============================================================================ A GUIDEBOOK: HOW THE WORLD WORKS AND HOW WE CAN CHANGE IT (C) 2000, Richard K. Moore http://cyberjournal.org/ Chapter 2: What kind of world do we want? ===> a. Globalization: crisis and opportunity b. Birth scenario for a new global system c. Fundamental principles of a livable world d. Localism, diversity, and genuine democracy e. Sustainability and its political implications f. Decentralized sovereignty and global stability g. Human evolution and the liberation of the spirit Recommended reading <=== [ references welcome - rkm ] --------------------------------------------------------- 2.a. Globalization: crisis and opportunity "How well we know all this! How often we have witnessed it in our part of the world! The machine that worked for years to apparent perfection, faultlessly, without a hitch, falls apart overnight. The system that seemed likely to reign unchanged, world without end, since nothing could call its power in question amid all those unanimous votes and elections, is shattered without warning. And, to our amazement, we find that everything was quite otherwise than we had thought." - Václav Havel, 1975 "The first step is to penetrate the clouds of deceit and distortion and learn the truth about the world, then to organise and act to change it. That's never been impossible and never been easy." - Noam Chomsky The Chinese symbol for 'crisis' embodies a bit of folk wisdom - it is made by combining the symbols for 'danger' and 'opportunity'. The crisis of globalization certainly endangers the future of humanity, but does it provide any kind of opportunity? Is there any reason to expect that humanity can escape from the clutches of the global regime - when for centuries nothing has been able to reverse the advance of capitalism and imperialism? The capitalist regime seems more entrenched in power now than ever before... where is there any ray of hope? In fact, there are many rays of hope. Consider, for example, the question of how 'well entrenched' capitalism actually is, particularly in comparison to the days before globalization. Capitalism's dwindling base of support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For centuries, up until 1945, the leading Western nations were engaged in competition for empires and spheres of influence. This meant that the interests of capitalism were fundamentally aligned with national ambitions, popular patriotism - and with national prosperity. Capitalist industry provided the muscle of empire - and jobs - while strong Western nations provided safe-haven fortresses for capitalist elites. Western nations dominated the globe, and capitalism was an integral part of national success. In _those days capitalism was indeed well entrenched. In pursuing globalization, elites have abandoned their own time-honored success formula. They are betting that their New-World-Order system, with its elite hi-tech warriors and sophisticated media propaganda, will protect them in their new WTO fortress. Perhaps they are right - their plans seem to be succeeding so far. But the fact remains that their entrenched power has become largely illusory. Capitalism is no longer delivering the goods to Western workers - or even Western middle classes - and people look to the future with increasing apprehension. Before 1945, it would have been nearly impossible to assemble a majority movement in the West around a post-capitalist agenda. The system was working to the benefit of too many segments of the population. Globalization has changed all that. According to objective conditions, it is now in most people's overwhelming best interest to rise up and replace the reckless, greedy, self-serving regime. A latent social demand for political and economic transformation now exists - and we can thank globalization for that. In this case, crisis has indeed brought with it an opportunity. Whether this latent demand can be actualized - in an effective movement to replace capitalism - is of course an entirely different question. In Chapter 3, we will turn our full attention to that topic. For now, let us continue exploring this question of 'globalization as opportunity'. If we can find reason to hope that things might actually change, then our investigation into "What kind of world do we want?" will have a lot more meaning. And if we can achieve an informed notion of _how such change might arise, then our investigation will be guided by an initial scenario - the starting conditions under which new-world creation might begin. The nation as community ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Under globalization, elites have abandoned nations-as-fortresses, and with their neoliberalism they have been stealing the family treasures - leaving nations in debt and strapped for cash. Post-Reagan media propaganda has steered us away from patriotism, and has undermined respect for national institutions. Perhaps the disrespect is deserved, but it is noteworthy that elites are actively undermining national integrity in so many ways. Having abandoned the once-proud nation fortresses, it seems the global regime is endeavoring to scuttle them as rapidly as