Friends, I'd like to share with you a wonderful essay by Rosa Zubizarreta. "I do believe that we need to find some common ground in order to 'move forward' as a country. Yet we may need to work long and hard for that common ground. I do not believe that we can find it through denial, or wishful thinking, or somehow pretending away the existence of the 'other half' of American voters -- regardless of the 'half' to which one happens to belong." - from the essay In my 'Envisioning a successful movement' I talked about the central importance of 'harmonization' among movements, even those which consider one another adversaries. I've already received a considerable number of very favorable responses to those ideas, from activists all over the world, and the follow-up discussion, particularly on WSN, has been useful. Rosa brings a new dimension to this discussion. Instead of presenting a political treatise, she takes us with her on a journey into the land of 'seeing the other side' and 'seeing the problem from the whole'. inspired, rkm ============================================================================ To: •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••, •••@••.••• From: Marguerite M Hampton <•••@••.•••> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:08:57 -0800 --------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Rosa Zubizarreta <•••@••.•••> To: Marguerite M Hampton <•••@••.•••> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 13:50:15 -0800 Subject: response to meeting + essay ---<snip>--- Searching for Common Ground: Post-Election 2000 By Rosa Zubizarreta <•••@••.•••> Like many people, I was moved by Vice-President Al Gore's concession speech to the United States citizenry. I admire his statesmanship, and respect his call for unity. At the same time, to be quite honest, I must admit that I am having a very difficult time considering George W. Bush as my president. As I search my heart, I realize that this means I actually have something in common with many Bush supporters. After all, I have heard many of them say that they have had a very difficult time considering Bill Clinton as their president during the last eight years. Nonetheless, I am concerned when I hear Democrats talk about "payback time". I do not believe that two wrongs ever makes a right (except maybe in politics!). Seriously speaking, I believe that whenever we respond in kind, we are in danger of losing our souls, and becoming the mirror image of whatever it is we feel we are battling. Let's consider for a moment what an honest and realistic "high road" might look like. I do believe that we need to find some common ground in order to "move forward" as a country. Yet we may need to work long and hard for that common ground. I do not believe that we can find it through denial, or wishful thinking, or somehow pretending away the existence of the "other half" of American voters -- regardless of the "half" to which one happens to belong. Whatever common ground we do find must be bedrock, rather than quicksand. It must grow out of something that we can all truly agree upon. It may be that, at this point, all that we can agree on is that neither side feels honored or understood by the other. In fact, it appears that both sides fear and distrust each other greatly. It may make some folks uncomfortable to admit this, but there is always value in acknowledging our present reality, however painful it might be. Many folks have commented that, in their efforts to win the votes of the American people, both major party candidates made a concerted effort during their campaigns to appeal to the middle and to downplay any differences. It seems ironic that these efforts ended up contributing to the long contest period we have just concluded. We appear to have come up against a natural law: whatever conflict we seek to avoid instead of transform, will only return to haunt us. Some of those who believe that we have "won" may be tempted to easy glee. On the other hand, some of those who believe that we have "lost" may be equally tempted to simply renew our efforts for our own side, setting our sights on the next elections two and four years down the road. This is both completely necessary and fully legitimate within our present system. Yet what should be obvious to all of us by now, regardless of which side of the fence we are on, is the extent to which our adversarial system of political contest is not designed to bridge differences. Our current disagreements about the election are only the tip of the iceberg, reflecting a larger breach in world views that we ignore at our peril. Like many others, I find the Supreme Court decision unprincipled to the point of immorality. This Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld putting people to death, under the banner of "state's rights", although "unequal standards" with regard to the death penalty are rampant throughout our country. Yet the same court felt squeamish about hand-counting votes, because the standards for doing so happen to vary from state to state. At the same time, if I am to be honest, I need to recognize that ever since Roe vs. Wade, a significant portion of the population of this country has felt much the same way that I now feel about the Supreme Court. While I may not agree with them, I do not believe it helps to ignore that fact. It need not undermine our own principles in the slightest to recognize that, even with all the uncast and uncounted votes, it is quite probable that at least 45% of the voting population really did vote for the current president-elect. In the spirit of the nationwide non-violent protests that have been called for January, we might do well to remember that the point of non-violence is to inspire a change of heart in our opponent, not merely to outnumber them. I do agree with those, from left, right, and center, who point out that the divisions in our society are exacerbated and exploited by cynical "divide and conquer" strategies, set in motion by those who believe that they stand to gain from a divided population. Yet that recognition alone does not resolve the problem. We need to find the courage to address our differences in open and constructive ways, so that we can turn our attention from fighting with each other to addressing the real problems that we face as a nation -- and maybe even the real problems that we face as a species. Both major parties in the political debate agree that the system needs reform. It seems likely that we shall now discover some reforms to which we can all agree. Maybe we will agree that all citizens of this country should have equal access to modern voting equipment, instead of some of us having access only to broken-down, outdated machinery. Maybe we will agree that all citizens should have equal access to voting in a timely manner, instead of some facing only a 20 minute wait while others stand for seven hours in line only to be turned away illegally at closing time. If so, those might be some hugely worthwhile outcomes of this lengthy process. Yet many of us, on all sides, feel an even deeper call. We know that there is a great need, not just to reform the system, but to transform it. While we rarely speak of it, I believe that we are all aware that the course we are on is not sustainable. People of all faiths agree that a system based on unfettered greed rather than ethical values is not acceptable. And while scientists may disagree about the details, there is widespread agreement on the basics: a way of life that violates the principles of Nature and the cycles of the Earth is not designed to last. While the folks who think "green" may have some highly valuable contributions to make toward this end, the need for transformation goes beyond any one political party. Sustainability includes more than learning to live in harmony with the rest of the natural world. It also includes learning how to honor each other as human beings, in a way that can engage with the full range of difference among us, including the differences that have come to the foreground in this recent election process. From one perspective, recent events have shown the strength of our political process. At the same time, I believe that we have also been shown the limitations of our current system. The last two months have shown that our political process does not appear to be designed to handle extremely close calls in a way that feels fair and legitimate to all sides. The last forty years have shown that our existing political processes may not be sufficient to heal the divisions that exist in our society. Each one of us has the responsibility to follow our own conscience, and to seek to advance what we believe to be in the best interests of the whole. Yet I seriously doubt that any of us can really know what is best for the whole, without finding ways to enter into a deeper dialogue with one another. And I know that, in the end, ALL of us lose whenever we limit ourselves to playing a "win-lose" game. I do believe that it is possible for all of us, whether we identify as Republican or Democrats, Green or Independents, to work together to create new ways to address the problems we face as a society. At the same time, in order to do so, we need forums and processes designed to evoke listening, respect, and mutual understanding on all sides, instead of competition, self-righteousness, and closed minds and hearts. We all know that the technological resources exist in our country for us to have modern and efficient voting systems in place in every district, regardless of its level of affluence. Likewise, the tools for facilitating dialogue and collaborative problem-solving exist today, even though they are not yet in widespread use in the public sector. We have created an economy based on narrow self-interest. As a result, the abundance of our technology has been mostly focused on the private sector, and has not reached the voting booths of the economically disenfranchised. In a similar manner, the tools of collaborative problem-solving and facilitation have largely been limited to large corporations reinventing their cultures to compete ever more effectively for greater concentrations of wealth. Their potential for helping us to create sustainable and equitable human societies has yet to be unleashed. We know no human being, no country, no corporation is an island. Ultimately, all of us depend upon the well-being of the whole. And that whole is composed of all of us, in all of our complex and multi-faceted diversity. Our path is not an easy one. Yet the challenge we face is not to erase our differences, but instead to engage with them, to engage with each other in an honest and constructive manner. For our hope lies in the transformation that takes place each time we recognize the gift, the call for inner growth, embedded in that challenge. ============================================================================