cj#375> education; blunders; connectedness


Richard Moore

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 1996
From: •••@••.•••
Subject: CPSR-GLOBAL digest 295


October, 1995

Mohandas Gandhi's list of "Seven Blunders of the World" that
lead to violence was described in an article in the Christian
Science Monitor on February 1, 1995 (page 14).  In his final
years, "...the elder Gandhi kept his grandson close at hand
and set aside an hour every day to be alone with the boy."  I
like the image of a gifted world leader devoting so much time
to a young person, affirming the fundamental human urge to
connect to future generations -- to teach -- and, perhaps, to

On their final day together, not too long before his
assassination, Gandhi gave this important list to his
grandson -- Arun Gandhi.  I've been concluding my most recent
presentations, with some thoughts about the future -- both
Nightmares & Visions -- and then offering Gandhi's list,
including an 8th "blunder" added by Arun Gandhi, the
grandson.  I've also added 4 of my own that focus more on
teaching, learning, and technology.  Here is the  combined
list of 12 "blunders".

                Wealth without work
                Pleasure without conscience
                Knowledge without character
                Commerce without morality
                Science without humanity
                Worship without sacrifice
                Politics without principle
                Rights without responsibilities [Arun Gandhi]

                Technology without direction
                Connection without community
                Teaching without joy
                Learning without hope

Our Challenge:
To use information technology to improve education and
shape a future that avoids these blunders.

Steven W. Gilbert, Director, Technology Projects
American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)
202/293-6440 X 54              FAX:  202/293-0073

from:   _Finding the Heart of the
Child:  Essays on Children, Families, and Schools_
by Edward M. Hallowell, M.D.
and Michael G. Thompson, Ph.D.

Pages 208-209

 My thesis is this: We
live in a time that conspires to disconnect us, one from
another, from institutions, from ideas, and from ideals, so
that the individual is precariously alone.  I would go on to
contend that the implications of this disconnectedness for
children are enormous.
 I think of the two major tasks of childhood as the
development of competence and the development of
connectedness, both of which contribute, in different ways,
to the overarching goal of developing a sense of confidence
and self-esteem.  If we do not pay close attention to our
children's developing sustaining connections, connections of
all sorts, then they will always be at risk of not finding
satisfaction and meaning in life, no matter how competent
they may become.
 What is connectedness?  It is a sense of being a part of
something larger than oneself.  It is a sense of belonging,
or a sense of accompaniment.  It is that feeling in your
bones that you are not alone.  It is a sense that no matter
how scary things may become, there is a hand for you in the
dark.  While ambition drives us to achieve, connectedness is
my word for the force that urges us to ally, to affiliate, to
enter into mutual relationships, to take strength and to grow
through cooperative behavior.

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 Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland
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