be agent provocateurs - there always have been and always will be as long as elites rule. And police violence is very effective at creating sympathy for the movement and rapidly accelerating the movement. Nonetheless, it is critical that the police _not be considered the enemy. They aren't. The establishment (in USA & UK especially) trains the police to be ugly & repressive in the hope that the movement will consider police to be the enemy. If this strategy succeeds, then the movement becomes primarily violent and can only lose. Strict non-violence is the only strategy that can succeed. More effective means of stopping provocateurs is essential. PGA in particular should be put under the microscope and excluded from organizing sessions until it revises its Manifesto (which currently turns a blind eye to violence and implicitly encourages violence). Sergio Hernandez in particular must be brought out into the open and made to account for himself. As things stand, he is essentially a partner of Michael Moore -- Chairman of the WTO. --- Paul Riez, below, expresses some very predictable confusions regarding revolution. That is, I think he speaks for many. My comments follow. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 To: •••@••.••• From: Paul Riesz <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: THE COLLAPSE OF THE PRESENT CIVILIZATION To RKM Though I do not feel that what you predict is inevitable, I must admit that you have crafted some very persuasive arguments supporting your views on this subject. But when you tell us, what might happen afterwards, the outlook is completely different. First things first: 1. After a breakdown of present production and distribution facilities, local communities would have to rely on strict rationing of available resources. 2. To continue feeding the world's population, alternative ways for exchanging good and services and for paying them (barter trade?) would have to be organized Furthermore if you want to create a presumably superior civilization after the downfall of our capitalistic, liberal democracies, something ought to be done to reverse the tendencies that caused it; e.g. 1. The exponential growth of the world's population vs. finite resources. 2. The completely unequal distribution of wealth, 3. The wasteful lifestyle of overconsumption and throwing away. 4. The destruction of the environment. 5. Etc. Etc. How do you expect to carry out such tremendous tasks with a non-hierarchical society? As you tell us yourself, the Sioux, your only pertinent example of such a society, were unable to defend themselves against the encroachment of white settlers, BECAUSE they had no authority, effective enough to organize such a defense. If the downfall comes true, the outcome would HAVE to be the complete opposite of what you foresee and recommend, since only AUTHORITARIAN REGIMES OF THE LEFT OR THE RIGHT would be capable of carrying out the forceful actions, necessary for the survival of their populations. Most probably such regimes would then try to obtain more food and other necessities through taking them from their neighbors instead of facing famines; in other words WARS would almost inevitably follow and probably extend over the whole world. What that would mean in a world where all kinds of doomsday weapons would be available for many such regimes, I do no care to discuss. Is there an alternative? The only one I can see, is something you do no want to consider: TO REFORM OUR PRESENT SOCIETY BEFORE IT IS TO LATE. Obviously this is a tremendously difficult task, BUT IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE AND OUR ONLY HOPE. Greetings Paul Riesz ======================== Dear Paul, First things first: There is no reason to assume a "breakdown of present production and distribution". That would be stupid and any sound revolutionary strategy should take the avoidance of such breakdown as a central principle. Just as clear-cutting a forest is unsound, so is razing the current system. Instead, the current system should be allowed to continue but under public control. Then it should be gradually transformed from within, broken into smaller pieces, and evolved into something QUITE QUITE different. The keyword here is 'EVOLVED'. The shift-in-power must be revolutionary; the use-of-that-power must be evolutionary. We will find that CEO's can serve any master - their skills are valuable. No guillotines in this revolution. The worst of the worst can continue to make lots of money by selling their memoirs. Fair play to them. We can't blame it all on them - we let it happen! I understand your argument about a non-hierarchical society being unable to defend itself against a hierarchical one. Similarly, a non-violent society cannot defend itself against a violent one. That is why the revolution must include the USA and must be global-all-at-once. Globalization itself makes this possible. Globalization includes the seeds and means of its own destruction - fortunately. Capitalism & hierarchy are like cancer - they must be rooted out everywhere and permanently. And capitalism does _not mean free enterprise & competition. Capitalism is about monopoly and centralization. Trade, private property, & commerce have existed for thousands of years. Capitalism is a recent development. In fact, "REFORM OUR PRESENT SOCIETY" is _precisely what I advocate. The FIRST such reform is to replace elite control with democratic control. Please see: The American Revolution is a very good model - but I mean this at a particular abstract level. Once the British Redcoats and their German mercenaries were kicked out of the colonies, there was actually no revolution at all! The same colonial assemblies and the same leaders kept running things. The change was that the profits no longer needed to be shared with the Crown or with absentee London owners. Similarly, in our revolution, we don't need or want to destroy anything. Instead we want to make our democracies work the way they are SUPPOSED to work, and employ APPROPRIATE technology and APPROPRIATE development - and we don't want elites to confiscate the benefits. The 'profits' of civilization belong to the people and the Earth and all of God's creatures! As you yourself said: Obviously this is a tremendously difficult task, BUT IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE AND OUR ONLY HOPE. Best regards to you, rkm ------------------------- Richard K Moore Wexford, Irleand Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance •••@••.••• Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead