Dear CJ, Sorry for being dormant for so long. I've been launching into some offline projects, wanting to find ways to reach larger audiences. A project is coming together to create a travelling cabaret troupe, to focus on political satire/education. Wexford has an abundance of under-employed theater talent of all kinds, so the idea is to collaborate with writers, staging experts etc., to create some humorous vingettes/songs/puppet-shows etc., and tie them together to tell historical/political stories. The first story I want to tell is "The Saga of the Modern Age", in parable form. The underlying message will be along the lines of cj#547 "The Rise & Fall of Democracy". FYI, attached below is an expanded version of that article, as published yesterday in American Reporter, and as to be published in New Dawn magazine. Yours, rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 From: Joe Shea <•••@••.•••> Subject: The American Reporter, No. 336W ~--<snipping>--~ * * * _________________ HUMOR AND OPINION COMMENTARY: CAPITALISM & DEMOCRACY + Richard K. Moore American Reporter Correspondent Wexford, Ireland 7/20/96 democracy 2100/$21.00 THE FATEFUL DANCE OF DEMOCRACY AND CAPITALISM by Richard K. Moore American Reporter Correspondent "All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel. The monkey thought it was all in fun, Pop! goes the weasel." -English nursery rhyme WEXFORD, Ireland -- Consider the dance that has been been going on between what I would call the elite and the people since the middle of the 18th century. As the feudal era was ending, the elites included royalty, the churches, the land-aristocracy, and the business-wealthy -- and their hold over the people was essentially total. This is the context out of which democracy arose. What happened is that certain elites were out to re-divide the elite pie, cutting themselves the lion's share, and cutting out others altogether. Essentially, the emerging business-wealthy were tired of butting up against the older hierarchies, and began to favor republics as a better environment for the further development of capitalism. But this business-oriented sub-elite needed allies in order to make a grab for power. They turned to the people themselves, and offered them a partnership in a new regime. The people provided the manpower to overthrow the old regimes, and received in return the promise of a democratic republic -- liberty, equality, fraternity, and all that. The United States and France led the way, and demonstrated two quite-different paths to a modern republic. Eventually, the rest of the Western world followed suit, and the modern "democracy" has become a seemingly permanent -- and dominant -- political structure. Once the other elites were ousted, what remained was an uneasy and unequal partnership between the business-elite and the people. It was this surviving elite which drafted the new constitutions, and provided most of the political and economic leaders of the new republics. They indeed made sure royalty, nobility, and the church were dislodged from power -- by the pen in the States, and by the guillotine in France. But their commitment to democracy has been more questionable. The adversarial nature of the partnership became clear right away -- when the U.S. Constitution was first drafted in 1789 without the Bill of Rights. The elite had already betrayed the people, and the people had to rise up to demand their promised democratic guarantees. Ever since, there's been a tug-of-war for control. Sometimes the elite reigns supreme, as in mid-19th Century America. Other times people managed to elect effective representatives, as in Britain during the 1950's. The Age of Development The age of democratic republics has been the great age of modern "progress," or more accurately, development -- the development of new technologies, products, organizational structures, transport systems, etc. Development has provided benefits to both people and capitalism: people have experienced rising prosperity while capitalism has realized astronomical growth in wealth. Nonetheless, the partnership has not been an equal one. While some of the people in the larger countries have found this to be an age of prosperity, many others, especially in the Third World, have experienced it as involuntary exploitation and poverty. And while some benefits have been shared around the table, ownership and control have been concentrated in the hands of the elite. With the aid of technology, the elite has steadily increased its level of ownership and control. There are three technologies, in particular, whose development has been the most useful to the elite: propaganda, corruption, and the corporation. Propaganda permits popular opinion to be managed, hence controlling the democratic process at its roots, where candidates and issues are debated. Corruption permits politicians and government officials to be controlled, which undermines the democratic process at its head, where decisions are made and action is taken. The corporation is the ultimate money-multiplying machine: a legally sanctioned entity whose only guiding value is greed, and whose only purpose is to generate wealth -- not for its managers or workers, but for its (limited liability) owners. Thus modern "democracies" have served as the vehicles supporting the growth of capitalism. Controlled via propaganda and corruption, the nation state has been harnessed to expand investment opportunities, while the corporation has evolved to exploit those opportunities. Western nations have been the fortresses of the corporate elite, and imperialism has been the means of expanding investment opportunities abroad. Warfare has been the "jockeying for imperial turf" among the nation-fortresses, on behalf of their resident capitalists. It is a tribute to the power of propaganda (including the "educational" system) that most of us think of these modern wars as having had other causes. But competition among growing powers for finite territory cannot go on forever. By the end of World War Two the inevitable finally happened -- one nation achieved military and economic dominance of the globe. By skillfully playing off one power against another, and bringing to bear its own industrial might at just the right moments, the United States managed to emerge from the conflagration perceived as the "Savior of Democracy," with its economy and infrastructure intact, in control of the seas, and in a position to reshape the world according to its own designs. As usual, events proceeded at both a real level and a propaganda level. According to the propaganda line, the post-war era has been one of emerging independent nations, increased international cooperation (symbolized by the U.N.), and the dismantlement of prewar empires ... a flowering of democracy. The reality has been the installation of a new system of collective imperialism, under the aegis of a nuclear-tipped Pax Americana -- a new world order in which national-rivalry capitalism has been replaced by globalized capitalism operating in a corporate-managed "free world" economy. "Free world" is the propaganda term; "free-to-invest realm" would be the capitalist perspective, and the more descriptive