Dear cj, My sincere apologies for giving this list so little attention recently. Fortunately, the reverse-economics of internet cause people to unsubscribe when they get _too much_ for their money, not _too little_. I've got a queue of things you've sent in that I will post very soon -- with embarrasment that some may be untimely by the time you see them. Since I've got it in my paste-buffer, I will share this essay I just posted to the "Philosophy of History" list, in answer to the question: "What do I tell my son when he asks `Why should I study history?' ?" ________________________________________________________________ I love these kinds of seemingly simple questions... they force one to dig deeper to find out why certain things seem "self-evident" to oneself. Several points come up for me... 1) History, like most "subjects", is naturally fascinating and compelling to nearly everyone -- the school system seems designed to systematically kill creativity and the natural desire-to-inquire by all of the tactics listed below (some of which have already been posted by others). Consider: If walking were taught in school, we'd have thousands of people who grow up unable to walk competently, and who express a lack of interest in the activity. My kid's pediatrician said once: "If the parent use the toilet, the kids will too when they're ready, and if the parents use a knife and fork, the kids will too -- with no specific training or incentives required." The anti-educational school tactics -- perhaps not accidental -- include: a) presenting "facts" dryly b) seeking memorization rather than internal searching c) emhasizing "right" and "wrong" answers d) treating "learning" as work rather than play e) grading and tests (reflecting a self-fulfilling and unsubstantiable judgement that kids "don't want to learn") f) driven by curricula rather than curious impulse g) casting "teacher" as disciplinarian and truth-knower rather than goad-to-inspiration. h) forcing a rigid schemata of learning -- reading for example is made unnaturally slow-rate by the stupid idea of learning phonics -- everyone will discover phonics for themselves as a by-product -- and learning it first destroys scanning of whole phrases at a glance, which is well within our cognitive capabilities, but tough to "teach". Grammar is an even more stupid invention for kids to be burdened with -- every uneducated bushman speaks only in perfect and complex sentences from an early age. 2) History-perception is KNOWN to be the primary cognitive mechanism by which people judge political options. For that reason, all nations treat it as a propaganda opportunity to condition children to accept the power status-quo. In the case of the U.S., the propaganda strategy seems to be to make history as boring as possible, to create a stupid population that can be led by the nose Orwell-style -- sending arms to ally-Iraq for a decade, and then hating Iraq as an enemy-demon the next decade. 3) One way to kindle the URGENT INBORN NEED to understand where we came from and what it all means (history) is to offer kids beautiful well-written stories to read (or to read them out loud). I _hated_ history in school, but when I later started reading biographies I found there's very little else I want to waste my time reading -- and the time-sequence tied to a personality makes events stick in my mind indelibly. Twain comes to mind. --- Someone said that history, as taught, doesn't sufficently emphasize civilization and its development. I HEARTILY disagree! My perception is that history teaching is cast _primarily_ as a glorification of "civilization" and imperialism. Even those of us who take history seriously in later life continue to be blinded by our early conditioning toward this gross narrowing of historical perspective. Everyone comes out of school with the "truth" that the fall of Rome was a singular historical disaster, and that history just marked-time until large political units could be re-established. Why aren't we taught about the attitudes and viewpoints of those who overthrew the Roman Empire??? I for example am of Anglo-German extraction -- why in the hell was I taught that Egyptians, Greeks, and Italians constitute "my" history?? (They're only one thread!) Thanks for the question, Richard