@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: Fred Baube <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re. Employee Ownership Eric Loeb wrote: > So, let's fly United Airlines whenever we fly! Are there other > huge employee-owned companies? Let's be sure to buy from them. A practical measure ! It's a fact, Jack, that consumers have amazing power, if and when that power is focused. By all means, someone educate the list about what global/national/regional companies are employee-owned. What a great tactical-cum-strategic use for the Net .. /fred -- F.Baube(tm) G'town U MSFS '88 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (John Lowry) Subject: Re: cj#394> re: Dugger: CALL TO CITIZENS >... Since employee-owned companies are guided >in part by their employee/citizens, they are more likely to respond to >the complex long-term dynamics of employee health and loyalty, >customer satisfaction, and reputation for honest dealing. These >"intangible" factors are hard to quantify on a quarter-by-quarter >basis, but they are sometimes painfully obvious to the employees >themselves. I heartily endorse this idea and point out that there is an active NGO, The National Center for Employee-Ownership [I think], which moved its operation from DC to Oakland, California not long ago [3-5 yrs maybe, time flies when....] and can provide lots of help making the transition. (The validity of the underlying economics is spelled-out in the introduction to Investing With Your Conscience, by John Harrington, John Wiley, 1992) Another good reference is The Second American Revolution, by John D. Rockefeller, III. Not a great book, but a good one and the author is ... "all-American." Indeed, the notion of democratic rule of commercial organization is the latest thing in business schools, though they don't quite know how to say it plainly .... As a plank for a progressive political platform, I would suggest federalizing the charter of large, interstate corporations, and stipulating that their boards of directors reflect the full spectrum of stakeholder interest, i.e., investors, workers, customers, suppliers and neighbors. John Lowry @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: Francisco Lopez <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#394> re: Dugger: CALL TO CITIZENS There are a couple of things that have to be considered when dealing with these issues. I applaud the diagnosis made in this article, I have mixed thoughts for the solutions proposed. The first thing to be considered is the tendency of individuals to get into their own businesses (from looking for a job to be service provider or a merchant et) and, as they grow, the tendency to apply "free market" a la Adam Smith, to an imperfect market. The Adam Smith free market in which supply and demand will fix prices ariund an ever changing equilibrium point and thus, determine resource allocation only function as it has been intended when the market have infinite buyers and infinite sellers, everyone have the same access to information, everyone have the same mobility, everyone have the same power, et, an obviously utopian situation. When enterprises try to maximize profits and/or market share (or minimize losses and/or risk) they usually try to produce to a level in which the rate of change in revenues is equal to the rate of change in costs. When the utopian conditions set in the free market theory holds (that never happens, although some markets like the currency, securities and commodities markets approach a little bit that condition because of their liquidity, spread of information, mobility and velocity), the prices will approach the the value of the rate of change in revenue and the change of rate in costs. At that level, the prices allows for no economic profits, only for "normal" profits, which include the necessary profits to allow a return on investment high enough to induce someone to produce these goods or services a comparable level of risk without opportunity loss. In the day to day real world we face, whenever enterprises try to optimize, they face the reality of the size and other conditions of an imperfect market. If they produce to the level in which their economies of scale lower their costs, they may tend to control a bigger chunk of their market, thus creating a monopolistic effect. Society will tend to have lees of the good or service it wants, at a higher price, and wealth (and power) will concentrate. In the other hand, there is the phenomenon of the globalization of the western-like economy. When the western "developed" nations were big enough to produce relative efficiently the goods and services their markets wanted or have colonies or neo colonies to increase their supply of commodities and the size of their markets, these nations tended to prosper more than the "third world" nations, many of whom were colonies or neo colonies of the developed ones. The movement of commerce tended to be commodities and other raw materials from the "non developed" nations to the developed ones and finished goods and services from the developed ones to the non developed ones (also including dumping of surpluses at lower than market prices). Political dominance and war guaranteed the permanence of this scheme of things. Then, after the WW2, the things started to change. Having colonies became too costly and politically unacceptable. New countries wanting a bigger piece of the action rose the price of the commodities and raw materials they controlled. As the price levels around the world started to rise, the law of comparative advantage of David Ricardo, became close to an axiom. Countries may gain leverage by concentrating in producing those goods and services they were more efficient to produce. Although the risk of strategic loss of control of their economies was bigger, the lure of being more competitive was a thing that could not be passed on. International trade increased, capital and technology transfers put in the economic map nations who were well behind in material development. Consumption around the world increased. Pressure on scarce resources mounted. Resources (including human: read-jobs) were allocated. In developed countries, labor prices (wages) decreased in real terms while grew in undeveloped countries. It seems that, at least in the short and the intermediate terms (as measured by the duration of an economic cycle), the world is an a stage of account settlement. There will be a tendency to the leveling of the standard of living around the world. That means that the system that used to work relatively well for the developed countries, the so called "free enterprise capitalism," which lay