Dear CJ, The previous version of this article (cj#325) included definitions for "Competitive", "Democracy", and "Reform". This new version includes also "Free Trade", "Privatization", and "Reforms, Democratic", plus minor updates to the earlier terms. Cheers, Richard ******************************** This article may be posted in entirety for non-commercial use. ******************************** Doublespeak and The New World Order version 2.0 Richard K. Moore December 8, 1995 Doublespeak and The New World Order ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The New World Order exploits language in precisely the way Orwell predicted. Words are used to mislead and conceal -- not clarify -- and are twisted to designate the opposite of their true meanings. Concepts are tagged as being "good guys" or "bad guys" by dressing them up in "white hat" words (like "reform" or "free") or "black hat" words (like "bureaucrat" or "marxist"). This use of language is a form of propaganda -- and this _vocabulary propaganda_ is much more subtle and effective than _content propaganda_ (where information is presented selectively and with a spin.) Content propaganda misinforms about issues, but vocabulary propaganda interferes with the ability to think or talk about issues in a way that can lead to understanding. As Orwell predicted, this kind of propaganda makes language volatile. In his scenario, one might read in the morning paper about an action against an enemy, with no mention that the same folks were faithful allies as recently as yesterday's edition. In actuality, the shifts in today's doublespeak are more subtle and evolutionary. As you watch new language being created, you can map out the NWO agenda: the white-hat items are to be promoted, the black-hat items to be suppressed. A classic example was the Oliver North hearings. Words like "good soldier", "patriotic", "freedom fighter", and "legality" -- not too mention "constitutional balance of powers" -- took quite a beating. By labeling state-armed mercenary terrorists (ie., the Contras) as "freedom fighters", the whole linguistic ground of the hearings was warped beyond hope. Those who should have been indicting the pathetic little desk colonel were instead prefacing their remarks with kowtows toward the "freedom fighters", if there was time remaining after the prayer service. There was no ability to discuss the affair from a meaningful moral or legal perspective, and the hearings dissolved into circus rhetoric/coverup, as was intended by the NWO language masters. If we want to discuss the world situation with any kind of useful understanding, we need to explicitly decode the NWO doublespeak, and learn how to translate it into straight language. This is not an easy task, because the doublespeak process has, over time, warped political language to the point where it is nearly useless. Words like "socialism" or "tariffs", being so heavily tarred with the black brush, can't be used meaningfully without an explanatory preface. Even the word "government" is tricky to use -- the echoes of "bureaucrat", "inefficient", and "corrupt" reverberate unconsciously. Meanwhile, words like "market" and "competitive" have been promoted with the white brush to Unquestioned Axioms of The Universe. Easier would it be to hold back the tides with a horse and lance, than to resist "market forces", or so it would seem. Rushing where angels daren't tread, I'll attempt to decode some of the more topical NWO doublethink terms. You can let me know if my own language achieves any kind of useful clarity. -rkm ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ "COMPETITIVENESS": the attractiveness of a venue to multinational investors, particularly: laxity of regulation and taxation; the degree to which a developed country regresses to third-world status. The phrase "Britain must be made more competitive for today's markets" decodes as "Britain must have lower wages and lower corporate tax rates so that it can compete with low-income parts of the world in attracting _generic_ corporate investments". _Genuine_ competitiveness, as demonstrated by Japan, involves marshalling the nation's skills & resources toward adding value in focused markets -- achieved by promoting synergy and making coordinated investments. Media-peddled "competitiveness" is like prostitution -- it values a nation's human and societal resources at scrap street value. ____________________________________________ "DEMOCRACY": a government with a competitive party electoral system, in which multinationals are able to exert effective influence -- there is no requirement that the government represent the people or support their welfare. If multinational interests are served, then no amount of popular unrest, nor vote rigging -- not even civil war -- will serve as credible evidence that the "democracy" is a sham. If corporate interests aren't served, no amount of civil accord, prosperity, and popular support qualifies the government as "democratic". _Genuine_ democracy must be judged by its responsiveness to the informed desires of the people, its success in promoting their welfare, and their satisfaction with its performance. The mechanisms used to attain a functional democracy can have many forms. The media says only competitive political parties can deliver democracy, but it ain't necessarily so. Native Americans, in many cases, used a voluntarily accepted system of village elders and regional councils. Competing elders were seen as divisive, and consensus was sought to restore village functioning. The record is clear that multi-party elections are no guarantee whatever of democratic process. Not only can parties be limited to those representing elite minority (or foreign) interests, but the autonomous authority of the military (typically subsidized by major NWO powers) often overshadows governmental policy. To understand what democracy is really about, we need to re-examine our most cherished assumptions. Is the U.S. a democracy? Is Cuba a democracy? Do you think you can tell? Castro doesn't have parties or elections. But policies are worked out by representatives from different segments of society, are explained forthrightly (at length!) on the media, and feedback is listened to. Literacy, health care, and nutrition levels (until recently) have been the envy of comparable economies. And Castro has been overwhelmingly popular for most of his tenure. The U.S. has parties and elections. But policies are worked out by corporate interests, sold through misleading media rhetoric, and popular opposition is dismissed as emotional reaction. Literacy, health care, and nutrition levels -- in fact human welfare by any measure -- are on a steady decline. The esteem of government and elected officials looms ever lower on the horizon, nearly ready to set into a sea of total disgust. The elections themselves are circuses where certain topics are selected as being "the issues" and the crowd is entertained with an orchestrated wrestling match where Hulk Republican and Pretty Boy Democrat dance around the limited ring of issues. When the match is over, the establishment gets back to its un-discussed agendas. Because