To: Lowell Cc: cyberjournal Dear Lowell, You wrote: >I have received from others your material on the >New World Order. > >...The problem with the NWO is that it seems to require >organisation. The way you put it seems to go well beyond >a kind of "demonic" self interest of multinationals >acting at all cost in their own interest. > >In short, you seem to imply an (evil) international >conspiracy of monumental proportions. > >Without a "proven" conspiracy, and identification >of its organisation and key members, it is unlikely >"mainstream" forces would be able to join an >umbrella group like your suggested G99 though there are many >democratic organisations opposing the thrust of present >extreme neo-liberal policies around the world. > >Various books and theories exist about presumed >conspiracies. Given the immense world-wide power its >members would already appear to exert, at all kinds of >levels, I would have thought human nature would have long >ago produced a defector or two? After all, whistleblowers >are quite common these days. I've attached below an issue of cyberjournal from August (cj#572) which discusses the conspiracy issue. Take a look at that, and then here are some additional comments... I believe cj#572 makes a reasonable case for the notion that "minor" conspiracies, so to speak, are a standard part of every-day operations at high levels of decision making. Wars are planned, covert operations are carried out, deals are made with other governments, corporate leaders conspire to push through certain legislation -- all in secret. In many cases, the facts do come out eventually -- there are whistleblowers -- and this is how we know such "minor" conspiracies do routinely exist. To rephrase your question slightly... Yes I do imply "an evil international conspiracy" (lots of them in fact) and it is a matter of public record that "human nature _has_ long ago produced a defector or two". Thus I claim that you are incorrect to use the word "presumed" when you say "Various books and theories exist about presumed conspiracies". Many conspiracies are no longer in the "presumed" category, but are proven fact. What I removed from your question was the phrase "monumental proportions". In other words, the big "primary" conspiracies, such as the drive toward a world government, need to be investigated in a different manner. The world operates as a number of interlocking systems, each driven by various forces and motivations. As a useful example, consider the American highway network. At the top level, a decision was made to to tax gasoline and put the money into a Trust Fund dedicated exclusively to building highways. Once that decision was implemented, then a huge highway network became economically inevitable. No conspiracy was necessary among road-builders and politicians -- it became the natural path of least resistance for them to build highways instead of rapid transit or rail, because there was this big pile of free money available to provide roads, as transportation needs grew. I make the following claim: The modern American highway system resulted from a conspiracy, involving leaders of the major oil companies, to undermine alternate transport solutions, and to promote highways. You may disagree, but the interesting thing is how few people would acutally need to be involved in such a conspiracy, even though the scam was immense. All that was necessary was for a few top oil executives to agree to fund lobbying for the Trust Fund, and launch a supporting media campaign. Once that decision was made, then everything else flowed with no further need for conspiracy. The lobbyists simply carried out their non-secret assignment, the politicians simply went along with the latest "industry bill", accepting whatever extra-curricular inducements were offered, and so on down the line to the highway builder who eventually decides on his own to lobby some state legislature to promote some particular highway project, so he can get the well-funded contract. Similarly, in the case of nuclear power plants, there was a single, high-level conspiracy -- the Price-Anderson Act -- which absolved the nuclear industry from liability from possible meltdowns. With liability out of the way, straightforward economic & political forces led to the introduction of nuclear plants, despite the fact that they were disasters waiting to happen. The point of all this is that huge events can be set in motion by a conspiracy among a very tiny number of people, at top levels, who make very subtle changes in system parameters. The events then follow from the natural operation of the various systems involved -- there is no need (generally) for any secret cabal that covertly manages the details of events. --- The conspiracy to form a New World Order is indeed monumental, but the number of people at the very center of it does not need to be large. These are some of the key "wheels" that needed to be set in motion: 1) a movement for lower taxes, including drastically reduced corporate taxes (thus bankrupting government) 2) a demonization media campaign against politicians and government 3) a movement for deregulation and "free trade" 4) the establishment of corporate-controlled commissions with the increasing authority to regulate international arrangements 5) the promotion of treaties (GATT, NAFTA, etc.) that transfer major decision making to those commissions 6) the promotion of the U.S. military as a global enforcer Each of these "wheels" was promoted on its own merits, and found many natural allies. There was no need to promote "world government" or "dismantling democracy" as objectives in themselves -- instead "increased trade", "more efficient government", "exposure of corruption", "lower taxes", "protection of strategic interests" etc., were all promoted on their own, and each found natural allies ready to help out, with no involvement in any conspiracy. Once these wheels are individually set in motion, with obstacles removed by minor conspiracies when necessary, then the whole global cart naturally moves toward a corporate-controlled new world order, seemingly pulled by the inevitable forces of the global economy, market forces, and history itself. Only a very few people need to be aware of the overall pattern. And those few would be at the very top -- people like the Rockefellers, Kissinger, Bush, and various other members of the wealthy elite who may never come into the public eye. Even leaders of the CIA, who help with all the minor conspiracies, need not be involved in the really big picture. These top elite figures are not likely to go public with memoirs of their exploits. They're convinced they're simply bringing about a more modern, better world, they don't see themselves as evil at all. In their circles, the wonderfulness of corporate growth is an unquestioned religious belief, and the general population is viewed as a bunch of short-sighted fools who don't understand much, and certainly aren't in a position to know what's good for them. "Whistleblowing", to such as these, would be hardly conceivable, it would be an act of bizarre insanity, as taboo as exposing oneself in public. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Richard K. Moore) Subject: cj#572> Conspiracy Analysis ~--<snip of previously published material>--~ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~