(Also published to cyber-rights as cr#804, as part of the thread arising from the Time Magazine article on net pornography. It seems to fit with the political analysis series here on cyberjournal.) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 01:00:36 -0700 Sender: Mark Stahlman (via RadioMail) <•••@••.•••> Subject: New Media vs. Old Media Folks: TIME is and always has been a propaganda organ. Henry Luce and his top aides graduated from WWII psychological warfare and then very consciously set out to use those same "weapons" on the civilian population after the war. TIME is, of course, only one of dozens of major media projects whose roots and consistent practice is largely based on the same battle tested psy-war techniques. This is not meant to be controversial or contentious; it's just the facts. Ask any of the old-TIMErs or read the history. Shaping public opinion is a well understood military/intelligence activity and its application by magazines, broadcasters and other culture-czars is well established practice. I would argue that this propaganda approach -- craft a pointed message and then hit your target is the essense of Old Media. No number of letters to the editor, retractions or negative PR fallout can fundamentally alter the effect of that first story. The psychology of driving public awareness and setting agendas is simply what modern mass media is all about. It is their core competency. It is their business model. But, for many reasons, the effectiveness of Old Media is seriously eroding. Sometimes it's an incident like the TIME cyber-porn cover that leads to a loss in faith. Sometimes it's due to personal involvement in events that are spun into something completely unrecognizable in the "news." Part of it has to with people's rejection of the "media elite." Part of it is the increasing irrelevancy of the Eastern Liberal Establishment. Some of it is the belief that you need to titilate to get ratings. And, part has to do with the end of the Cold War and the end of the "need" for wartime propaganda. New Media and specifically the Net is an integral part of the anti- propaganda rebellion. The Net won't tolerate hypocrisy. The Net forces everything into the open. The Net is an open system. EFF was destroyed by the Net because their actions would not stand up to scrutiny on the Net. Intel's Pentium flaws were uncovered on the Net. Even Usenet flaming, as stupid and vicious as it often is, is a form of this cleansing action. New Media is not just new technology. New Media is a new approach, a new attitude, a new psychology. The new technologies are being madly absorbed/deployed by Old Media operators. These are the folks who think that they are "content" (i.e. propaganda) companies and that they can build "content" for any media. TIME online is not New Media. The essense of the New Media approach is the rejection of propaganda and psychological warfare. New Media is, instead, committed to finding the "truth" -- or at least getting to bottom of things. This New vs. Old Media conflict is the often expressed in terms like "community" vs. "content." It was the reason why the original HOTWIRED team left (and have now launched the c-net site). Reingold (or whomever) wanted "community." Rosetto (or whomever) wanted "content." Sometimes the conflict crops up in discussions about advertiser supported vs. subscriber funded media. The ad business is a propaganda business (in case you hadn't noticed). It's the reason why WIRED has been mainstreamed with a series of corporate execs on the cover and now with Esther Dyson interviewing Newt for the current cover article. WIRED is now definatively Old Media. EFF was Old Media. And, TIME has always been Old Media. I'm not predicting that Old Media or, for that matter, propaganda will go away. I'm not even suggesting that you should feel guilty if it happens to be your face on the cover or etched onto the psy-warhead. And, by all means, "hack the culture" with "media viruses" if you think turning the propaganda engines against themselves will score some points. But, I am suggesting that New Media must and can set its sights elsewhere. Successful New Media projects will take advantage of the widespread rejection of the core values of Old Media. This rejection is likely to turn into rebellion and that's the force which will fuel the growth of the New Media industry. And, if any of this is likely to lead to a "revolution", New Media is already starting to build the barricades. Mark Stahlman New Media Associates New York City •••@••.••• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ moderator comment: Mark & I have exchanged some bitter flames in the past, but I'd like to congratulate him on what is, IMHO, a concise and articulate expression of the democratic potential of cyberspace ("New Media"), vs. the propagandistic nature of mass media ("Old Media"). It seems to me that what we've been dealing with on cyber-rights, is precisely the threat to turn Internet into yet-another channel for the "Old Media". The current Internet is indeed an example of "New Media", but its survival as such is highly doubtful. If Exon-like censorship becomes the law, then open postings by large numbers of citizens will become impossible, due to the costly liability to which service providers would become vulnerable. The world won't have been made safe for children, but cyberspace would have been largely purged of open expression. And if cyberspace ownership vests in unregulated monopolies (as espoused by Newt Gingrich, in his Progress & Freedom Foundation's "Magna Carta") then cyberspace will be condemned to the same centrally controlled, democratically sterile, and highly profitable "Old Media" business model that television has succumbed to. The Magna Carta characterizes cyberspace not as a place that hosts communities, but rather as a place where consumers can peruse, at a to-be-determined price, universes of proprietary information -- information to be protected by enforceable, and strict, copyright laws. And if the so-called "anti-terrorist" bills become law -- outlawing encryption, authorizing routine government monitoring of traffic, and permitting a totally arbitrary and un-reviewable definition of what constitutes "terrorism" -- then there will be no such thing as privacy in communications, and no political expression will be safe from harsh government suppression. The Bill of Rights will have been essentially repealed, both in cyberspace and everywhere else. --- Mark's piece was apparently sparked by Shabbir J. Safdar's posting last week, where Shabbir pooh-pooh'd the idea that political intent could be behind the Time Magazine article on pornography. Mark has strongly claimed (and I agree) that mass media conglomerates, such as Time Inc., have a much broader business model than simply catering to consumer demands. I'd invite Mark to cite a couple reference books so those who doubt can "read the history". My own "conspiracy antenna" are aroused whenever I see public policy being proposed where (1) the avowed justifications and proposed mechanisms are patently absurd, and (2) the actual consequences serve clearly-definable interests, but this is left out of the public discussion. This is the case with the spate of anti-Internet legislation. If these bills pass, pornography and terrorism will not have been purged from our society, but low-cost information and vibrant political discussion -- threats to authoriatarian government and media-conglomerate profits -- will have been suppressed. -Richard K. Moore ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland (USA citizen) Moderator: CYBERJOURNAL (@CPSR.ORG) World Wide Web: http://jasper.ora.com/andyo/cyber-rights/cyber-rights.html http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~hwh6k/public/cyber-rights.html FTP: ftp://jasper.ora.com/pub/andyo/cyber-rights You are encouraged to forward and cross-post messages and online materials, pursuant to any contained copyright & redistribution restrictions. For commercial re-use, contact the appropriate author. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~