Dear XXX, >Well, to our common interest. I have read your attached paper. I agree with >many of your findings. I find your analysis in many respects insightful but >find your discussion of the 'plan of action' less convincing. This needs of >course detailed elaboration on my part and I will attempt, within the >confines of the time I dispose of, attempt to give you my humble opinion. It is true that I've emphasized First-World organizing, and I will endeavor to defend the importance of that, but you're not the first person who's responded by arging for a focus on the Third World, and I can see the wisdom of combining the approaches. Let me offer the following Agenda 3.1, for your consideration, before speaking to your main points. ________________________________________________________________ Progressive Agenda, version 3.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Effective promotion of democracy, which naturally must include a heavy emphasis on reforming corporations and curbing their power, can only be achieved by a global movement. Corporate power itself is a global phenomenon, and it must be opposed everywhere its tentacles have reached. True democracy starts at the grass-roots, and this means that a global progessive democratic movement must be based in hundreds of grass-roots organizations of all kinds all over the world -- labor unions, peasant organizations, minority groups, Greens, enviromentalists, churches, civil libertarians, progressive political parties, leftists, socialists, etc. Global solidarity, international cooperation, mutual information exchange, and the evolving of common comprehensive agendas is essential to making the smaller movements effective. Indeed, some actions and intitiatives may properly be the domain of a global progressive organization, yet to be formed. But it would be a mistake to rely on a single organization to be the organ of progressive change. Not only are local conditions and democratic goals different in different places, but popular participation is more readily accomplished by locally-based movements than by some all-encompassing umbrella organization. Furthermore, it is easier for the elite to infiltrate, demonize, subvert, terrorize, and destroy a single organization than lots of independent ones. Therefore, I envision an umbrella coalition -- with independent organizations as constituents -- as being the best approach to global solidarity. Indeed, a progressive movement should be internally democratic, and this means it should strive to represent and support the constituent organizations, not dictate policy to them from some central committee. The First and Third Worlds (is there a Second World?) each have important roles to play, but from very different contexts, and with different kinds of advantages and disadvantages, in terms of their ability to contribute effectively to changing "the system". In the Third World, corporate power is more naked, more totalitarian, and less successful in brainwashing the population -- the population is suffering greatly due to capitalism and knows it. For this reason, the "soil of revolution", if you will, is more fertile than in the First World. In some sense, then, one might expect the Third World to become the vanguard of change, and it would make sense to encourage it to be so. To some extent it has been just that -- witness Cuba, the Sandinistas, and Chiapas. Even Eastern Block "Communism" has included many elements of genuine popular-benefit socialism, and has done much to contain the hegemony of capitalism, despite being captured by a totalitarian mentality (with the help of Western elites -- it was German Intelligence that transported Lenin to St. Petersburg). But if the Third World has the organizational "advantage" of being more blatantly exploited, it also suffers from having in place powerful and systematic means of suppression. With secret police, torture, killing, and mass imprisonment (all corporate sponsored and First-World subsidized) commonplace, and with the U.S. military ready and willing to step in to back up local militaries -- or to destabilize and attack whole countries -- when necessary, it may not be possible for the Third World to make significant progress on its own. First World populations, admittedly, suffer from being brainwashed into the perception that they benefit from the current regime. But the First World has the advantage that open communication and organizing are (still) possible, and that the electoral systems can (still) be used to install progressive governments. The First World is the "heart of the beast", and my belief is that the beast can only be finally and completely killed in its home lair. The primary initial problem to be faced in the First World, I believe, is education, and my writing has been humbly devoted to saying what I believe the First World needs to hear, although getting much "air time" is difficult. The fact is that the capitalist regime is not to the benefit of the First World, and that is becoming more apparent daily, witnessed by loud protests in Germany, France, Australia, and elsewhere. With growing unemployment, reduced social services, and the increasing uresponsiveness of government to popular cocerns, more and more First-World people are moving into the dissatisfied camp. That is why the elite is rapidly building police states and re-writing "criminal justice" laws to eliminate civil-rights guarantees. The elite knows that First World populations will become uppity, even if we don't, and is preparing to deal with that evenuality. Our job, as educators, is to help First-World people see that "objective conditions" are indeed not to their benefit, and that those conditions are being rapidly and systematically worsened. Democratic institutions are being dismantled, even as economic welfare is being downgraded. This