Dear cj, Below, Frank Chartrand continues his rebuttal re/U.S. Hegemony. He argues that Clinton is to be blamed for an alleged deterioriation in the U.S. military situation. I disagree with his characterization, as you'll see at the end, but there's another issue I'd like to raise. I find the style of this material somehow disturbing. It looks like what you would get if you assigned some professor to write a piece to achieve a certain propaganda objective, namely to show: (1) Clinton is weak and we need a Republican. (2) The U.S. is getting pushed around, and needs to assert itself. (3) We need a larger military budget. What we see are skillfully documented vignettes that seem to prove certain conclusions, and then a chain of interpretation that seeks to establish more general principles. That's fair enough, but there's also a very deft framing of issues, limiting of alternatives, and information selectivity that makes the whole presentation seem bogus. There's more than a whiff of sophistry. It is a fact, not a conspiracy theory, that one of the largest groups of people to receive regular CIA payments are professors. Selected academics are funded to write internal documents (confidential studies, analyses, position papers, etc.) and propaganda documents (OpEd pieces, papers for journals, newspaper columns, etc.) which argue in requested directions, using as much professorial flair and fact-waving as possible. You might describe the CIA as a planter-gatherer society, with respect to information. It plants stories, and it gathers information. This is a natural progression in the evolution of an intelligence agency. It starts by gathering, and soon learns how information controls public opinion and government policy. The natural next step is to try to influence the generation of information at its source, toward whatever political goals the intelligence establishment might have. With the advent of Internet, one wonders how many of these professorial operatives were retargeted to ply their planting/gathering via modem? And to what extent they help maintain the divisiveness and unproductivity of so many Internet endeavors? This isn't a question of "whether", but of "to what extent". I don't know anything about Frank, and I'm making no suggestions about his particular motives, sincerity, or backing. It's simply the case that his style of argument happened to spark an issue in my mind that I'd been wanting to mention anyway. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sun, 18 Aug 1996 Sender: Frank Chartrand <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#562> re: U.S. Hegemony 8/18/96, rkm wrote: >Dear Frank, > > Yes, once nukes become an "acceptable" weapon, there are many >global situations where that option, under certains circumstances, might be >seriously considered. I don't see any relevance to "the last 3 years", >unless you're one of those trying to pin on Clinton the crimes of the past >several decades. Well, if one looks at the weeks leading up to the 1992 election and comments made even up until January 1993 - it was critical according to Bill Clinton and Warren Christopher that N Korea not be allowed to have nuclear material. All efforts would be expended according to Clinton - to stop N Korea from achieiving that power. And then in the following 2-3 years N Korea has the power. I do blame it on Clinton and it is quite easy to do so. Wasn't before ... he said he wouldn't allow it ... and now they do. Very simple. The same goes for Iran. Before - no. Now ... quite possibly. Considering the Russian Security Police arrested 11 people in 1995 for selling / attempting to sell nuclear material to various countries. 2 of these were: N Korea and Iran. So again I blame him and that is, again quite easy to do. Wasn't before ... now it is. According to NERC - Nuclear Emergency Response Commission - in 1990 the chance of someone detonating a nuclear device in the US was 1-3%. In 1993 it was 15-17%. In 1996 it is 24-29%. According to them it is a matter of 'when' not 'if'. Again it seems clear from before and after that it falls on Clinton. if not on Clinton then on Christopher. He made 13 visits to N Korea. Underlings made 23 visits between 1992-1995. In all the visits ... 36 odd times ... N Korea now has the capability. It is quite clear that the efforts taken result in nothing but babbling. You mention Bosnia: We are in Bosnia and are confined in Bosnia to camps. Have been since arriving. Fear soldiers might be killed and lose an election. Ordered to remain on bases and to never venture outisde without full support and only with visibility of base. According to the commander of a base visited by a journalist 3-4 months ago. > The U.S. has field-tested its >cruise/stealth/satellite/laser/fuel-air weapons systems, and is managing to >get increasing blank-check authorization to use them in global "trouble >spots". Militarily decisive, semi-permanent U.S. forces are stationed in >both Bosnia and Iraq, with no clear limits on what actions those forces >might take. The amounts spent for defense have progressively declined. If one looks at Clintons budget amounts ... until 2000 - the amounts continue to decline. According to the pentagon the status of forces is declining and the ability to maintain present conditions will decline if amounts are decreased further. We could have 100 million men stationed around the world but if their orders are to hide - it doesn't matter. > > The world has all but officially designated the U.S. as the >official global police force, with NATO or the UN pulled in when >convenient. The 100,000 plus Iraqis who died under U.S. bombardment would >not consider this tiger to be paper. Nor do the Chinese, who considered >the U.S. cruise-by's to be substantially provocative, not just empty >insults. While I do not like the idea ... we are the only one who can. Chinese threatened invasion of taiwan if they voted for independence so ... provocation depends on who is looking at what side of the story.We didn't start the cruises ... we merely kept it going after the Chinese started rumbles. Interesting nonetheless. : ) Thanks for your response. F. