@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (Joe Ferguson) Subject: Re: cj#566> re: Saving Democracy / national focus I agree with Richard that a global government is both an unrealistic idea and a dangerous one, since if established, such a global system would likely develop into the ultimate totalitarian state (a la 1984). My thinking lately is about the nature of countries like the United States, where we are a country of individuals, floating free, without any structure beyond vague state and county governments. I believe human nature is such that: 1) Being governed by a few leaders will always result in corruption; and 2) If people become involved in government en masse (say, more than 80% of people get involved) people will be able to live in peace and prosperity. Let's just stipulate the first point, based on the old maxim that "power corrupts." The second point is based on these, hopefully not too unrealistic components of a mass popular movement which is reaching critical mass as you read this: A) People perceive that a peaceful and healthy world is the benefit to be gained from citizen involvement; B) People develop a system whereby most citizens can do their share of governing by putting in (say) four hours per week, rendering the benefit extremely valuable in proportion to the effort. The smallest unit of government would be small communities (the "city block" level or group of small "blocks" where each family can have a voice); C) Such active-governing communities spread across the land, and form the fabric of progressive county governments; similarly to the state and then to the national level. The mechanism is that commmunities work out their issues so that they apply their power at the next level up, and so on, changing what today is a "herd" of individuals roaming around into more of a "governing body" that is composed of organs, and the organs, of cells. D) Natural forces (e.g., the market) are harnessed primarily for the benefit of the population; weapons are "beat into plowshares" while the weapons and war industry are transformed into forces to clean up our toxic environment and our trashed cities. Natural resources like hemp have all restrictions lifted, so that reliance on toxic alternatives like petro-chemicals can be reduced. Destructive policies, like the war on drugs are abandoned. - Joe Ferguson @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Again (see cj#575) Joe raises the issue of leadership. In the long run, I agree with Joe that decentralization of autonomy can be healthy economically, and could provide the sinew of stronger democracy. But leadership, imho, would continue to be a necessary and valuable commodity. Leadership would be needed at the local level, and leadership would be needed in the collaborations that would be necessary among localities, at state, national, and global scales. It's simply unavoidable. To eschew leadership, is to leave the door open to demagogic leaders (perhaps disguised as bureaucrats) who will sneak in to fill the vacuum. We need to face the fact that leadership is part of the process of humans living and working together. We need to learn how to encourage the best leaders to come forward. American culture suffers from an over-emphasis on individualism, and especially on individual competition. This is "divide and conquer" carried to the ultimate extreme. Even in our struggles to develop a progressive movement, we can see the need for better leadership. Where would be we be without Nader or Dugger, or the leaders who built up the Greens? And how much better off we'd be if we had leaders with a bit more charisma and spiritual depth -- some elements of, say, Martin Luther King. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (John Lowry) Subject: Re: cj#566> re: Saving Democracy / national focus >... > If you feel it's impossible to reform national governments in this >way, then I say it's ten times as impossible to force these reforms from >some nebulous global forum. > > >IMHO, >rkm I agree. And I feel we can make both political and substantive progress toward reform by advocating that the UN be disarmed. While their military record is mixed, it is undeniable that, if there is to be some level of effective world cooperation, it must be "enforced" with moral suasion from the world body. With this advocacy, we could begin to make some alliance with militia-types, whose voice must be acknowledged. IMHO, jl @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@