term, given that democratic freedom is hardly characteristic of most countries which operate under this system. Now that the "communist" block is being digested into the greater scheme of things, we can see that the whole Cold War was a distracting side-show. The main effect of the cold war, in the end, was to provide an excuse for a large U.S. military. The actual purpose of the U.S. military has been to act as the police force to expand and protect the extent of the free-investment world, and to insure that all the little "free" nations remain hospitable to corporate investments. That most of these nations are not democratic is of no consequence to the elite, except that it makes the world easier to manage. The Rise of Globalism Thus arose a de facto corporate globalist regime, with Uncle Sam as the volunteer vigilante enforcer of a semi-open world-market system. This regime has matured and evolved over the past 50 years, and is now in the process of incorporating the last hold-out countries into its fold. During this period, all three primary technologies have been globalized: propaganda, corruption, and the corporation. Global corporations, or multinationals, are familiar to everyone. They are of immense size -- of the top 50 world economies, nearly half are corporations, not nations -- and they increasingly have no loyalty to any "home" country. Propaganda -- including Hollywood productions and mass-media "news" -- is increasingly global in scope, presenting a centrally- manufactured corporate party line to the world's people. Corruption -- the elite corporate domination of public institutions -- focuses more and more at the international level, setting up institutions (NAFTA, GATT, IMF, NATO, Brussels) which are designed to serve corporate objectives and which operate outside the dominion of national states. One more primary technology -- weaponry -- deserves mention at this point. Until recently, enforcement of elite globalist schemes required massive armed forces, and involved wars which might take years to carry out. As was demonstrated in Iraq (following rehearsals in Grenada and Panama), it is now possible for a relatively small force, equipped with modern high-tech weapons, to devastate an entire modern nation in a short time. This reduces the effort that must be put into propaganda and minimizes the number of people who need to be convinced or coerced into participating in the policing effort. The voluntary Uncle Sam vigilante role is being rapidly converted into an internationally-sanctioned strike force. With the help of stealth weaponry, cruise missiles, and satellite intelligence -- backed up by well-crafted propaganda/news management -- policing of the globalist regime is to be carried out by an elite-controlled, Judge Dredd death machine. Any nation which proves inconvenient to the elite will be demonized by the media, brought to its knees by the strike force, re-organized by international commissions, and then reintegrated into the globalist "community." Destabilizing The Nation State By means of these developments, the de facto globalist regime, run unilaterally by the U.S., is being solidified into a formal globalist regime. This historic global transformation is being heralded by an intense propaganda campaign, launched by Reagan and Thatcher, and selling the imaginary virtues of "market forces," "competitiveness," "privatization," and "reform." By focusing the propaganda spotlight on economic issues, the more significant political changes receive relatively little public notice. The true significance of the globalization campaign is no less than an historic political revolution -- the strong nation state is being discarded, to be replaced by smaller, weaker states with more and more of their sovereign powers taken over by the corporate elite and their technocrat commissions. Since the nation state no longer serves its function as the fortress of capitalism, the democracy-based partnership between people and capitalism is being dissolved, leading to a new era of global corporate feudalism. The strong nation state has become more of a hindrance than a benefit to the modern mega-corporation. It is the dominant nations which advance the standards in environmental protection, worker's rights, and other such "emotional" and "inefficient" measures. Small, weak nations are more amenable to rape and pillage by corporate developers, and the Third World is the elite's prototype of how they'd like the whole world to operate. Death Knell of Democracy Maastricht, Scottish independence, ethnic or regional autonomy, stronger international "peace" arrangements -- these are all developments which might have much to be said for them taken in isolation, or if implemented within a democratic framework. But within the context of the corporate elite storming the Bastille of democracy, it is necessary to re-examine all changes and "reforms" from the perspective of whether they strengthen or weaken our fundamental democratic institutions. If we don't look at the big picture, then we'll be like the frog who submits to being cooked -- the victim of a sneaky slow-boiling policy. The fact is that the modern nation state is the most effective democratic institution mankind has been able to come up with since outgrowing the small-scale city-state. With all its defects and corruptions, this gift from the Age of Enlightenment -- the national republic -- is the only effective channel the people have to power- sharing with the elites. If the strong nation-state withers away, we will not -- be assured -- enter an era of freedom and prosperity, with the "shackles of wasteful governments off our backs." No, indeed. If you want to see the future -- in which weak nations must deal as-best-they-can with mega-corporations -- then look at the Third World. The last thing you see in Third-World countries is freedom and prosperity. What you in fact see are governments which increasingly specialize in two functions: suppressing the population, on the one hand, while on the other hand they negotiate with the international financial community and corporate investors. When all nations have been whittled down and made weak, then the world will have become essentially a patchwork of plantation-states. We'll have a neo-feudal system where the corporate elite act as a kind of global royalty, extracting tribute from all the little competing nation-fiefdoms. There is a brief window of opportunity -- while modern democracies continue to survive -- in which the people can wake up and peacefully seize control of their governments. After those governments have been devolved/downsized, it will be too late. And with modern weaponry under the command of the elite, there will be no possibility of the people arising anew in revolution. If the people in any of the little fiefdoms try it, they'll be dealt with as Iraq has been in the Gulf War and its aftermath. It won't be nice to mess with Earth Inc! Preservation of strong national sovereignty in the modern democracies is the rock-bottom foundation needed by the people -- without it democracy will without doubt disappear from the world. -30- * * * ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~