possible - lest they serve as the defensive bastions of other occupiers. And therein lies a second opportunity for the movement - again, an opportunity inherent in globalization itself. We have the opportunity to take the high ground with respect to national sentiment and national prosperity. We can re-invent national spirit as a connection with place, a sense of community - the symbol of shared destiny, culture, and heritage. We can redefine national prosperity as 'decent lives in healthy communities'. We can claim the nation as a bastion of the post-capitalist civil society - a macro sustainable community composed of local sustainable communities. Such radical re-thinking of the meaning and potential of national sentiment opens an opportunity for alliance building between progressive and conservative elements. Conservatives, many of whom retain a traditional respect for patriotism, might be receptive to an approach from progressives who have positive proposals for getting 'our nation back on track', returning power to communities, and reviving the economic viability of locally-based markets. If the movement can succeed in uniting people around an enlightened and revivified notion of national spirit, that could go a long way toward establishing the movement as a broad-based, grass-roots force to be reckoned with. The creative response to environmental crisis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One of the crises brought by globalization has been the acceleration of resource depletion, and the reckless stressing of environmental limits. This survival-threatening crisis has motivated scientists and others to explore alternative ways of doing things. We now have a rich literature - and a body of real-world research - regarding sustainable economics and agriculture, energy-saving practices, appropriate technologies, and the like. This crisis has given us the impetus to develop the core principles of a sustainable post-capitalist world. Globalization of the movement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ With electronic communications, and the popularization of jet travel, globalization has made everyone aware of the 'global community'. The potential for collaboration globally among movements is greatly enhanced by these developments, and already anti-globalization protests are routinely coordinated on a global basis. Globalization has broken down national borders, and that gives us the opportunity to globalize the movement. Conclusions ^^^^^^^^^^^ We have a regime which is not serving the needs of most people - and whose agenda ensures that conditions will continue to decline. The regime's only defense is that 'free markets' will 'someday' make everything all right. More and more people are rejecting that shallow propaganda lie, and a movement is rapidly taking form. The movement is popularly perceived as being made up of 'leftists', 'tree-huggers', and 'anarchists', but the fundamental appeal of the movement is universal - essentially everyone is being screwed by modern capitalism. As diverse elements in the movement find ways to work together, the energy and scale of the movement could increase very rapidly. The times are definitely ripe for the _right kind_ of movement - and globalization has created the conditions which give us a reasonable chance for success. In the course of my investigations I have noticed a kind of split, or lack of understanding, between movement theoreticians and front-line activists. Activists refer to thinkers as 'policy wonks', and often assume it's up to 'them' to worry about 'technical' matters. 'Real activists' are out there making noise, and in the midst of engagement theory can seem irrelevant. I suggest that this section on 'opportunity' illustrates how critically necessary it is to inform activism with analysis - and to apply analysis to the practice of activism. Before we were able to _begin looking for opportunities, we needed a suitable analysis of globalization and its dynamics. And in the search itself, we applied an analytical eye to the problems of the movement. Movement action and understanding must evolve together synergistically - as in any other human endeavor. Academics and activists need to spend more time together - as peers in two-way dialog. A movement to overcome global capitalism can be seen as a David & Goliath contest, with the movement in the role of wily David. The key word in this metaphor is 'wily'. A David does not overcome a Goliath by employing random blind assaults on the barricades, or the WTO meetings. A David must be more clever than his more powerful opponent; he must be quicker on his feet; he must have an eye for opportunities; he must think ahead. Most activists, like most people in general, still have a pre-1945 model of the world in their heads, with its aggressive nationalism, its left-right competition, and its inherent alignment with capital. They know 'something has changed', but they haven't moved on to a model which matches current reality. Until this 'understanding lag' - and others like it - are addressed, our David stands blindfolded as he faces Goliath. --------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================