cj#1147> Florida is the tip of the iceberg…


Richard Moore

Dear cj,

When voting is done by computer, the legitimacy of elections
depends on the absence of secret code hidden in the
software, code which can in various ways shift the tallies
toward a favored candidate or party.

When humans counted votes, community observers could monitor
the process and ensure some degree of legitimacy.  In the
computer realm such ensurance would require independent
audit of the voting machines and software.  According to the
article below such auditing is prohibited in order to
'protect trade secrets'.

The truth is we don't have a clue as to whether announced
results have anything to do with actual voting.  Indeed, it
would show a serious lack of imagination in elite circles if
elections were not manipulated in this way by those who have
the power and access to do so.

My own suspicions in this regard began several months before
the Nicaraguan election which allegedly voted out the
Sandinistas.  A small item on page 4 of the Chronicle
reported that the NSA had raided a company in the East Bay
which makes all the voting machines used in most countries,
including Nicaragua.  Naturally the report said nothing
about what the NSA did there, since such things are always
secret from we the people.  If they wanted to install some
kind of secret code, the raid would have provided good

After that, as the election approached, we got all this
propaganda about how Nicaraguans were ready to vote the
Sandinistas out, in order to end the Contra war.  I thought
to myself... how many British were ready to vote Churchill
out, and surrender to the Germans, in order to end the
Blitz?  Nonetheless the computer-counted votes confirmed the
media propaganda, and everyone seemed to accept it all as

Florida?  Much ado about small change.


Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2000 11:55:48 -0600
To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••
From: Mark Douglas Whitaker <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Fwd: Votescam, the movie

To: •••@••.•••
From: John Gear <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Votescam, the movie
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 19:40:18 -0800
Reply-To: •••@••.•••

This is the second time I've been sent this, and from two
pretty different people ... that tells me that, since
progress on all our reforms depends critically on confidence
in computerized polling equipment, we who want to see
advanced voting methods adopted had better be following this
and be ready to come up with something more convincing than
"When have we ever lied to you?"



by Victoria Collier

History has taught us that to seize political power in a
country, one has only to control the army and the police.
That was before television. Today everyone knows that a
country belongs to those who control communications.
However, 99% of Americans do not know that those who control
our communications also control our vote. Quite literally.
In other words, we control nothing. Our vote is not even a
meaningless piece of paper, because there is no longer a
paper ballot. There is only the Kafkaesque reality of the
computer voting machine, and the Major Media. The following
information is for those who are ready to learn the facts
about the theft of the American vote: how, when and why it
became the property of corporate America.


If you're one of the 40% of Americans who still bother to
cast a ballot, it's because, despite overwhelming evidence
to the contrary, you think you can vote the bastards out.
You retain this faith in the elections system for one
reason: you believe your vote is counted fairly. Otherwise
you would join the growing number of citizens regularly
taking to the streets in massive protests against the
government. That day may yet come. As a die-hard voter, you
have yet to ask yourself why, in a democratic republic,
should it be necessary to take to the streets at all? Why,
in a society of, by and for the people, are citizens faced
with police- state brutality when demanding their
Constitutional right to gather and to speak freely?

Refusing to abandon hope in the system, you vote, then rush
home to get on with your life, trusting your vote is counted
fairly by the government with citizen groups keeping a close
watch. And like the majority of voters, you never bother to
check how your vote is counted. Why should you?

Stalin, a man with an irrefutable understanding of power,
put it this way: "He who casts the vote decides nothing. He
who counts the vote decides everything."

So my question to you is this: Who counts your vote? You
cannot answer because you cannot know how your vote is
counted. An easier question is, who stole your vote? That
answer has two parts.

