cj#1172> Preparations to attack China from space…


Richard Moore

Dear cj,

I've been tracking these war-in-space developments for some
time, and now seems like a good idea to bring the topic up
on cj.  Two important articles follow.  Let's start with a bit 
of context...

The modern US scenario for war can be described as a
'no-casualty blitzkrieg sporting event'.  Get the war over
quickly, with minimal US casualties, while bombarding the
public with reporting modeled on Football coverage.  A
'direct hit' with a cruise missile is the equivalent of a
'touchdown for our side', and American families, snug by
their firesides, cheer on cue.  (I'm surprised we don't see
cheerleaders on the screen, and words like Nike and Sony
painted on the warplanes.)

Grenada provided the first opportunity to prove this
doctrine in the field, on a tiny scale.  Panama provided a
larger testing ground, and you could see the evolution of
the various techniques.  Desert Storm was the first
full-scale test, and was very successful, benefitting from
the lessons learned in the two trials.  In Yugoslavia, we
saw the US doctrine being adopted as well by the EU.  The
German air force, by the way, has had considerable prior
experience with the blitzkrieg doctrine.  In the recent war
its planes attacked from the same Italian air fields that
the Nazi's used in World War II, when the Luftwaffe carried
out similar raids against many of the same targets, and for
the same purpose - imperialism.

The central problem for US/NWO strategic planners is of
course China.  China is the only remaining nation which has
the potential to stake out its own sphere of influence
independent of the NWO regime.  China is the only major
power which still looks at the world in pre-1945 terms -
nations competing for geopolitical power.  The other big
powers have all cast their lot with the NWO regime (even if
they complain and gripe about where it's heading, and push
and shove for relative advantage).

In order to employ the 'no-casualty blitzkrieg' doctrine to
China, the level of technology and weapons systems will need
to be considerably advanced over those used so far - and
China is meanwhile not standing still in terms of its
strategic capabilities.   The reports below, regarding
National Missile Defense (NMD), and the Air Force Space
Command, describe the ultra high-prority preparations that
are being made for war with China.


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=============== + ================
December 18, 2000

Powell insists defence rests on 'Star Wars'

  From Ian Brodie in Washington

GENERAL Colin Powell, America's new Secretary of State, has
said that the Bush Administration would make national
missile defence (NMD) an essential part of US strategic

Russia, China and America's allies have all been alarmed at
the idea of NMD. General Powell made the comment after being
invited at the weekend to take up the role by George W.
Bush, the President-elect.

Critics have said that building an NMD system would risk a
new arms race with Russia and China. Britain and other Nato
allies have expressed reservations, although Mr Bush has
spoken of the need for ballistic missile defences to include
America's allies.

General Powell offered the rationale for NMD first given by
Ronald Reagan, for whom he worked as National Security
Adviser. He said: "I harken back to the original purpose of
such a defence, to start diminishing the value of offensive
weapons." It was time to take away the blackmail inherent in
some regimes having such weapons and "thinking they can hold
us hostage", he said.

Robin Cook, the British Foreign Secretary, is known to be
worried by the US plan because it would mean breaching the
1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and could damage
relations with Russia. During the election campaign Mr Bush
called for deployment of a more expansive missile system
than the limited "Son of Star Wars" pursued under Mr
Clinton, who put off making a final decision after a string
of failed tests.

Mr. Bush said that ballistic missile defences should also
protect America's allies. The Republican platform promised
that a Bush Administration would spend billions of dollars
to research and deploy a robust missile defence system,
including sea-based missiles, that would extend a shield
around Europe, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Mr. Bush's advisers argue that the rise of Iraq, Iran and
North Korea as potential missile-building states has changed
the strategic balance. General Powell described Russia and
China as countries the US would attempt to work with "not as
potential enemies or adversaries, but not yet as strategic

He also said that the new Administration will undertake a
review of the role of US troops in Bosnia and Kosovo.

As well as reaching out to the black community with the
appointment of General Powell, and of Condoleezza Rice as
National Security Adviser, Mr Bush sought to include the
Hispanic community by choosing Al Gonzales, a judge on the
Texas Supreme Court, as his chief White House lawyer.

Mr. Bush flew from Texas to Washington last night for
meetings with Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal
Reserve, President Clinton, Vice-President Al Gore and
members of Congress. He will also interview potential
Cabinet members.