persons confuse with "democracy" will no longer meet the needs of those living in developed countries as it used to be. In the long run, the things are [not] going to be better, at least, until we reach critical mass again and have to expand human civilization beyond the boundaries of the earth. For the average non economist, the explanation of the reconfiguration of the human society along economic and political lines, seems as a lot of "isms," "itsms" et. These semantic boxes oversimplify complex phenomena and cloud behind ideological smoke much of the underlying reality. Apart from the "isms," itsms," and other likewise things, we have to stand, the "left," the "right," the "center," may be the "front,' the "behind,"the "liberals," the "conservatives," the "moral" majorities, the "family values," and who knows, someday someone will come with irrational and imaginary numbers to add more to the ideological spectrum. Well, hope the little two cents contribute something to the debate. Francisco Lopez Marketing, Financial and Economic Research | 305 538-2666 Voice International Trade and Investments | 305 538-5681 Fax 2160 Park Avenue #1 | 305 538-9888 Backmail/Data Miami Beach, Fl, USA 33139-1725 | •••@••.••• @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ >Editor: Mr. Lopez seems to have technical credentials in this area, and perhaps his perceptions are correct, but I would like to take issue with some of the implicit assumptions. Foremost, is the seeming acquiescence to the current power regime. If we want to preserve (create?) democracy, we have the responsibility to ask whether the "market path", with its promised payoffs and demonstrated human costs, is the path we (humanity) choose to follow forever. We need to do more than observe the system from outside and speculate on how it will affect us. Second, I believe it is incorrect to view the global market system as a competition between countries. This is an officially encouraged view, with all the talk about becoming "more competitive" etc. And Perot bought into it when he focused his anti-NAFTA campaign on the threat of job transfers from the U.S. to Mexico. And when you consider a Japan, a Germany, or a Korea, you see cases where a country has distinguished itself from others in terms of growth and exports. But nonetheless, I submit that the current dominant mega-trend is toward global management by WTO/GATT/IMF-like commissions, with a significant loss of sovereignty by _all_ nations. It's not one country vs. another, but rather the corporate elite vs. humanity and the national states which are its long-evolving representative entities (imperfect as they are). And it's not wealth-shifting from one country to another as much as it is asset-shifting from individual and public ownership to "privatization" (i.e., to corporate ledger sheets.) Yes there may be a trend toward "leveling of the standard of living around the world" but it doesn't come out even -- the trend is toward leveling at a very low scale, with an elite managerial class. The corporations who pocket everyone's "leveling quotient" no longer have "home bases" (countries which benefit heavily from their growth.) The transnationals are global citizens who move factories around chasing coerced tax break advantages, exploit repressive labor enivironments whenever they can, and keep the (mis-accounted and under-taxed) profits for their own re-investments or dividend disbursements. Third, I must observe that capital development does not depend on being unrestrained to function effectively. Scandanavian countries, for example, have relatively strong controls over industrial operation, capital flight, etc., and they've been able to develop very strong economies nonetheless. Corporations will press every advantage they can, but they can survive and prosper if given what they need, instead of what they want. Finally, humanity _must_ finally accept the finiteness of its nest, and begin to think in terms of sustainability. We're near the final no-more-free-ride breaking point on many of our resources (such as life-supporting air and water) and we must smash the guilded idol of "economic growth" before it smashes us. Unlimited growth is simply impossible by the laws of physics, and we must develop a new economic paradigm that's not based on chasing the EVER-BIGGER pot-of-gold rainbow. We need a way of computing profits (transaction incentives) that indexes to human betterment, rather than to the rate at which goods are produced and sold. This point is addressed in Lowry's contribution, immediately below. IMHO, -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (John Lowry) Subject: Re: words Both capitalism and communism are very good ideas. It's the people who fail. If you look-up the word "profit," and to understand what "Capitalism, the pursuit of profit," is, you should start there, you will find that today, it means something quite different than the classical defenders of the idea had in mind. Today "profit" means "gain or advantage." The "profit" that Adam Smith had in mind was "mutual benefit." Indeed, Smith was a professor of moral philosophy and a Presbyterian minister. Today, economists like Michael Porter of Harvard write tombs and tombs about "advantage".... In a world where the contest for power threatens to annhiliate us all, words substitute for weapons. We no longer use them to reason together for mutual benefit, but as tools to seek and gain advantage. In this light, judgments about our prospects must be pessimistic, except for the constancy of "redemption" as a theme of human affiars. John Lowry @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: "•••@••.•••" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#396> Got Democrats if you want them... > This just in... NEW: DEMOCRATIC NEWS SERVICE. > > Beware the bog of co-option! Ugh! Right you are, Richard. Remember "Day of the Triffids"? I'd rather spend my time gutting rotten fish, personally. And you were right as well about the basic drift of Ronnie Dugger's Call to Citizens: Let's steer clear of that political party template and organize to outflank the system rather than (Ho-ho) change it. valis @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ From: "Liggett, John" <•••@••.•••> To: rmoore <•••@••.•••> Subject: bravo on your response Date: Fri, 12 Jan 96 14:12:00 PST I really enjoyed reading your piece in response to ronnie dugger's call to action. I like your concepts and would like to volunteer my participation in this. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland •••@••.••• | Cyberlib=http://www.internet-eireann.ie/cyberlib Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~