Dear cj, This is the first of a short series of reports I'd like to share, regarding the TWA 800 crash. My point in this series is not so much to "get to the bottom" of this particular incident, nor to express outrage at careless missile testing and government lying. One is already surrounded by sufficient opportunities to feel outrage, and countless "conspiracy investigations". What is useful in this case, it seems to me, is to observe and take note of the process of cover-up and media control: How are these kinds of propaganda operations carried out?... What are the tricks of the trade?... How are media venues controlled? Cyberjournal was evidently one of the first places anywhere that the friendly-fire theory was published, in a forward from Parveez Syed on 30 July 96. Since then, updates of the incident have been posted, and we've seen facile rhetoric employed to discredit the leading crash explanation, by attempting to characterize it as a "rumor" started by a "propagandist". What I'd like to do, in this first report, is start back at the beginning with eyewitness testimony and early steps in the cover-up. In reading the newspaper article below, it is with some irony that one can keep in mind the following quote (cj, 10 Nov 96): >...James Kallstrom, the FBI official heading the investigation, denounced >the so-called "friendly fire" theory last month, calling it an >"outrageous accusation"... As you can see below, assuming our author is credible, Mr. Kallstrom did not reach his viewpoint as a result of any investigation, but rather imposed that viewpoint on the execution of the investigation from the very start. This attitude would of course be unsurprising: it would be highly embarassing to the govenment, the military, etc., to admit all those people were needlessly killed through careless incompetence. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To: •••@••.••• Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 Subject: TWA 800 crash: strong arm tactics? From: Parveez Syed <•••@••.•••> Friday 28 Feb 1997, London-UK Dear Richard, The following letter was forwarded to Shanti RTV news. It may be of interest. Kind regards Parveez Shanti RTV news >--- begin quotes THE FOLLOWING APPEARED IN THE OCTOBER, 1996 ISSUE OF THE CALIFORNIA SUN PUBLISHED IN OJAI, CALIFORNIA. FROM THE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SECTION: Dear Editor: I witnessed the crash of TWA flight 800. I work in a county office in California. My wife and I were on vacation in New York. We were on the beach when it happened. We talked to many other witnesses who saw the same thing that we did. A very bright fiery light heading upward toward the jet. Then an explosion. We told what we had seen to some investigators. We told them that we were on our vacation and about to continue on to Florida. They asked us to stay a while longer and said that they would pay our hotel bill until our statements as to what we saw could be taken by other investigators. We agreed. It turned out however to be more than just our statements taken. They took our social security numbers, drivers license and license plate numbers. They wanted to know my place of employment and the names and addresses of our children and relatives. They questioned us in separate rooms and made us feel like criminals. They said that what we must have seen was a shooting star or some fireworks being shot from a boat. I told them that it was not anything like that at all. I said that it was definitely a flare type rocket heading toward the aircraft, then it exploded. It was then suggested that we did not see anything at all and that we were going along with what other people said they saw. Just for the excitement of it. I told them, no way, I know what I saw. After the questioning we were asked to go back to the hotel and stay there until we were cleared to leave. About three hours later two other men we had not seen before came to the hotel. They gave us some money and told us never to mention anything to anyone about being witnesses to the crash again. They scared the hell out of us. It was a lot of money and we accepted it out of fear. If it was a missile that brought down the jet, then I could understand that they would not want people to panic. But the way they are handling it is shocking and inexcusable. My wife and I are outraged and we want people to know how we were treated. This letter is not signed out of concern for ourselves and our family. <--- end quotes ----------------------------------------------------------------- Parveez Syed's direct contact details are: One Stuart Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 8RA1 UK Tel: London-UK 44-0831-196693; Fax/tel: 44-0181-665 0384 E-Mail INTERNET: •••@••.••• ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food for thought?: "World-class, global air media is the only invisible member of the UN Security Council. The media invades billions of minds and hearts everyday," - Parveez Syed. ----------------------------------------------------------------- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: (USA Citizen) ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~