In state capitals across the United States today, 538
members of the Electoral College will be meeting to cast
their votes for President: 271 for Mr Bush and 267 for Mr

Despite speculation, no "faithless electors" have come
forward to say that they will switch votes.

Copyright 2000 Times Newspapers Ltd.
=============== + =================

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, FL. 32607
(352) 337-9274

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Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 16:17:56 -0500


By Karl Grossman

U.S. preparations to wage war in and from space will be
getting a huge boost with the assumption of power of George
W. Bush and Richard Cheney.

They represent a confluence of corporate and hard-right wing
political power pushing for expanded space military
activities joining with a U.S. military eager to turn space
into a new arena of war.

"I wrote the Republican Party's foreign policy platform,"
declared Bruce Jackson, vice president of corporate strategy
and development of Lockheed Martin, now the world's largest
weapons manufacturer and a corporation deeply involved as a
contractor in U.S. space military work, in an interview last
week. Jackson said that he was selected to be "the overall
chairman of the Foreign Policy Platform Committee" at the
Republican National Convention, at which he was a delegate.

Although noting his close relations with the Bush campaign,
Jackson claimed he has not led the advocacy for "full
development of missile defense...That would be an implicit
conflict of interest with my day job," he said.

Instead, he said, this has been done by Stephen J. Hadley.
Hadley, an assistant secetary for defense for international
security policy in the administration of Bush's father, is a
member, said Jackson, of "the Vulcans." This is the name
given in the Bush campaign to an eight-member group,
including Colin Power, now the designee for Secretary of
State, and Condoleezza Rice, just named as National Security
Council director, which has advised Bush on foreign policy.
(The name was inspired by the Roman god of fire and
metalworking and familiar to Rice due to a statute honoring
Vulcan in her hometown of Birmingham, Alabama representing
the city's heritage of steelmaking.)

Hadley is also a partner in the Washington law firm of Shea
& Gardner which represents Lockheed Martin. Hadley,
according to last week's Washington Post, is "mentioned as a
possible" deputy director of the National Security Council.

Jackson and Hadley have worked closely together on the
Committee to Expand NATO. Jackson is president of this
entity, based in the Washington offices of the right-wing
American Enterprise Institute; Hadley is its secretary.
Hadley was also a member of the National Security Council
staff during the earlier Bush administration.

"Space is going to be important. It has a great feature in
the military," Hadley, introduced as "an advisor to Governor
George W. Bush," told the Air Force Association Convention
in a speech September 11th in Washington. He stated that
Bush's "concern has been that the [Clinton] administration's
proposal does not do the job right and it doesn't reflect a
real commitment to missile defense...This is an administration
that has delayed on that issue and is mot moving as fast as
he thinks we could."

As the new Bush administration takes form, missile defense
has emerged as a central goal. It is "an essential part of
our strategic system," said Powell immediately after his
being named by Bush as secretary of state. The former
chairman of the joint chiefs of staff vowed that "we are
going to move forward" with it.

"This so-called election is a major victory for those who
intend to put weapons into space at an enormous cost to the
U.S. taxpayer and to world stability," declares Bruce
Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons &
Nuclear Power In Space, based in Gainesville, Florida. He
noted statements by Bush during the campaign that the U.S.
should design and deploy "quantum leap weapons" and that Los
Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories would play a major
role in the development of "weapons that will allow America
to define how wars are fought." Both have been deeply
involved in work on space-based lasers.

Space-based lasers were an integral part of Star Wars as
originally advanced in the Reagan administration.
Development on them has continued. Under Clinton, a
multi-million dollar contract was signed in 1998 for a
"Space-Based Laser Readiness Demonstrator." Lockheed Martin,
TRW and Boeing are the contractors. In November, the
Department of Energy requested public comment on an
Environmental Assessment for full development of this
space-based laser, estimated as in $30 billion project.

Last April 26th, TRW announced the twenty-second successful
firing of a space-based laser it has been working separately
on with the government the Alpha High-Energy Laser. "The
data gathered during this test of laser performance and beam
uniformity is a critical part of the process we're using to
design and validate next generation laser design," said Dan
Wildt, a TRW program manager.

(Cheney's wife, Lynn, is a member of the board of Lockheed
Martin. Cheney has been a member of the board of TRW.)

The Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power In Space
will in March hold a National Space Organizing Conference
and Protest at the U.S. Army Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville,
Alabama, proposed as a "test site" for the full laser
development plan. That will be followed by an International
Conference To Keep Space For Peace to be held in Leeds,
United Kingdom in May. Leeds is near the Menwith Hill and
Flyingdales radar facilities, part of the command and
control system for U.S. space military activities.

Even before the ascendancy of the Bush-Cheney
administration, nations around the world-including the
U.S.'s next-door neighbor, Canada-have become increasingly
anxious about U.S. preparations for space warfare and joined
in opposition.

On November 20 in the General Assembly at the United
Nations, a resolution was advanced titled "Prevention Of An
Arms Race In Outer Space." The resolution reaffirmed the
Outer Space Treaty, the 1967 international law setting aside
space for peaceful uses. The resolution, "recognizing the
common interest of all mankind in the exploration and use of
outer space for peaceful purposes," specifically
"reaffirming" provisions in the Outer Space Treaty stating
that "activities" in space shall be "in the interest of
maintaining international peace" and banning weapons in
space, and "recognizing that prevention of an arms race in
outer space would avert a grave danger for international
security," it called upon "all states, in particular those
with major space capabilities, to contribute actively to the
objective of the peaceful use of outer space and of the
preention of an arms race in outer space and to refrain from
actions contrary to that objective."

The vote in favor was 160, virtually all the member nations
of the United Nations. Three countries abstained: the United
States along with Israel and Micronesia.

Canada, meanwhile, is seeking to strengthen the Outer Space
Treaty with a provision that would forbid all weapons in
space. The treaty now bans "nuclear weapons or any other
kinds of weapons of mass destruction."

In a speech at the UN on October 19, Marc Vidricaire, a
representative of Canada, stated: "It has been suggested
that our proposal is not relevant because the assessment on
which it rests is either premature or alarmist. In our view,
it is neither.  One need only look at what is happening
right now to realize that it is not premature...We have heard
often before that there is no arms race in outer space.  We
agree.  We would like to keep it that way for the sake of
our own national security and for international peace and
security as whole...There is no question that the technology
can be developed to place weapons in outer space.  There is
also no question that no state can expect to maintain a
monopoly on such knowledge -- or such capabilities -- for
all time.  If one state actively pursues the weaponization
of space, we can be sure others will follow."

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his first address at
the UN, at the "Millenium Summit" a month earlier, stressed
his nation's concern about "the weaponization of space." And
in Canada on December 20, Putin and Canadian Prime Minister
Jean Chretier issued a joint statement announcing that
"Canada and the Russian Federation will continue close
cooperation in preventing an arms race in outer space,
including interaction in the preparation and holding in
Moscow in the spring of 2001 of an international conference
on the non-weaponization of outer space." The statement said
"a round-table of experts of the two countries will be held
in January 2001."

Meanwhile, the U.S. military's would-be space warriors are
bullish. The Air Force Space Command has just issued
"Almanac 2000," a slick report which on its cover identifies
the Space Command as "defending America through the control
and exploitation of space."

The report opens with a quote from the Commander of the
Command, General Ed Eberhart: "Set our sights high, on that
high frontier, and be the space warfighters our nation needs
today - and will need even more so in the future."

"Through the years," the report opens, "military commanders
have recognized the advantage of 'owning' the high ground in
battle. In World War II, the high ground was controlled by
those persons who could fly over the battlefield in
airplanes." Now, it says, the "high ground" space. And, the
report concludes: "The future of the Air Force is space-a
fully integrated, inseparable part of operations." The Air
Force in the 2lst Century needs to be "Globally dominant --
Tomorrow's Air Force will likely dominate the air and space
around the world...Selectively lethal -- The Air Force may
fight intense, decisive wars with great precision hitting
hard while avoiding collateral damage in both 'real' space
and in computer cyberspace. Virtually present - Space forces
compliment [sic] the physical presence of terrestrial
forces. Although they are not visible from the ground, space
forces provide virtual presence through their ability to
supply global mobility, control the high ground, support
versatile combat capability, ensure information dominance
and sustain deterrence.  The future Air Force will be better
able to monitor and shape world events..."

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, Fl. 32607
(352) 337-9274

Richard K Moore
Wexford, Ireland
Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance 
email: •••@••.••• 
CDR website & list archives: http://cyberjournal.org
content-searchable archive: http://members.xoom.com/centrexnews/

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