is a "clear and present danger" to First World populations, and they need to be made aware of it. One of the most effective suppressive tools used by the elite is to channel discontent into movements that they control, or that are divisive and ultimately ineffective. The former category includes the Militia, the Christian Coalition, and the Promise Keepers, while the latter includes most single-cause movements, such as pro-choice, animal rights, enviromentalism, feminism, consumer rights, etc. This a divide-and-conquer strategy, and allows the different movements to be played off against one another. Our gargantuan task is to make it clear that the enemy is unbridled capitalism, not immigrants, minorities, atheists, government, or anyone else. And we need to make it clear that our democratic institutions are our main hope for salvation -- the problem with government is primarily the fact that it has been thoroughly taken over by corporate interests -- that's what corruption is. Downsizing of government is simply giving corporations direct control, so they don't have to spend money corrupting politicians. Government is the hen house whose rightful job is to protect the people from the wolves of capitalism. That hen house is full of holes, but tearing it down entirely simply leaves us fully vulnerable to the wolves. Government may not currently represent us, but who else is there that can? We need to unmask the Big Lie that says "less government" is good. We need to make it perfectly clear that when the elite say "less government", what they mean is more freedom for corporate exploitation (not less control over the individual), and lower corporate taxes (not lower personal taxes). We need to point out the obvious fact that government is the most effective means available to the people to express their will, if they can only understand what's really going on and get themselves organized. Such an educational task is formidable, but I believe that if the First World remains mesmerized, there is no hope for mankind. The First World has the military power, covert capability, and economic resources to control the Third World, and the First World's devious machinations to that end grow more sophisticated daily. Only an awakened First World, acting in concert with a strident Third World, can kill the beast, avoid Dark Ages II, and begin the age of prosperity and brotherhood that technology could have long ago provided, and which is long overdue. -rkm ________________________________________________________________ >There are trends >working for further polarisation. But where they will lead I don't know. >There is the real possibility that through indoctrination a process similar >to that of the Third Reich could take place, where large segments of the >unemployed and the Lumpenproletariat will embrace a fascist ideology and >fight for the supremacy of the 'White Man' against the Third World. This >possibility is real and I am extremly worried about it. Agreed. The elite acts strategically and with historical insight. Fascism is being prepared in time to take over before polarization forces some other response. Hence the urgency of education. It's a race between freedom and slavery. To me _that_ is an objective condition. >Marxist theory correctly asserts that objective conditions are >required for the development of a perception. I disagree with the thrust of this statement. "Objective conditions" themselves are perceived through various lenses, primarily the mass media. No matter how bad objective conditions might be, elite propaganda has the power to direct resentment in precisely the wrong directions. Waiting for objective conditions to get worse is a trap. And progressive propaganda, or education, has the power to leapfrog ahead of objective conditions and force change earlier than "conditions" might warrant. The American colonies, for example, didn't really have a bad deal under Britain -- with all the hoopla about "taxation without representation", the colonists paid less taxes than did folks in Britain. The American Revolution was brought about by successful propaganda/education, not by objective conditions per se. >I therefore believe that the primary approach to the formation of a global >movement is to increase the effectiveness of Third World grass root >solidarity in all possible areas, including trade unions, human rights work >and economics. In this respect active solidarity from individuals and >organisations in the First World can and should be provided. Perhaps "Agenda 3.1" moves toward harmonizing our perspectives, here. I would only change "the primary" to "a primary" in the above paragraph. >Thus, when choosing issues on which to fight, I think that one must be >careful to select in the first place issues that create a 'revoluationary >awareness', that is issues that expose the fundamental modus operandi of >capitalist society (as distinct from the superficially visible rules and >precepts of capitalist society). Any issue which either does not lead to >such exposure or hides it even more, is to be avoided. I'd like to see more details & examples of what you mean here. I'm not sure what you mean. >Only through actual >struggle you get the feeling where power is located. A revoluationary >conscience cannot be raised artifically by discussion or indoctrination. It >is based on the synthesis which people make themselves between their >experience of struggle and reflection (including discussion and >refinement). I certainly agree that if a massive movement begins to come together, that its own experiences will form it more than any of our before-the-fact theorizing or educating. But when things get moving, existing manifestoes are often grabbed and promoted in the haste of action, and so anything that can be done to formulate/select "good" progressive ideology can be