Part one: The Corporate Computer Hand counted paper ballots,
the only completely verifiable vote counting system, have
been nearly eradicated in the United States over the past
thirty years. This wasn't an accident, or the benevolence of
progress. The new punch-card system widely instituted across
the country was remarkably easy to rig. But documented
evidence of massive vote fraud-- shaved wheels, pre-printed
internal voting results, forged canvass sheets, broken
ballot boxes with replaceable seals-- created the need for a
more subtle approach. Now the punch-card is being replaced
by the computer voting machine--the most unverifiable,
riggable voting system ever created.There is no longer a
paper trail, no way to go back and recount if fraud is
suspected. All the workings of the machine are hidden from
the public eye, and the eyes of election officials. The
corporations that write the vote-counting software don't
consider themselves accountable to the public and refuse
access to the source codes that program the machines,
claiming they are "trade secrets." These corporations are
paid big bucks pedaling their wares to compliant elections
officials who willingly step aside, abdicating their
responsibility to oversee the safety of the vote count.

According to Dr. Howard Strauss, Princeton University
computer scientist, "The computerized voting machine is not
a door with no locks, it's a house with no doors." No
candidate or voter can get in, and the possibilities for
rigging an election are as varied as the programmer's
skills. Where the punchcard system is still in use, the
cards are counted by computer. Citizens who, for the past
thirty years, have attempted to videotape the punch-card
counting process in their counties have been threatened with
arrest. In many counties new election officials are trained
to believe it is illegal for citizens to watch the vote

We are locked out. We now have no way of knowing how our
votes are tabulated, we must simply take the word of these
corporate computer programmers that they're not accepting
bribes to program their software to commit vote fraud-- a
temptingly simple process, impossible to detect, impossible
to get caught. We must, in other words, trust them.

Do you trust them? Do you know who they are? Would it
surprise you to learn that Ransom Shoup, the owner of
"Shouptronic," a major voting machine company, was twice
convicted of vote fraud in Philadelphia? He's one, who are
the rest?

No longer is your neighbor, your grandmother, you or your
brother able to take part in the essential democratic
process of counting paper ballots and tallying the votes.
Even this process has historically been rife with attempted
fraud, such as "stuffing" the ballot box. But fraud on this
human level is foreseeable and community oversight, if not
easy, is certainly possible. Not with computers. We can no
longer even watch the vote count, let alone count it
ourselves. Because of this, the results are rendered
immediately suspect and worthless. But a surprising number
of Americans are willing to accept the corporate computer
take-over of our voting system as easily as they accept the
technological take-over of everything else. The rest of us
will have to do better. Let's follow our vote to the next

Part Two: The Corporate Media. Once the vote is cast and
counted by computers, the unverifiable results are then
transferred to Voter News Services (VNS). This little-known
private media conglomerate located on 34th street in New
York is one of the most powerful corporations in the world.
Comprised of all the major networks-- NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN,
AP, plus the New York Times and the Washington Post-- VNS is
the only entity tabulating the nation's votes and
disseminating the results to the public. This means that
that the dramatic election night "competition" among the
Networks to be first with the results is nothing but show
business. They all get their numbers from the same place,
including the vote "projections" supposedly based on
enterance and exit polls also conducted by VNS, though
hardly anyone has ever seen VNS pollsters in action. Those
vote projections allow the Networks to declare a winner
before the polls even close, with an accuracy approaching
the metaphysical. Most people watch television on election
night simply until they hear the projected winner. That's
enough to convince them and they go to sleep. The trust of
the public is unprecedented. So let's take a closer look at

VNS has co-opted the American vote count with no public
knowledge, no public bid, and remains totally exempt from
anti-trust laws. They have absolutely no literature, no
brochure, no fax-sheet, and most astoundingly, no Website.
They have changed their name three times, yet retained the
same public relations secretary. Her name is Lee C. Shapiro.
The Executive Director of VNS is Bill Headline, and indeed,
headlines are his specialty. But the most interesting thing
about VNS is that they will not tell you anything about what
they do. They are so scrupulously secretive that they might
easily have been formed behind the doors of the KGB, or for
that matter, the NSA. They are so powerful that they make no
pretenses. No, you cannot watch their operation. No, you
cannot get in the door on election night. No, you cannot
work for them. You also can't get a straight answer from
them over the telephone as to exactly how they count the
vote, where they do it, and who does it for them.