there are no substantive issues raised during the campaign, the rhetoric fades into memory. There's no platform, and no distinct "change of government", as there used to be in Britain, before Tony Blair infiltrated the Labour Party. Such elections are more like a shuffling of board members in a corporation -- the faces change, the policies continue to be set as before -- outside any democratic process. Pink Floyd asked "Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?". I ask you: Can you tell a self-governing people from a stone parliament building? ____________________________________________ "FREE TRADE": the systematic destabilization of national and regional economic arrangements, by means of treaties such as GATT and NAFTA, in order to take economic decision making as far as possible from any democratic process, and centralize global economic control into the hands of the corporate elite. "Free trade", it would seem from the corporate media's propaganda, is universally accepted by all reputable economists as the One True Path to prosperity and progress. Such a belief, which does not in fact enjoy a consensus among economists, is historical nonsense. The Great Economies, such as that of the 19th Century U.S. & Great Britain, and modern Japan, were developed under nurturing protectionist policies. Only when they achieved considerable economic strength did these countries switch to "free trade" policies, as a way to prevent other nations from catching up. An economy (see also: "Reform") is an ecosystem. A strong economy is one that has diversity and synergy. When "free trade" is imposed on an underdeveloped economy, it develops in a weakened way, and is over- dependent on external market fluctuations. Such weakness increases the bargaining leverage of the multinationals, which is the obvious objective. ____________________________________________ "PRIVATIZATION": (1) the theft of citizen assets by corporate interests, achieved through discounted sell-offs of intentionally under-valued public properties; (2) the creation of new investment opportunities by means of dismantling publicly owned services. Media discussion of privatization is generally limited to the narrow issues of consumer benefits and operating efficiency. Even on these grounds, the arguments presented are usually far from convincing. They are frequently simply a recitation of the axioms "public is inefficient", "private is efficient" -- often in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Privatization is not just a change of managers, it is a change of ownership. It removes equity from citizens, and removes or minimizes public control over asset development and pricing. In many cases, employment is reduced as an immediate step in reducing costs and enhancing the profit picture -- without the social costs of the unemployment being considered in the overall accounting for the transaction. The aim of a privatized operation shifts from providing a public service, to making a profit. Short-term profit pressures reduce investment in long-term maintenance and upgrades, since their payback period may be beyond the horizon of the investor's plans for cashing out. Despite inflated claims to the contrary, consumer benefits tend to be minimal -- any reduction in rates would be a direct loss from the bottom line, and token reduction are usually enough for PR purposes and to satisfy regulatory constraints. The obvious fact that the operator needs to take out a profit is seldom mentioned when the benefits of privatization are proclaimed, as if efficiency benefits would accrue fully to the consumer. In their personal finances, citizens appreciate the value of asset ownership. Owning a car or home offers significant cost savings over the lifetime of the investments, and greatly benefits the citizen in the face of inflation and fluctuating rental rates. With privatization, citizens are transformed from owners to renters, and suffer a long-term equity loss that may be many times greater than the discounted sale price. A privatized rail system may offer cheaper rates the first few years, but in the long run it will charge whatever the traffic will bear -- in tomorrow's inflated economy. Privatization is a creeping cancer, making inroads that often aren't identified as "privatization". Lotteries, for example, are at best a privatized form of tax collection, and at worst, a way for the corporate investors to fleece those least able to afford poor-odds gambling. ____________________________________________ "REFORM": the modification or replacement of an existing economic or political system, so as to create new corporate investment opportunities -- it is not required that the new system perform effectively, only that it deliver corporate profits. A system is in need of "reform" whenever corporate investors think of a new angle to make new profits. Obvious failures of the "reform" process, such as unemployment and poverty, are never the fault of reform, but of incomplete implementation. Belief in "reform" is like religious faith: no amount of counter-evidence can phase the True Believer. Reform is like clear-cutting. A forest is an ecosystem, with wildlife, streams, underbrush, etc. Careful forestry can harvest timber without destroying the ecosystem -- but clear-cutting destroys all at once. An existing political/economic arrangement is also an eco-system: it is the subtle fabric that weaves the society together and enables its functioning. "Reform" -- as we saw in the Soviet breakup/selloff/ripoff -- can destroy the existing framework all at once, and replaces it with one that doesn't fit, that would take years or decades to take root and begin producing, and will be owned by someone else at the end of the day. _Genuine_ reform would take into account the existing conditions, and if a change is needed, would make incremental changes over time, evolving a working system toward sounder functioning. ____________________________________________ "REFORMS, DEMOCRATIC": (1) same as "market reforms"; (2) movement toward NWO's democracy model. The adjective "democratic" is used with "market reforms" when they occur in a country known for its human rights abuses, presumably to imply that the reforms may somehow reduce those abuses -- which is only occasionally the case. This use of the phrase "democratic reforms" performs a mind-programming function: it suggests the assumption that "market economy" is an inherent, even a primary, element in what it means to be a democracy. When applied to political changes, it implies a certain set of mechanisms, not any democratic result. Even if a culture had an effective form of democratic governance before, and even if the new western-style political parties (often covertly funded by foreign interests) are slanted toward elite minorities -- the "reform" is nonetheless considered to be a clear victory for "democracy". ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ To be extended. Suggestions invited. -rkm ******************************** CyberLib maintained by: Richard K. Moore •••@••.••• (USA Citizen) Moderator: Cyberjournal Wexford, Ireland ********************************