beneficial in the long run, as well as helpful in getting movements underway. >On the OTHER HAND, I strongly believe that we must by all means create the >awareness about the necessity of strong networking and prepare popular >organisations for the need of resisting a fascist onslaught. I believe that >conditions exist for the creation of a wide consensus against racism and >fascism. While the foundations for the elaboration of a future, more just, >global soceity, are not yet perceptible and many questions seem yet open >(regarding the status of nation-states, individiual vs. collective rights, >cultural identity vs. globalism, control of resources), a wide consensus >can be sensed in the West against racism and fascism. And this consensus >includes even segments of the corporate community. Such a consensus can in >my opinion yield a more effective defense for the ominous threat of >totalitarianism in the West and give breathing space to those who fight for >justice in the Third World. The rapid onslaught of fascism is indeed one of the trump cards in our educational hand, but I believe it would be fatal to focus exclusively on that. That would be "reactive thinking", and has been generally shown to be a cul-de-sac. An anti-fascist movement would only be fueled by the successes of a fascist movement, and the former's organizational successes would fritter away as a result of its own success against its adversary. Successful movements must have positive agendas, and keep their "eye on the prize": _taking_ power for positive ends, not at _moderating_ some aspects of elite power. >...For such a discussion to take place, people should at least agree on the >basic premise, that EFFECTIVE public control of economic entities such as >corporations is required for democracy to function. I don't think that the >Stalinist model is viable. I don't think however that the alternative to >state control is only private control (by shareholders). Other alternatives >can certainly be developed and should be. Agreed, and let us proceed. I keep coming back to the post-war Scandanavian model as deserving attention. --- >The party system, which needs overhauling, is another issue. You rightly >wish to see a more fair electoral system, ensuring the voice of small >parties. What I would wish to see is a more fundamental change in the >functioning of democracy. I wish to see people enabled to make their voting >decisions on the base of specific issues rather than giving some people or >parties a blank check to carry out policies on their behalf for a number of >years. >...I find that the Swiss system of direct democracy is much more promising and >can and should be refined, especially now that electronic networks can be >used. Many questions are still open in this respect and cannnot be solved >easily, especially regarding the control of the electronic networks >themselves against misuse. Here we have perhaps fundamentally different perspectives. I do not believe in direct democracy, taken to extremes, for several reasons. For one thing, direct democracy atomizes the population into a bunch of individuals, each voting on some issue. This is an ideal scenario for mass-media manipulation, and indeed experience with the initiative process often shows that it is more easily manipulated by the elite than even legislatures are. My belief is that the sinew of democracy is not the individual, but varous kinds of non-governmental organizations and institutions. Things like churches, unions, parents organizations, associations of all kinds, etc. I recall how much the anti-Vietnam-war movement was strengthened by the participation of liberal churches. Such organizations give people a chance to come together and discover their common agendas, and they provide a platform for turning those agendas into collective action. I believe "representative democracy", viewed generally, doesn't mean only elected representatives, but also refers to orgnanizations which represent the will of their members collectively in the political and economic arenas. We should take note that the elite itself has guided the American electoral system toward being more "direct", and we might ask ourselves why they've done so. Instead of the political horse trading that used to go on at political conventions, for example, and which allowed local and regional concerns to receive attention in the process, we now have a system which is totally controlled by television propaganda, with the help of more-direct elections, and in the end no one (excepting corporations) is represented. One element of democracy which often gets overlooked is the critical contribution made by leaders. It isn't the case that "the people" are sitting there in divine wisdom, just waiting for their voices to be heard. Most people don't have a clue as to what's going on, and even less of what to do about it. Mob rule would not be democracy. I'm not saying they're stupid, or incapable of wising up, but some people catch on quicker, and leadership is one of essential ingredients in any democratic process -- it collects the good ideas and spreads them back to the constituency at large. The organizations I'm referring to provide an opportunity for concerns to be discussed on the scale of face-to-face gatherings, for popular education to occur, and for leaders to emerge. We need lots of leaders, at all levels, not one big leader who rides a white horse and solves all problems. That's why I'm not that excited by the Nader campaign. He hasn't arisen from an organization or coalition, but is floating up there all by himself, supported only by the thin pillars of the minisucule Green Party and his own consumer organization, and bolstered by a vague popular dissatisfaction. Perhaps I've gone on too long here... await your thoughts. -rkm ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~