Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 From: •••@••.••• (CAROLYN BALLARD) Subject: Israel/Lebanon From: SMTP%"•••@••.•••" 1-MAY-1996 To: •••@••.••• Subj: ISRAELIS ENGINEERED LEBANESE CRISIS - MER Quote of the Week M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S - QUOTE OF THE WEEK [To receive MER regularly please send a message to •••@••.••• with the words "Send MER"] ******************************************************** I S R A E L E N G I N E E R E D L E B A N O N C R I S I S The American media is so inadequate in covering Middle Eastern matters -- both by omission and design -- that one has to turn to foreign reporting not only for reasonable perspective but even for basic facts. Just compare the INDEPENDENT TELEVISION NEWS (ITN) for instance with American TV news. And even when PBS's NEWS HOUR -- more appropriately it should be nick-named "State Department TV" uses ITN reports they are never the bold, insightful, graphic reports but rather they are sanitized for American viewers in the PBS editing room. Take for instance the recent fighting in Lebanon. If you believe American reports Israel attacked (however disproportionately and massively) because Hizballah had broken the agreements of 1993 and sent a few unaimable rockets into northern Israel. (Even at the end of this round of fighting, however, not even one Israeli was killed). In short, this version of history is simply not true. The reality, as clearly outlined in a cover article in London's THE NEW STATESMAN, is that it was Israel that violated the 1993 "understandings" while the Hizballah actually lived up to them. The "problem" for Peres was that with elections ahead and in the wake of Hamas terror bombings he felt he had to show his macho, that the Israeli army was chaffing because of the "success of Hizbollah's attacks on Israeli military targets inside occupied south Lebanon" (7 dead and 30 wounded since 1 January), and that the Israelis and the Americans were pissed that Assad had cut off negotiations (just when Peres needed them) and refused to attend the Israeli-American "anti-terror" conference in Sharm-el-Sheik or to condemn Hamas. Consider the following quotes from THE NEWS STATESMAN cover article by Graham Usher: "HIZBOLLAH IS BEING CONSISTENT WITH THE 'RULES' THAT GOVERN THE WAR IN SOUTH LEBANON...BROKERED BY THE U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE, WARREN CHRISTOPHER, AFTER OPERATION ACCOUNTABILITY IN 1993..." and ISRAEL "ENGINEERED CRISIS TO PUT THE SQUEEZE ON LEBANON AND, THROUGH IT, SYRIA." and "IGNORING THE 1993 RULES WHICH HE DEVISED, CHRISTOPHER LAST WEEK PUT THE BLAME FOR WHAT HE CALLED 'THE CURRENT ESCALATION' IN LEBANON SQUARELY ON HIZBOLLAH." and ISRAEL "USES AIR RAIDS, FORCED EVACUATION AND CIVIC DESTRUCTION TO REALIZE ITS OBJECTIVES." As Usher clearly and persuasively points out it was actually the Israelis who violated the "rules" of 1993 killing Lebanese civilians on both 30 March and 8 April and provoking Hizballah's responsive Katusha attacks that then gave Peres and the Israeli military the excuse they clearly wanted to massively assault Lebanon. Israel, of course, has a long and jaded history of manipulating events, killing civilians, and finding excuses of one kind or another -- the war in 1992 that killed nearly 20,000 Lebanon civilians was in fact started because the Israelis claimed the PLO had attacked an Israeli diplomat in London. As it turned out, so said even Maggie Thatcher shortly thereafter, it was an anti-Arafat anti-PLO group of Palestinians that actually attacked the Israeli diplomat and the Israelis knew this very well. Indeed, history is full of similar examples of Israeli duplicity and to use the bold headline from THE NEW STATESMEN cover, "Israeli Terror". [Quotes and context from THE NEW STATESMAN, 4/19/96, cover article by Graham Usher, written and sent to press before the terrible Israeli attack on Kana.] ******************************************************** MID-EAST REALITIES News, Information, & Analysis that Governments, Interest Groups, and the Corporate Media Do Not Want You To Know! ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~