Friends, I've seen people describe the plight of the Palestinians as being a form of apartheid, and one person even suggested that the Israelis are playing a role toward the Palestinians not unlike the role of the Nazis toward the Jews. There are many possible comparisons with past historic episodes. I suggest that the closest comparison is with the American Indians. I can itemize the similarities, but the main point is that the overall gestalt of the situations are identical. In both cases you have a native population, and a supplanting population. In both cases the supplanting population considers the natives to be racially inferior, and incrementally proceeds to displace them, massacre them, remove them to reservations, undermine their economic viability, and gradually push them into extinction. The psychology that drives such genocide is, unfortunately, not easily stopped. In order to begin the process of supplantation in the first place, the invading population must have an attitude of self-righteous superiority, and a belief that what they are taking actually belongs to them. In the case of Israel, these elements are readily apparent. In the case of the American colonists, the attiudes were remarkably parallel. America was considered the 'New Jerusalem', a 'Promised Land' for the Christian settlers. There was a heavy Old-Testament theme, an identification with 'Israelites', whose land was occupied by 'Canaanites' (Redskins). As the settlers kept moving West, they always saw themselves as the victims, the ones beseiged by surrounding hostile forces. This provided the plot for many a Cowboy & Indian movie. America is a big place, and in the end a few natives were permitted to survive, either assimilated or on reservations. Israel is a small place, and the establishment of the Israeli 'settlements' makes it clear that there is no place at all for the Palestinians. I suggest that the survival of the Palestinians cannot be accomplished by the Palestinians, and that it will not be provided by the state of Israel. Only the U.S. has the power to do anything about the situation, and its policy is obviously guided by the most cynical of geopolitical considerations. Public opinion is part of those considerations, and we must take note of the increased sympathy for Palestinians that is being generated by recent media coverage. There is reason to believe that this coverage is intended to create the political elbow room for a new U.S. initiative, one which will not be to Israel's liking. A few years back, the Council on Foreign Relations commissioned an "Independent Task Force" to report on "US Middle East Policy". The scenarios the Task Force considered were not identical to our current situation, but they were close in their essentials. The report said: ... The United States should be prepared to station troops on the Golan Heights as part of a multilateral peacekeeping or monitoring force if such a force is necessary for a final agreement between Israel and Syria. Syria and the Golan heights may or may not be relevant, but I think the strategic point being made here is that US policy planners are willing to inject US troops into this theater if that is what it takes to achieve a satisfactory resolution. This will require an unprecedented firm hand with Israel, which in turn requires a softening-up public relations campaign to avoid a pro-Israel backlash. The CIA is known to be working with the Palestinian authorities, presumably adivising them on security and organization. It is also possible that they may be covertly encouraging the current uprising in order to create the scenario for U.S. intervention. The modus operandi of U.S. interventionism always requires a dramatic incident. rkm