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Dear Frank, First of all, I don't see any evidence that Clinton should be credited with having a foreign policy at all. It seems to me that the job of U.S. President has degenerated to the point of being a figurehead position. Just like in the declining days of the Roman Empire, when the Emperor's crown was auctioned off by the army to the highest bidder. The actual job of the chief executive is to act as chief PR spokesman for the establishment, and to take the wrap (or credit) for how things turn out. The president, as candidate, is selected by the elite, is captive to the party machinery and the media, and must conform to their collective requirements. When in office, he's captive to his establishment-connected advisors and National Security Council, who are for the most part, as they say, non-partisan. Any president who tries to excercise leadership against the wishes of the ongoing establishment finds himself downriver without a paddle very quickly. Athough he's more awake and articulate, I don't credit Clinton with any more grasp of anything than I did Reagan, who everyone recognized as cue-card reading dimwit. To attribute personal will to Clinton's stage performance is to fall prey to what I call the "fascism ratchet". The "fascism ratchet" uses the bi-partisan system, in these days of a dummy PR Presdency, to move the country ever-closer to outright fascism. It works like this. By and large, U.S. policy unfolds according to its unnanounced, elite-established agenda. But the timing, and the media spin, of events is staged so that Republican Presidents always come out heroes, and Democratic Presidents always come out looking like buffoons. In addition, certain moves are easier for a Democrat to make (such as NAFTA), and others a Republican (such as opening relations with China). Clinton isn't really a liberal, and isn't doing anything effective for genuine liberalism, but he's painted as a liberal so that his sensationalized failings will discredit liberalism. If Clinton's ahead in the polls, that simply reflects that the overwhelming majority of Americans are liberal-leaning, not that they particularly like Clinton. Media & investigative revelations re/ Clinton "corruption" will accelerate as necessary to assure his defeat. Dole will then declare a "mandate" for a thorough-going anti-liberal stance, one more ratchet closer to fascism. --- re/Korea & Iran: I imagine these situtations will be dealt with in the time frame and by the means considered appropriate by our bi-partisan NSC. But if anything heroic is called for, it'll await a Republican to receive the credit. Clinton will get the blame for the "proliferation gap", as your piece demonstrates. re/proliferation: the obvious bi-partisan U.S. policy for years has been to proliferate as much weaponry as possible as widely as possible, overtly and covertly, with only a few taboos. This is only partly due to the arms-sales profits (we're the world's largest weapons exporter). More strategically, it serves the purpose of keeping the world divided and in turmoil (destabilized). That gives the U.S. the chance to come in as Peacemaker and Policeman, consolidating its hegemony, and implementing its new world order. A Korea with nuclear weapons is a Korea the U.S. can justify an attack on. Same for Iran. re/Bosnia: Presidents of both parties are constrained to minimize fatalaties to "our boys". Nothing can bring breed doves faster than body bags do. Surely you must know the military role of the U.S. in Bosnia is handling intelligence, launching cruise missles, and perhaps some hi-tech bombing runs. For troops we use the other NATO forces, or the Croats, who we armed and helped train. Why wouldn't we stay on base? The imperial legions are for strategic uses only. >The amounts spent for defense have progressively declined. So? The cuts are mostly in outmoded bases and personnel. The modern military is based on high-tech, high-profit weapons systems, requiring minimal personnel. And modern poltical/military tactics are high-leverage -- using others' forces where possible, waiting for the right moment, hitting with a focused karate attack. The obscene, astronomical U.S. military budget is more than adequate for the job. >While I do not like the idea ... we are the only one who can. Are you agreeing then, that we are the world policeman? Is this somehow consistent with your arguments against hegemony? re/China: The issue was not whether China can be considered provocative, the issue was whether or not the U.S. is a paper tiger wrt China. The timing of two recent U.S. cruises in that region were publicly described by the Chinese themselves as being provocative and insulting -- and the behavior of the fleets (sending certain over-the-horizon radio pings) was intentionally taunting. If the U.S. wants to let the Chinese have Taiwan, they could do that. But if they want to draw a line and tell China "No further, or else", then Taiwan would be the perfect such line. The strategic problem would be to make sure the propaganda climate and military plan-of-attack are in good order when the moment of truth comes. A nuclear strike on Libya is critical to assure the bugs are worked out of the "Nukes 'R Nice" propaganda machinery. Regards, rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~