They do not expect to be questioned. A simple telephone call
requesting information evokes immediate suspicion. They
become hostile and suprisingly nervous. They stammer,
stutter and mumble vague contradictions. Then, if your
question become too pointed, (example: "Can I bring a
videotape to your headquarters on election night to watch
you count the vote and tabulate exit polls?"), they will
simply hang up on you. Somewhere, Stalin is laughing.

In light of the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO, it
shouldn't surprise us that the vote, like the rest of the
world, is in the hands of a few. The major media has carte
blanche to manipulate it at will, and the computers
guarantee no paper trail. The media for at least half a
century has functioned as an effective mouthpiece for
corrupt government, for the prison-industrial complex, for
the corporate elite, vigorously censoring vital information
on ecological destruction and social injustice. We know now
that when it comes to elections, despite their "competitive"
front, they are truly one organism. If there was any fraud
in the VNS vote count, who would report on it? Who is the
watchdog? There are none. Not even the alternative press can
get their hands on information regarding the count, because
VNS simply will not let anyone in the door on election
night. It is a secret ballot count.

A number of well known independent investigators have been
courageously exposing massive, nation-wide fraud for the
past thirty years, including rigged voting machines; an
epidemic of corrupt elections officials, League of Women
Voter members, and state and Federal judges; and a
treasonous Attorney General Janet Reno, who won her
long-held powerful post by single handedly burying vote
fraud evidence for over 25 years. But the iron curtain of
the major media has slammed down on these investigations
despite the FBI documented evidence, making it impossible to
bring the truth to the public. The only thorough, reliable
source of information has been a book titled "Votescam: The
Stealing of America," by James and Kenneth Collier.
Published in 1992, the book has been banned by all major
book chains. Nevertheless, it has sold over 30,000 copies by
word of mouth. The Collier's, America's lead investigators
into vote fraud, were not afraid to name the thieves and
shed light on a black moment in history: when the government
gave up the right to count the vote.

Often told by Barnes and Noble that Votescam is out of
print, many have had to search long and hard to find it,
until now. The Internet, largely responsible for the success
of Seattle and Washington D.C. protests, has emerged as the
people's most powerful weapon; free press. Global and
instantaneous. All of the vote fraud evidence has been
recently posted on two important Websites: www.votescam.com
and www.votefraud.org.  These are the Websites of two very
different groups. One is a liberal publishing company and
the other a conservative political organization,
illustrating that fair elections are everyone's
responsibility, there are no party lines in this battle.
Both these groups are deeply involved in vote fraud
investigations, and demand the return to the paper ballot
and citizen control. These new sites are already receiving
hundreds of visitors each month. Every day more Americans
are learning the truth: That the vote count is kept under
lock and key by a small group of arrogant people who can be
brought down.

Yes, brought down. Like the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank,
like any system contrived without us, run by a handful of
criminals. Indeed, until we take control of our own election
system, the above mentioned global organized crime rings
will have to be fought by very unpleasant means. Strikes,
shut-downs, lock-downs, protests, brute force, and the
gassing, beating, jailing, and possible imprisonment of
thousands of Americans. This, at the very least, is what any
radical progressive movement can expect. Because as long as
the control of the democratic machine in America is in the
hands of the corporations, we the people will have NO ACCESS
to the workings of the system. We will not be able to elect
our own representatives who will clean up the mess the
corporate criminals have created. We will be forced to
gather outside their gates and scream for justice at our own
expense. How long can we continue to do this, and where will
it end?

Even after Seattle, it's busines as usual at the WTO. China
is in, despite the rallying of hundreds of thousands of
American workers to oppose the trade deal. Our "elected"
representatives certainly aren't worried about not getting
enough votes the next time around. Let's free ourselves from
the paralyzing confusion of believing we asked for our
problems by reelecting the same corrupt leaders who caused
them. We've got to take the system back. Let them know we're
not going to sleep through the elections any longer, we're
going to start organizing. We're going to be running our own
candidates, we are not going to accept candidates who are
financed by multinational corporations, and we are not going
to accept the results of an election counted by corporate
computers and the major media. We are going to hand count
our own recycled paper ballots. And it's going to take a
good long time to count them, and we won't worry about
making the seven o'clock news, because that's the only way
we'll know it's fair. Come on, let's vote the bastards out!

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